68 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of Halothermothrix orenii gen. nov., sp. nov., a halophilic, thermophilic, fermentative, strictly anaerobic bacterium

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    The occurrence of thermophilic, halophilic anaerobic bacteria in the sediment of a Tunisian salted lake was tested in samples collected at 20-cm intervals down to a depth of 1.20 m. A long rod, present only in the 40-to 60-cm layer, was isolated at 60°C in a medium containing 100 g of NaCl per liter and designated strain H168. This strain produced acetate, ethanol, H2, and CO2 from glucose metabolism. Fructose, xylose, ribose, cellobiose, and starch were also oxidized. The optimum temperature for growth was 60°C. No growth was obtained at 42 or 70°C. Strain H168 grew optimally in NaCl concentrations ranging from 50 to 100 g per liter, with the upper and lower limits of growth around 200 and 40 g per liter, respectively. The G+C ratio of the DNA was 39.6 mol %. Although halophilic, moderately thermophilic bacteria have been characterized among anaerobes, particularly within methanogens, strain H168 is the first true thermophilic (growing above 60°C) halophilic anaerobic bacterium described so far. The phylogeny, physiology, morphology, lipid content, and high G+C content of strain H168 are sufficiently different from those of genera belonging to the family Haloanaerobiaceae to justify the definition of a new genus

    Structure, rheology, and copper-complexation of a hyaluronan-like exopolysaccharide from Vibrio

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    MO245 exopolysaccharide (EPS) was produced in laboratory conditions from Vibrio genus microorganism isolated from bacterial mats found in Moorea Island. Its structure consists of a linear tetrasaccharide repeating unit →4)-ÎČ-D-GlcpA-(1→4)-α-D-GalpNAc-(1→3)-ÎČ-D-GlcpNAc-(1→4)-ÎČ-D-GlcpA-(1→ containing covalently-linked 5% of glucose, galactose, and rhamnose, determined by methylation analyses and NMR spectroscopy. The molecular weight, radius of gyration (Rg) and intrinsic viscosity, [η], determined by gel permeation chromatography with light scattering and viscosity detection, were 513 ± 4 kDa (PDI, 1.42 ± 0.01), 6.7 ± 0.3 dl/g and 56 ± 0.3 nm respectively. The chelation of the EPS with copper divalent ions leads to the instantaneous formation of gels. The structural similitude proposed, based in an equal ratio of GlcA to N-acetylated sugars and in the same type of glyosidic linkages present in the repeating unit (alternated 1→3 and 1→4 linkages), is translated into analogous physicochemical properties: MO245 EPS is a flexible polyelectrolyte, with scaling exponents similar to that described for HA. This similitude opens opportunities in future drug delivery, tissue engineering, and cosmetic applications.publishe

    Les bactĂ©ries des sources hydrothermales profondes a l’origine de nouvelles molĂ©cules bioactives ?

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    La dĂ©couverte des sources hydrothermales profondes mais de maniĂšre plus gĂ©nĂ©rale l’étude de milieux extrĂȘmes, ont ouvert la voie Ă  la mise en Ă©vidence de microorganismes bien adaptĂ©s Ă  ces conditions atypiques et capables de synthĂ©tiser de molĂ©cules d’intĂ©rĂȘt biotechnologique . Des recherches rĂ©alisĂ©es durant de nombreuses annĂ©es ont permis la caractĂ©risation d’exopolysaccharides innovants dont des applications sont maintenant envisagĂ©es dans diffĂ©rents secteurs industriels tels l’agro-alimentaire, la cosmĂ©tique et l’environnement mais surtout dans le domaine de la santĂ©, s’agissant de l’oncologie, du cardio-vasculaire et de la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration dermique.In the course of the discovery of novel polysaccharides of biotechnological interest, it is now widely accepted that extremophilic microorganisms will provide a valuable resource not only for exploitation in novel biotechnological processes but also as models for investigating how biomolecules are stabilized when subjected to extreme conditions. Deep-sea hydrothermal vents offer a new source of a variety of  fascinating microorganisms well adapted to these extreme environments. Over the past 15 years, an increasing number of new genera and species of both hyperthermophilic and mesophilic bacteria have been isolated from these deep-sea hydrothermal vents. This new bacterial diversity include strains able to produce under laboratory conditions, novel molecules such as polymers including exopolysaccharides and poly beta hydroxyalkanoates and other bioactive molecules

    Chapitre X. Exopolysaccharides bactériens et bioremédiation des métaux : contribution du milieu marin

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    1. Introduction La protection de l’environnement est un problĂšme majeur pour notre qualitĂ© de vie et c’est aussi, et surtout, un problĂšme de santĂ© humaine. Malheureusement, les pollutions de toute nature font partie de notre quotidien : matĂ©riaux plastiques non dĂ©gradables, utilisation abusive de pesticides, herbicides, fongicides et autres contaminants organiques, contaminations accidentelles de nappes phrĂ©atiques, sols, sĂ©diments, milieux aquatiques et effluents industriels par des produits..

    La biocorrosion. Processus caractĂ©ristiques et moyens d’études

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    In contrast to the situation of a few years ago, the phenomenon of microbiologically induced corrosion is now generally accepted as being one of a number of mechanisms whereby corrosion occurs. A considerable amount of multi-disciplinary effort has been expended to determine the extent of the problem and to understand the phenomenon. Microbial corrosion refers to the degradation of metallic or non metallic structures resulting from the presence and the activity of a variety of organisms on the surfaces. Although, in many cases, microbial corrosion is closely associated with biofouling phenomena, the area in which it causes most damages concern the deterioration of metallic structures in soils and sediments with the well-known sulphate-reducing bacteria

    Les ressources marines de la Polynésie française : applications en matiÚre de biotechnologie

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    1. Le contexte polynĂ©sien La PolynĂ©sie française se situe en fin de gradient de la biodiversitĂ© indopacifique et s’étend sur 20° de latitude (entre 7° et 27°S., soit plus de 2 000 km) des latitudes Ă©quatoriales Ă  subtropicales et entre 135° et 155° de longitude ouest. Les Ăźles se rĂ©partissent en cinq archipels : SociĂ©tĂ©, Tuamotu, Gambier, Australes et Marquises. On reconnaĂźt classiquement deux grands types de formations rĂ©cifales : les Ăźles hautes volcaniques ceinturĂ©es par un lagon peu profo..

    Etude structurale des polysaccharides pariétaux de l'algue rouge Asparagopsis armata (Bonnemaisoniales)

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    La caractĂ©risation structurale des polysaccharides pariĂ©taux hydrosolubles de l'algue rouge Asparagopsis armata (Bonnemaisoniales) est rĂ©alisĂ©e, montrant que la chaĂźne saccharidique principale est constituĂ©e d'un enchaĂźnement rĂ©gulier d'unitĂ©s 3-f-D-galactopyranose et 4-a-DJL-galactopyranose, plus ou moins substituĂ©es par des groupements sulfate et des oses terminaux. La nature hybride de ces polysaccharides (prĂ©sence concomitante d'unitĂ©s 4-a-galactopyranose de configuration D et L) est dĂ©montrĂ©e, de mĂȘme que la prĂ©sence de substituants (groupements pyruvate et mĂ©thyle) et d'oses terminaux (xyloses et galactoses Ă©ventuellement sulfatĂ©s). Il s'agit donc de polysaccharides hybrides constituĂ©s d' agarocolloĂŻdes (agaroĂŻdes) et de carraghĂ©nanes de diffĂ©rentes familles (xi- et pi-carraghĂ©nanes d'une part, et gamma- et psi-carraghĂ©nanes polysulfatĂ©s de maniĂšre hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne d'autre part), corroborant ainsi l'hypothĂšse de polysaccharides hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes au niveau structural.The structural analysis of the water-soluble cell-wall polysaccharides from the red seaweed Asparagopsis armata (Bonnemaisoniaceae) was reali7ed, revealing a linear backbone built up of alternating 3-iinked-fl-D-galactopyranosyi and 4-linked-a-DIL-galactopyranosyl residues that might carry substituents such as sulfate ester or sugar side=chains. The presence of 4-linked residues belonging to the both D- and L-sertes demonstrated that these polysaccharides are complex hybrid galactans. In addition, presence of substituants (pyruvate or methyl groups) as well as of side-chains sugar (xylose or galactose, which carry sulfate ester groups) was determine. Thus, these polysaccharides were identified as complex DL-galactan hybrids with mixed carrageenan (belonging on one band to the Mi- and pi-family, and on the other band to the gamma- and psi-family sulfated in an heterogeneous way), and agar backbone structure.BREST-BU Droit-Sciences-Sports (290192103) / SudocPLOUZANE-Bibl.La PĂ©rouse (290195209) / SudocSudocFranceF
