30 research outputs found

    Re-entrant spin glass and magnetoresistance in Co_{0.2}Zn_{0.8}Fe_{1.6}Ti_{0.4}O_4 spinel oxide

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    We have investigated the static and dynamic response of magnetic clusters in Co_{0.2}Zn_{0.8}Fe_{1.6}Ti_{0.4}O_4 spinel oxide, where a sequence of magnetic phase transitions, i.e., paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic at T_{C} ≀\leq 270K and ferromagnetic to canted spin glass state at T_f \leq$ 125K is observed

    Influence of substitutional disorder on the electrical transport and the superconducting properties of Fe1+z_{1+z}Te1−x−y_{1-x-y}Sex_{x}Sy_{y}

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    We have carried out an investigation of the structural, magnetic, transport and superconducting properties of Fe1+z_{1+z}Te1−x−y_{1-x-y}Sex_xSy_y ceramic compounds, for z=0z=0 and some specific Se (0≀\leq x ≀\leq 0.5) and S (0 ≀\leq y ≀\leq0.12) contents. The incorporation of Se and S to the FeTe structure produces a progressive reduction of the crystallographic parameters as well as different degrees of structural disorder associated with the differences of the ionic radius of the substituting cations. In the present study, we measure transport properties of this family of compounds and we show the direct influence of disorder in the normal and superconductor states. We notice that the structural disorder correlates with a variable range hopping conducting regime observed at temperatures T>T > 200 K. At lower temperatures, all the samples except the one with the highest degree of disorder show a crossover to a metallic-like regime, probably related to the transport of resilient-quasi-particles associated with the proximity of a Fermi liquid state at temperatures below the superconducting transition. Moreover, the superconducting properties are depressed only for that particular sample, in accordance to the condition that superconductivity is affected by disorder when the electronic localization length ΟL\xi_L becomes smaller than the coherence length ΟSC\xi_{SC}.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Evidence for the verwey transition in highly nonstoichiometric nanometric fe-based ferrites

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    Apparent magic numbers in embedded Ti-O clusters

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    International audienceStable clusters constituted of four TiO2 entities have been evidenced in nanometer-sized spinel oxides by a combination of diffraction and x-ray-absorption expts. Contrary to free clusters, the size of the embedded clusters is strongly detd. by the constraints imposed by the surrounding matrix so that the magic no. of four is in fact specific to the matrix and only then apparent

    Apparent magic numbers in embedded Ti-O clusters

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    International audienceStable clusters constituted of four TiO2 entities have been evidenced in nanometer-sized spinel oxides by a combination of diffraction and x-ray-absorption expts. Contrary to free clusters, the size of the embedded clusters is strongly detd. by the constraints imposed by the surrounding matrix so that the magic no. of four is in fact specific to the matrix and only then apparent

    Evidence for the verwey transition in highly nonstoichiometric nanometric fe-based ferrites

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    Suivi par diffraction de rayons X “in situ” de l'Ă©volution du paramĂštre de maille du ferrite nanomĂ©trique Îł\gamma-Fe2_2O3_3 lors de l'isotherme d'adsorption d'eau

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    The soft chemistry method has been used to synthesize maghemite (Îł\gamma-Fe2_2O3_3) nanoparticles in the 9-14 nm range. These nanometric powders are crystallized in the spinel structure. The control of both Oxygen stoichiometry and elimination of the remaining impurities leads to obtain maghemite model material. In the crystallite size range studied here, cell parameter (0.8346 nm) appears to be not linked to crystallite size. Nevertheless, “in-situ” X-Ray Diffraction studies demonstrate that there are very small changes in cell parameter with surface modification under water vapour atmosphere. Chemisorption and Physisorption phenomenons takes an important part at nanometric scale.La mĂ©thode de synthĂšse par chimie douce a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour synthĂ©tiser des nanoparticules de maghĂ©mite Îł\gamma-Fe2_2O3_3 dans une gamme de taille allant de 9 Ă  14 nm. Ces poudres, parfaitement cristallisĂ©es en phase spinelle, exemptes d'impuretĂ©s, avec une staechiomĂ©trie en oxygĂšne parfaitement contrĂŽlĂ©e, ont servi de matĂ©riaux modĂšles pour cette Ă©tude. Le paramĂštre de maille de ce matĂ©riau (0,8346 nm) s'avĂšre ĂȘtre non dĂ©pendant de la taille. Cependant, le suivi en Diffraction de Rayons X “in-situ” rĂ©vĂšle des variations de ce paramĂštre avec la modification de la surface en prĂ©sence de vapeur d'eau. Les phĂ©nomĂšnes de chimisorption et de physisorption jouent un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant dans les Ă©volutions observĂ©es Ă  l'Ă©chelle nanomĂ©trique

    PhénomÚnes de ségrégation dans les ferrites de titane nanométriques : apports complémentaires de différentes techniques expérimentales (DRX, XPS, EXAFS ...)

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    Thanks to the complementarily of average and local techniques two segregation phenomenon have been evidenced in nanostructured ferrites: a segregation related to kinetic effects and an other related to thermodynamical effects. The combination of local (MET, XPS) and averring techniques (DRX...) demonstrate that some heterogeneities exist in nanometric powders with Fe2+^{2+} cations when they are studied ex situ. These heterogeneities are related to kinetic effects linked to the difference of mobility between Fe2+^{2+} and Ti4+^{4+} cations during the partial oxidation of Fe2+^{2+}. Rietveld refinements of X ray and neutron diffraction patterns have shown that both titanium cations and vacancies (created during the oxidation reaction) are exclusively located in octahedral coordination. Furthermore, for titanium ferrites totally oxidized during a long time (they only contained Fe3+^{3+} cations), the Rietveld refinements lead to a titanium content lower than that obtained by classical chemical analyses (ICP, EDX, EELS...). A complementarily EXAFS study has evidenced that the titanium lack is in fact located in TiO2_2 clusters in the nanometric spinel particles, whose size are lower than 4 Å.GrĂące Ă  la complĂ©mentaritĂ© de diverses techniques deux phĂ©nomĂšnes de sĂ©grĂ©gation ont Ă©tĂ© mis err Ă©vidence dans les ferrites de titane nanostructurĂ©s : une sĂ©grĂ©gation cinĂ©tique (dite dynamique) et une sĂ©grĂ©gation thermodynamique. Par des techniques d'analyse locales (MET, XPS) et statistiques (DRX...), des hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©s au sein des grains de poudre contenant des cations Fe2+^{2+} ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ă©vidence lors de leur Ă©tude Ă  l'air. Leur origine est cinĂ©tique et dĂ©coule d'une oxydation incomplĂšte des cations Fe2+^{2+}. Des affinement de Rietveld de diagrammes de diffraction des rayons X et diffraction de neutrons ont permis de montrer quant Ă  eux que le titane ainsi que toutes les lacunes crĂ©Ă©es lors (le l'oxydation des cations Fe2+^{2+}, se localisent uniquement dans les sites octaĂ©driques de la structure spinelle. Cependant, pour certaines compositions ne contenant que des cations Fe Ă  la valence 3, alors (tue. les techniques d'analyse chimique classiques (ICP, EDX, EELS...) donnent bien le taux de titane attendu, les affinements structuraux conduisent Ă  une teneur en titane bien infĂ©rieure. Une Ă©tude complĂ©mentaire en EXAFS a permis de montrer que le dĂ©ficit en titane Ă©tait en fait localisĂ© dans des clusters de TiO2_2 de taille infĂ©rieure Ă  4 Å, Ă  l'intĂ©rieur mĂȘme des grains nanomĂ©triques de ferrite de structure spinelle