6 research outputs found

    Características fenotípicas de paciente con cromosoma 7 en anillo

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    Se describe el caso de una lactante con microcefalia, retraso en el crecimiento pondoestatural y de lenguaje, nacida en el Instituto Materno Perinatal en quien se halló un cariotipo 46, XX, r(7) (p22q36) [25]. Los hallazgos fenotípicos observados en el propositus fueron compatibles con los pocos casos reportados en el mundo con cromosoma 7 en anillo

    Encefalocele bilobulado frontal

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    The frontal encephalocele represents a rare congenital anomaly of the anterior neuroporous closure, with herniation of the cranial content. We present the clinical case of a newborn born at the Maternal Perinatal Institute, who presented at birth, a frontal bilobed encephalocele, without associated commitment, even in our setting we lack multidisciplinary management guidelines that allow a favorable prognosis and evolution.La encefalocele frontal, representa una anomalía congénita poco frecuente del cierre de neuróporo anterior, con herniación del contenido craneal. Presentamos el caso clínico de una neonata nacida en el Instituto Materno Perinatal, quién presento al nacimiento, un Encefalocele bilobulado frontal, sin compromiso asociado, aún en nuestro medio carecemos de guías de manejo multidisciplinario, que permitan un pronóstico y evolución favorable

    Adherencia a la guía de práctica clínica de sepsis neonatal según tipo de sepsis en un Instituto Materno Perinatal de Lima, Perú

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    Objective: The objective of this research is to describe adherence to the neonatal sepsis clinical practice guideline according to the type of sepsis in a perinatal maternal institute in Lima, Peru. Method: A descriptive study was carried out between the months of June to December 2021 at the Instituto Nacional Maternal Perinatal (INMP). The adherence of care to the CPG for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of neonatal sepsis based on the INMP evidence was evaluated. Medical care was evaluated by two physicians who reviewed compliance or not with the 16 CPG recommendations. Adequate adherence was considered to be compliance of 80% or more of the recommendations established by the guideline in one care. Global adherence was calculated in percentages, by dimensions, by item and according to maternal and perinatal characteristics of care. Results: A total of 968 medical attentions were evaluated, of which 553 were early neonatal sepsis cases and 435 late. For early sepsis, an adherence of 84.4% was found, while for late sepsis, 66.8% was found. The lowest percentage of adherence was found in recommendations 2.7 and 3.2 of late sepsis care. Conclusions: An adequate adherence was found in early neonatal sepsis care, while, in relation to late neonatal sepsis, an adequate level of adherence was not reached.Objetivo: El objetivo de la presente investigación es describir adherencia a la guía de práctica clínica de sepsis neonatal según tipo de sepsis en un instituto materno perinatal de Lima, Perú. Método: Se elaboró un estudio descriptivo entre los meses de junio a diciembre del 2021 en el Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal (INMP). Se evaluó la adherencia de las atenciones a la GPC de prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de sepsis neonatal basada en la evidencia del INMP. Las atenciones médicas fueron evaluadas por dos médicos quienes revisaron el cumplimiento o no de las 16 recomendaciones de la GPC enmarcadas en 6 dimensiones. Se consideró adherencia adecuada a un cumplimiento de 80% a más de las recomendaciones establecidos por la guía en una atención. Se calculó en porcentajes la adherencia global, por dimensiones, por ítem y según características maternas y perinatales de las atenciones. Resultados: Se evaluaron un total de 968 atenciones médicas de las cuales 553 fueron de casos de sepsis neonatal temprana y 435 de tardía. Para sepsis temprana se encontró una adherencia del 84.4% mientras que para sepsis tardía se encontró un 66.8%. El menor porcentaje de adherencia se encontró en las recomendaciones 2.7 y 3.2 de las atenciones de sepsis tardía. Conclusiones: Se encontró una adherencia adecuada en las atenciones de sepsis neonatal temprana, mientras que, en relación con la sepsis neonatal tardía, no se alcanzó un nivel de adherencia adecuado

    Factors associated to survival in patients with HIV-TB in the department of infectious diseases of the Arzobispo Loayza National Hospital, Perú, since 2004 to 2012

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    Background: The main cause of death in HIV patients is tuberculosis (TB). However, few Latin American studies have evaluated the prognosis of patients with coinfection. Aim: To determine the factors associated with survival in patients with HIV-TB coinfection treated at a Peruvian referral hospital. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed based on clinical records of patients treated at the Department of Infectious Diseases in the Arzobispo Loayza National Hospital from 2004 to 2012. Survival was assessed using the Kaplan-Meier estimator and Cox Proportional Hazard Model. Results: From 315 patients, 82 died during the follow-up. The mean of follow for each patient was 730 days. The multivariate analysis showed that receiving HAART (HR: 0,31; IC: 0,20-0,50; p < 0,01) and having more weight (HR: 0,96; IC 0,94–0,98; p < 0,01) when the coinfection was diagnosed, were protective factors; while having a pathology different from TB (HR: 1,88; IC: 1,19-2,98; p < 0,01), age in years (HR: 1,76; IC: 1,12-2,74; p ≤ 0,01) and being hospitalized when diagnosed with TB (HR: 1,69; IC 1,02-2,80; p < 0,04) were associated with lower survival. Discussion: Receiving HAART and having more weight when the coinfection is diagnosed were associated with a higher chance of survival.Revisión por pare