23 research outputs found

    Diversity of Agaricales (Basidiomycota) in the Reserva Biológica Walter Egler, Amazonas, Brazil

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    A study of the order Agaricales Clements (Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycotina), occurring in the Reserva Biológica Walter Egler was carried out from December 2000 to June 2001. The area of study is situated at Road AM-010, Manaus-Itacoatiara, km 64, Latitude 02° 43' S and Longitude 59° 47' W, Rio Preto da Eva, in the State of Amazonas, with a total area of 709 ha of terra firme rain forest. The fungi collected were identified based on traditional methodology for identification of Agaricales. A total of 39 species were studied, distributed in 13 genera and six families: Polyporaceae: Pleurotus sp.; Hygrophoraceae: Hygrocybe cf. megistospora, Hygrocybe aff. miniceps, Hygrocybe occidentalis var. scarletina and eight indeterminate species of Hygrocybe; Tricholomataceae: Clitocybe sp., Hydropus sp.1 and Hydropus sp.2, Macrocystidia sp., Marasmiellus sp., Marasmius bellus, Marasmius haedinus var. haedinus, Marasmius cf. leoninus, Marasmius cf. mazatecus, Marasmius cf. ruber, Marasmius cf. setulosifolius, Marasmius tageticolor, Marasmius cf. variabiliceps var. variabiliceps, Marasmius sp.1, Marasmius sp.2, Marasmius sp.3 and Marasmius sp.4, Tricholoma sp.; Agaricaceae: Agaricus sp.1 and Agaricus sp.2, Lepiota sp., Cystoderma sp.; Entolomataceae: Entoloma cf. azureoviride, Entoloma cf. cystidiophorum, Entoloma strigosissima, Entoloma sp.; Russulaceae: Lactarius panuoides. Entoloma azureoviride, Hygrocybe miniceps, Lactarius panuoides, Marasmius cf. mazatecus, Marasmius cf. setulosifolius and Marasmius variabiliceps var. variabiliceps, apparently are here cited for the first time from Brazil. With exception of Marasmius tageticolor, all species are cited here for the first time as occurring in Egler Forest. The tables with the species occurrence, in accordance with the topographical gradient (sand bank, incline, plateau) and its respective habitat, are supplied.", 'enFoi realizado um estudo dos representantes da Ordem Agaricales Clements (Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycotina), ocorrentes na Reserva Biológica Walter Egler, situada na Estrada AM-010, Manaus-Itacoatiara, Km 64, Latitude 02° 43' S e Longitude 59° 47' W, Rio Preto da Eva, Amazonas. A área abrange 709 ha de floresta de terra firme primária. As coletas foram realizadas no período de dezembro de 2000 a junho de 2001 e seguiu-se a metodologia usual para identificação de Agaricales. Foram estudadas um total de 39 espécies, distribuídas em 13 gêneros e seis famíliasPolyporaceaePleurotus sp.; HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe cf. megistospora, Hygrocybe aff. miniceps, Hygrocybe occidentalis var. scarletina, e mais oito espécies de Hygrocybe indeterminadas; TricholomataceaeClitocybe sp., Hydropus sp.1 e Hydropus sp.2, Macrocystidia sp., Marasmiellus sp., Marasmius bellus, Marasmius haedinus var. haedinus,Marasmius cf. leoninus, Marasmius cf. mazatecus, Marasmius cf. ruber,Marasmius cf. setulosifolius, Marasmius tageticolor, Marasmius cf. variabiliceps var. variabiliceps, Marasmius sp.1, Marasmius sp.2, Marasmius sp.3 e Marasmius sp.4, Tricholoma sp.; AgaricaceaeAgaricus sp.1 e Agaricus sp.2, Lepiota sp., Cystoderma sp.; EntolomataceaeEntoloma cf. azureoviride, Entoloma cf. cystidiophorum, Entoloma strigosissima, Entoloma sp.; RussulaceaeLactarius panuoides. Destas, Entoloma azureoviride, Hygrocybe miniceps, Lactarius panuoides, Marasmius cf. mazatecus, Marasmius cf. setulosifolius e Marasmius variabiliceps var. variabiliceps, provavelmente, estão sendo aqui citadas pela primeira vez, para o Brasil. Com exceção de Marasmius tageticolor, as demais espécies são citadas pela primeira vez, para a Reserva Egler. São fornecidas tabelas com a ocorrência das espécies de acordo com o gradiente topográfico (baixio, vertente, platô) e seus respectivos habitats

    Comparison of radial growth rate of the mutualistic fungus of Atta sexdens rubropilosa forel in two culture media

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    In vitro culture of the mutualistic fungus of leaf-cutting ants is troublesome due to its low growth rate, which leads to storage problems and contaminants accumulation. This paper aims at comparing the radial growth rate of the mutualistic fungus of Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel in two different culture media (Pagnocca B and MEA LP). Although total MEA LP radial growth was greater all along the bioassay, no significant difference was detected between growth efficiencies of the two media. Previous evidences of low growth rate for this fungus were confirmed. Since these data cannot point greater efficiency of one culture medium over the other, MEA LP medium is indicated for in vitro studies with this mutualistic fungus due its simpler composition and translucent color, making the analysis easier

    Low impact of cardiovascular adverse events on anagrelide treatment discontinuation in a cohort of 232 patients with essential thrombocythemia.

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    This retrospective study of the thrombocythemia Italian registry (RIT) documented that 71 (30.6%) out of 232 ET patients experienced 88 cardiovascular adverse events (CV-AEs) during anagrelide treatment (522 pt-y). The rate of CV-AEs was: 24.1% for palpitations, 4.3% for angina, 3.5% for arterial hypertension, 3.0% for congestive heart failure, 1.8% for arrhythmia, 0.9% for AMI, 0.4% for pericardial effusion. CV-AEs led to treatment discontinuation in nine (3.9%) patients, while in the remaining cases they were managed by pharmacological intervention and/or patient life style improvement. CV-AEs had no relationship with patient characteristics (including older age). A significant relationship was found only with a higher anagrelide induction dose. In the absence of any agreed protocol, a cardiovascular instrumental evaluation (CV-IE) was performed in 102 (44%) patients before commencement of anagrelide (with higher rate after the anagrelide/Xagrid EMA approval of 2004), and in 84 (36%) patients during treatment. Patients with and without CV-IEs, who resulted completely balanced for all their characteristics, did not significantly differ in the occurrence of CV-AEs. In conclusion, this study on ET patients treated with anagrelide shows that CV-AEs, equally distributed in younger and older subjects, were mostly mild and easily manageable, allowing safe treatment continuation in the majority of cases. Moreover, routinely performing a CV-IE did not appear to anticipate the occurrence of CV-AEs