2,873 research outputs found

    Changes in T cell effector functions over an 8-year period with TNF antagonists in patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases

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    The aim of the study was to clarify the effect of long-term anti-TNF therapy on T cell function in patients with rheumatologic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID). The production of IFNÎł by T cells was evaluated at baseline and after 1, 2, 4, and 8 years of anti-TNF agents by means of a QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube assay. The T cell proliferation and surface co-expression of CD25/CD134 in response to phytohaemagglutinin together with the in vitro impact of anti-TNF therapy on the functional capacity of T cells were evaluated after 8 years from the onset of the biological treatment. Age-matched healthy donors were enrolled as controls. The quantitative mitogen-induced IFNÎł responses significantly increased with respect to baseline at each time point, apart from the determination after 4 years. We found an increased expression of CD25/CD134 in CD4+compared to CD8+T cells both in patients and controls. The in vitro addition of anti-TNF agents induced a significant decrease of both the IFNÎł response and of CD25/CD134, whereas no effect on the intensity of the proliferative response was observed. Our data provide a biological basis for the reassuring issues on the safety of long-term anti-TNF treatment in patients with IMID

    Hypovitaminosis D in recent onset rheumatoid arthritis is predictive of reduced response to treatment and increased disease activity: a 12 month follow-up study.

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    BACKGROUND: Vitamin D displays immunomodulatory activities and has been proposed as a potential player in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A negative association between serum 25(OH) vitamin D levels and RA activity was demonstrated but longitudinal studies investigating the role of vitamin D levels in predicting RA activity and response to treatment are lacking. Therefore, this study was designed to test the hypothesis of an association between serum 25(OH) vitamin D levels at RA diagnosis and disease activity evaluated by clinimetric, laboratory and ultrasound (US) parameters and to detect the prevalence of remission and response to treatment after 12 months follow-up. METHODS: This is a longitudinal, retrospective study on data obtained from thirty-seven patients with early RA treatment-naïve. Serum inflammatory markers, auto-antibodies and 25(OH) vitamin D levels were obtained at baseline. Hypovitaminosis D was diagnosed for 25(OH) vitamin D levels < 20 ng/ml. Tender joint count (TJCs), swollen joint count (SJCs), Visual Analog Scales (VAS), Disease Activity Score (DAS) 28 score were assessed at baseline and 12 months after diagnosis. Joints synovitis and power-Doppler were evaluated at baseline and 12 months later. RESULTS: At baseline mean 25(OH) vitamin D levels were 24.4 ± 11.9 ng/ml; 35% of study subjects had hypovitaminosis D which strongly associated with higher RA activity and lower prevalence of remission and response to treatment (all p-values < 0.001). The percentage of patients not presenting a reduction of the US synovitis score after 12 months from diagnosis was significantly higher among patients with hypovitaminosis D than in those with normal serum 25(OH) vitamin D at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with early RA and basal hypovitaminosis D after 12 months follow-up reduction of disease activity and percentage of remission and response to treatment were significantly lower than those observed in patients with normal vitamin D levels. These results provide further support to the immunomodulatory action of vitamin D in RA and suggest a role of basal vitamin D status in the prediction of disease evolution. Vitamin D measurement and possibly vitamin D supplementation should be considered an additional option in the management of early RA patients

    Isoprene Emission Influences the Proteomic Profile of Arabidopsis Plants under Well-Watered and Drought-Stress Conditions

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    Isoprene is a small lipophilic molecule synthesized in plastids and abundantly released into the atmosphere. Isoprene\u2010emitting plants are better protected against abiotic stresses, but the mechanism of action of isoprene is still under debate. In this study, we compared the physiological responses and proteomic profiles of Arabidopsis which express the isoprene synthase (ISPS) gene and emit isoprene with those of non\u2010emitting plants under both drought\u2010stress (DS) and well\u2010watered (WW) conditions. We aimed to investigate whether isoprene\u2010emitting plants displayed a different proteomic profile that is consistent with the metabolic changes already reported. Only ISPS DS plants were able to maintain the same photosynthesis and fresh weight of WW plants. LC\u2013 MS/MS\u2010based proteomic analysis revealed changes in protein abundance that were dependent on the capacity for emitting isoprene in addition to those caused by the DS. The majority of the proteins changed in response to the interaction between DS and isoprene emission. These include proteins that are associated with the activation of secondary metabolisms leading to ABA, trehalose, and proline accumulations. Overall, our proteomic data suggest that isoprene exerts its protective mechanism at different levels: under drought stress, isoprene affects the abundance of chloroplast proteins, confirming a strong direct or indirect antioxidant action and also modulates signaling and hormone pathways, especially those controlling ABA synthesis. Unexpectedly, isoprene also alters membrane trafficking

    Frequent detection of high human papillomavirus DNA loads in oral potentially malignant disorders

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is estimated to be the cause of 40-80% of the squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx but only of a small fraction of the oral cavity cancers. The prevalence of oral HPV infection has significantly increased in the last decade, raising concerns about the HPV role in progression of oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) toward squamous cell carcinomas. We sought to study HPV infection in patients with oral lesions, and in control individuals, using non-invasive and site-specific oral brushing and sensitive molecular methods. HPV DNA positivity and viral loads were evaluated in relation to patient data and clinical diagnosis. We enrolled 116 individuals attending Dental Clinics: 62 patients with benign oral lesions (e.g. fibromas, papillomatosis, ulcers) or OPMD (e.g. lichen, leukoplakia) and 54 controls. Oral cells were collected with Cytobrush and HPV-DNA detected with quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) for the more common high-risk (HR) and low-risk (LR) genotypes. HPV detection rate, percentage of HR HPVs and HPV-DNA loads (namely HPV16 and in particular, HPV18) were significantly higher in patients than in controls. Lichen planus cases had the highest HPV positive rate (75.0%), hairy leukoplakia the lowest (33.3%). This study detected unexpectedly high rates of HPV infection in cells of the oral mucosa. The elevated HR HPV loads found in OPMD suggest the effectiveness of qPCR in testing oral lesions. Prospective studies are needed to establish whether elevated viral loads represent a clinically useful marker of the risk of malignant progression

    Renal involvement in Waldenström's macroglobulinemia: case report and review of literature

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    Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (WM) is a rare lymphoid neoplasia, accounting for 2% of all hematological malignancies. Renal complications occur rather rarely compared to multiple myeloma. The most common renal manifestations are mild proteinuria and microhematuria. We describe a case of MW presenting with acute renal failure and NS. A 67-year-old man was referred to our hospital for sudden onset nephrotic syndrome. Electrophoresis revealed a monoclonal component in the gamma region, which was classified as an IgM k. During hospitalization, acute kidney injury developed, with creatinine up to 5 mg/dL, despite adequate hydration and alkalinization. A kidney biopsy was performed, showing minimal change disease (MCD) with interstitial and capsular lymphoid infiltrates of B-Lymphocytes CD20+. B-lymphocytes infiltration suggested the possibility of renal localization of lymphoproliferative disorder. So, bone marrow histology was performed, revealing lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (WM). The patient was treated with bortezomib, desamethasone, and rituximab, with partial recovery of renal function (creatinine 1.5 mg/dL) and complete remission of proteinuria after 8-month follow-up. The remission of NS in our patient with rituximab seems to emphasize the pathogenetic role of B cells in MCD, although a coincident effect of immunosuppression on both the underlying renal disease and the hematologic disease cannot be excluded

    Effects of Polyphenols on Oxidative Stress-Mediated Injury in Cardiomyocytes

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of mortality and morbidity in the world. Hypertension, ischemia/reperfusion, diabetes and anti-cancer drugs contribute to heart failure through oxidative and nitrosative stresses which cause cardiomyocytes nuclear and mitochondrial DNA damage, denaturation of intracellular proteins, lipid peroxidation and inflammation. Oxidative or nitrosative stress-mediated injury lead to cardiomyocytes apoptosis or necrosis. The reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen species (RNS) concentration is dependent on their production and on the expression and activity of anti-oxidant enzymes. Polyphenols are a large group of natural compounds ubiquitously expressed in plants, and epidemiological studies have shown associations between a diet rich in polyphenols and the prevention of various ROS-mediated human diseases. Polyphenols reduce cardiomyocytes damage, necrosis, apoptosis, infarct size and improve cardiac function by decreasing oxidative stress-induced production of ROS or RNS. These effects are achieved by the ability of polyphenols to modulate the expression and activity of anti-oxidant enzymes and several signaling pathways involved in cells survival. This report reviews current knowledge on the potential anti-oxidative effects of polyphenols to control the cardiotoxicity induced by ROS and RNS stress

    Stable interaction between α5β1 integrin and Tie2 tyrosine kinase receptor regulates endothelial cell response to Ang-1

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    During angiogenic remodeling, Ang-1, the ligand of Tie2 tyrosine kinase, is involved in vessel sprouting and stabilization through unclear effects on nascent capillaries and mural cells. In our study, we hypothesized that the Ang-1/Tie2 system could cross-talk with integrins, and be influenced by the dynamic interactions between extracellular matrix and endothelial cells (ECs). Here, we show that α5β1 specifically sensitizes and modulates Tie2 receptor activation and signaling, allowing EC survival at low concentrations of Ang-1 and inducing persistent EC motility. Tie2 and α5β1 interact constitutively; α5β1 binding to fibronectin increases this association, whereas Ang-1 stimulation recruits p85 and FAK to this complex. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Ang-1 is able to mediate selectively α5β1 outside-in FAK phosphorylation. Thus, Ang-1 triggers signaling pathways through Tie2 and α5β1 receptors that could cross-talk when Tie2/α5β1 interaction occurs in ECs plated on fibronectin. By using blocking antibodies, we consistently found that α5β1, but not αvβ3 activation, is essential to Ang-1–dependent angiogenesis in vivo

    High gas prices in Europe : a matter for policy intervention?

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    The dramatic surge in electricity and gas prices recently experienced across Europe was due to a combination of factors. These include a decline in gas supply to Europe, meeting rising post-pandemic demand (especially in Asia) and supply shocks around the globe. In October 2021, the TTF spot price signalled a +216% increase with respect to July levels, while forward contract prices experienced a relatively lower – but still dramatic – increase (+155% with respect to July levels for Calendar 2022 contracts). European gas storages can normally provide the necessary flexibility and contribute to hedging price spikes. However, in the course of 2021 hesitation to fill storages through the summer period led to particularly low storage levels (-22% on 30/9/2021 compared to 30/9/2020, and -15% with respect to the average in the last 10 years). The surge in natural gas prices has important redistributive effects, both within Europe and between European and non-European suppliers. The consequences of this sudden surge have triggered reflections on the need for a revision of European natural gas policies aimed at increasing security of supply and, more generally, reducing European gas procurement costs.[1] Various measures are currently being discussed to achieve these objectives, ranging from establishing a centralised gas procurement mechanism to coordinating storage facility usage across Europe. A recent communication from the European Commission[2] envisages a number of possible measures, including a voluntary joint gas procurement mechanism and coordinated usage of storage facilities. In this policy brief we analyse these measures and assess their likely implications for the European gas market. The paper is organised as follows. In section 1 we review the structure of the wholesale European gas market and explain its price setting mechanism. In section 2 we discuss policies based on centralisation of gas procurement in Europe. In section 3 we discuss potential improvements to the current security of supply regulation in the natural gas sector. Section 4 summarises the policy implications of our analysis
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