91 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo en la gestión de autoeficacia laboral en trabajadores de dos gobiernos subnacionales - 2023

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    El objetivo fue comparar los niveles en la gestión de la autoeficacia laboral desde la percepción de los trabajadores. Fue cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, descriptiva comparativa, la muestra de 65 colaboradores de región Apurímac y 67 de Ayacucho. Los hallazgos evidenciaron que los colaboradores de Ayacucho perciben en nivel regular de autoeficacia laboral con 52,2% y los de Apurímac un nivel bajo con 47.7%; respecto al género, las mujeres evidencian un nivel bajo de autoeficacia con 36,2%; mientras que un 47,3% de varones en regular. Por grupo etario, los hallazgos fueron transversales con nivel predominante de regular; sin embargo, para los de más de 51 años fue alto con 38,5%. Por tipo de contrato, para los permanentes y temporales es regular con 46,9% y 40% respectivamente. Por otro lado, según años de permanencia, para los empleados con permanencia de 1 y 3 años es baja con 47.6%; pero, para los de menor a 1 año, de a 5 y más de 5 años su nivel de autoeficacia es regular con 43%; 57,1%; y 44,4% correspondientemente. Se aceptó la H1 que existe diferencia significativa en la gestión de la autoeficacia laboral según U=1489,000 con p=0,001 < 0,05 y los rangos diferenciados

    Posible participación de los ovocitos degenerados con los ovocitos viables en hembras hámster adultas

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    En las hembras hámster Sirio Dorado (Mesocricetus auratus) el número promedio de ovocitos ovulados es de 10, los cuales tienen una vida fértil máxima de 13 horas. En hembras jóvenes (de 2 a 5 meses de edad), los ovocitos ovulados permanecen alrededor de 96 horas en el oviducto, donde envejecen y comienzan un proceso degenerativo, luego pasan al útero y de ahí son expulsados rápidamente al exterior por la vagina durante la micción. Sin embargo, en las hembras nulíparas adultas (más de 8 meses de edad) se ha observado en los oviductos la presencia de ovocitos degenerados (OD) provenientes de ovulaciones previas, simultáneamente a la de los ovocitos viables (OV) producto de la ovulación reciente; sin que se conozca el significado o efecto fisiológico de este fenómeno. Por ello, en este estudio se investigó si los OD pueden colaborar en la atracción de los espermatozoides. Para ello se utilizó un sistema de microcanal conteniendo medio HTF, que consistió en un dispositivo conformado por un pozo de entrada y dos pozos de salida conectados entre sí por microcanales formando una “Y”, emulando el aparato reproductor femenino. En los pozos de salida (A o B) se colocaron de manera independiente 4 OD, o 4 OV, o sin ovocitos, y se incubaron durante 2 horas. Posteriormente se colocaron 140,000 espermatozoides epididimarios capacitados en el pozo de entrada (C) y se volvió a incubar. A los 15 minutos se contaron los espermatozoides que migraron hacia los pozos A y B, encontrando que los que tienen mayor atracción son los ovocitos degenerados, seguidos de los viables (124 vs 113 espermatozoides, respectivamente, P>0.05) y ambos fueron mayores que los migrados donde no había ovocitos (30% vs.11%, P>0.05, respectivamente). Se concluye que la migración espermática inducida por los OD de hembras hámster adultas, puede contribuir en la fecundación.In Syrian Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) females, the average number of oocytes ovulated is 10, which have a maximum of 13 hours of fertile life. In young females (2 to 5 months old), oocytes remain around 96 hours in the oviduct, where they begin a degenerative process and then reach the uterus to be expelled outside the vagina during urination. However, in adult nulliparous females (more than 8 months old) it has been observed the presence in oviducts of degenerated oocytes (OD) coming from the last ovulation, at the same time of viable oocytes (OV) product of the recent ovulation; without knowing the meaning or physiological effect of this phenomenon. That is why the present study research the chemotactic effect of OD toward spermatozoa. It was used a microchannel system containing HTF, which consisted on a culture dish with one input well and two output wells connected each one by microchannels forming a "Y", emulating the female reproductive tract. There were placed 4 OD, or 4 OV, or no oocytes into the output (A or B), and then incubated during 2 hours. Subsequently, there were settled 140,000 epididimary capacitated spermatozoa into the entry well (C) and incubated again. After 15 minutes of incubation, spermatozoa recovered and counted from A and B wells, showed an increased chemotactic effect of OD toward spermatozoa, when compared with OV (124 vs. 113 spermatozoa, respectively, P > 0.05) and both results increased when compared with the well without oocytes (30% vs. 11%, P>0.05, respectively). It concluded that spermatic migration induced by OD from adult female hamster, might contribute to fertilization

    Hábitos de estudios y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de Medicina Humana de la Universidad San Pedro - Chimbote, 2017

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre hábitos de estudios y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de la facultad de medicina humana de la Universidad San Pedro. El tipo de investigación es descriptiva y relacional de diseño no experimental de corte tansaccional; se trabajó con una población de 188 estudiantes universitarios y una muestra de 123 estudiantes matriculados en la asignatura de estrategias y técnicas de estudio del primer ciclo. Para el recojo de la información se utilizó como instrumento el Inventario de Hábitos de Estudios CASM-85 revisión- 2014 y el registro de notas de los estudiantes. Resultados: se encontró una relación significativa entre los hábitos de estudio y rendimiento académico (p= ,042), por otro lado, en hábitos de estudio la mayoría de universitarios representado en el 32,5% se ubicaron en el nivel "tendencia positivo" y en rendimiento académico el 47,2% se encontraron en nivel "regular".Tesi

    Medium development strategies and scale down models for a high density high productivity cell line

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    Medium Development at Regeneron continues to enhance fed batch culture productivity. These efforts have been enabled through the development of high throughput scale down models in shake flasks and the ambr® 250. Design of Experiment (DOE) approaches have been applied to optimize the operating conditions in the small scale models leading to performance for growth and titer that match benchtop bioreactor with no off-set. The development of these representative scale down models and our approach to medium development will be described. A medium development case study will be presented from a recent Regeneron fed batch process with a cell line achieving high cell densities and depleting the culture of key amino acids. The traditional medium development approach of supplementing the culture with the depleted nutrients was unsuccessful: high amino acid consumption rates required large amounts of amino acids resulting in significantly increased culture osmolality and reduced productivity. Leveraging high throughput culture systems and multifactor DOEs, multiple medium composition factors in combination were rapidly evaluated. Mathematical models relating medium input factors to process outputs are generated that allow for process optimization. Using this approach, a new feeding strategy was developed that limits increases in osmolality and yields titers approaching 10g/L in both the scale down systems and a process that has been implemented for clinical scale manufacturing of a monoclonal antibody

    Considerations for an incubation chamber for continuous viral inactivation

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    Continuous bioprocessing offers numerous benefits that have been highlighted recently in the literature. While substantial research efforts have allowed for relevant developments in continuous cell culture processes, downstream challenges, such as continuous viral inactivation, have not been addressed. The purpose of this work is to design a chamber that incubates a continuous product stream for a desired incubation time, typically for 1 hour. Since plug-flow cannot be achieved at typical incubation times and flow rates, one of the biggest challenges is to address dispersion of the product stream. Since several logs of viral clearance should be achieved during a virus removal step, the restriction is that only 1-10ppm of the original product should exit the chamber before the specified time. In this work, an initial design is chosen such that the incubation chamber is easy to handle, has a small footprint, and there are no pressure concerns at the desired flow rates. Pulse response experiments have been performed to generate cumulative residence time distribution functions. The average residence time distribution function was used to find the time at which 1 ppm of the original tracer concentration passes through the chamber. An orthogonal method should be used to verify that the diluted tracer concentration falls under the predicted value at the desired time. Thus, the starting tracer solution must be concentrated enough such that a concentration of 1 ppm can be measured by a highly sensitive technique. In this work, a tracer solution and a method of detection were selected. Preliminary results of chamber design will be shown and current challenges will be shared

    Twin-Grating Fiber Optic Sensors Applied on Wavelength- Division Multiplexing and Its Numerical Resolution

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    In this work, the twin-grating fiber optic sensor has been applied on wavelength-division multiplexing. A quasi-distributed sensor formed by three local twin-grating sensors, is numerically simulated. The wavelength channels were 1531.5, 1535.5, and 1539.5 nm. The numerical simulation shows the resolution vs. signal-to-noise rate. Three local twin-grating sensors have approximately the same resolution because all local sensors have the same cavity length and the wavelength channels are very close. All local sensors have two numerical resolutions because the Fourier domain phase analysis algorithm makes two evaluations of the Bragg wavelength shift. The transition between both resolutions can be calculated with the parameters: cavity length, Bragg wavelength channel, refraction index, and enveloped resolution. This transition depends on the noise system, demodulation algorithm, instrumentation, and local sensor properties. A very important point is, a theoretical analysis will permit to know the exact resolution for each local twin-grating sensor

    calcium-binding protein 1 of entamoeba histolytica transiently associates with phagocytic cups in a calcium-independent manner

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    EhCaBP1, a calcium-binding protein of the parasite Entamoeba histolytica, is known to participate in cellular processes involving actin filaments. This may be due to its direct interaction with actin. In order to understand the kinetics of EhCaBP1 in such processes, its movement was studied in living cells expressing GFP-EhCaBP1. The results showed that EhCaBP1 accumulated at phagocytic cups and pseudopods transiently. The time taken for appearance and disappearance of EhCaBP1 was found to be around 12 s. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to generate an EhCaBP1 mutant with reduced Ca2+- and G-actin binding ability without any defect in its ability to bind F-actin. The overexpression of this mutant EhCaBP1 in the E. histolytica trophozoites resulted in the impairment of erythrophagocytosis, uptake of bacterial cells, killing of target cells but not fluid-phase pinocytosis. However, the mutant protein was still found to transiently localize with f-actin at the phagocytic cups and pseudopods. The mutant protein displayed reduced ability to activate endogenous kinase(s) suggesting that phagosome formation may require Ca2+-EhCaBP1 transducing downstream signalling but initiation of phagocytosis may be independent of its intrinsic ability to bind Ca2+. The results suggest a dynamic association of EhCaBP1 with F-actin-mediated processes

    Quantification of stochastic noise of splicing and polyadenylation in Entamoeba histolytica

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    Alternative splicing and polyadenylation were observed pervasively in eukaryotic messenger RNAs. These alternative isoforms could either be consequences of physiological regulation or stochastic noise of RNA processing. To quantify the extent of stochastic noise in splicing and polyadenylation, we analyzed the alternative usage of splicing and polyadenylation sites in Entamoeba histolytica using RNA-Seq. First, we identified a large number of rarely spliced alternative junctions and then showed that the occurrence of these alternative splicing events is correlated with splicing site sequence, occurrence of constitutive splicing events and messenger RNA abundance. Our results implied the majority of these alternative splicing events are likely to be stochastic error of splicing machineries, and we estimated the corresponding error rates. Second, we observed extensive microheterogeneity of polyadenylation cleavage sites, and the extent of such microheterogeneity is correlated with the occurrence of constitutive cleavage events, suggesting most of such microheterogeneity is likely to be stochastic. Overall, we only observed a small fraction of alternative splicing and polyadenylation isoforms that are unlikely to be solely stochastic, implying the functional relevance of alternative splicing and polyadenylation in E. histolytica is limited. Lastly, we revised the gene models and annotated their 3′UTR in AmoebaDB, providing valuable resources to the community

    RNA Sequencing Reveals Widespread Transcription of Natural Antisense RNAs in Entamoeba Species.

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    Entamoeba is a genus of Amoebozoa that includes the intestine-colonizing pathogenic species Entamoeba histolytica. To understand the basis of gene regulation in E. histolytica from an evolutionary perspective, we have profiled the transcriptomes of its closely related species E. dispar, E. moshkovskii and E. invadens. Genome-wide identification of transcription start sites (TSS) and polyadenylation sites (PAS) revealed the similarities and differences of their gene regulatory sequences. In particular, we found the widespread initiation of antisense transcription from within the gene coding sequences is a common feature among all Entamoeba species. Interestingly, we observed the enrichment of antisense transcription in genes involved in several processes that are common to species infecting the human intestine, e.g., the metabolism of phospholipids. These results suggest a potentially conserved and compact gene regulatory system in Entamoeba

    Educational Evaluation, Assessment, & Effectiveness Glossary: A Claremont Graduate University EDUC 445 Fall 2021 Course Publication

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    This glossary is intended to support professionals who are seeking to understand evaluation, assessment, and effectiveness in the context of K-12 and higher education. The definitions in this e-book represent the shared meanings that were co-created by education professionals in EDUC 445 at the Claremont Graduate University during Fall 2021 under the guidance of Dr. Gwen Garrison, PhD