222 research outputs found

    Entropy-based approach to missing-links prediction

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    Link-prediction is an active research field within network theory, aiming at uncovering missing connections or predicting the emergence of future relationships from the observed network structure. This paper represents our contribution to the stream of research concerning missing links prediction. Here, we propose an entropy-based method to predict a given percentage of missing links, by identifying them with the most probable non-observed ones. The probability coefficients are computed by solving opportunely defined null-models over the accessible network structure. Upon comparing our likelihood-based, local method with the most popular algorithms over a set of economic, financial and food networks, we find ours to perform best, as pointed out by a number of statistical indicators (e.g. the precision, the area under the ROC curve, etc.). Moreover, the entropy-based formalism adopted in the present paper allows us to straightforwardly extend the link-prediction exercise to directed networks as well, thus overcoming one of the main limitations of current algorithms. The higher accuracy achievable by employing these methods - together with their larger flexibility - makes them strong competitors of available link-prediction algorithms

    New stratigraphical data on the Middle-Late Jurassic biosiliceous sediments from the Sicanian basin, Western Sicily (Italy)

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    The reported data present the stratigraphy of several sections across a Middle–Late Jurassic Radiolaritic Unit, well exposed in different thrust sheets pertaining to the Maghrebian chain of Southwestern Sicily. The aim was to define the chronostratigraphical distribution of the Jurassic biosiliceous sedi- mentation in the Sicanian palaeogeographical zone, a deep water basin belonging to the Southern Tethys continental margin. The radiolarian biostratigraphy indicates that the switching from carbonate to siliceous sedimentation in the Sicanian Basin is referable to the Bajocian, as shown by the section of Campofiorito, near Corleone. The biostratigraphical dataset allows the correlation between the onset of biosiliceous sedimentation and the fall of biodiversity in the Sicanian basin with the carbonate productivity crisis, indicated by the highest eutrophication that affected Western Tethys during Middle Jurassic times

    High efficiency room temperature laser emission in heavily doped Yb:YLF

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    We report the tunable, CW and quasi CW laser operation at room temperature of an highly doped (30% at.) Yb:YLF crystal longitudinally pumped by a fiber coupled laser diode array. The CW output power is 1.15 W vs. an absorbed pump power of 6 W, with a slope efficiency of 31%. In quasi-CW operation (20% duty factor @10 Hz) an output power of 4 W with an absorbed power of 9.5 W, and a slope efficiency of 62.8% were obtained. The tuning range spans from 1022 to 1075 nm. To our knowledge, these are among the best experimental results obtained at room temperature with Yb doped YLF

    The Functionally Distinct Hemoglobins of the Arctic Spotted Wolffish Anarhichas minor

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    The Arctic fish Anarhichas minor, a benthic sedentary species, displays high hemoglobin multiplicity. The three major hemoglobins (Hb 1, Hb 2, and Hb 3) show important functional differences in pH and organophosphate regulation, subunit cooperativity, and response of oxygen binding to temperature. Hb 1 and Hb 2 display a low, effector-enhanced Bohr effect and no Root effect. In contrast, Hb 3 displays pronounced Bohr and Root effects, accompanied by strong organophosphate regulation. Hb 1 has the beta (beta(1)) chain in common with Hb 2; Hb 3 and Hb 2 share the alpha (alpha(2)) chain. The amino acid sequences have been established. Several substitutions in crucial positions were observed, such as Cys in place of C-terminal His in the beta(1) chain of Hb 1 and Hb 2. In Hb 3, Val E11 of the beta(2) chain is replaced by Ile. Homology modeling revealed an unusual structure of the Hb 3 binding site of inositol hexakisphoshate. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that only Hb 2 displays higher overall similarity with the major Antarctic hemoglobins. The oxygen transport system of A. minor differs remarkably from those of Antarctic Notothenioidei, indicating distinct evolutionary pathways in the regulatory mechanisms of the fish respiratory system in the two polar environments

    Preparation of hybrid samples for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled to focused ion beam (FIB) analysis: A new way to study cell adhesion to titanium implant surfaces.

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    The study of the intimate connection occurring at the interface between cells and titanium implant surfaces is a major challenge for dental materials scientists. Indeed, several imaging techniques have been developed and optimized in the last decades, but an optimal method has not been described yet. The combination of the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with a focused ion beam (FIB), represents a pioneering and interesting tool to allow the investigation of the relationship occurring at the interface between cells and biomaterials, including titanium. However, major caveats concerning the nature of the biological structures, which are not conductive materials, and the physico-chemical properties of titanium (i.e. color, surface topography), require a fine and accurate preparation of the sample before its imaging. Hence, the aim of the present work is to provide a suitable protocol for cell-titanium sample preparation before imaging by SEM-FIB. The concepts presented in this paper are also transferrable to other fields of biomaterials research

    Preparation of human primary macrophages to study the polarization from monocyte-derived macrophages to pro- or anti-inflammatory macrophages at biomaterial interface in vitro.

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    BACKGROUND/PURPOSE Testing of dental materials when in contact with innate immune cells has been so far hindered by the lack of proper in vitro models. Human primary monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) would be an excellent option to this aim. However, the inability to detach them from the tissue culture plates contrast the possibility to culture them on biomaterials. The goal of the present work is to present and validate an innovative protocol to obtain MDMs from peripheral blood monocytes, and to reseed them in contact with biomaterials without altering their viability and phenotype. MATERIALS AND METHODS We differentiated MDMs on ultra-low attachment tissue culture plastics and recovered them with specific detachment solution in order to be reseeded on a secondary substrate. Therefore, using biological assays (RT-PCR, Western blot, and immunofluorescence) we compared their phenotype to MDMs differentiated on standard culture plates. RESULTS Transferred MDMs keep their differentiated M0 resting state, as well as the ability to be polarized into M1 (pro-inflammatory) or M2 (anti-inflammatory) macrophages. CONCLUSION These data provide the dental material research community the unprecedented possibility to investigate the immunomodulatory properties of biomaterials for dental application

    Aptamer-Mediated Selective Protein Affinity to Improve Scaffold Biocompatibility

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    Protein adsorption on surfaces occurs shortly after scaffold insertion. This process is of pivotal importance to achieve therapeutic success in tissue engineering (TE), and favorable proteins should be adsorbed at the interface without unfolding to preserve their structure and function. Protein misfolding at the interface is a common phenomenon, which can impair cell adhesion and scaffold colonization. Many efforts have been done to improve scaffold biocompatibility by ameliorating protein adsorption, but with poor results. In the present chapter, we propose the use of a novel class of molecules, aptamers, to improve scaffold biocompatibility. Aptamers are small, single stranded oligonucleotides, which specifically bind to a target molecule: they work as antibodies, but without many of the drawbacks associated to the use of antibodies. We propose to immobilize aptamers on scaffolds to retain specific proteins, acting as docking points to guide cell activity. In particular, we show the results obtained by enriching different polymeric scaffolds with aptamers against human fibronectin, a naturally abundant protein in tissues, which plays a pivotal role in cell adhesion. We demonstrate that scaffold enrichment with aptamers lead to a better colonization of the substrate from cells. The results we obtained pave the way to the possibility of further investigating the role of aptamers as useful molecules to improve scaffold biocompatibility in the contest of tissue engineering


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    Facies and biostratigraphic analyses of the Contrada Diesi succession, cropping out along the northern slope of Mt. Magaggiaro (Sciacca, SW Sicily), provided new data on the Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous pelagic sedimentation in the Saccense domain. The richness in ammonites allowed the identification of Bathonian-Kimmeridgian Biozones and Subzones, while the Tithonian-Valanginian interval was defined mainly by calpionellids and calcareous nannofossils. Facies and microbiofacies analyses of the Jurassic-Cretaceous pelagic sediments of the area, together with ammonite, calpionellid and calcareous nannofossil integrated biostratigraphy, were very effective tools for comparison of biostratigraphic events. Many gaps in sedimentation were recognized, the most important spanning the middle and late Berriasian and part of the early Berriasian. The Contrada Diesi succession provides new litho-biostratigraphic data on the Saccense Domain. It suggests a high degree of internal variability tied to the irregular paleotopography of the carbonate platform substrate (Inici Fm.), derived from Early Jurassic tectonics. Gaps in sedimentation in the Contrada Diesi sections indicate that the environment of the Saccense Domain was characterized by a variable rate of sedimentation and energy changes


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    Facies and biostratigraphic analyses of the Contrada Diesi succession, cropping out along the northern slope of Mt. Magaggiaro (Sciacca, SW Sicily), provided new data on the Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous pelagic sedimentation in the Saccense domain. The richness in ammonites allowed the identification of Bathonian-Kimmeridgian Biozones and Subzones, while the Tithonian-Valanginian interval was defined mainly by calpionellids and calcareous nannofossils. Facies and microbiofacies analyses of the Jurassic-Cretaceous pelagic sediments of the area, together with ammonite, calpionellid and calcareous nannofossil integrated biostratigraphy, were very effective tools for comparison of biostratigraphic events. Many gaps in sedimentation were recognized, the most important spanning the middle and late Berriasian and part of the early Berriasian. The Contrada Diesi succession provides new litho-biostratigraphic data on the Saccense Domain. It suggests a high degree of internal variability tied to the irregular paleotopography of the carbonate platform substrate (Inici Fm.), derived from Early Jurassic tectonics. Gaps in sedimentation in the Contrada Diesi sections indicate that the environment of the Saccense Domain was characterized by a variable rate of sedimentation and energy changes

    Legal scenarios in the coronavirus time: Medico legal implications in the aspects of governance

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    Along with rising levels of the infection around the world, the state of emergency prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic has also been having a heavy legal impact. The situation is posing important criminal challenges, as well as an ocean of social and public health issues around the world. It has not only directly affected constitutionally-guaranteed rights and individual freedoms, but also brought to the fore certain types of criminal offence that had previously been of little practical importance, such as the crime of ‘maliciously or unintentionally causing an epidemic’. Different countries and states have introduced policies to manage the emergency at different times and in different ways. The measures adopted have been the object of much criticism, also raising questions of constitutional legitimacy in countries like Italy. The present contribution begins with a brief outline of the different international scenarios. Then we examine some of the medicolegal aspects of criminal offences previously envisaged and newly introduced since the arrival of the pandemic. We suggest the need for a sort of ‘code of public health laws for the time of coronavirus’, that could also be applied to other public health emergencies, pandemic or otherwise. The idea is to give operators in the sector and the general population the opportunity to identify clear and simple rules to follow in the current complex global situation. We need a new, appropriate interpretation of the ‘boundaries’ of our individual rights in relation to the need to safeguard the wider community and its more vulnerable members
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