127 research outputs found

    Développement et application d'une méthode de gestion durable des espèces nuisibles et envahissantes

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    La gestion des espèces nuisibles et envahissantes est une activité relativement nouvelle. Elle a pour but d'agir sur les populations des espèces représentant une nuisance aux activités humaines et une menace pour la biodiversité. Le contrôle est une technique utilisé qui consiste à réduire fortement les populations de ces espèces dans des milieux donnés. Cette gestion se fait principalement par des techniques chimiques, biologiques et mécaniques. Malheureusement, aucune de ces techniques appliquées au Québec n’est en accord avec la philosophie derrière le principe de développement durable. L'objectif de cet essai est de développer une technique de gestion des espèces nuisibles et envahissantes en accord avec les principes de développement durable. Le concept qui en découle considère les espèces nuisibles et envahissantes comme des ressources à haut potentiel économique. Il mise sur un processus de contrôle basé sur la capture de l'espèce, sa transformation et la vente de produits dérivés. Ces étapes peuvent être profitables ou simplement rentables pour maintenir la pression de contrôle de l'espèce à long terme. Ce concept a été développé en prenant exemple sur le cas du Meunier noir. L'analyse des possibilités a permis de déterminer qu'une pêche avec des engins passifs lors des périodes de frai permettrait un niveau de capture acceptable. L'utilisation d'une structure temporaire de transformation de la ressource et une vente locale de celle-ci permet une bonne rentabilité tout en gardant le processus de gestion simple. La transformation en produits à haute valeur ajoutée permet de couvrir les coûts de gestion. L'exemple de l'application de ce type de gestion sur la ressource du Meunier noir montre que l'élaboration d'un tel projet est plausible. Ce type d'application serait facilement transférable aux cas des carpes asiatiques aux États-Unis et des Tanches dans la rivière Richelieu. Le concept pourrait également être applicable à un grand nombre d'espèces animales et végétales ce qui permettrait de réduire les coûts de gestion pour l'ensemble de la communauté internationale. Il en découlerait aussi une création de richesse en multipliant les ressources naturelles exploitables et en diversifiant les différents produits dérivés

    La québécité comme élément fondateur d'une pensée musicale électroacoustique

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    Le projet de recherche-création proposé survole la québécité à travers un pan majeur de l’étude des Amériques : le territoire. L’adoption du territoire québécois, de son espace, et de sa densité – effectué à la fois sous un axe méridional (le Saint-Laurent) et septentrional (le Nord) –, s’effectue dans mon corpus acousmatique à travers l’utilisation de concepts théoriques établis par plusieurs figures québécoises et internationales. La description des sources d'inspiration du cycle d’œuvres acousmatique proposé, étant principalement issues de sphères extramusicales — la démarche de divers artistes et chercheurs québécois ayant contribué à l’émergence poétique de mon corpus tels que Pierre Perrault, René Derouin, Daniel Chartier, et Louis-Edmond Hamelin — y tient une place importante. La portion musicale est effectuée de façon analytique à l’aide de deux méthodes propres au genre électroacoustique – analyse typologique de Pierre Schaeffer, et fonctionnelle de Stéphane Roy –, qui, à travers l’œuvre de certains compositeurs de musiques électroniques internationaux permettent de souligner la pluralité des conceptions territoriales et le réseau sémantique universel sous-jacent, laissant place à une lecture plus large de cette thématique. La méthodologie proposée permet donc à la fois de cerner l’universel – modèles naturels, références psychoacoustiques –, le local – utilisation de poèmes québécois, référents animaux ou anecdotiques précis tels que des cris d’oiseaux et des prises sonores du Saint-Laurent –, et la relation dichotomique entre la nature et la culture dans mon corpus, afin qu’émerge un discours musical cohérent basé sur le territoire québécois.The proposed research project studies quebecity through a major term of the Americas : the territory. Invested in both a southern (St. Lawrence) and northern (hivernity) axis, this approach to Quebec’s territory, it’s space, and it’s density, is applied to the acousmatic corpus through the use of concepts theoretical established by several figures from Quebec and beyond. The inspirations of my acousmatic works proposed cycle, being mainly from extra-musical spheres – the process of various Quebec’s artists and researchers have contributed to the emergence of my poetic corpus such as Pierre Perrault, René Derouin, Daniel Chartier and Louis-Edmond Hamelin – is underlined. The musical side of the territory conception is performed analytically using two methods proper to the electroacoustic genre – the typology of Pierre Schaeffer, and the functional analysis of Stéphane Roy –, that, through the work of some international composers of electronic music, serve to highlight the plurality and the universal semantics network of the territory, giving way to a broader reading of this theme. Finally, the proposed methodology identify the universal – natural model, psychoacoustic references –, the local - use of Quebec’s poetry, animals or specific anecdotal references such as bird calls and sounds taken from the Saint Lawrence –, and the dichotomous relationship between nature and culture in my work, to build a coherent musical discourse based on the territory of Quebec

    Impact des interactions gène-environnement sur l'expression de deux gènes reliés à la croissance chez l'omble de fontaine, Salvelinus fontinalis

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    Le rôle des interactions génotype/environnement comme facteur responsable de la variation phénotypique dans différents environnements est depuis longtemps établi. Par contre, la connaissance de l’architecture moléculaire qui est sous-jacente à ces interactions GxE est limitée. Dans cette optique, l’objectif général de la présente étude est d’étudier les interactions entre l’environnement, le sexe, la valeur génétique et le niveau d’expression de deux gènes clés associés au système (récepteur de l’hormone de croissance, GHR et le facteur analogue à l’insuline, IGF-1) GH/IGF et de déterminer l’influence de ces interactions sur la croissance chez l’omble de fontaine, Salvelinus fontinalis. Les résultats ont démontré que i) la croissance des poissons a été supérieure en eau douce et que les mâles ont montré une croissance plus élevée, ii) le niveau d’expression des gènes liés à l’axe GH/IGF était plus élevé en milieu salé iii) les mâles ont montré un niveau d’expression de GHR et IGF-1 plus élevé que les femelles, iv) la présence d’interactions GxE pour le niveau d’expression de chaque gène. Ce projet représente un avancement dans la compréhension des impacts environnementaux et sexuels sur la relation entre l’activité des gènes et l’occurrence du phénotype.Genotype-by-environment interaction is well established as a factor responsible for the phenotypic variation that occurs between different environments. However, genetic architecture behind this GxE interaction is not well understood. In this context, the aim of this study was to determine the impact of interactions between environment, sex and genetic value on the expression level of two keys genes associated with the GH/IGF system (growth hormone receptor, GHR and insulin-like growth factor, IGF-1), and their influence on growth in the brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis. The results show that i) growth was higher for fish reared in freshwater as compared to those reared in saltwater and that males had a higher growth rate than females, ii) expression level of genes associated with the GH/IGF axis was higher in saltwater, iii) expression level of GHR and IGF-1 of males was higher than that of females, iv) there is GxE interaction for individual gene expression. This work represents a marked advance towards mapping environmentally and sexually induced variance of gene activity and to understand the resulting phenotypes

    Une étude de la réciprocité et des communications entre le roi et ses sujets : les suppliques à Montpellier aux XIVe et XVe siècles.

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    Ce mémoire s’intéresse au phénomène fondamental de la structure des communications humaines. Plus précisément, il propose d’examiner les communications de la ville de Montpellier avec le pouvoir royal dans la période trouble qu’est le bas Moyen Âge, à travers l’étude des suppliques de la ville. Supportée par un ensemble de sources primaires, cette recherche tente de faire comprendre les divers processus de communications et d’appels auxquels une communauté urbaine telle que Montpellier a pu avoir recours, mais surtout quel type de processus rhétoriques sont utilisés au sein de ces communications. Le premier chapitre consiste en une étude de la mise en place du consulat de la ville de Montpellier et de la culture autour de laquelle elle assoit son identité et les représentations qu’elle projette. Le deuxième chapitre s’intéresse à l’intégration de la ville de Montpellier dans le domaine du roi de France, mais surtout à comment le consulat tente de réconcilier ses aspirations et les réalités structurelles locales avec le projet de mise en place de l’État moderne du roi et des diverses nécessités financières du royaume. Finalement, le troisième chapitre consiste en une étude des enjeux pragmatique et émotionnel des discussions avec le pouvoir royal au sein de la supplique. On y retrouve aussi une analyse des procédés de communications et de rhétoriques au sein de la supplique, ce qui nous permet d’observer la représentation identitaire que la ville tente de projeter pour soutenir ces propos

    Complex microwave conductivity of Pr1.85_{1.85}Ce0.15_{0.15}CuO4δ_{4-\delta} thin films using a cavity perturbation method

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    We report a study of the microwave conductivity of electron-doped Pr1.85_{1.85}Ce0.15_{0.15}CuO4δ_{4-\delta} superconducting thin films using a cavity perturbation technique. The relative frequency shifts obtained for the samples placed at a maximum electric field location in the cavity are treated using the high conductivity limit presented recently by Peligrad et\textit{et} al.\textit{al.} Using two resonance modes, TE102_{102} (16.5 GHz) and TE101_{101} (13 GHz) of the same cavity, only one adjustable parameter Γ\Gamma is needed to link the frequency shifts of an empty cavity to the ones of a cavity loaded with a perfect conductor. Moreover, by studying different sample configurations, we can relate the substrate effects on the frequency shifts to a scaling factor. These procedures allow us to extract the temperature dependence of the complex penetration depth and the complex microwave conductivity of two films with different quality. Our data confirm that all the physical properties of the superconducting state are consistent with an order parameter with lines of nodes. Moreover, we demonstrate the high sensitivity of these properties on the quality of the films

    The influence of gene-environment interactions on GHR and IGF-1 expression and their association with growth in brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quantitative reaction norm theory proposes that genotype-by-environment interaction (GxE) results from inter-individual differences of expression in adaptive suites of genes in distinct environments. However, environmental norms for actual gene suites are poorly documented. In this study, we investigated the effects of GxE interactions on levels of gene transcription and growth by documenting the impact of rearing environment (freshwater vs. saltwater), sex and genotypic (low vs. high estimated breeding value EBV) effects on the transcription level of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and growth hormone receptor (GHR) in brook charr (<it>Salvelinus fontinalis</it>).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Males grew faster than females (μ<sub>♀ </sub>= 1.20 ± 0.07 g·d<sup>-1</sup>, μ<sub>♂ </sub>= 1.46 ± 0.06 g·d<sup>-1</sup>) and high-EBV fish faster than low-EBV fish (μ<sub>LOW </sub>= 0.97 ± 0.05 g·d<sup>-1</sup>, μ<sub>HIGH </sub>= 1.58 ± 0.07 g·d<sup>-1</sup>; p < 0.05). However, growth was markedly lower in saltwater-reared fish than freshwater sibs (μ<sub>FW </sub>= 1.52 ± 0.07 g·d<sup>-1</sup>, μ<sub>SW </sub>= 1.15 ± 0.06 g·d<sup>-1</sup>), yet GHR mRNA transcription level was significantly higher in saltwater than in freshwater (μ<sub>SW </sub>= 0.85 ± 0.05, μ<sub>FW </sub>= 0.61 ± 0.05). The ratio of actual growth to units in assayed mRNA ('individual transcript efficiency', iTE; g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>) also differed among EBV groups (μ<sub>LOW </sub>= 2.0 ± 0.24 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>; μ<sub>HIGH </sub>= 3.7 ± 0.24 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>) and environments (μ<sub>SW </sub>= 2.0 ± 0.25 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>; μ<sub>FW </sub>= 3.7 ± 0.25 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>) for GHR. Males had a lower iTE for GHR than females (μ<sub>♂ </sub>= 2.4 ± 0.29 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>; μ<sub>♀ </sub>= 3.1 ± 0.23 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>). There was no difference in IGF-1 transcription level between environments (p > 0.7) or EBV groups (p > 0.15) but the level of IGF-1 was four times higher in males than females (μ<sub>♂ </sub>= 2.4 ± 0.11, μ<sub>♀ </sub>= 0.58 ± 0.09; p < 0.0001). We detected significant sexual differences in iTE (μ<sub>♂ </sub>= 1.3 ± 0.59 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>; μ<sub>♀ </sub>= 3.9 ± 0.47 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>), salinities (μ<sub>SW </sub>= 2.3 ± 0.52 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>; μ<sub>FW </sub>= 3.7 ± 0.53 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>) and EBV-groups (μ<sub>LOW </sub>= 2.4 ± 0.49 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>; μ<sub>HIGH </sub>= 3.8 ± 0.49 g·d<sup>-1</sup>·u<sup>-1</sup>). Interaction between EBV-group and environment was detected for both GHR (p = 0.027) and IGF-1 (p = 0.019), and for iTE in the two genes (p < 0.0001; p < 0.05, respectively), where increased divergence in levels of GHR and IGF-1 transcription occurred among EBV-groups in the saltwater environment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show that both environment and sex have major impacts on the expression of mRNA for two key genes involved in the physiological pathway for growth. We also demonstrate for the first time, at least in fish, genotype-by-environment interaction at the level of individual gene transcription. This work contributes significantly to ongoing efforts towards documenting environmentally and sexually induced variance of gene activity and understanding the resulting phenotypes.</p

    Quantifying relative fish abundance with eDNA : a promising tool for fisheries management

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    1. Assessment and monitoring of exploited fish populations are challenged by costs, logistics and negative impacts on target populations. These factors therefore limit large-scale effective management strategies. 2. Evidence is growing that the quantity of eDNA may be related not only to species presence/absence, but also to species abundance. In this study, the concentrations of environmental DNA (eDNA) from a highly prized sport fish species, Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum 1792), were estimated in water samples from 12 natural lakes and compared to abundance and biomass data obtained from standardized gillnet catches as performed routinely for fisheries management purposes. To reduce environmental variability among lakes, all lakes were sampled in spring, between ice melt and water stratification. 3. The eDNA concentration did not vary significantly with water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity, but was significantly positively correlated with relative fish abundance estimated as catch per unit effort (CPUE), whereas the relationship with biomass per unit effort (BPUE) was less pronounced. 4. The value of eDNA to inform about local aquatic species distribution was further supported by the similarity between the spatial heterogeneity of eDNA distribution and spatial variation in CPUE measured by the gillnet method. 5. Synthesis and applications. Large-scale empirical evidence of the relationship between the eDNA concentration and species abundance allows for the assessment of the potential to integrate eDNA within fisheries management plans. As such, the eDNA quantitative method represents a promising population abundance assessment tool that could significantly reduce the costs associated with sampling and increase the power of detection, the spatial coverage and the frequency of sampling, without any negative impacts on fish populations

    Improving the self-efficacy, knowledge, and attitude of nurses regarding concurrent disorder care : results from a prospective cohort study of an interprofessional, videoconference-based programme using the ECHO model

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    Several challenges have been identified for patients with concurrent disorders to access adequate services and for nurses to care for them. These challenges contribute to a pressing need for continuing educational interventions, particularly within the mental health nursing workforce. To address this issue, an innovative interprofessional videoconferencing programme based on the ECHO model (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) was implemented in Quebec, Canada to support and build capacity among healthcare professionals for CD management. The aim of this prospective cohort study was to examine nurses’ self-efficacy, knowledge, and attitude scores over a 12-month period. All nurses who registered in the programme between 2018 and 2020 were invited to participate in the study (N = 65). The data were collected online using a self-administered survey at baseline, after 6 months, and then 12 months following entry-to-programme. Twenty-eight nurses participated in the study (96.4% women), with a mean age of 39.1 (SD = 6.2). Compared to other professions (n = 146/174), the group of nurses also showed significant improvements in their knowledge and attitude scores, with respective effect sizes of 0.72 and 0.44 at 6 months, and 0.94 and 0.59 at 12 months. However, significant changes in self-efficacy were only found at the 12-month follow-up (P = 0.0213), among the nurses who attended more than 25% of the 20-session curriculum. ECHO is a promising intervention to improve the accessibility of evidence-based practice and to support nurses in suitably managing concurrent disorders. Further research is needed to establish the effectiveness of this educational intervention on clinical nursing practice and patient outcomes

    How to Work Collaboratively Within the Health System: Workshop Summary and Facilitator Reflection

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    Effectiveness in health services research requires development of specific knowledge and skills for working in partnership with health system decision-makers. In an initial effort to frame capacity-building activities for researchers, we designed a workshop on working collaboratively within the health system. The workshop, based on recent research exploring health system experience and perspectives on research collaborations, was trialed at the annual Canadian Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) conference in May 2019. Participants reported positive evaluations of the workshop. However, further efforts should target health services researchers that may not be as motivated to develop skills in collaborative research. Additional attention to equipping researchers with the skills needed to work in partnerships is recommended, including approaches and materials that avoid oversimplification of complex challenges

    The development of the MENTOR_D nursing intervention : supporting family involvement in delirium management

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    Background Although families are increasingly seen as allies to improve delirium management and reduce its consequences, their involvement in the postcardiac surgery setting is challenging considering patients' critical state and short hospital stay. To our knowledge, no theory-based nursing intervention exists that optimally supports the involvement of families in delirium management in the context of postcardiac surgery. Objectives We aimed to develop MENTOR_D, a nursing intervention to support the involvement of families in delirium management. Methods MENTOR_D was developed based on Sidani and Braden's (2011) intervention development framework. Narrative literature reviews paired with the clinical experience of an expert committee were used to inform these three steps: (1) develop an understanding of the problem under study; (2) define the objectives of the intervention and identify a theoretical framework for highlighting strategies to be used in the intervention; and (3) operationalize the intervention and identify its anticipated outcomes. Results As a result of the three steps, the MENTOR_D nursing intervention relies on a caring–mentoring relationship between a nurse and the family. The aim of MENTOR_D is to increase the presence of the family at their relative's bedside and their involvement in delirium management. MENTOR_D's content is delivered over three phases that are organised around the visits of the family at the patient's bedside. During these phases, families used their knowledge of the patient to tailor the delirium management actions. These actions include orientation and reminiscence and were aimed at diminishing anxiety and increasing sense of self-efficacy in families and diminishing delirium severity and improving recovery in patients. Conclusions A deep understanding of the underlying mechanisms of an intervention is key in its success to reach the targeted goals of effectiveness in practice. This understanding can be achieved through the careful development of a theory of the intervention before the operationalisation of its components and its testing. The proposed paper presents the theory of the MENTOR_D intervention, that is, its conceptualization and proposed mechanisms of action. Implications for practice As delirium continues to be a major complication, this intervention is a promising solution to increase families' involvement in delirium management and highlights the support that nurses can offer to facilitate this involvement. With its use in future studies and practice, it can be further refined