319 research outputs found

    Une étude acoustique des voyelles orales susceptibles d'être diphtonguées en français québécois

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    Mémoire réalisé dans le cadre d'un programme en extension avec l’UQAC.Une diphtongue ou voyelle diphtonguée est caractérisée par un changement de timbre en cours d'émission. Phonémique dans certaines langues, phonétique dans d'autres, elle est en français québécois une façon perceptuellement efficace de différencier une voyelle longue d'une brève. Cependant, comme aucune voyelle ne peut être prononcée avec un timbre absolument stable, une définition telle que celle donnée plus haut s'avère trop générale. Cette recherche postule que la diphtongaison s'organise selon une certaine dynamique acoustique et que l'évolution temporelle de cette dynamique permet à l'auditeur de percevoir une diphtongue. Nous cherchons donc ici à isoler quelques indices acoustiques susceptibles de favoriser la perception d'une diphtongue en français québécois, en étudiant les productions de 10 locuteurs masculins issus de deux régions différentes du Québec. Nos résultats suggèrent deux profils distincts de diphtongaison, dont l'un semble limité aux voyelles arrondies. Les occurrences perçues comme étant diphtonguées montrent des points communs en ce qui concerne la distance parcourue par leur vecteur dans un espace psychoacoustique, la linéarité ou non de leur trajectoire, ainsi que le rapport entre la pente de leurs différentes sections

    Basin-scale, integrated observations of the early 21st century multiyear drought in southeast Australia

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    The Murray-Darling Basin in southeast Australia is experiencing one of the most severe droughts observed recently in the world, driven by several years of rainfall deficits and record high temperatures. This paper provides new basin‐scale observations of the multiyear drought, integrated to a degree rarely achieved on such a large scale, to assess the response of water resources and the severity of the drought. A combination of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data with in situ and modeled hydrological data shows the propagation of the water deficit through the hydrological cycle and the rise of different types of drought. Our observations show the rapid drying of soil moisture and surface water storages, which reached near‐stationary low levels only ∼2 years after the onset of the drought in 2001, with a loss of ∼80 and ∼12 km3 between January 2001 and January 2003, respectively. The multiyear drought has led to the almost complete drying of surface water resources which account for most of the water used for irrigation and domestic purposes. High correlation between observed groundwater variations and GRACE data substantiates the persistent reduction in groundwater storage, with groundwater levels still declining 6 years after the onset of the drought (groundwater loss of ∼104 km3 between 2001 and 2007). The hydrological drought continues even though the region returned to average annual rainfall during 2007

    Recherche et formation en « analyse de pratiques »

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    En analysant « l’activité située » de professeurs stagiaires en IUFM trois boucles d’articulation entre recherche et formation sont proposées : a) les données de recherche sur l’activité des enseignants peuvent devenir des artefacts efficaces en formation ; b) les recherches couplées à leur activité en formation permettent de modifier l’espace de formation ; c) les données de recherche sur l’activité en classe et en formation peuvent participer à la conception de dispositifs de formation innovants prenant en compte des caractéristiques récurrentes de l’activité des novices, non spécifiques à une discipline.The analysis of trainees’ teaching activity at the IUFM, brings out three links between research and training: a) the research data on the teachers’ activity can become effective artefacts for training; b) the research combined with the training activity make it possible to modify the training environment; c) the research data on the classroom and training activities can contribute to the creation of innovative training plans taking into account the recurrent characteristics of the beginners’ activities which are not specific to a particular subject.Analizando “la actividad situada” de profesores cursillistas en IUFM se proponen tres modos de articulación entre investigación y formación: a) los datos de investigación sobre la actividad de los docentes pueden llegar a ser elementos eficaces en formación; b) las investigaciones apareadas con su actividad en formación permiten modificar el espacio de formación; c) los datos de investigación sobre la actividad en clase y en formación pueden participar a la concepción de dispositivos de formación innovadores que tomen en cuenta características recurrentes de la actividad de los novatos, no específicos de una asignatura.Bei der Analyse von der “bestimmten Tätigkeit” von Referendaren der PH werden drei Verbindungen zwischen Forschung und Ausbildung vorgeschlagen: a) die Grundgedanken der Forschung über die Tätigkeit der Lehrer können wirksame Artefakte in der Ausbildung werden. b) die mit ihrer Tätigkeit in der Ausbildung verbundenen Forschungen erlauben, die Ausbildung näher zu definieren. c) die Grundgedanken der Forschung über die Tätigkeit in der Klasse und in der Ausbildung können am Ausarbeiten innovativer Ausbildungsmaßnahmen teilhaben, die sich wiederholende, nicht fachspezifische Merkmale der Tätigkeit von den Anfängern berücksichtigen

    The impact of the Bank of Canada\u27s Government Bond Purchase Program

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    article estimating the announcement and purchasing effects of the GBP

    Concevoir des dispositifs de formation professionnelle des enseignants à partir de l’analyse de l’activité dans une approche enactive

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    Ce texte a pour objectif la présentation d’une démarche et des réalisations illustrant une conception de la formation professionnelle des enseignants envisagée comme une construction empirique et scientifique, évolutive et adaptative, étroitement articulée à une analyse de l’activité. Dans cette perspective a) nous caractérisons tout d’abord les apports des concepts de l’ergonomie cognitive à l’analyse de l’activité des enseignants ; puis b) nous présentons notre démarche de conception de dispositifs de formation « orientée-activité » basée sur l’approche du « cours d’action » qui fonde des visées de didactique professionnelle dans une épistémologie enactive ; enfin, nous exposons notre démarche de conception des situations de formation indexées aux pratiques sociales-cibles, en présentant une situation de formation et quelques effets sur l’activité des acteurs impliqués dans ces nouveaux espaces de formation professionnelle « orientée-activité ».The paper presents achievements and a design that illustrates a device for the professional training of teachers, considered as an empirical, changing and scientific construction, closely articulated with an ergonomic analysis of activity. In this article, we begin by characterizing the contribution of concepts of cognitive ergonomics in an analysis of the teacher activity and of the relations of cognitive ergonomics to teacher training. Secondly, we present our methodology for the design of devices which are « indexed on activity ». Its construction is based on a course of action approach targeting professional didactics in an enactive epistemology. Thirdly, we outline our methodology for the artifact design and training device indexed on targeted social practices. To illustrate this, we outline a training situation with the artifact which was used and we present an analysis of the activity of actors who were involved in this new professional training device.Diseñar dispositivos de formación profesional de los enseñantes a partir del análisis de la actividad, desde un enfoque enactivo. Este texto tiene por objetivo la presentación de una metodología y de las realizaciones que ilustran una concepción de la formación profesional de los enseñantes, contemplada como una construcción empírica y científica, evolutiva y adaptativa, estrechamente vinculada al análisis de la actividad. Desde esta perspectiva a) caracterizamos primero los aportes de los conceptos de la ergonomía cognitiva al análisis de la actividad de los enseñantes ; luego b) presentamos nuestra metodología de diseño de dispositivos de formación “orientada hacia la actividad” basada en el enfoque del « curso de acción » que funda las intenciones de una didáctica profesional en la epistemología enactiva ; finalmente, exponemos nuestra metodología de diseño de las situaciones de formación indexadas a las prácticas sociales-objetivo, presentando una situación de formación y algunos efectos sobre la actividad de los actores implicados en estos nuevos espacios de formación profesional “orientada hacia la actividad

    Design and Evaluation of a Novel Haptic Interface for Horse-Drawn Carriage Simulation

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    Animal welfare has become an increasingly important concern in the sports field. Learning horse-drawn carriage driving requires much time and effort for both the drivers and the horses because the associated gestures to avoid harming the horses are difficult to acquire. This raises the need to develop realistic simulation environments for future drivers. To this end, two haptic interface prototypes were designed, coupled with dedicated simulation software. The first was developed based on a SPIDAR haptic device and implemented simple behaviors of the carriage. A user study demonstrated interest in such a simulator, which led to the design of a second prototype, on a different architecture than the first prototype, for integrating more precise laws of horse behavior such as mood and allowing a more subtle control of forces. An evaluation with driving learners revealed that the simulator was capable of not only producing sensations close to reality but also improving the interaction between the trainer and the learner.This work was supported by the Ifce and SAHn under grant no. 2016-17-007

    Designing and conducting a cluster-randomized trial of ICU admission for the elderly patients: the ICE-CUB 2 study

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    International audienceBackgroundThe benefit of ICU admission for elderly patients remains controversial. This report highlights the methodology, the feasibility of and the ethical and logistical constraints in designing and conducting a cluster-randomized trial of intensive care unit (ICU) admission for critically ill elderly patients.MethodsWe designed an interventional open-label cluster-randomized controlled trial in 24 centres in France. Clusters were healthcare centres with at least one emergency department (ED) and one ICU. Healthcare centres were randomly assigned either to recommend a systematic ICU admission (intervention group) or to follow standard practices regarding ICU admission (control group). Clusters were stratified by the number of ED annual visits (44,616 visits), the presence or absence of a geriatric ward and the geographical area (Paris area vs other regions in France). All elderly patients (≥75 years of age) who got to the ED were assessed for eligibility. Patients were included if they had one of the pre-established critical conditions, a preserved functional status as assessed by an ADL scale ≥4 (0 = very dependent, 6 = independent), a preserved nutritional status (subjectively assessed by physicians) and without active cancer. Exclusion criteria were an ED stay >24 h, a secondary referral to the ED and refusal to participate. The primary outcome was the mortality at 6 months calculated at the individual patient level. Secondary outcomes were ICU and hospital mortality, as well as ADL scale and quality of life (as assessed by the SF-12 Health Survey) at 6 months.ResultsBetween January 2012 and April 2015, 3036 patients were included in the trial, 1518 patients in 11 clusters allocated to intervention group and 1518 patients in 13 clusters allocated to standard care. There were 51 protocol violations.ConclusionsThe ICE-CUB 2 trial was deemed feasible and ethically acceptable. The ICE-CUB 2 trial will be the first cluster-randomized trial to assess the benefits of ICU admission for selected elderly patients on long-term mortality

    Quantifying TOLNet Ozone Lidar Accuracy During the 2014 DISCOVER-AQ and FRAPP Campaigns

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    The Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) is a unique network of lidar systems that measure high-resolution atmospheric profiles of ozone. The accurate characterization of these lidars is necessary to determine the uniformity of the network calibration. From July to August 2014, three lidars, the TROPospheric OZone (TROPOZ) lidar, the Tunable Optical Profiler for Aerosol and oZone (TOPAZ) lidar, and the Langley Mobile Ozone Lidar (LMOL), of TOLNet participated in the Deriving Information on Surface conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality (DISCOVER-AQ) mission and the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry xperiment (FRAPP) to measure ozone variations from the boundary layer to the top of the troposphere. This study presents the analysis of the intercomparison between the TROPOZ, TOPAZ, and LMOL lidars, along with comparisons between the lidars and other in situ ozone instruments including ozonesondes and a P-3B airborne chemiluminescence sensor. The TOLNet lidars measured vertical ozone structures with an accuracy generally better than 15 % within the troposphere. Larger differences occur at some individual altitudes in both the near-field and far-field range of the lidar systems, largely as expected. In terms of column average, the TOLNet lidars measured ozone with an accuracy better than 5 % for both the intercomparison between the lidars and between the lidars and other instruments. These results indicate that these three TOLNet lidars are suitable for use in air quality, satellite validation, and ozone modeling efforts