2 research outputs found

    The effect of experience and clinical supervision on therapeutic success at the University Clinic of the Autonomous University of Madrid

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    El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n es estudiar el efecto de la experiencia y la supervisi贸n cl铆nica sobre el 茅xito terap茅utico. El estudio se desarrolla dentro del programa de formaci贸n impartido en la Cl铆nica Universitaria CPA-UAM. El fin 煤ltimo es establecer unos criterios de entrenamiento en la capacitaci贸n profesional basados en la evidencia emp铆rica. El programa de formaci贸n consta de cuatro a帽os en el que los terapeutas realizan pr谩ctica cl铆nica bajo la supervisi贸n de terapeutas con mayor experiencia y pericia. Se estudia c贸mo influye el a帽o de formaci贸n en el que se encuentre el/la terapeuta sobre el 茅xito terap茅utico de su paciente con diferentes variables. Los resultados muestran que no existen diferencias entre los terapeutas en cuanto a su efectividad, todos mantienen una tasa de 茅xito similar. No obstante, se encuentran diferencias entre la eficiencia, es decir, el tiempo que se necesita para alcanzar el cumplimiento de los objetivosThe aim of this research is to study the effect of experience and clinical supervision on therapeutic success. The study is developed within the training program offered at the University Clinic of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid (CPA-UAM). The final aim is to establish training criteria in professional training based on empirical evidence. At CPAUAM there is a four-year training program in which therapists perform clinical practice under the supervision of more experienced and skilled therapists. We study with multiple variables how the training year of the therapist influences the therapeutic success of his/her patient. Results show that there are no differences between therapists in terms of their effectiveness, they all maintain a similar success rate. However, there are differences between the efficiency, that is, in the time needed to achieve the objective

    Atenci贸n psicol贸gica pre- y pospandemia en la cl铆nica universitaria del CPA-UAM

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    The general objective of this research is to analyze the impact that the coronavirus pandemic has had on the psychological health of people in treatment at the CPA-UAM university clinic (omitted for blind review). Pre- and post-pandemic data of people who visited the center between 2016 and 2021 are compared, both for regular treatment (N = 535, 448 pre-COVID, 87 post-COVID) and for free telephone assistance during confinement and de-escalation (N = 73 people, 98 telephone calls). The treatments were based on the cognitive-behavioral approach. A notable increase in demand for treatment for anxiety-related problems was found as of the arrival of the pandemic, as well as in the severity of these cases. Anxiety was also the main demand for telephone assistance during confinement, although there was an increase in specific demands, such as grief and fear of contagion. No differences were found in any other aspect of the treatments, except in the number of demands for online care after the pandemic. It is essential to adapt both therapies and therapists' training to the new post-pandemic reality and guarantee quality psychological treatment for the population.El objetivo general de la presente investigaci贸n es analizar el impacto que la pandemia por coronavirus ha tenido en la salud psicol贸gica de las personas atendidas en la cl铆nica universitaria del CPA-UAM. Se comparan los datos pre- y post-pandemia de las personas que acudieron al centro entre 2016 y 2021, tanto para tratamiento regular (N= 535, 448 pre-COVID, 87 post-COVID), como para atenci贸n telef贸nica gratuita durante el confinamiento y la desescalada (N= 73 personas, 98 llamadas). Los tratamientos tuvieron un enfoque cognitivo-conductual.  Se encontr贸 un aumento notable de demanda de tratamiento por problemas de ansiedad a partir de la llegada de la pandemia, y tambi茅n de la gravedad que presentaban esos casos. Tambi茅n la ansiedad fue la principal demanda de atenci贸n telef贸nica durante el confinamiento, aunque hubo un incremento de demandas espec铆ficas, como duelo y miedo al contagio. No se encontraron diferencias en ning煤n otro aspecto de los tratamientos, excepto en el n煤mero de demandas de atenci贸n en l铆na a partir de la pandemia. Es imprescindible adaptar las terapias y la formaci贸n de los terapeutas a la nueva realidad post-pandemia y garantizar servicios de atenci贸n psicol贸gica de calidad para la poblaci贸n