118 research outputs found

    On the solitons of the Chern-Simons-Higgs model

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    Several issues concerning the self-dual solutions of the Chern-Simons-Higgs model are addressed. The topology of the configuration space of the model is analysed when the space manifold is either the plane or an infinite cylinder. We study the local structure of the moduli space of self-dual solitons in the second case by means of an index computation. It is shown how to manage the non-integer contribution to the heat-kernel supertrace due to the non-compactness of the base space. A physical picture of the local coordinates parametrizing the non-topological soliton moduli space arises .Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, to appear in The European Physical Journal

    One-dimensional solitary waves in singular deformations of SO(2) invariant two-component scalar field theory models

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    In this paper we study the structure of the manifold of solitary waves in some deformations of SO(2) symmetric two-component scalar field theoretical models in two-dimensional Minkowski space. The deformation is chosen in order to make the analogous mechanical system Hamilton-Jacobi separable in polar coordinates and displays a singularity at the origin of the internal plane. The existence of the singularity confers interesting and intriguing properties to the solitary waves or kink solutions.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figure

    Self-Dual Vortices in Abelian Higgs Models with Dielectric Function on the Noncommutative Plane

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    We show that Abelian Higgs Models with dielectric function defined on the noncommutative plane enjoy self-dual vorticial solutions. By choosing a particular form of the dielectric function, we provide a family of solutions whose Higgs and magnetic fields interpolate between the profiles of the noncommutative Nielsen-Olesen and Chern-Simons vortices. This is done both for the usual U(1)U(1) model and for the SU(2)×U(1)SU(2)\times U(1) semilocal model with a doublet of complex scalar fields. The variety of known noncommutative self-dual vortices which display a regular behaviour when the noncommutativity parameter tends to zero results in this way considerably enlarged

    δ−δ′\delta-\delta^\prime generalized Robin boundary conditions and quantum vacuum fluctuations

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    The effects induced by the quantum vacuum fluctuations of one massless real scalar field on a configuration of two partially transparent plates are investigated. The physical properties of the infinitely thin plates are simulated by means of Dirac-δ−δ′\delta-\delta^\prime point interactions. It is shown that the distortion caused on the fluctuations by this external background gives rise to a generalization of Robin boundary conditions. The TT-operator for potentials concentrated on points with non defined parity is computed with total generality. The quantum vacuum interaction energy between the two plates is computed using the TGTGTGTG formula to find positive, negative, and zero Casimir energies. The parity properties of the δ−δ′\delta-\delta^\prime potential allow repulsive quantum vacuum force between identical plates.Comment: 21 pages and 11 figures. PhysRev

    Quantum scalar fields in the half-line. A heat kernel/zeta function approach

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    In this paper we shall study vacuum fluctuations of a single scalar field with Dirichlet boundary conditions in a finite but very long line. The spectral heat kernel, the heat partition function and the spectral zeta function are calculated in terms of Riemann Theta functions, the error function, and hypergeometric PFQ functions.Comment: Latex file, 11 pages, 7 figure

    The Kink variety in systems of two coupled scalar fields in two space-time dimensions

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    In this paper we describe the moduli space of kinks in a class of systems of two coupled real scalar fields in (1+1) Minkowskian space-time. The main feature of the class is the spontaneous breaking of a discrete symmetry of (real) Ginzburg-Landau type that guarantees the existence of kink topological defects.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    New models for two real scalar fields and their kinklike solutions

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    In this work we study the presence of kinks in models described by two real scalar fields in bi-dimensional space-time. We generate new two-field models, constructed from distinct but important one-field models, and we solve them with techniques that we introduce in the current work. We illustrate the results with several examples of current interest to high energy physics.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; To appear in Adv. High Energy Phy

    Two-point one-dimensional δ\delta-δ′\delta^\prime interactions: non-abelian addition law and decoupling limit

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    In this contribution to the study of one dimensional point potentials, we prove that if we take the limit q→0q\to 0 on a potential of the type v0δ(y)+2v1δ′(y)+w0δ(y−q)+2w1δ′(y−q)v_0\delta({y})+{2}v_1\delta'({y})+w_0\delta({y}-q)+ {2} w_1\delta'({y}-q), we obtain a new point potential of the type u0δ(y)+2u1δ′(y){u_0} \delta({y})+{2 u_1} \delta'({y}), when u0 u_0 and u1 u_1 are related to v0v_0, v1v_1, w0w_0 and w1w_1 by a law having the structure of a group. This is the Borel subgroup of SL2(R)SL_2({\mathbb R}). We also obtain the non-abelian addition law from the scattering data. The spectra of the Hamiltonian in the exceptional cases emerging in the study are also described in full detail. It is shown that for the v1=±1v_1=\pm 1, w1=±1w_1=\pm 1 values of the δ′\delta^\prime couplings the singular Kurasov matrices become equivalent to Dirichlet at one side of the point interaction and Robin boundary conditions at the other side
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