1,379 research outputs found

    SuperMALT: Physical and Chemical Properties of Massive and Dense Clumps

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    The SuperMALT survey is observing 76 MALT90 clumps at different evolutionary stages (from pre-stellar or quiescent to HII) in high excitation molecular lines and key isotopomers using the Apex 12m telescope with an angular resolution of \sim20" and a velocity resolution of \sim0.1 km/s. The aim of this survey is to determine the physical, chemical, and kinematical properties of the gas within clumps as they evolve. Here we report some preliminary results based on observations of the JJ=3-2 \& 4-3 lines of HNC, HCN, HCO+^+, N2_2H+^+ and of the JJ=3-2 line of the isotopologue H13^{13}CO+^+. We find that the morphologies and line profiles vary with the evolutionary stage of the clumps. The average line width increases from quiescent to HII clumps while line ratios show hint of chemical differences among the various evolutionary stages.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Astrochemistry VII: IAU Symposium No. 33

    A parsec-scale flow associated with the IRAS 16547-4247 radio jet

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    IRAS 16547-4247 is the most luminous (6.2 x 10^4 Lsun) embedded young stellar object known to harbor a thermal radio jet. We report the discovery using VLT-ISAAC of a chain of H_2 2.12 um emission knots that trace a collimated flow extending over 1.5 pc. The alignment of the H_2 flow and the central location of the radio jet implies that these phenomena are intimately linked. We have also detected using TIMMI2 an isolated, unresolved 12 um infrared source towards the radio jet . Our findings affirm that IRAS 16547-4247 is excited by a single O-type star that is driving a collimated jet. We argue that the accretion mechanism which produces jets in low-mass star formation also operates in the higher mass regime.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL, 10 pages, 2 figure

    APEX Millimeter Observations of Methanol Emission Toward High-Mass Star-Forming Cores

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    We present 247-GHz molecular line observations of methanol (CH3_3OH) toward sixteen massive star-forming regions, using the APEX telescope with an angular resolution of 2525''. The sample covers a range of evolutionary states, including warm molecular cores, hot molecular cores, and ultracompact HII regions. The hot cores, all of which include UC HII regions, show rich molecular line spectra, although the strength of different species and transitions varies from source to source. In contrast, the warm cores do not show significant molecular line emission. Multiple methanol transitions are detected toward nine of the hot cores; eight of these had enough transitions to use the rotation diagram method to estimate rotational temperatures and column densities. The temperatures lie in the range 104-168 K and column densities from 3×10163\times10^{16} to 7×10187\times10^{18} cm2^{-2}. Using the average methanol line parameters, we estimate virial masses, which fall in the range from 145 to 720 M_\odot and proved to be significantly higher than the measured gas masses. We discuss possible scenarios to explain the chemical differences between hot cores and warm molecular cores. One of the observed methanol lines, 4251A+4_{2}-5_{1}A^{+} at 247.228 GHz, is predicted to show class II maser emission, similar in intensity to previously reported J0J1EJ_0-J_{-1}E masers at 157 GHz. We did not find any clear evidence for maser emission among the observed sources; however, a weak maser in this line may exist in G345.01+1.79.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Physical characteristics of G331.5-0.1: The luminous central region of a Giant Molecular Cloud

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    We report molecular line and dust continuum observations toward the high-mass star forming region G331.5-0.1, one of the most luminous regions of massive star-formation in the Milky Way, located at the tangent region of the Norma spiral arm, at a distance of 7.5 kpc. Molecular emission was mapped toward the G331.5-0.1 GMC in the CO (J=1-0) and C18O (J=1-0) lines with NANTEN, while its central region was mapped in CS (J=2-1 and J=5-4) with SEST, and in CS (J=7-6) and 13CO (J=3-2) with ASTE. Continuum emission mapped at 1.2 mm with SIMBA and at 0.87 mm with LABOCA reveal the presence of six compact and luminous dust clumps, making this source one of the most densely populated central regions of a GMC in the Galaxy. The dust clumps are associated with molecular gas and they have the following average properties: size of 1.6 pc, mass of 3.2x10^3 Msun, molecular hydrogen density of 3.7x10^4 cm^{-3}, dust temperature of 32 K, and integrated luminosity of 5.7x10^5 Lsun, consistent with values found toward other massive star forming dust clumps. The CS and 13CO spectra show the presence of two velocity components: a high-velocity component at ~ -89 km s^{-1}, seen toward four of the clumps, and a low-velocity component at ~ -101 km s^{-1} seen toward the other two clumps. Radio continuum emission is present toward four of the molecular clumps, with spectral index estimated for two of them of 0.8+-0.2 and 1.2+-0.2. A high-velocity molecular outflow is found at the center of the brightest clump, with a line width of 26 km s^{-1} (FWHM) in CS (J=7-6). Observations of SiO (J=7-6 and J=8-7), and SO (J_K=8_8-7_7 and J_K=8_7-7_6) lines provide estimates of the gas rotational temperature toward this outflow >120 K and >75 K, respectively.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figures, 11 tables, Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Assessing molecular outflows and turbulence in the protostellar cluster Serpens South

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    Molecular outflows driven by protostellar cluster members likely impact their surroundings and contribute to turbulence, affecting subsequent star formation. The very young Serpens South cluster consists of a particularly high density and fraction of protostars, yielding a relevant case study for protostellar outflows and their impact on the cluster environment. We combined CO J=10J=1-0 observations of this region using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) and the Institut de Radioastronomie Millim\'{e}trique (IRAM) 30 m single dish telescope. The combined map allows us to probe CO outflows within the central, most active region at size scales of 0.01 pc to 0.8 pc. We account for effects of line opacity and excitation temperature variations by incorporating 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO data for the J=10J=1-0 and J=32J=3-2 transitions (using Atacama Pathfinder Experiment and Caltech Submillimeter Observatory observations for the higher CO transitions), and we calculate mass, momentum, and energy of the molecular outflows in this region. The outflow mass loss rate, force, and luminosity, compared with diagnostics of turbulence and gravity, suggest that outflows drive a sufficient amount of energy to sustain turbulence, but not enough energy to substantially counter the gravitational potential energy and disrupt the clump. Further, we compare Serpens South with the slightly more evolved cluster NGC 1333, and we propose an empirical scenario for outflow-cluster interaction at different evolutionary stages.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    G345.45+1.50: An expanding ring-like structure with massive star formation

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    Ring-like structures in the ISM are commonly associated with high-mass stars. Kinematic studies of large structures in GMCs toward these ring-like structures may help us to understand how massive stars form. The origin and properties of the ring-like structure G345.45+1.50 is investigated through observations of the 13CO(3-2) line. The aim of the observations is to determine the kinematics in the region and to compare physical characteristics estimated from gas emission with those previously determined using dust continuum emission. The 13CO(3-2) line was mapped toward the whole ring using the APEX telescope. The ring is found to be expanding with a velocity of 1.0 km/s, containing a total mass of 6.9e3 Msun, which agrees well with that determined using 1.2 mm dust continuum emission. An expansion timescale of 3e6 yr and a total energy of 7e46 erg are estimated. The origin of the ring might have been a supernova explosion, since a 35.5 cm source, J165920-400424, is located at the center of the ring without an infrared counterpart. The ring is fragmented, and 104 clumps were identified with diameters of between 0.3 and 1.6 pc, masses of between 2.3 and 7.5e2 Msun, and densities of between 1.0e2 and 1.0e4 cm^-3. At least 18% of the clumps are forming stars, as is shown in infrared images. Assuming that the clumps can be modeled as Bonnor-Ebert spheres, 13 clumps are collapsing, and the rest of them are in hydrostatic equilibrium with an external pressure with a median value of 4e4 K cm^-3. In the region, the molecular outflow IRAS 16562-3959 is identified, with a velocity range of 38.4 km/s, total mass of 13 Msun, and kinematic energy of 7e45 erg. Finally, five filamentary structures were found at the edge of the ring with an average size of 3 pc, a width of 0.6 pc, a mass of 2e2 Msun, and a column density of 6e21 cm^-2

    Gregory Bateson: un pensamiento (complejo) para pensar la complejidad. Un intento de lectura/escritura terapéutica

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    El artículo nos ofrece una mirada al hombre y a su vasto espectro del pensamiento, asumiendo la dificultad de intentar ‘atrapar’ el núcleo duro del proyecto bensoniano. Bateson es un personaje que transrecorrió disciplinas -comunicación, etnología y antropología, psiquiatría/psicología, genética, filosofía, biología, zoología, etología y etiología, cibernética- instalándose en lo que él llama la historia natural de las ideas o ecología de la mente. El presente artículo expone un apronte a este vasto pensamiento Batesoniano, y en particular su epistemología para el cambio cultural.L’article nous offre un regard sur l’homme et sur l’amplitude de sa pensée, assumant toute la difficulté qui consiste à tenter de “capter” le noyau dure du projet bensonien. Bateson est un personnage qui a traversé les disciplines – communication, ethnologie et anthropologie, psychiatrie/psychologie, génétique, philosophie, biologie, zoologie, éthologie et étiologie, cybernétique – en se plaçant dans ce que lui-même nomme l’histoire naturelle des idées ou écologie de l’esprit. Cet article expose une approche de cette vaste pensée Batesonienne et plus  particulièrement son épistémologie pour le changement culturel.The article offers a glance at man and his vast range of thought, assuming the difficulty of trying to 'catch' the core of the project bensoniano. Bateson is a character that transtravelled disciplines -communication, ethnology and anthropology, psychiatry/psychology, genetics, philosophy, biology, zoology, ethology and etiology, cybernetics- settling in what he calls the natural history of ideas, or ecology of the mind. This paper presents a approach to this vast Batesonian thought, and particularly his epistemology for cultural change

    Teletrabajo y carga laboral de los servidores públicos en un gobierno autónomo descentralizado en Ecuador, 2022

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    El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el teletrabajo y carga laboral de los servidores públicos en un Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado en Ecuador, 2022; siendo una investigación por su finalidad básica, correlacional de naturaleza cuantitativa con diseño no experimental, en una muestra no probabilística de 51 servidores públicos, utilizando la técnica para recopilar información como la encuesta basado en dos cuestionarios para ambas variables de estudio. En los resultados se halló relación significativa entre teletrabajo y carga laboral de los servidores públicos en un Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado en Ecuador, 2022; cuyo coeficiente de correlación de R de Pearson fue ,715** (p=,012 <0.05). Asimismo, también se halló relación significativa entre el teletrabajo y las dimensiones de carga laboral; horas laboradas R de Pearson= ,654** (p=0.005 <0.01); producto entregado R de Pearson= ,799** (p=0.004 <0.01), cansancio físico R de Pearson= ,433** (p=,000) y cansancio mental R de Pearson= ,596** (p=,000) de los servidores públicos en un Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado en Ecuador, 202

    High Angular Resolution Observations of the Collimated Jet Source Associated with a Massive Protostar in IRAS 16547-4247

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    A triple radio source recently detected in association with the luminous infrared source IRAS 16547-4247 has been studied with high angular resolution and high sensitivity with the Very Large Array at 3.6 and 2 cm. Our observations confirm the interpretation that the central object is a thermal radio jet, while the two outer lobes are most probably heavily obscured HH objects. The thermal radio jet is resolved angularly for the first time and found to align closely with the outer lobes. The opening angle of the thermal jet is estimated to be 25\sim 25^\circ, confirming that collimated outflows can also be present in massive protostars. The proper motions of the outer lobes should be measurable over timescales of a few years. Several fainter sources detected in the region are most probably associated with other stars in a young cluster.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure