56 research outputs found

    Producción de aminas biogénicas en carne de bovino conservada con ácido láctico de origen químico y bacteriano

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de tres bacterias lácticas bioprotectoras (BAL) y del ácido láctico sobre la concentración de aminas biogénicas en carne empacada al vacío y almacenada bajo refrigeración y condiciones de abuso de temperaturas. Las muestras de carne molida fueron inoculadas con BAL (Lactobacillus carnis, Lactobacillus pentosus y Staphylococcus carnosus) o mezcladas con ácido láctico, y almacenadas a 4 y 20ºC durante 12 y 6 días, respectivamente. Las concentraciones de aminas biogénicas (histamina, cadaverina, putrescina y tiramina) fueron analizadas mediante HPLC. El ácido láctico y las tres BAL redujeron la concentración de histamina en la carne almacenada a 20ºC a menos de 0.25 mg/kg; en comparación con el grupo control que mostró una concentración de aminas biogénicas de 4.91 mg/kg. Sin embargo, las BAL no fueron eficaces en la reducción de cadaverina, putrescina y tiramina, independientemente de la temperatura de almacenamiento. La carne tratada con ácido láctico mostró las menores concentraciones de putrescina y tiramina, lo que permitió concluir que fue efectivo en el control de la producción de aminas biogénicas en carne empacada al vacío, mientras que las BAL no pudieron prevenir su formación. La inoculación con BAL no controla el crecimiento de algunos microorganismos alterantes y, en consecuencia, son incapaces de reducir los niveles de aminas biogénicas. Lo anterior permite concluir que la calidad microbiológica inicial de la carne es un factor determinante en el control de la concentración de aminas biogénicas durante el almacenamiento.Lactobacillus carnis, Lactobacillus pentosus y Staphylococcus carnosus) o mezcladas con ácido láctico, y almacenadas a 4 y 20ºC durante 12 y 6 días, respectivamente. Las concentraciones de aminas biogénicas (histamina, cadaverina, putrescina y tiramina) fueron analizadas mediante HPLC. El ácido láctico y las tres BAL redujeron la concentración de histamina en la carne almacenada a 20ºC a menos de 0.25 mg/kg; en comparación con el grupo control que mostró una concentración de aminas biogénicas de 4.91 mg/kg. Sin embargo, las BAL no fueron eficaces en la reducción de cadaverina, putrescina y tiramina, independientemente de la temperatura de almacenamiento. La carne tratada con ácido láctico mostró las menores concentraciones de putrescina y tiramina, lo que permitió concluir que fue efectivo en el control de la producción de aminas biogénicas en carne empacada al vacío, mientras que las BAL no pudieron prevenir su formación. La inoculación con BAL no controla el crecimiento de algunos microorganismos alterantes y, en consecuencia, son incapaces de reducir los niveles de aminas biogénicas. Lo anterior permite concluir que la calidad microbiológica inicial de la carne es un factor determinante en el control de la concentración de aminas biogénicas durante el almacenamiento.Fil: Signorini Porchietto, Marcelo Lisandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela. Agencia de Extension Rural Rafaela.; ArgentinaFil: Guerrero Legarreta, I.. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; Méxic

    Scientific Findings on the Quality of River Buffalo Meat and Prospects for Future Studies

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    The objectives of this review are to detect scientific findings and areas of opportunity in the study of river buffalo meat from primary production through commercialization and to establish future areas of research linked to each step of the meat supply chain to strengthen and improve the production and quality of buffalo meat in the future. Recent studies show that buffalo meat is healthy and that the prevalence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is not related to intramuscular fat consumption. The current grand demand for food constitutes an ongoing challenge for agricultural production. Of course, this demand includes meat, but the animal species traditionally destined for human consumption are no longer capable of satisfying requirements. This review detected gaps in studies of the alimentary systems of this species (including its digestive tract) and a paucity of analyses designed to determine the optimum slaughtering age. Identifying –and correcting– practices that foster contamination, reduce the shelf life of buffalo meat, and suggest appropriate conservation and packaging methods during commercialization are two additional pending concerns. This study concludes that marketing buffalo meat represents a great challenge for producers and researchers, one that requires a multi- and interdisciplinary approach that examines in detail every step of the productive chain

    Dairy buffalo behaviour and welfare from calving to milking

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    This review integrates recent scientific findings on the behaviour and welfare of buffalo dams during calving and the subsequent milking phase. These issues are discussed in relation to the level of welfare that buffalo dams and calves experience under different production systems. Key aspects are addressed including welfare issues related to dystocic parturitions and uterine prolapses, the formation of a selective dam-calf bonding, the habituation of inexperienced animals to the milking routine and the appropriate relationship to be developed with stock-people. All these aspects are also discussed in relation to farm profitability, in terms of calf vitality and milk production, and safety of the personnel involved in farm operations

    Imprinting, Sucking and Allosucking Behaviors in Buffalo Calves

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    This paper provides a short review of the scientific literature, focusing on recent advances on the most representative events from birth to weaning, with special emphasis on the behavior and welfare of buffalo calves during the phases of imprinting, suckling and allosucking, based on the differences and similarities reported with dairy and beef cattle. The similarities include the facts that all 3 are gregarious animals whose dams separate from the herd prior to parturition to facilitate dam-calf bonding, and that maternal care fosters the ingestion of colostrum by the young. These species are also precocial and rely on mother - young mutual recognition for calf survival. In particular, mothers develop a selective bonding with their young soon after parturition, although buffalo cows seem to be tolerant to alien claves and are often engaged in communal nursing. In buffaloes and cattle negative emotions are induced by the stress brought on by early maternal separation. However, buffalo calves are more prone to express cross-sucking and contract neonatal diseases with higher mortality rates in intensive systems as compared to cattle. The review concludes that all three exhibit similar behaviors from parturition to weaning although the knowledge about the specific needs of buffalo calves should be increased and appropriate management practices implemented to improve their welfare state

    Behaviour and Welfare of Dairy Buffaloes: Pasture or Confinement?

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    This review seeks to integrate recent scientific findings on the behaviour of buffalo cows in different production systems. These issues are discussed in relation to the level of welfare that buffalo cows experience under different production systems. In extensive conditions, the level of welfare is high because the animals are free to express natural behaviours related to feeding (grazing, ruminating) and rest. In contrast, intensified livestock-raising methods and techniques (machine-milking, artificial breeding etc.), first developed for dairy cattle are increasingly being used with water buffaloes in order to increase milk production. Greater knowledge of the biology of dairy buffaloes in aspects linked to physiology, behaviour, and health, together with needed adjustments to their production systems, will indicate options for improving the levels of comfort and welfare of these animals and contribute to increasing the efficiency of this type of dairy production. It is necessary to appreciate the importance of welfare within the entire chain of animal production since each of the scientific aspects considered in this manuscript reflects that animal welfare is not an absolute term, but multidisciplinary, with direct consequences on productivity. The welfare of animals in the production systems must be considered with the aim of ensuring an adequate nutritional, clinical, sanitary and behavioural status of the animals. When these aspects are achieved, production can be maximized and, for this reason, it is essential to maintain a balance between welfare and productivity

    Similarities and Differences between River Buffaloes and Cattle: Health, Physiological, Behavioral and Productivity Aspects

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    The river buffalo is an emerging production species worldwide; indeed, it is overtaking other cattle as a producer of meat and milk in some countries. Though both species belong to the Bovidae family, they show significant anatomical, physiological, and behavioral differences due to their different phylogenetic positions. The river buffalo is a rustic animal that can benefit from low-quality, fibrous forages due to its digestive system, in contrast to beef cattle or dairy cows. Besides, the buffalo cow’s reproductive apparatus has fewer cervical muscle rings and a shorter vagina and cervix. This species has maintained its seasonal breeding pattern, also in contrast to Bos indicus and Bos taurus. Even though buffaloes have an inefficient thermoregulating system, scarce hair, and a thicker epidermis, they are more resistant to tropical weather conditions if water for wallowing is available than dairy cows, which in turn adapt better to temperate zones. Due to the morphology of the river buffalo’s mammary glands, they produce less milk, while their conical teats with narrower sphincters decrease predisposition to mastitis compared to dairy cows. Thus, the study of the anatomical and physiological differences among river buffalo, Bos Taurus, and Bos Indicus will allow the implementation of strategies to improve the former’s productivity while also increasing welfare levels according to the production system in which they are raised

    Análisis financiero y económico del cultivo del pistache en el Municipio de López, Chihuahua

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    El cultivo del pistachero (Pistacia vera L.) se inició en el estado de Chihuahua en los años 90´s, en donde se implementaron huertos en los municipios de Meoqui, Ojinaga, Casas Grandes, Salaices y Delicias, donde presentan potencial de productividad con desarrollado satisfactorio. Los objetivos fueron analizar la factibilidad de la inversión económica y financiera de la producción de pistache en el rancho “El último esfuerzo”, en el municipio de López, Chihuahua, así como identificar los equipos y demás insumos requeridos, e investigar instancias de gobierno que pudieran apoyar el proyecto. Se utilizó la metodología de Baca Urbina, con indicadores como el VAN, TIR, B/C. Se encontró que existe un nicho de oportunidad para el cultivo en la región; es una especie rústica, de un manejo agronómico sencillo, y los costos de implantación son alcanzables. La inversión más grande a realizar es la instalación de riego por micro aspersión, así como la inversión en material vegetal. Requiere una inversión inicial de 182,491.28,ypresentaunretornodeinversioˊnapartirdelnovenoan~o,yaqueesunproyectoalargoplazo.Unavezrealizadoelanaˊlisisderentabilidad,seencontroˊqueelproyectotieneunaVANde182,491.28, y presenta un retorno de inversión a partir del noveno año, ya que es un proyecto a largo plazo. Una vez realizado el análisis de rentabilidad, se encontró que el proyecto tiene una VAN de 208,250.86, TIR de 14.66% y una Relación B/C de 1.76, por lo cual es factible

    River Buffalo Meat Production and Quality: Sustainability, Productivity, Nutritional and Sensory Properties

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    One of the most important challenges facing today’s society is feeding a growing world population. This review aims to examine the available information to assess the potential of river buffalo as a meat producer with a focus on the sustainability of the supply chain and on meat quality in terms of nutritional and sensory properties. Traditionally, buffalo meat came from old, culled animals in rural agricultural regions where animals were slaughtered at the end of their productive life as dairy or draught animals. Therefore, the meat had low quality. However, when younger animals are used, buffalo meat is generally well appreciated by consumers. Buffaloes can adapt to different production systems and convert poor-quality high fiber feedstuffs into high-quality products, including meat, with a lower degree of competition with human nutrition. In addition, although requiring more land, extensive production systems may have lower environmental impacts due to the low inputs used in the productive process and show higher levels of animal welfare. Although weight gains and dressing percentages are generally lower than in cattle, the meat is characterized by better nutritional properties (low fat and cholesterol contents, high-quality protein, and unsaturated fatty acids). In addition, the use of appropriate production systems might improve its sensory properties. Therefore, buffalo meat may be considered a good option to meet the increasing demand for food for human consumption

    Incorporación de nuevos ingredientes funcionales a alimentos como contribución a la promoción de la salud y/o a la prevención de enfermedades de la población iberoamericana

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    Coordinador: Javier Fontecha.-- et al.El desarrollo de nuevos alimentos que incorporen ingredientes funcionales requiere un enfoque multidisciplinar, por lo que se considera esencial la participación conjunta de grupos de investigación internacionalmente reconocidos, entre los que surjan sinergias, colaboraciones e intercambios, que permitan la obtención de resultados de investigación difícilmente alcanzables por un solo grupo. En la presente propuesta, se promueve la interacción, la cooperación y la transferencia de conocimientos y tecnologías relacionadas con compuestos bioactivos, suficientemente caracterizados por los diferentes grupos que componen esta acción, que integren sus tareas mediante la interconexión con empresas especializadas en ingredientes funcionales, permitiendo una mejor transferencia al sector productivo y por tanto, un aumento de su competitividad.PROYECTO CYTED. IBEROFUN. REF: 110AC0386.Peer reviewe

    Microencapsulation, Chemical Characterization, and Antimicrobial Activity of Mexican ( Lippia graveolens

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    The effect of solvent polarity (methanol and pentane) on the chemical composition of hydrodistilled essential oils (EO’s) of Lippia graveolens H.B.K. (MXO) and Origanum vulgare L. (EUO) was studied by GC-MS. Composition of modified starch microencapsulated EO’s was conducted by headspace-solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME). The antimicrobial activity of free and microencapsulated EO’s was evaluated. They were tested against Salmonella sp., Brochothrix thermosphacta, Pseudomonas fragi, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Micrococcus luteus. Thymol and carvacrol were among the main components of EO’s and their free and microencapsulated inhibitory activity was tested against M. luteus, showing an additive combined effect. Chemical composition of EO’s varied according to the solvent used for GC analysis and to volatile fraction as evaluated by HS-SPME. Thymol (both solvents) was the main component in essential oil of MXO, while carvacrol was the main component of the volatile fraction. EUO showed α-pinene (methanol) and γ-terpinene (pentane) as major constituents, the latter being the main component of the volatile fraction. EO’s showed good stability after 3 months storage at 4°C, where antimicrobial activity of microencapsulated EO’s remained the same, while free EO’s decreased 41% (MXO) and 67% (EUO) from initial activity. Microencapsulation retains most antimicrobial activity and improves stability of EO’s from oregano