70 research outputs found

    Annex I: Resum meteorològic. El temps a les Illes Balears durant l'any 2008

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    Daily series homogenization and gridding with Climatol v. 3

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    Aspectes bioclimàtics del carst de Mallorca

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    [cat] El clima de Mallorca, mediterrani, amb temperatures entre suaus i càlides durant tot l’any (mitjana anual de 16,6ºC), permet una notable activitat dels processos càrstics; no tan intensa com a les zones tropicals, però superior a la de zones mes fredes. Damunt aquest nivell general d'activitat es superposen pautes de variació espacials i temporals, degudes a la gran variabilitat dels elements climàtics, principalment de la precipitació. Aquesta presenta valors que oscil·len entre els 1.400 mm, a la Serra de Tramuntana, i quantitats al voltant dels 300 mm a I'extrem meridional de l’illa.[eng] The climate in Mallorca, typically Mediterranean, with temperatures between mild and bot throughout the year (annual average of 16.6 OC), allows a remarkable activity of karstic processes; not so intense as in the tropical areas, but superior to colder areas. Above this general level of activity spatial and temporary variation patterns are superposed, due to the great variability of climatic elements, mainly from precipitation. This shows values that range from 1,400 mm, in Serra de Tramuntana mountain range, to around 300 mm in the southern end of the island

    Aplicación de una recta de Teissier a la depuración de una base de datos termopluviométricos mensuales

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    Se han ensayado varios métodos, basados en el análisis de regresión, para rellenar y depurar series termopluviométricas mensuales y anuales. La regresión simple (modelo I) ha proporcionado resultados similares a los de la recta de Teissier en las series termométricas, si bien en las pluviométricas esta última ha mejorado ligeramente la calidad de las estimaciones. En cambio, en el caso de las precipitaciones anuales, tanto una como otra han resultado inadecuadas, especialmente en casos de extrapolación, y se ha tenido que recurrir al sencillo método de las proporciones

    Croatian high‑resolution monthly gridded dataset of homogenised surface air temperature

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    Homogenised climatological series and gridded data are the basis for climate monitoring and climate change detection. Considering this, monthly mean temperatures from 122 Croatian stations were homogenised, and high-resolution monthly gridded data were developed for the 1981–2018 period. Homogenisation needs to be performed on stations from the same climate region; therefore, hierarchical clustering is introduced to defne those climate regions in Croatia. The breaks of homogeneity were detected by the standard normal homogeneity test on 54 stations. Regression kriging was applied to produce monthly grids for each month in the analysed period. The quality of the interpolation assessed by leave-one-out cross-validation resulted in a root mean square error of 0.7 °C. The quality of spatial interpolation is supplemented with normalised error maps. The derived homogenised station data and monthly grids are necessary for national climate monitoring, the production of climate normals and the estimation of trends. After 1999, average annual anomalies from the 30-year climate standard normal 1981–2010 were positive and up to 1.4 °C warmer than the average and only occasionally negative. The measured amount, sign and signifcance of the trend were accurately captured on the trend maps calculated from the monthly maps. Signifcant strong warming was observed and mapped over the entire Croatian territory in April, June, July, August and November. It was stronger inland than on the coast. Annual trends were signifcant and ranged from 0.3 °C/decade to 0.7 °C/ decade. There was no observational evidence of enhanced elevation-dependent warming over elevations from 750 to 1594 m.Research of MPT was supported by employer, Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service, and by the project UKV − Carstic Coastal Water Management Endangered by Climate Changes (KK. Open access funding is provided by Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service

    Bibliometric analysis of the literature on critical thinking: an increasingly important competence for higher education students

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    In recent years, interest in critical thinking(CT) has grown considerably. An evaluation of this research field and its challenges are provided in this paper. A bibliometric study was performed to analyse 1,295 papers on CT published in the last 50 years. The data were obtained from the WOS Core Collection database. The findings of this study improve the understanding of the CT domain by showing key studies, the main studies developing the field, key past studies and their influence in subsequent publications, emerging trends and potentially transformative ideas. Most publications and citations are from the last decade, reflecting the momentum of this concept over the period examined. The topic has also expanded geographically. Although the University of Iowa and the University of Alberta are the most prolific institutions, Asian universities have gained in prominence in recent years, as shown by the number of papers published. According to the analysis, the increase in the number of authors, publications and journals in this field and the rise in the number of publications written in collaboration with authors from different parts of the world are two trends that reflect the interest in CT as a way to understand the development of thinking skills

    Variabilidad de las tendencias de las temperaturas e impacto en su comunicación al público: ejemplo en las Islas Baleares

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    Ponencia presentada en: XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022.[ES]Hacia comienzos de 2021 aparecieron dos mensajes contradictorios en sendos medios de Baleares, afirmando uno de ellos que el archipiélago lideraba el calentamiento climático en España mientras que el otro anunciaba que Baleares era una de las regiones donde menos había subido la temperatura desde 1961. Como ambos medios decían basarse en trabajos publicados por instituciones científicas, esta contradicción no podía sino generar desconfianza en el público receptor de estos mensajes. El problema parece residir en que el cálculo de las tendencias en las series climáticas (temperaturas en este caso) puede arrojar resultados muy diferentes según el periodo utilizado, el número de series y si éstas se han sometido previamente a un proceso de homogeneización o no. En este trabajo revisamos los distintos valores de las tendencias de la temperatura en Baleares publicadas en el pasado y las comparamos con nuevos cálculos actualizados hasta 2020, tanto de series observadas y promedios de retícula como de reanálisis. Los diferentes resultados obtenidos suscitan la cuestión de cómo comunicar estas tendencias y sus incertidumbres al público sin menoscabar su credibilidad en el actual contexto de preocupación por el cambio climático.[EN]Two contradictory messages appeared around the beginning of 2021 in two Balearic media. One of them claimed this archipelago was leading the climate warming in Spain, while the other advertised that the Balearic Islands were one of the regions where the temperature had risen the least since 1961. As both media claimed to be based on works published by scientific institutions, this contradiction can only generate distrust in the public receiving these messages. The problem seems to be that the calculation of the trends of climatic series (temperatures in this case) can yield very different results depending on the period used, the number of series and whether or not they have previously undergone a homogenization process. In this work we review the different values of the temperature trends in the Balearic Islands published in the past and compare them with new calculations updated until 2020, both from observed series and grid averages and from reanalysis. The different results obtained raise the question of how to communicate these trends and their uncertainties to the public without undermining their credibility in the current context of concern about climate change