166 research outputs found

    Colour in urban places: A case study of Leicester City Football Club blue

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    By communicating an integrated story, the Leicester City Football Club blue inherits and persists the history and legacy of the football club, which further provides a stable and consistent meaning for the local sports culture. Colour as a medium and agency creates an intimacy and loyalty between the different ethnic and social groups across local, regional, and global contexts. The case study demonstrated that colour could give place identity through branding practice, identity mediation, and visual culture formation. The process reflected that economic and cultural force had a large impact on place‐making, and could be the decisive influence upon colour symbolism

    Framing referendum campaigns: the 2014 Scottish independence referendum in the press

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    This article explores the framing of referendum campaigns in the press and its relationship to the framing of elections. Drawing from an empirical analysis of the newspaper coverage of the 2014 Scottish referendum and from previous research on campaigns in different contexts, it finds that frames associated with elections, like the strategic game and policy frames, were also dominant in the framing of the referendum. It argues that by framing the independence debate in similar terms to other electoral contests, the press promoted an understanding of this event as being about pragmatic decision-making on policy and political competition, rather than purely a decision about constitutional matters of self-determination

    Legal origin and social solidarity: the continued relevance of Durkheim to comparative institutional analysis

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    By using the classic works of Durkheim as a theoretical platform, this research explores the relationship between legal systems and social solidarity. We found that certain types of civil law system, most notably those of Scandinavia, are associated with higher levels of social capital and better welfare state provision. However, we found the relationship between legal system and societal outcomes is considerably more complex than suggested by currently fashionable economistic legal origin approaches, and more in line with the later writings of Durkheim, and, indeed, the literature on comparative capitalisms. Relative communitarianism was strongly affected by relative development, reflecting the complex relationship between institutions, state capabilities and informal social ties and networks

    LGBT ‘Communities’ and the (Self-)regulation and Shaping of Intimacy

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    This article draws on UK research with over 600 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans (LGBT+) people, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (grant AH/J011894/1), which explored understandings and experiences of LGBT ‘community’. I examine the ways in which intimacy is regulated and shaped by and within social interaction, which was apparent in three main ways. First, the research identified how for some people the very concept of ‘LGBT community’ was linked to intimacy. Second, there was strong evidence to suggest that some LGBT+ people self-regulate their practices of intimacy (such as holding hands or kissing in public) so as not to be recognised as enacting a same-gender relationship. This was understood as a form of self-protection or hate crime prevention, though degrees of habit and professed concern for other people’s feelings were also contributing factors. Third, experiences of intimate relations were shaped by intersectional dynamics, particularly relating to various forms of discrimination, including ageism, biphobia, classism, (dis)ableism, racism, and transphobia from and among LGBT+ people. Whilst LGBT ‘communities’ were thought to enable opportunities to seek sexual and/or intimate encounters, this is not without its complexities. Although there have been improvements in relation to legislation and wider social attitudes, there is, for some, persistent apprehension and self-regulation which, whether necessary or not, are significant. LGBT+ people’s experiences thus suggest that intimacy can be shaped by multiple inequalities both within and without LGBT ‘communities’

    Catalonia rescaling Spain : is it feasible to accommodate its "stateless citizenship"?

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    The Spanish nation-state is gradually being rescaled by Catalonia's “secession crisis.” Recently and dramatically, in the aftermath of the “illegal” and “constitutive referendum” that took place on 1 October 2017, 2,286,217 Catalan citizens attempted to exercise the “right to decide” to ultimately become “stateless citizens.” This paper examines this rescaling process that has been forming in Barcelona since 10 July 2010 when 1 million Catalan citizens marched to claim their “right to decide” on secession. This paper concludes that, at present, it is not feasible for the Spanish nation-state to accommodate Catalonia's “stateless citizenship.”

    Guia d'intervenció grupal psicoeducativa en atenció primària

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    Atenció primària de salut; Formació psicoeducativa; Activitat grupal psicoeducativaPrimary health care; Psychoeducational training; Psychoeducational group activityAtención primaria de salud; Formación psicoeducativa; Actividad grupal psicoeducativaL'objectiu principal d´aquest document és actualitzar les guies de referència per dur a terme intervencions psicoeducatives grupals, i proporcionar una guia pels professionals sanitaris d'atenció primària.The main objective of this document is to update the reference guides to carry out group psychoeducational interventions, and to provide a guide for primary care health professionals.El objetivo principal de este documento es actualizar las guías de referencia para llevar a cabo intervenciones psicoeducativas grupales, y proporcionar una guía para los profesionales sanitarios de atención primaria.:e

    Nationalism, party political discourse and Scottish independence: comparing discursive visions of Scotland’s constitutional status

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    This article critically examines the predominant narratives which emanated from party political discourse in relation to the 2014 Scottish independence referendum. Utilising a methodological approach centring on political discourse analysis (Fairclough and Fairclough 2012), this paper analyses party manifestos and constitutional policy documents produced by the three largest political parties represented in the Scottish Parliament, namely the pro-independence Scottish National Party and two pro-union parties, Scottish Labour and the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. The emergent discourse of each party is interrogated by drawing upon pertinent theoretical concepts from previous academic analyses of Scottish nationalism, with particular attention given to those which have deployed modernist and ethnosymbolist theoretical approaches when analysing the Scottish context. This facilitates a critical reflection on the contrasting and nuanced narratives of the Scottish nation’s past and future espoused by each political party vis-à-vis modernist and ethnosymbolist theory, illustrating the ways in which contrasting theorisations of nationalism are empirically tangible within political discourse, and are thus not simply theoretical abstractions