115 research outputs found

    Українська історіографія про партійно-політичну систему Галичини воєнно-революційної доби: загальна характеристика

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    У статті робиться спроба історіографічного аналізу становища, розвитку, основних завдань і напрямів діяльності партійно-політичної системи в Галичині періоду воєнно-революційної доби. Наголошується на тих проблемах у дослідженні, що залишаються актуальними на сьогодні, і тих, які ще по-справжньому не стали предметом вивчення.In the article is given a shot of historiographical analysis of the situation, development, main tasks and activities of party and political systems in Galicina during the period of military-revolutionary era. We emphasis on those issues in the study, which remain relevant today and those that still have not really studied

    Stop helping pathogens: engineering plant susceptibility genes for durable resistance

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    Alternatives to protect crops against diseases are desperately needed to secure world food production and make agriculture more sustainable. Genetic resistance to pathogens utilized so far is mostly based on single dominant resistance genes that mediate specific recognition of invaders and that is often rapidly broken by pathogen variants. Perturbation of plant susceptibility (S) genes offers an alternative providing plants with recessive resistance that is proposed to be more durable. S genes enable the establishment of plant disease, and their inactivation provides opportunities for resistance breeding of crops. However, loss of S gene function can have pleiotropic effects. Developments in genome editing technology promise to provide powerful methods to precisely interfere with crop S gene functions and reduce tradeoffs

    Stop helping pathogens: engineering plant susceptibility genes for durable resistance

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    Alternatives to protect crops against diseases are desperately needed to secure world food production and make agriculture more sustainable. Genetic resistance to pathogens utilized so far is mostly based on single dominant resistance genes that mediate specific recognition of invaders and that is often rapidly broken by pathogen variants. Perturbation of plant susceptibility (S) genes offers an alternative providing plants with recessive resistance that is proposed to be more durable. S genes enable the establishment of plant disease, and their inactivation provides opportunities for resistance breeding of crops. However, loss of S gene function can have pleiotropic effects. Developments in genome editing technology promise to provide powerful methods to precisely interfere with crop S gene functions and reduce tradeoffs

    Genetical Genomics Reveals Large Scale Genotype-By-Environment Interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    One of the major goals of quantitative genetics is to unravel the complex interactions between molecular genetic factors and the environment. The effects of these genotype-by-environment interactions also affect and cause variation in gene expression. The regulatory loci responsible for this variation can be found by genetical genomics that involves the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for gene expression traits also called expression-QTL (eQTLs). Most genetical genomics experiments published so far, are performed in a single environment and hence do not allow investigation of the role of genotype-by-environment interactions. Furthermore, most studies have been done in a steady state environment leading to acclimated expression patterns. However a response to the environment or change therein can be highly plastic and possibly lead to more and larger differences between genotypes. Here we present a genetical genomics study on 120 Arabidopsis thaliana, Landsberg erecta × Cape Verde Islands, recombinant inbred lines (RILs) in active response to the environment by treating them with 3 h of shade. The results of this experiment are compared to a previous study on seedlings of the same RILs from a steady state environment. The combination of two highly different conditions but exactly the same RILs with a fixed genetic variation showed the large role of genotype-by-environment interactions on gene expression levels. We found environment-dependent hotspots of transcript regulation. The major hotspot was confirmed by the expression profile of a near isogenic line. Our combined analysis leads us to propose CSN5A, a COP9 signalosome component, as a candidate regulator for the gene expression response to shade

    Указ президента України “Про проведення Всеукраїнської молодіжної акції “Пам’ятати. Відродити. Зберегти”

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    Genetic dissection of disease susceptibility in Arabidopsis to powdery and downy mildew has identified multiple susceptibility (S) genes whose impairment results in disease resistance. Although several of these S-genes have been cloned and characterized in more detail it is unknown to which degree their function in disease susceptibility is conserved among different plant species. Moreover, it is unclear whether impairment of such genes has potential in disease resistance breeding due to possible fitness costs associated with impaired alleles. Here we show that the Arabidopsis PMR4 and DMR1, genes encoding a callose synthase and homoserine kinase respectively, have functional orthologs in tomato with respect to their S-gene function. Silencing of both genes using RNAi resulted in resistance to the tomato powdery mildew fungus Oidium neolycopersici. Resistance to O. neolycopersici by SlDMR1 silencing was associated with severely reduced plant growth whereas SlPMR4 silencing was not. SlPMR4 is therefore a suitable candidate gene as target for mutagenesis to obtain alleles that can be deployed in disease resistance breeding of tomato

    Изменение параметров процесса выброса угля и газа в зависимости от длины шпуров для отбойки угля и породы

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    Виконано чисельне моделювання процесу викиду вугілля та метану у вибої одиночної гірничої виробки, що проводиться буропідривним способом. Розглянуто ініціювання процесу викиду у випадках різної довжини шпурів для відбивання вугілля та породи. Проаналізовано зміну розподілів коефіцієнтів проникності поперед вибоєм, значень тиску газу та швидкості утворення порожнини викиду вугілля та газу.Numerical modeling of process of coal and methane outburst in a working face of single opening, what is driving by drill and fire system, is executed. Initiation of coal and methane outburst process in cases of various length of blast-holes is observed. Change of distribution of permeability coefficient ahead of a face, pressure values and speed of formation of outburst cavity is analysed

    Sensor-based phenotyping of above-ground plant-pathogen interactions

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    Plant pathogens cause yield losses in crops worldwide. Breeding for improved disease resistance and management by precision agriculture are two approaches to limit such yield losses. Both rely on detecting and quantifying signs and symptoms of plant disease. To achieve this, the field of plant phenotyping makes use of non-invasive sensor technology. Compared to invasive methods, this can offer improved throughput and allow for repeated measurements on living plants. Abiotic stress responses and yield components have been successfully measured with phenotyping technologies, whereas phenotyping methods for biotic stresses are less developed, despite the relevance of plant disease in crop production. The interactions between plants and pathogens can lead to a variety of signs (when the pathogen itself can be detected) and diverse symptoms (detectable responses of the plant). Here, we review the strengths and weaknesses of a broad range of sensor technologies that are being used for sensing of signs and symptoms on plant shoots, including monochrome, RGB, hyperspectral, fluorescence, chlorophyll fluorescence and thermal sensors, as well as Raman spectroscopy, X-ray computed tomography, and optical coherence tomography. We argue that choosing and combining appropriate sensors for each plant-pathosystem and measuring with sufficient spatial resolution can enable specific and accurate measurements of above-ground signs and symptoms of plant disease

    Basal expression of immune receptor genes requires low levels of the phytohormone salicylic acid

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    The hormone salicylic acid (SA) plays a crucial role in plant immunity by activating responses that arrest pathogen ingress. Since SA accumulation also penalizes growth, the question remains why healthy plants synthesize this hormone. By overexpressing SA-inactivating hydroxylases in Arabidopsis thaliana, we reveal that basal SA levels in unchallenged plants are needed for expression of selected immune receptor and signaling genes, thereby enabling early pathogen detection and activation of immunity

    Insect eggs trigger systemic acquired resistance against a fungal and an oomycete pathogen.

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    Plants are able to detect insect eggs deposited on leaves. In Arabidopsis, eggs of the butterfly species Pieris brassicae (common name large white) induce plant defenses and activate the salicylic acid (SA) pathway. We previously discovered that oviposition triggers a systemic acquired resistance (SAR) against the bacterial hemibiotroph pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. Here, we show that insect eggs or treatment with egg extract (EE) induce SAR against the fungal necrotroph Botrytis cinerea BMM and the oomycete pathogen Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis Noco2. This response is abolished in ics1, ald1 and fmo1, indicating that the SA pathway and the N-hydroxypipecolic acid (NHP) pathway are involved. Establishment of EE-induced SAR in distal leaves potentially involves tryptophan-derived metabolites, including camalexin. Indeed, SAR is abolished in the biosynthesis mutants cyp79B2 cyp79B3, cyp71a12 cyp71a13 and pad3-1, and camalexin is toxic to B. cinerea in vitro. This study reveals an interesting mechanism by which lepidopteran eggs interfere with plant-pathogen interactions