38 research outputs found

    The role of H-bonds on the structure and dynamics of very concentrated polymer solutions

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    153 p.El proposito de la presente tesis doctoral es determinar como la presencia de moleculas de disolventes afecta las dinamicas de un polmero en diferentes escalas temporales y espaciales y como la dinamica del disolvente esta in uenciada por las interacciones con el polímero. En particular, es de fundamental intees entender cual es la función de los enlaces hidrogeno en esta interaccion reciproca. Además, con el objetivo de conseguir una visión completa del asunto, es muy importante investigar tambien los aspectos estructurales de las mezclas. Con este fin, ha sido necesario un estudio comparativo con disolventes caracterizados por distintas interacciones con los polmeros. Los sistemas elegidos han sido poli(dimetiloaminoetilo metacrilato) (PDMAEMA) en soluciones con tetrahidrofurano (THF) y agua con distintas concentraciones. El THF como el agua son buenos disolventes para el polmero investigado. Sin embargo, mientras que en las soluciones con agua los enlaces hidrogeno dominan las interacciones polmero/disolvente, el THF no interacciona con el polmero por esta forma. La informacion sobre las propriedades estructurales de los sistemas ha sido adquirida por la combinacion de difraccion de rayos-X y difraccion de neutrones. El uso conjunto de espectroscopia dielectrica (DS) y espectroscopia de difusion de neutrones (NS) cuasi-elastica y inelastica ha sido una herramienta muy util para la investigacion de las dinamicas en las mezclas. De hecho, la primera tecnica permite explorar un rango de frecuencia muy amplio y puede ser selectiva si una de las componentes tiene un momento de dipolo mucho mayor que las otras. La segunda concede la posibilidad de seleccionar una dada componente a traves de las etiquetas isoopicas (H/D). Primero, han sido investigados a fondo las propriedades estructurales y dinamicas del polimero seco y de las mezclas con THF y agua en una concentracion representativa (c=30 wt%). Luego, las propriedades dinamicas de las mezclas en funcion de la concentracion de disolvente han sido estudiadas por DS y calorimetra diferencial de barrido (DSC)

    Geopolymer Concrete Performance Study for High-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Applications

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    Solar energy is an energy intermittent source that faces a substantial challenge for its power dispatchability. Hence, concentrating solar power (CSP) plants and solar process heat (SPH) applications employ thermal energy storage (TES) technologies as a link between power generation and optimal load distribution. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)-based materials are widely used in sensible TES, but their use is limited to operation temperatures below 400 to 500 °C because of thermal degradation processes. This work proposes a geopolymer (GEO)-based concrete as a suitable alternative to OPC concrete for TES that withstands high running temperatures, higher than 500 °C. To this end, thermophysical properties of a geopolymer-based concrete sample were initially measured experimentally; later, energy storage capacity and thermal behavior of the GEO sample were modeled numerically. In fact, different thermal scenarios were modeled, revealing that GEO-based concrete can be a sound choice due to its thermal energy storage capacity, high thermal diffusivity and capability to work at high temperature regimes.This work was born under the umbrella of the project “Energy storage solutions based on concrete (E-CRETE)” (RTI2018-098554-B-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Program I+D+i RETOS INVESTIGACIÓN 2018). Mohammad Rahjoo acknowledges the grant PRE2019-087676 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and co-financed by the European Social Fund under the 2019 call for grants for predoctoral contracts for the training of doctors contemplated in the State Training Subprogram of the State Program for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability in R&D&I, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017–2020. Besides, the economic support from POVAZSKA is also acknowledged

    Electrical Conductive Properties of 3D-PrintedConcrete Composite with Carbon Nanofibers

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    Electrical conductive properties in cement-based materials have received attention in recent years due to their key role in many innovative application (i.e., energy harvesting, deicing systems, electromagnetic shielding, and self-health monitoring). In this work, we explore the use 3D printing as an alternative method for the preparation of electrical conductive concretes. With this aim, the conductive performance of cement composites with carbon nanofibers (0, 1, 2.5, and 4 wt%) was explored by means of a combination of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and dielectric spectroscopy (DS) and compared with that of specimens prepared with the traditional mold method. The combination of TGA and DS gave us a unique insight into the electrical conductive properties, measuring the specimens’ performance while monitoring the amount in water confined in the porous network. Experimental evidence of an additional contribution to the electrical conductivity due to sample preparation is provided. In particular, in this work, a strong correlation between water molecules in interconnected pores and the σ(ω) values is shown, originating, mainly, from the use of the 3D printing technique.This work was born under the umbrella of the ECRETE project (RTI2018-098554-B-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Program I+D+i RETOS INVESTIGACIÓN 2018), the project PoroPCM (PCI2019-103657) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and co-founded by the European Union (Programación Conjunta Internacional 2019) and the project NRG-STORAGE (GA 870114) funded by the European Commission. Research conducted in the scope of the Transnational Common Laboratory (LTC) Aquitaine-Euskadi Network in Green Concrete

    Dynamics of tetrahydrofuran as minority component in a mixture with poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate): A neutron scattering and dielectric spectroscopy investigation

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    We have investigated a mixture of poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMA) and tetrahydrofuran (THF) (70 wt. % PDMAEMA/30 wt. % THF) by combining dielectric spectroscopy and quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) on a labelled sample, focusing on the dynamics of the THF molecules. Two independent processes have been identified. The >fast> one has been qualified as due to an internal motion of the THF ring leading to hydrogen displacements of about 3 Å with rather broadly distributed activation energies. The >slow> process is characterized by an Arrhenius-like temperature dependence of the characteristic time which persists over more than 9 orders of magnitude in time. The QENS results evidence the confined nature of this process, determining a size of about 8 Å for the volume within which THF hydrogens' motions are restricted. In a complementary way, we have also investigated the structural features of the sample. This study suggests that THF molecules are well dispersed among side-groups nano-domains in the polymer matrix, ruling out a significant presence of clusters of solvent. Such a good dispersion, together with a rich mobility of the local environment, would prevent cooperativity effects to develop for the structural relaxation of solvent molecules, frustrating thereby the emergence of Vogel-Fulcher-like behavior, at least in the whole temperature interval investigated.Financial support from the Project Nos. MAT2012-31088 (Spanish-MINECO and EU) and IT-654-13 (Basque Government) is acknowledged. This work is based on experiments performed at TOFTOF and DNS (Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Garching, Germany) and has been supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme through the “Research Infrastructures” action of the “Capacities” Programme, NMI3-II Grant No. 283883.Peer Reviewe

    Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Prototype Based on Geopolymer Concrete for High-Temperature Applications

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    Thermal energy storage (TES) systems are dependent on materials capable of operating at elevated temperatures for their performance and for prevailing as an integral part of industries. High-temperature TES assists in increasing the dispatchability of present power plants as well as increasing the efficiency in heat industry applications. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)-based concretes are widely used as a sensible TES material in different applications. However, their performance is limited to operation temperatures below 400 °C due to the thermal degradation processes in its structure. In the present work, the performance and heat storage capacity of geopolymer-based concrete (GEO) have been studied experimentally and a comparison was carried out with OPC-based materials. Two thermal scenarios were examined, and results indicate that GEO withstand high running temperatures, higher than 500 °C, revealing higher thermal storage capacity than OPC-based materials. The high thermal energy storage, along with the high thermal diffusion coefficient at high temperatures, makes GEO a potential material that has good competitive properties compared with OPC-based TES. Experiments show the ability of geopolymer-based concrete for thermal energy storage applications, especially in industries that require feasible material for operation at high temperatures.This work was born under the umbrella of the project “Energy storage solutions based on concrete (E-CRETE)” (RTI2018-098554-B-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Program I+D+i RETOS INVESTIGACIÓN 2018). Mohammad Rahjoo acknowledges the grant PRE2019-087676 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and co-financed by the European Social Fund under the 2019 call for grants for predoctoral contracts for the training of doctors contemplated in the State Training Subprogram of the State Program for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability in R&D&I, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017–2020. In addition, the economic support from POVAZSKA is acknowledged. Jorge S. Dolado acknowledges the funding from the Gobierno Vasco UPV/EHU (project no. IT1569-22)

    Influence of solvent on poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) dynamics in polymer-concentrated mixtures: a combined neutron scattering, dielectric spectroscopy and calorimetric study

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    We have investigated the dynamical processes-α-relaxation, local motions of the side-groups, and methyl group rotations-in poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMA) in the dry state and in mixtures (at 70 wt% polymer concentration) with tetrahydrofuran (THF) and water, to address the question as to how these polymer motions are affected by plasticizers interacting in different ways with the polymer. Differential scanning calorimetry, dielectric spectroscopy, and neutron scattering techniques on labeled samples (with deuterated solvents to isolate the signal of the polymer component) have been combined. The α-relaxation is drastically affected, with similar shifts of the glass-transition temperature for both solvents. Effects of compositional heterogeneities and reduction of the fragility are also observed. On the contrary, methyl-group dynamics are unaffected by the presence of solvent. Regarding side-group local motions (β-relaxation), two kinds of components-a slow and a fast one-could be identified in the dry state. On the basis of the spatial information provided by neutron scattering, a model for the geometry of the motions involved in the fast component has been proposed. Adding solvent, this process would remain essentially unaltered, but the population involved in the slower one would be reduced. With THF as solvent, this reduction would be complete, but with water it would be only partial. This could be attributed to rather heterogeneous distribution of water molecules in the polymer likely associated with the presence of water clusters. Such a scenario would also explain the much more pronounced broadening of the glass-transition region observed for the polymer in the aqueous mixture with respect to that induced by THF.Financial support from the Projects MAT2012-31088 (Spanish MINECO and EU) and IT-654-13 (Basque Government) is acknowledged. This work is based on experiments performed at FOCUS (SINQ, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland), and at TOFTOF and SPHERES (Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Garching, Germany), and has been supported by the European Commission under the seventh Framework Programme through the “Research Infrastructures” action of the “Capacities” Programme, NMI3-II Grant Number 283883.Peer Reviewe

    Radiative Cooling Properties of Portlandite and Tobermorite: Two Cementitious Minerals of Great Relevance in Concrete Science and Technology

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    Although concrete and cement-based materials are the most engineered materials employed by mankind, their potential for use in daytime radiative cooling applications has yet to be fully explored. Due to its complex structure, which is composed of multiple phases and textural details, fine-tuning of concrete is impossible without first analyzing its most important ingredients. Here, the radiative cooling properties of Portlandite (Ca(OH)2) and Tobermorite (Ca5Si6O16(OH)2·4H2O) are studied due to their crucial relevance in cement and concrete science and technology. Our findings demonstrate that, in contrast to concrete (which is a strong infrared emitter but a poor sun reflector), both Portlandite and Tobermorite exhibit good radiative cooling capabilities. These results provide solid evidence that, with the correct optimization of composition and porosity, concrete can be transformed into a material suitable for daytime radiative cooling

    Enhanced triacylglycerol catabolism by carboxylesterase 1 promotes aggressive colorectal carcinoma

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    The ability to adapt to low-nutrient microenvironments is essential for tumor cell survival and progression in solid cancers, such as colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Signaling by the NF-κB transcription factor pathway associates with advanced disease stages and shorter survival in patients with CRC. NF-κB has been shown to drive tumor-promoting inflammation, cancer cell survival, and intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) dedifferentiation in mouse models of CRC. However, whether NF-κB affects the metabolic adaptations that fuel aggressive disease in patients with CRC is unknown. Here, we identified carboxylesterase 1 (CES1) as an essential NF-κB–regulated lipase linking obesity-associated inflammation with fat metabolism and adaptation to energy stress in aggressive CRC. CES1 promoted CRC cell survival via cell-autonomous mechanisms that fuel fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and prevent the toxic build-up of triacylglycerols. We found that elevated CES1 expression correlated with worse outcomes in overweight patients with CRC. Accordingly, NF-κB drove CES1 expression in CRC consensus molecular subtype 4 (CMS4), which is associated with obesity, stemness, and inflammation. CES1 was also upregulated by gene amplifications of its transcriptional regulator HNF4A in CMS2 tumors, reinforcing its clinical relevance as a driver of CRC. This subtype-based distribution and unfavorable prognostic correlation distinguished CES1 from other intracellular triacylglycerol lipases and suggest CES1 could provide a route to treat aggressive CRC

    Elucidation of conduction mechanism in graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs)/cement composite using dielectric spectroscopy

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Energy in Construction and Building Materials.Understanding the mechanisms that govern the conductive properties of multifunctional cement-materials is fundamental for the development of the new applications proposed to enhance the energy efficiency, safety and structural properties of smart buildings and infrastructures. Many fillers have been suggested to increase the electrical conduction in concretes; however, the processes involved are still not entirely known. In the present work, we investigated the effect of graphene nanoplatelets (1 wt% on the electrical properties of cement composites (OPC/GNPs). We found a decrease of the bulk resistivity in the composite associated to the enhancement of the charge transport properties in the sample. Moreover, the study of the dielectric properties suggests that the main contribution to conduction is given by water diffusion through the porous network resulting in ion conductivity. Finally, the results support that the increase of direct current in OPC/GNPs is due to pore refinement induced by graphene nanoplatelets.This work is partially supported by the Gobierno Vasco-UPV/EHU project IT1246-19 and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities projects PCI2019-103657 and RTI2018-098554-B-I00. The project is co-funded by EUSKAMPUS FUNDAZIOA.Peer reviewe

    L'igiene orale nella tradizione africana

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    L'articolo illustra le pratiche di igiene dentale in usanza tradizionalmente presso i somali, in particolare l'utilizzo del 'rummay' (bastoncino ricavato da una pianta simile al sambuco)._-_Maqaalku wuxuu si fiican u iftiiminayaa sida soomaalidu dhaqan ahaan ay ugu dadaasho fayadhowrka ilkaha, gaar ahaan adeegsiga rummayga._-_The article illustrates the dental hygiene practices traditionally in use among the Somalis, especially the employment of 'rummay' (a stick from a tree similar to elder)