725 research outputs found

    Origins of the Monastery of San Leandro and its Fusion with the Walling-up of San Pedro of Seville. 13th-16th Centuries

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    El artículo trata el tema de la fundación del Real Monasterio de San Leandro y sus distintos emplazamientos, situando su nacimiento en el contexto de la Conquista de Sevilla, pudiendo reconocerse como de origen fernandino y anterior al siglo XIV. Para llegar a esta conclusión es preciso realizar un estudio del contexto social, histórico y religioso de la época. Para ello hemos repasado los orígenes de la Orden de San Agustín y sus dos grandes uniones de 1244 y 1256, así como la llegada de la Orden Agustiniana a la ciudad de Sevilla. Del mismo modo, resulta significativo en nuestro estudio la fusión que el Monasterio tuvo con la comunidad de religiosas de San Pedro en 1516 –Emparedamiento de San Pedro–, como un hecho transformante tanto de la comunidad de San Leandro como de su patrimonio en los últimos momentos medievales de la historia de la ciudad de Sevilla.The article treats the topic of the establishment of the Royal Monastery of San Leandro and their different locations, placing his birth in the context of the conquest of Seville, and can be recognized in the times of Fernando III and pre-14th century. To reach this conclusion, it is necessary to conduct a study of the social, historical and religious context of the time. To this end, we have reviewed the origins of the Order of St. Augustine and their two big unions of 1244 and 1256, as well as the arrival of the Augustinian Order in the city of Seville. In the same way, it is significant in our study the fusion that the Monastery had with the community of sisters of San Pedro in 1516 –the walling-up of San Pedro–, as a transforming both the San Leandro community and its heritage in the last medieval moments of the history of the city of Seville

    La reforma laboral: cambios en las estructuras empresariales, mercado de trabajo y relaciones laborales

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    La novedad más importante que se ha producido con el cambio normativo operado a mediados del año pasado ha sido las numerosas remisiones qua partir de la modificación del Estatuto de los Trabajadores se hacen a los convenios colectivos, a los acuerdos de empresa y, en su caso, al pacto individual entre empresario y trabajador.The most important new feature that has been produced with the change in policy operated in the middle of last year has been the numerous referrals qua from the modification of the Statute of the workers that are made to the collective agreements, to enterprise agreements and, where appropriate, to the individual covenant between employer and worker.notPeerReviewe

    Agrupamiento, predicción y clasificación ordinal para series temporales utilizando técnicas de machine learning: aplicaciones

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    In the last years, there has been an increase in the number of fields improving their standard processes by using machine learning (ML) techniques. The main reason for this is that the vast amount of data generated by these processes is difficult to be processed by humans. Therefore, the development of automatic methods to process and extract relevant information from these data processes is of great necessity, giving that these approaches could lead to an increase in the economic benefit of enterprises or to a reduction in the workload of some current employments. Concretely, in this Thesis, ML approaches are applied to problems concerning time series data. Time series is a special kind of data in which data points are collected chronologically. Time series are present in a wide variety of fields, such as atmospheric events or engineering applications. Besides, according to the main objective to be satisfied, there are different tasks in the literature applied to time series. Some of them are those on which this Thesis is mainly focused: clustering, classification, prediction and, in general, analysis. Generally, the amount of data to be processed is huge, arising the need of methods able to reduce the dimensionality of time series without decreasing the amount of information. In this sense, the application of time series segmentation procedures dividing the time series into different subsequences is a good option, given that each segment defines a specific behaviour. Once the different segments are obtained, the use of statistical features to characterise them is an excellent way to maximise the information of the time series and simultaneously reducing considerably their dimensionality. In the case of time series clustering, the objective is to find groups of similar time series with the idea of discovering interesting patterns in time series datasets. In this Thesis, we have developed a novel time series clustering technique. The aim of this proposal is twofold: to reduce as much as possible the dimensionality and to develop a time series clustering approach able to outperform current state-of-the-art techniques. In this sense, for the first objective, the time series are segmented in order to divide the them identifying different behaviours. Then, these segments are projected into a vector of statistical features aiming to reduce the dimensionality of the time series. Once this preprocessing step is done, the clustering of the time series is carried out, with a significantly lower computational load. This novel approach has been tested on all the time series datasets available in the University of East Anglia and University of California Riverside (UEA/UCR) time series classification (TSC) repository. Regarding time series classification, two main paths could be differentiated: firstly, nominal TSC, which is a well-known field involving a wide variety of proposals and transformations applied to time series. Concretely, one of the most popular transformation is the shapelet transform (ST), which has been widely used in this field. The original method extracts shapelets from the original time series and uses them for classification purposes. Nevertheless, the full enumeration of all possible shapelets is very time consuming. Therefore, in this Thesis, we have developed a hybrid method that starts with the best shapelets extracted by using the original approach with a time constraint and then tunes these shapelets by using a convolutional neural network (CNN) model. Secondly, time series ordinal classification (TSOC) is an unexplored field beginning with this Thesis. In this way, we have adapted the original ST to the ordinal classification (OC) paradigm by proposing several shapelet quality measures taking advantage of the ordinal information of the time series. This methodology leads to better results than the state-of-the-art TSC techniques for those ordinal time series datasets. All these proposals have been tested on all the time series datasets available in the UEA/UCR TSC repository. With respect to time series prediction, it is based on estimating the next value or values of the time series by considering the previous ones. In this Thesis, several different approaches have been considered depending on the problem to be solved. Firstly, the prediction of low-visibility events produced by fog conditions is carried out by means of hybrid autoregressive models (ARs) combining fixed-size and dynamic windows, adapting itself to the dynamics of the time series. Secondly, the prediction of convective cloud formation (which is a highly imbalance problem given that the number of convective cloud events is much lower than that of non-convective situations) is performed in two completely different ways: 1) tackling the problem as a multi-objective classification task by the use of multi-objective evolutionary artificial neural networks (MOEANNs), in which the two conflictive objectives are accuracy of the minority class and the global accuracy, and 2) tackling the problem from the OC point of view, in which, in order to reduce the imbalance degree, an oversampling approach is proposed along with the use of OC techniques. Thirdly, the prediction of solar radiation is carried out by means of evolutionary artificial neural networks (EANNs) with different combinations of basis functions in the hidden and output layers. Finally, the last challenging problem is the prediction of energy flux from waves and tides. For this, a multitask EANN has been proposed aiming to predict the energy flux at several prediction time horizons (from 6h to 48h). All these proposals and techniques have been corroborated and discussed according to physical and atmospheric models. The work developed in this Thesis is supported by 11 JCR-indexed papers in international journals (7 Q1, 3 Q2, 1 Q3), 11 papers in international conferences, and 4 papers in national conferences

    ¿Se adapta la divulgación de información medioambiental a las expectativas sociales y legales? Un análisis de las compañías eléctricas del IBEX35

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la información de carácter medioambiental suministrada por las compañías eléctricas presentes en el IBEX35, para saber si además de cumplir con la regulación contable obligatoria, suministran información voluntaria para aplicar la Contabilidad de Costes Ecológicos Completos (CCEC) y poder ofrecer información a la sociedad sobre sus externalidades. Para llevar a cabo este estudio, hemos expuesto los antecedentes históricos de la regulación contable de carácter medioambiental, tanto a nivel internacional, europeo, como nacional, además de clarificar el papel que tienen los grupos de interés a la hora de demandar información medioambiental. Una vez realizado el análisis de la información económico-financiera y cualitativa de carácter medioambiental de las compañías que forman la muestra, concluimos que éstas no cumplen estrictamente con la regulación y exigencia de ámbito nacional y que a pesar de divulgar información voluntaria, ninguna aplica la CCEC, ni valoran las externalidades.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Evaluación de la discapacidad en la infancia

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    En este trabajo se pretende analizar los recursos existentes para la evaluación de la discapacidad en la infancia en España, así como presentar el Inventario para la Evaluación Pediátrica de la Discapacidad (PEDI) y su versión española. Tras una revisión exhaustiva de los instrumentos de evaluación del desarrollo validados con población española encontramos que ninguno de ellos incorpora el contexto físico como elemento de la evaluación aunque tal y como señala la Clasificación Internacional de Funcionamiento, la definición de discapacidad no puede realizarse sin tener en cuenta el contexto. Los profesionales de otros países cuentan con escalas como la PEDI que realizan está valoración global y que han demostrado su eficacia como instrumento de evaluación. Por eso se ha iniciado el proceso de traducción y validación del PEDI ya que es un instrumento de evaluación clínica para niños entre 6 meses y 7 años y medio, que muestrea capacidades y desempeño funcionales a través de una entrevista estructurada para los cuidadores principales de los niños. Consiste en dos escalas: una de 197 ítems relativa a las habilidades funcionales y otra de 20 ítems para evaluar la asistencia del cuidador y las modificaciones del entorno y equipamiento usado por el niño.This research aims to analyze the existing resources to evaluate childhood disability in Spain, as well as to present the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) and its translation into Spanish. After a comprehensive revision of the development evaluation literature available in Spain, we found that there are no references to the physical context in the evaluation. The International Classification of Functioning points out the need for the context in order to define disability. Professionals from other countries use the PEDI, and they have demonstrated that it provides good assessment for clinical and research purposes. For this reason, the process of translation into Spanish has been started, as well as the re-normed process of the PEDI, since it is a clinical evaluation instrument that samples key functional capabilities and performance in children from 6 months to 7.5 years old by means of a structured interview for the children’s main caregivers. It uses two scales: the Functional Skills Scale with 197 items which assesses the ability or inability to perform skills and the Caregiver Assistance Scale and the Modification Scale which measure the caregiver’s typical amount of assistance provided to the child, environment modifications and specialized equipment used by the child

    Role of Hospital Exemption in Europe: position paper from the Spanish Advanced Therapy Network (TERAV)

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    Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIEuropean Union - NextGenerationEU, Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan RD21/0017/000

    Habilidades y destrezas para las actividades de la vida diaria en personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo leve

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    El estudio se centra en tratar de establecer la posible relación entre la capacidad cognitiva de una población geriátrica con deterioro cognitivo con sus habilidades y destrezas en las Actividades de la Vida Diaria (AVDs). Teniendo en cuenta estudios previos que establecen la relación entre el deterioro cognitivo y la pérdida de autonomía en las AVDs, se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y cuantitativo, de una muestra de conveniencia en una población institucionaliza. El deterioro cognitivo se valoró con la prueba Valoración Cognitiva Geriátrica de Terapia Ocupacional de Loewenstein (Lotca G) y para evaluar las destrezas y habilidades para las AVDs se utilizaron los Índices de Katz y de Barthel. En la discusión de los datos se analizan las relaciones encontradas entre las diferentes variables estudiadas en este trabajo. Nuestro trabajo sugiere, que a mayor edad, mayor pérdida de autonomía y mayor grado de deterioro cognitivo. Este deterioro cognitivo afecta de forma desigual a hombres y a mujeres de tal forma que en los hombres la incidencia del deterioro cognitivo leve es mayor que en las mujeres y sin embargo, éstas presentan un mayor deterioro cognitivo moderado. La influencia del deterioro cognitivo en la capacidad de hombres y mujeres para la realización de las AVDs no ha quedado reflejada con un nivel de certeza suficiente.The study focuses on trying to determine the possible relationship between the cognitive capability of a geriatric group with regard to their skills and abilities in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Bearing in mind previous studies which determine the relationship between cognitive deterioration and the loss of autonomy in the ADLs, an observational, descriptive, transverse and quantitative study was carried out from a convenience sample of an institutionalized group. The cognitive deterioration was assessed using the Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment - Geriatric (Lotca G) and to evaluate the skills and abilities for the ADLs the Katz and Barthel Indices were used. In the data analysis, the relationship discovered between the different variables in this paper is looked into. Our study suggests that people of a more advanced age experience a greater loss of autonomy and a higher degree of cognitive deterioration. Such deterioration affects men and women unevenly in such a way that the event of slight cognitive deterioration in men is more frequent than in women even though women show a greater level of moderate cognitive deterioration. The influence of cognitive deterioration on the capability of men and women to carry out ADLs hasn’t been reflected with sufficient certainty

    Análisis antropológico de la población islámica califal de El Fontanar

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    The aims of this study are to review the types of information which can be potentially obtained in the research of the populational dynamic on Xth century in Cordoba, based on an anthropological sample proceeding from an islamic cementery. Preservation introduces a multitude of confounding factors to give a false appearance to the osteological samples, pointing to the paleopathological aspects as the more conditioned.El objetivo de este estudio es mostrar las diferentes informaciones que pueden ser obtenidas potencialmente en la investigación de la dinámica de poblaciones en el siglo X en Córdoba, basada en una muestra antropológica procedente de una necrópolis islámica. La preservación aporta múltiples factores que enmascaran las muestras osteológicas, con los aspectos paleopatológicos como los más condicionados