15,738 research outputs found

    Fast Authentication in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    The growing diffusion of wireless devices is leading to an increasing demand for mobility and security. At the same time, most applications can only tolerate short breaks in the data flow, so that it is a challenge to find out mobility and authentication methods able to cope with these constraints. This paper aims to propose an authentication scheme which significantly shortens the authentication latency and that can be deployed in a variety of wireless environments ranging from common Wireless LANs (WLANs) to satellite-based access networks

    From China with love: Effects of the Chinese economy on skill-biased technical change in the US

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    In this study, we analyze the effects of labor shortage in China on the direction of innovation in the US by incorporating production offshoring into a North-South model of directed technical change. We �find that if offshoring is present (absent) in equilibrium, then a decrease (an increase) in unskilled labor in the South would lead to skill-biased technical change in the North. This fi�nding highlights the different implications of offshoring and conventional trade on innovation. Furthermore, we �find that an increase in the Southern stock of capital reduces offshoring and also leads to skill-biased technical change. Therefore, rapid capital accumulation and labor shortage in China could lead to a rising skill premium in the US. Calibrating the model to China-US data, we �find that a 1% decrease in unskilled labor (1% increase in capital) in China leads to a 0.8% (0.6%) increase in the skill premium in the US under a moderate elasticity of substitution between skill-intensive and labor-intensive goods

    Is Traditional Teaching really all that Bad? A Within-Student Between-Subject Approach

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    Recent studies conclude that teachers are important for student learning but it remains uncertain what actually determines effective teaching. This study directly peers into the black box of educational production by investigating the relationship between lecture style teaching and student achievement. Based on matched student-teacher data for the US, the estimation strategy exploits between-subject variation to control for unobserved student traits. Results indicate that traditional lecture style teaching is associated with significantly higher student achievement. No support for detrimental effects of lecture style teaching can be found even when evaluating possible selection biases due to unobservable teacher characteristics.teaching practices, educational production, TIMSS, between-subject variation

    Statistical Analysis of Native Contact Formation in the Folding of Designed Model Proteins

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    The time evolution of the formation probability of native bonds has been studied for designed sequences which fold fast into the native conformation. From this analysis a clear hierarchy of bonds emerge a) local, fast forming highly stable native bonds built by some of the most strongly interacting amino acids of the protein, b) non-local bonds formed late in the folding process, in coincidence with the folding nucleus, and involving essentially the same strongly interacting amino acids already participating in the fast bonds, c) the rest of the native bonds whose behaviour is subordinated, to a large extent, to that of the local- and non-local native contacts

    Low-Latency Short-Packet Transmissions: Fixed Length or HARQ?

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    We study short-packet communications, subject to latency and reliability constraints, under the premises of limited frequency diversity and no time diversity. The question addressed is whether, and when, hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) outperforms fixed-blocklength schemes with no feedback (FBL-NF) in such a setting. We derive an achievability bound for HARQ, under the assumption of a limited number of transmissions. The bound relies on pilot-assisted transmission to estimate the fading channel and scaled nearest-neighbor decoding at the receiver. We compare our achievability bound for HARQ to stateof-the-art achievability bounds for FBL-NF communications and show that for a given latency, reliability, number of information bits, and number of diversity branches, HARQ may significantly outperform FBL-NF. For example, for an average latency of 1 ms, a target error probability of 10^-3, 30 information bits, and 3 diversity branches, the gain in energy per bit is about 4 dB.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted to GLOBECOM 201

    How do neural networks see depth in single images?

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    Deep neural networks have lead to a breakthrough in depth estimation from single images. Recent work often focuses on the accuracy of the depth map, where an evaluation on a publicly available test set such as the KITTI vision benchmark is often the main result of the article. While such an evaluation shows how well neural networks can estimate depth, it does not show how they do this. To the best of our knowledge, no work currently exists that analyzes what these networks have learned. In this work we take the MonoDepth network by Godard et al. and investigate what visual cues it exploits for depth estimation. We find that the network ignores the apparent size of known obstacles in favor of their vertical position in the image. Using the vertical position requires the camera pose to be known; however we find that MonoDepth only partially corrects for changes in camera pitch and roll and that these influence the estimated depth towards obstacles. We further show that MonoDepth's use of the vertical image position allows it to estimate the distance towards arbitrary obstacles, even those not appearing in the training set, but that it requires a strong edge at the ground contact point of the object to do so. In future work we will investigate whether these observations also apply to other neural networks for monocular depth estimation.Comment: Submitte
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