7 research outputs found

    Prospectiva y cultura de la innovación

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    La Prospectiva es una herramienta para la transformación social, que se diferencia de otras formas de predicción por su carácter emancipatorio (el futuro no esta predeterminado, y es un espacio abierto que puede ser construido) y proactivo (puede ser construido a conveniencia: la acción como innovación). Aquí se trata de diferenciar la visión Prospectiva, vinculándola con la gestión estratégica del cambio, e integrándola como eje vertebrador de un conjunto de 7 claves que se proponen como requisitos para desarrollar una Cultura de la Innovación (que sustituya a la tradicional aproximación de «Gestión de la Innovación») en organizaciones y/o comunidades. Finalmente, y en virtud de experiencias previas en diversos programas regionales, nacionales e internacionales de I+D+i y de cooperación al desarrollo, se desgranan una serie de reflexiones en torno a la capacidad de transformación de la Prospectiva (que se sintetizan en un decálogo final), reivindicando la «apropiación» como una fórmula mucho más adecuada que la mera adaptación al cambio, a la hora de alcanzar un futuro deseable.Prospektiba gizarte-transformaziorako tresna da, eta beste iragarpen-mota batzuengandik ezberdintzen da emantzipa daitekeelako (etorkizuna ez dago aurretik erabakita, eta eraiki daitekeen espazio irekia da) eta proaktiboa delako (egokitasunaren arabera eraiki daiteke: ekintza elementu berritzaile gisa). Ikuspegi prospektiboa bereizi nahi izan da hemen, aldaketaren kudeaketa estrategikoarekin lotuta, eta erakunde edota erkidegoetan Berrikuntzaren Kultura («Berrikuntzaren Kudeaketaren» ohiko hurbilketa ordeztuko duena) garatzeko baldintzatzat proposatu diren 7 giltzarriko multzoaren ardatz egituratzaile gisa integratuz. Azkenik, I+G+b eta garapenerako lankidetzaren eskualdeko, nazioko eta nazioarteko hainbat programatan aurretiaz eskuratutako esperientziei jarraituz, zenbait hausnarketa zerrendatu dira Prospektibaren transformazio-gaitasunari buruz (azken dekalogo batean laburbildu dira), etorkizun desiragarria lortzeko orduan «jabekuntza» aldaketarako egokitzapen hutsa baino askoz formula egokiagoa dela aldarrikatuz.Forecasting is a tool for social transformation that differs from other types of prediction due to its emancipated character (the future isn’t predetermined and it’s an open space that can be built on) and proactive (it can be built at convenience: the action as innovation). Here it’s about trying to differentiate the forecast vision, linking it with strategic change management and integrating it as an axis support of a collection of 7 points which have been put forward as requirements in order to develop an Innovation Culture (that substitutes the traditional approach of “Innovation Management” in organizations and/or in communities. Finally, in light of previous experience, different regional, national and international programs of investigation, development and innovation and cooperation to development, a series of reflections have been drawn up around the transformation capacity of the Forecast (that is summarized in a Decalogue) claiming the appropriation as a more adequate formula than the mere adaptation to change, when reaching a desired future

    Setting Research Priorities for Effective Climate Change Management and Policymaking: A Delphi Study in Bolivia and Paraguay

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    Over the last few years, increased research has been carried out on climate change. Part of this research has been based on foresight methodologies to gain time in the fight against climate change and identify planning and development policies that may be effective in the future. However, more research is needed, and it is essential to continue working to determine the appropriate strategies to chart the right path in the fight against climate change. Particularly scarce attention has been given to Latin American countries and, more specifically, to collaboration between countries in identifying priority research lines in this area. In this context, this study is innovative in presenting an articulated and cooperative work between Bolivia and Paraguay in identifying strategic lines of investigation linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that might have a more significant impact on climate change management. The application of the Delphi technique within a group of experts allowed the consolidation of different perspectives and knowledge on climate change and allowed us to identify, within the SDGs, the priority lines that should be addressed to manage climate change impacts. The results identify specific priority research lines for Bolivia and Paraguay related to the genetic diversity of food crops (SDG 2), new or reemerging human viruses (SDG 3), sustainable freshwater extraction and supply (SDG 6), cleaner fossil fuel technology (SDG 7), sustainable transport (SDG 9), local impact of climate-related hazards and disasters (SDG 13), and terrestrial biodiversity (SDG 15). These research lines should not be seen as exclusive but as the priority research lines that might have the most significant impact and should be addressed in the short term.This project was funded with support from the European Commission under the project EU Erasmus + INNOVA “PromotINg research MaNagement at Higher EducatiOn Institutions in Bolivia and Paraguay” (619084-EPP-1-2020-1-BO-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP)

    Images of the Future, Participatory Foresight and Innovation Culture: Exploring the Potential of Communication via Social Networks to develop Open Innovation Ecosystems

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    Innovation has increasingly become a crucial factor in the development of contemporary societies, to such an extent that Innovation has now come to be regarded as a key issue for the achievement of sustainable economic growth and resilient social welfare systems. Therefore, the phenomenon of Innovation has been extensively analysed during the past century; and analyses have been carried out from a wide range of approaches: Economics, Technical Studies, and Cultural Studies, amongst others. However, practically none of those works tried to deepen the link between Innovation and Foresight (especially with its more integrative approaches: Images of the Future and Participatory Foresight). The aim of this research is to contribute to theoretical development within the cross-disciplinary field of Foresight and Innovation through the analysis of the links existing between these two aspects and the proposal of new ways to approach their study (based on the use of social media communication tools). This doctoral dissertation comprises a total of 5 essays (2 articles, 2 book chapters and 1 paper at an international congress) plus 4 annexes (2 articles, 1 book chapter and 1 paper at a national congress). All these essays and annexes are the result of the work that the candidate carried out as a researcher of FUTURLAB – The Foresight Laboratory (University of Alicante), with the invaluable help of the researchers from the Finland Futures Research Centre (Finland)

    Participatory foresight for social innovation. FLUX-3D method (Forward Looking User Experience), a tool for evaluating innovations

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    The new socio-technological paradigm based on global access, constant change, immediacy and social networking is forcing organizations to be more empathetic with their stakeholders by adopting a “human centered approach.” This change implies a need to look for new more flexible, creative and participatory ways to approach future research. The concept of social innovation becomes highly relevant in this context, since it means understanding innovation as a culture: an essential part of the value code and the collective identity of a society and/or human organization. This concept implies a holistic, creative and democratic way to approach innovation, traditionally associated with science and technology and future thinking.5 FLUX-3D is a tool designed to assess innovative proposals (ideas, products, processes or services) according to users' experience. Thanks to its simplicity, together with the fact that it is systematic and based on tridimensional cube-shaped graphic representations, FLUX-3D provides key information about users' satisfaction – with regard to their expectations – immediately and at first sight, on three different levels of analysis (dimensions, indicators, variables), and in a very accessible as well as intuitive way. It can additionally provide real time feedback which is helpful both for short-, medium- and long-term decision-making because of its participatory and open nature

    El futuro del trabajo: Reflexiones sobre cambios emergentes en el entorno laboral y su impacto sobre la formación y el conocimiento en las sociedades avanzadas Enric Bas & Mario Guilló

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    The globa l context and changing in which organizations currently operate (publÍc or private), expect that they approach the different probJematic be faced from a holistic perspective and in advance. One ofthe key Íssues that arise are the changes that are taking place in the level global - and with more strong inside the advance societies -in the organization of work, changes faster and whose main characteristic of the dissolution traditional models ofproduction and organization. We are faced wÍth what Zygmunt Bauman called "liquÍd society", a historical period marked by instability and social defenseless and where the management of complexity and changes uppose a challenge for trying to anticipate which are going to be the characteristics of new mode  ls of organizations structures, models of models from whÍch theÍr needs in the subject fo r human re  sources.  El contexto global y cambiante en el que actualmente operan las organizaciones (públicas o privadas), exige que éstas aborden las diferentes problemáticas a las que se  enfrentan  desde  una perspectiva holista y de anticipación. Una de las problemáticas clave que se plantea son los cambios que se están produciendo a nivel global -y  con más fuerza dentro de las sociedades avanzadas- en la organización del trabajo, cambios cada vez más acelerados y que tienen como principal característica la disolución de los modelos tradicionales de producción y organización. Nos enfrentamos a lo que Zygmunt Bauman ha denominado "Sociedad Líquida", un tiempo histórico caracterizado por la inestabilidad y el  desamparo social, y donde la gestión de  la complejidad y el cambio supone un reto para tratar de  anticipar cuales serán las características  de los nuevos modelos de estructuración de las organizaciones, modelos de los que se derivarán sus necesidades en materia de recursos humanos

    Prospectiva y cultura de la innovación

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    Forecasting is a tool for social transformation that differs from other types of prediction due to its emancipated character (the future isn’t predetermined and it’s an open space that can be built on) and proactive (it can be built at convenience: the action as innovation). Here it’s about trying to differentiate the forecast vision, linking it with strategic change management and integrating it as an axis support of a collection of 7 points which have been put forward as requirements in order to develop an Innovation Culture (that substitutes the traditional approach of “Innovation Management” in organizations and/or in communities. Finally, in light of previous experience, different regional, national and international programs of investigation, development and innovation and cooperation to development, a series of reflections have been drawn up around the transformation capacity of the Forecast (that is summarized in a Decalogue) claiming the appropriation as a more adequate formula than the mere adaptation to change, when reaching a desired future.foresight, proactivity, structuralism, uncertainty, innovation culture.

    Comunicación y participación online: la evolución de los procesos participativos en entornos virtuales

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    Internet and the ICT revolution initiated during the last century has been a key factor in the development of a new model of society, which seeks to promote values such as openness, transparency and especially civic engagement, both at global and local level. A quick review of current Internet developments can help us figure out the potential treasured by the numerous apps, social networks and online platforms that are flooding the Internet and playing a leading role in our devices. Many of these social networks are good examples of technology developments that could contribute to enhance new ways of networking, giving global scope to different social projects, movements, causes… However, a gap seems to exist between the theoretical potential and the actual performance of such networks when it comes to civic engagement. The objective of this paper is twofold: a) to analyse briefly how technology and Internet use have evolved in the last decades, and b) to try to establish a typology of the participation processes that take place in Social Networks, analysing some processes of change (social, economic, technological, cultural) that could influence how participation processes could evolve over the coming decades.Internet y la revolución de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs) iniciada durante el pasado siglo ha sido un factor clave para el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de sociedad, que trata de promover valores tales como la apertura, la transparencia y, especialmente, la participación comunitaria. Los desarrollos actuales de Internet muestran el potencial que atesoran las numerosas aplicaciones, Redes Sociales y plataformas en línea que están inundando la red y ocupan un lugar central en nuestros dispositivos móviles. Las Redes Sociales son buenos ejemplos de desarrollos tecnológicos que podrían contribuir a potenciar nuevas formas de interacción en red, dando alcance global a diferentes proyectos sociales, movimientos, causas,... Sin embargo, parece existir una brecha entre el potencial teórico y el desempeño real de tales cuando hablamos de participación ciudadana. El objetivo de este trabajo es doble: a) analizar brevemente cómo la tecnología y el uso de Internet han ido evolucionando en las últimas décadas, y b) establecer una tipología de procesos participativos que tienen lugar en las Redes Sociales, evaluando algunos de los procesos de cambio (sociales, económicos, tecnológicos, culturales) que pueden influir en la forma en que los procesos de participación podrían evolucionar en las próximas décadas