79 research outputs found

    Self-organisation and psychotherapy

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    Neste artigo, resultado de uma pesquisa de tipo qualitativo, hermenêutico e documental, procuramos mostrar como as Ciências Cognitivas, desde a sua constituição, têm contribuído para a compreensão do ser humano. Fazemos referência às visões mais racionalistas da mente, que a entendem semelhante a um sistema computacional, até à visão menos (não) racionalista que lhe confere valor cognitivo, envolta em emoções e afetos, que numa visão mais construtivista – ou pós-racionalista – se diria que traduz significados, traduz uma vivência ou uma história narrativa (e) pessoal. Assim, apresentamos o modelo de terapia cognitiva pós-racionalista de Vittorio Guidano, refletindo sobre os fundamentos epistemológicos do Movimento da Auto-organização (MAO), nos quais ele se fundamenta. Descrevemos sumariamente os alicerces epistemológicos do MAO, os quais garantem a este modelo uma dimensão holista e explicativa do processo de construção da identidade humana, que pode ser descrita como processo de conhecimento, capaz de vivenciar e ao mesmo tempo perceber e avaliar a sua própria experiência (autoconsciência). O ser humano age na intersubjetividade, num mundo pluralista, com os seus congéneres, partilhando experiências e interpretando ações (complexificando-se através desses acoplamentos). Pretendemos, também, ilustrar que a matriz de funcionamento interno de cada ser humano, a qual lhe permite ordenar essa múltipla e facetada realidade, assim como formar/construir/ordenar significados pessoais, é o vínculo emotivo-afetivo.In this paper, which is the result of a qualitative, hermeneutical and documental research, we intend to show how the Cognitive Sciences, since their beginning, have contributed to the understanding of human beings. We refer to the rationalistic understanding of the mind (the mind is like a computer system), and also to the non-rationalistic understanding, which attributes to the mind a cognitive value, immersed in emotions and affections. In addition, according to a constructivist or post-rationalistic understanding, the mind translates meanings, an experience or a personal narrative story. Thus, we present the model of post-rationalistic cognitive therapy of Vittorio Guidano, reflecting on the epistemological foundations of the Self-Organization Movement, on which it is based. We describe briefly the epistemological principles of the Self-Organization Movement, which give to this model a holistic and explanatory dimension of the process of construction of human identity. This identity can be described as the human beings’ process of self-knowledge, as we are capable of experiencing and at the same time perceiving and evaluating, our own experiences (self-consciousness). The human being acts on intersubjectivity, in a pluralistic world with his peers, sharing experiences and interpreting actions. We also want to illustrate that the matrix of inner functioning of every human being, which allows us to sort this multi-faceted reality in a single personal order, is the emotional bond.(undefined

    Feeling good about being hungry: food-related thoughts in eating disorder

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    Objectives: This study explores the relationships to food and hunger in women living with anorexic type eating difficulties and asks how imagery-based elaborations of food and eating thoughts are involved in their eating restraint, and recovery. Design: The qualitative idiographic approach of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used. Four in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with women self-selected as having experienced anorexia or anorexic like behaviour. Methods: The data was analysed using IPA and an audit of the analysis was conducted to ensure that the process followed had been systematic and rigorous and appropriately considered reflexivity. Results: Hunger was perceived positively by participants as confirmation that they were achieving their goal of losing weight, or avoiding weight gain. Hunger conferred a sense of being in control for the participants. Intrusive thoughts about food were reported as being quickly followed by elaborative mental imagery of the positive aspects of weight loss, and the negative consequences of eating. Imagery appeared to serve to maintain anorexic behaviours rather than to motivate food seeking. However, negative imagery of the consequences of anorexia were also described as supporting recovery. Conclusions: The finding that physiological sensations of hunger were experienced as positive confirmation of maintaining control has potentially important clinical and theoretical implications. It suggests further attention needs to be focused upon how changes in cognitive elaboration, involving mental imagery, are components of the psychological changes in the development of, maintenance of, and recovery from, anorexia

    Cognitive group therapy for depressive students: The case study

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    The aims of this study were to assess whether a course of cognitive group therapy could help depressed students and to assess whether assimilation analysis offers a useful way of analysing students' progress through therapy. “Johanna” was a patient in a group that was designed for depressive students who had difficulties with their studies. The assimilation of Johanna's problematic experience progressed as the meetings continued from level one (unpleasant thoughts) to level six (solving the problem). Johanna's problematic experience manifested itself as severe and excessive criticism towards herself and her study performance. As the group meetings progressed, Johanna found a new kind of tolerance that increased her determination and assertiveness regarding the studies. The dialogical structure of Johanna's problematic experience changed: she found hope and she was more assertive after the process. The results indicated that this kind of psycho-educational group therapy was an effective method for treating depression. The assimilation analysis offered a useful way of analysing the therapy process

    Estudo da psico-manutenção da Asma: as cognições como preditoras de emoções e comportamentos problemáticos associados à Asma

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    Numa amostra de 50 doentes asmáticos hospitalizados ou em regime de consulta externa, investigou-se a associação entre as cognições disfuncionais associadas à Asma e outras variáveis psicológicas (emoções e comportamentos) tradicionalmente estudadas no âmbito dos modelos cognitivo-comportamentais, através de instrumentos de medida dessas variáveis específicos para a doença asmática. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que as cognições disfuncionais associadas à Asma são preditoras de comportamentos/emoções problemáticos que ocorrem antes, durante e depois das crises asmáticas. Sugerem-nos ainda que as cognições disfuncionais são preditoras de maiores níveis de sintomatologia “pânico/medo” e de atitudes negativas face à doença asmática e ao seu tratamento


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    Psicoterapia de Vittorio Guidano y sus influencias epistemológicas

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    Este artigo encontra-se estruturado basicamente em três partes. Na primeira, contextualizamos as concepções de Vittorio Guidano face às correntes psicoterapêuticas do século XX, nomeadamente quanto ao comportamentalismo, ao cognitivismo e ao construtivismo. Fazemos notar que as várias tendências da psicoterapia dessa época se autorrotulavam a partir de conceitos advindos de outras áreas, sem terem o cuidado de indagar sobre os fundamentos epistemológicos nos quais elas se alicerçavam. Num segundo momento detemo-nos no embasamento epistemológico de sua teoria e metodologia psicoterapêuticas, focalizando-nos no papel que o cognitivismo cibernético teve no seu pensamento (nomeadamente, quanto à questão da observação), bem como na teoria biológica da autopoiesis, na qual nosso autor explicitamente se inspirou. Por fim, nos debruçamos com algum pormenor sobre o seu modelo sobre o conhecimento e experiência humana, que se traduz numa nova teoria da personalidade (organização pessoal, noção de si mesmo) e um novo sistema psicoterapêutico que enfatiza o papel do vínculo afetivo como modelador da identidade pessoal.This article is structured in three parts. At first, we contextualize the concepts of Vittorio Guidano in relation to psychotherapeutic currents of the twentieth century, particularly regarding behaviorism, cognitivism constructivism and others. We note that the various trends of psychotherapy labeled themselves according to concepts coming from other areas of study, without regard to their epistemological origins. Secondly we reflect on the epistemological foundation of Guidano’s theory and psychotherapeutic methodology, focusing on the role that cyber cognitivism had in his thinking (namely, the question of observation, and self-observation), as well as the biological theory of autopoiesis, in which our author explicitly inspired himself. Finally, we center our attention on his model of knowledge and human experience that translates into a new theory of personality (regarding personal organization, as well as the notion of the self) and into a new system, that emphasizes the psychotherapeutic role of bonding in shaping personal identity.Este artículo se estructura básicamente en tres partes. Al principio, contextualizamos los conceptos de Vittorio Guidano con respecto a las corrientes psicoterapéuticas del siglo XX, sobre todo en relación con el comportalismo, el cognitivismo y el constructivismo. Tomamos nota de que las diversas tendencias de la psicoterapia en ese momento si se llamaban a sí mismos nombres provenientes de conceptos otras áreas, sin la precaución de preguntar acerca de las bases epistemológicas sobre la que se fundaban. En segundo lugar estamos reflejando el fundamento epistemológico de su teoría y metodología psicoterapéutica, centradas en el papel que el cognitivismo cibernético tenía en su mente (es decir, la cuestión de la observación), así como en la teoría biológica de la autopoiesis, en ella que nuestro autor se ha inspirado explícitamente Finalmente, nos detenemos en algunos detalles sobre su modelo en el conocimiento y la experiencia humana, que se traduce en una nueva teoría de la personalidad (organización personal, la noción del yo) y un nuevo sistema que destaca en psicoterapia el papel de la vinculación en la unión y en la formación de la identidad personal.(undefined