4,010 research outputs found

    On the liquid drop model mass formulas and decay of the heaviest nuclei

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    The coefficients of different macro-microscopic Liquid Drop Model mass formulas have been determined by a least square fitting procedure to 2027 experimental atomic masses. A rms deviation of 0.54 MeV can be reached. The remaining differences come mainly from the determination of the shell and pairing energies. Extrapolations are compared to 161 new experimental masses and to 656 mass evaluations. The different fits lead to a surface energy coefficient of around 17-18 MeV. Finally, decay potential barriers are revisited and predictions of decay half-lives of still unknown superheavy elements are given from previously proposed analytical formulas and from extrapolated Q values

    Relative influence of the adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 2 p5 element for recombinant AAV vector site-specific integration.

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    The p5 promoter region of the adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) rep gene has been described as essential for Rep-mediated site-specific integration (RMSSI) of plasmid sequences in human chromosome 19. We report here that insertion of a full-length or minimal p5 element between the viral inverted terminal repeats does not significantly increase RMSSI of a recombinant AAV (rAAV) vector after infection of growth-arrested or proliferating human cells. This result suggests that the p5 element may not improve RMSSI of rAAV vectors in vivo

    Evidence for a novel functional role of cannabinoid CB2 receptors in the thalamus of neuropathic rats

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    Cannabinoid CB1 receptors have analgesic effects in models of neuropathic pain, but can also produce psychoactive side-effects. A supraspinal location of CB2 receptors has recently been described. CB2 agonists are also antinociceptive, although the functional role of supraspinal CB2 receptors in the control of nociception is unknown. Herein, we provide evidence that CB2 receptors in the thalamus play a functional role in the modulation of responses of neurons in the ventral posterior nucleus (VPL) of the thalamus in neuropathic, but not sham-operated, rats. Spontaneous and mechanically evoked activity of VPL neurons was recorded with a multichannel electrode array in anaesthetized spinal nerve-ligated (SNL) rats and compared to sham-operated rats. Intra-VPL administration of the CB2 agonist JWH-133 (30 ng in 500 nL) significantly reduced spontaneous (P < 0.05), non-noxious (P < 0.001) and noxious (P < 0.01) mechanically evoked responses of VPL neurons in SNL rats, but not in sham-operated rats. Inhibitory effects of JWH-133 on spontaneous (P < 0.01) and noxious-evoked (P < 0.001) responses of neurons were blocked by the CB2 antagonist SR144528. Local administration of SR144528 alone did not alter spontaneous or evoked responses of VPL neurons, but increased burst activity of VPL neurons in SNL rats. There were, however, no differences in levels of the endocannabinoids anandamide and 2AG in the thalamus of SNL and sham-operated rats. These data suggest that supraspinal CB2 receptors in the thalamus may contribute to the modulation of neuropathic pain responses

    XUV digital in-line holography using high-order harmonics

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    A step towards a successful implementation of timeresolved digital in-line holography with extreme ultraviolet radiation is presented. Ultrashort XUV pulses are produced as high-order harmonics of a femtosecond laser and a Schwarzschild objective is used to focus harmonic radiation at 38 nm and to produce a strongly divergent reference beam for holographic recording. Experimental holograms of thin wires are recorded and the objects reconstructed. Descriptions of the simulation and reconstruction theory and algorithms are also given. Spatial resolution of few hundreds of nm is potentially achievable, and micrometer resolution range is demonstrated.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Survival of FUngi Associated with Grapevine Decline in Pruned Wood after Composting

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    Recycling vine wood pruned in winter in the vineyard, after grinding and composting, might pose a risk of recontamination with fungi associated with grapevine decline. The survival of four ascomycete fungi (Botryosphaeria obtusa, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and Eutypa lata) in composted material was investigated in a 3-year study conducted in the Bordeaux area. Naturally and artificially infested material was examined before and after composting using classical isolation procedures. Results clearly showed that a composting process can eradicate the four target fungi efficiently

    Statistical mechanics of voting

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    Decision procedures aggregating the preferences of multiple agents can produce cycles and hence outcomes which have been described heuristically as `chaotic'. We make this description precise by constructing an explicit dynamical system from the agents' preferences and a voting rule. The dynamics form a one dimensional statistical mechanics model; this suggests the use of the topological entropy to quantify the complexity of the system. We formulate natural political/social questions about the expected complexity of a voting rule and degree of cohesion/diversity among agents in terms of random matrix models---ensembles of statistical mechanics models---and compute quantitative answers in some representative cases.Comment: 9 pages, plain TeX, 2 PostScript figures included with epsf.tex (ignore the under/overfull \vbox error messages

    An overview of solvent extraction processes developed in Europe for advanced nuclear fuel recycling, Part 2 — homogeneous recycling

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    The hydrometallurgical separation concepts for the recycling of irradiated nuclear fuels developed in Europe are presented and discussed. Whilst Part 1 of the review focused on concepts for heterogeneous recycling of minor actinides, this article focuses on group recycling of transuranic actinides, which would support homogeneous recycling scenarios. Most of these concepts were developed within European collaborative projects and involve solvent extraction processes separating all the actinides (U-Cm) in two cycles. The first cycle uses a monoamide extractant to recover uranium leaving all the transuranic actinides in the aqueous raffinate with the fission products. The second cycle aims for a group recovery of the transuranium elements and several strategies have been proposed for this stage. In this review article, the various solvent extraction processes are summarised and the key features of the process schemes are compared

    Run 2 Upgrades to the CMS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger

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    The CMS Level-1 calorimeter trigger is being upgraded in two stages to maintain performance as the LHC increases pile-up and instantaneous luminosity in its second run. In the first stage, improved algorithms including event-by-event pile-up corrections are used. New algorithms for heavy ion running have also been developed. In the second stage, higher granularity inputs and a time-multiplexed approach allow for improved position and energy resolution. Data processing in both stages of the upgrade is performed with new, Xilinx Virtex-7 based AMC cards.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Extreme-ultraviolet vector-vortex beams from high harmonic generation

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    [EN]Structured light in the short-wavelength regime opens exciting avenues for the study of ultrafast spin and electronic dynamics. Here, we demonstrate theoretically and experimentally the generation of vector-vortex beams (VVB) in the extreme ultraviolet through high-order harmonic generation (HHG). The up-conversion of VVB, which are spatially tailored in their spin and orbital angular momentum, is ruled by the conservation of the topological Pancharatnam charge in HHG. Despite the complex propagation of the driving beam, high-harmonic VVB are robustly generated with smooth propagation properties. Remarkably, we find out that the conversion efficiency of high-harmonic VVB increases with the driving topological charge. Our work opens the possibility to synthesize attosecond helical structures with spatially varying polarization, a unique tool to probe spatiotemporal dynamics in inhomogeneous media or polarization-dependent systems.European Research Council (851201); Ministerio de Ciencia de Innovación y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigación and European Social Fund (PID2019-106910GB-I00, RYC-2017-22745); Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER Funds (SA287P18); Université Paris-Saclay (2012-0333T-OASIS, 50110000724-OPTX, PhOM REC-2019-074-MAOHAm); Conseil Régional, Île-de-France (501100003990); Barcelona Supercomputing Center (FI-2020-3-0013)

    Extreme-ultraviolet structured beams via high harmonic generation

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    Funding European Research Council (851201); Ministerio de Ciencia de Innovación y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigaci ́on and European Social Fund (PID2019106910GB-I00, RYC-2017-22745); Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER Funds (SA287P18); Université ParisSaclay (2012-0333TOASIS, 50110000724-OPTX, PhOM REC-2019-074-MAOHAm); Conseil Régional, I ˆle-de-France (501100003990); Barcelona Supercomputing Center (FI2020-3-0013).Vigorous efforts to harness the topological properties of light have enabled a multitude of novel applications. Translating the applications of structured light to higher spatial and temporal resolutions mandates their controlled generation, manipulation, and thorough characterization in the short-wavelength regime. Here, we resort to high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in a noble gas to upconvert near-infrared (IR) vector, vortex, and vector-vortex driving beams that are tailored, respectively, in their spin angular momentum (SAM), orbital angular momentum (OAM), and simultaneously in their SAM and OAM. We show that HHG enables the controlled generation of extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) vector beams exhibiting various spatially dependent polarization distributions, or EUV vortex beams with a highly twisted phase. Moreover, we demonstrate the generation of EUV vector-vortex beams (VVB) bearing combined characteristics of vector and vortex beams. We rely on EUV wavefront sensing to unambiguously affirm the topological charge scaling of the HHG beams with the harmonic order. Interestingly, our work shows that HHG allows for a synchronous controlled manipulation of SAM and OAM. These EUV structured beams bring in the promising scenario of their applications at nanometric spatial and sub-femtosecond temporal resolutions using a table-top harmonic source