83 research outputs found

    Colapso tectónico en las Zonas Externas Béticas Orientales durante el Paleogeno-Aquitaniense (Alicante, SE España)

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    Six Paleogene-Aquitanian successions have been reconstructed in the Alicante area (eastern External Betic Zone). The lithofacies association evidences “catastrophic” syn-sedimentary tectonic processes consisting of slumps, mega-olisthostromes, “pillow-beds” and turbiditic deposits. This kind of sedimentation is related to unconformity surfaces delimiting sequence and para-sequence cycles in the stratigraphic record. The data compiled have enabled the reconstruction of the Paleogene-Aquitanian paleogeographic and geodynamic evolution of this sector of the External Betics. During the Eocene the sedimentary basin is interpreted as a narrow trough affected by (growth) folding related to blind thrust faulting with a source area from the north-western margin, while the southeastern margin remained inactive. During the Oligocene-Aquitanian, the sourcing margin becames the southeastern margin of the basin affected by a catastrophic tectonic. The activity of the margins is identified from specific sediment source areas for the platform-slope-trough system and from tectofacies analysis. The southeastern South Iberian Margin is thought to be closer to the Internal Betic Zone, which was tectonically pushing towards the South Iberian Margin. This pushing could generate a lateral progressive elimination of subbetic paleogeographic domains in the eastern Betics. This geodynamic frame could explain the development of such “catastrophic” tectono-sedimentary processes during the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene.El presente artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos en el estudio y reconstrucción de seis sucesiones de edad Paleogeno-Aquitaniense localizadas en el área de Alicante (Zonas Externas Béticas orientales). Seis asociaciones de litofacies reconocidas evidencian procesos tectónicos sinsedimentarios catastróficos consistentes en la aparición de slumps, mega-olistostromas, incluso con bloques métricos de elementos deslizados de la plataforma, niveles almohadillados y depósitos turbidíticos. Este tipo de depósitos va acompañado de superficies de discontinuidad que delimitan secuencias y para-secuencias deposicionales en el registro estratigráfico. La interpretación de los datos obtenidos ha permitido proponer un modelo de la evolución geodinámica y paleogeográfica de este sector de las Zonas Externas Béticas orientales durante el Paleógeno-Aquitaniense. La cuenca sedimentaria se interpreta como un corredor afectado por una deformación incipiente que produciría pliegues de crecimiento relacionados con cabalgamientos ciegos profundos. Dicha cuenca presentaría durante el Eoceno un margen que se deformaba situado al noroeste, que suministraría el material terrígeno y otro tranquilo al sureste. En el Oligoceno debió producirse una reorganización paleogeográfica que ocasionó que el margen productivo pasara a ser el sureste. La actividad tectónica de ese margen sureste se reconoce por depósitos característicos del borde del corredor-talud-plataforma, que evidencian la destrucción y redepósito en masa de sedimentos procedentes de dicha plataforma. Para explicar la geodinámica responsable de dicha actividad tectónica sinsedimentaria tan catastrófica se propone que las Zonas Internas Béticas debían ocupar una posición muy cercana a la terminación oriental del Margen Sudibérico durante el periodo compresivo del Oligoceno Superior-Mioceno Inferior. Esto implicaría un acuñamiento lateral de dominios paleogeográficos subbéticos en la parte oriental de la Cordillera Bética ya en este periodo, de manera que podría faltar el Subbético Interno y Medio.This research was supported by the projects CGL2011-30153-CO2-02 and CGL2012-32169 (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science), by Urbino University found (responsible F. Guerrera), and by Research Groups and projects of the Generalitat Valenciana from Alicante University (CTMA-IGA)

    Geodynamic Implications of the Latest Chattian-Langhian Central-Western Peri-Mediterranean Volcano-Sedimentary Event: A Review

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    High amounts of Chattian-Langhian orogenic magmatism have generated volcaniclastic deposits that are interbedded within the penecontemporaneous sedimentary marine successions in several central-western peri-Mediterranean chains. These deposits are widespread in at least 41 units of different basins located in different geotectonic provinces: (1) the Africa-Adria continental margins (external units), (2) the basinal units resting on oceanic or thinned continental crust of the different branches of the western Tethys, (3) the European Margin (external units), and (4) the Western Sardinia zone (Sardinia Trough units). The emplacement of volcaniclastic material in marine basins was controlled by gravity flows (mainly turbidites; epiclastites) and fallout (pyroclastites). A third type comprises volcaniclastic grains mixed with marine deposits (mixed pyroclastic-epiclastic). Calc-alkaline magmatic activity is characterized by a medium- to high-potassium andesite-dacite-rhyolite suite and is linked to complex geodynamic processes that affected the central-western Mediterranean area in the ∼26 to 15 My range. The space/time distribution of volcaniclastites, together with a paleogeographic reconstructions, provide keys and constraints for a better reconstruction of some geodynamic events. Previous models of the central-western Mediterranean area were examined to compare their compatibility with main paleotectonic and paleogeographic constraints presented by the main results of the study. Despite the complexity of the topic, a preliminary evolutionary model based on the distribution of volcaniclastites and active volcanic systems is proposed.Research was supported by grants from the University of Urbino to F. Guerrera and M. Tramontana; by the CGL2016-75679-P research project (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science); and by research groups and projects of the Generalitat Valenciana from Alicante University

    Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Cenozoic Basins in the Eastern External Betic Zone (SE Spain)

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    Four main unconformities (1–4) were recognized in the sedimentary record of the Cenozoic basins of the eastern External Betic Zone (SE, Spain). They are located at different stratigraphic levels, as follows: (1) Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, even if this unconformity was also recorded at the early Paleocene (Murcia sector) and early Eocene (Alicante sector), (2) Eocene-Oligocene boundary, quite synchronous, in the whole considered area, (3) early Burdigalian, quite synchronous (recognized in the Murcia sector) and (4) Middle Tortonian (recognized in Murcia and Alicante sectors). These unconformities correspond to stratigraphic gaps of different temporal extensions and with different controls (tectonic or eustatic), which allowed recognizing minor sedimentary cycles in the Paleocene–Miocene time span. The Cenozoic marine sedimentation started over the oldest unconformity (i.e., the principal one), above the Mesozoic marine deposits. Paleocene-Eocene sedimentation shows numerous tectofacies (such as: turbidites, slumps, olistostromes, mega-olistostromes and pillow-beds) interpreted as related to an early, blind and deep-seated tectonic activity, acting in the more internal subdomains of the External Betic Zone as a result of the geodynamic processes related to the evolution of the westernmost branch of the Tethys. The second unconformity resulted from an Oligocene to Aquitanian sedimentary evolution in the Murcia Sector from marine realms to continental environments. This last time interval is characterized as the previous one by a gentle tectonic activity. On the other hand, the Miocene sedimentation was totally controlled by the development of superficial thrusts and/or strike-slip faults zones, both related to the regional geodynamic evolutionary framework linked to the Mediterranean opening. These strike-slip faults zones created subsidence areas (pull-apart basin-type) and affected the sedimentation lying above the third unconformity. By contrast, the subsidence areas were bounded by structural highs affected by thrusts and folds. After the third unconformity, the Burdigalian-Serravallian sedimentation occurred mainly in shallow- to deep-water marine environments (Tap Fm). During the Late Miocene, after the fourth unconformity, the activation of the strike-slip faults zones caused a shallow marine environment sedimentation in the Murcia sector and a continental (lacustrine and fluvial) deposition in the Alicante sector represented the latter, resulting in alluvial fan deposits. Furthermore, the location of these fans changed over time according to the activation of faults responsible for the tectonic rising of Triassic salt deposits, which fed the fan themselves.Research supported by: Research Project CGL2016-75679-P, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science; Research Groups, Projects of the Generalitat Valenciana, Alicante University (CTMA-IGA); University of Urbino Carlo Bo (funds to M. Tramontana)

    Evolutionary Models of the Cenozoic Basins of Central-Western Mediterranean Area: A Review of Methodological Approaches

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    In the last 40 years, several models based on very different methodological approaches have been proposed to interpret the complex geodynamic evolution of the central-western Mediterranean area and, in particular, of the Cenozoic basins. The persistence of numerous interpretations and still-open problems resulted in the proliferation of very different models. The reconstructions presented are highly influenced by difficulties often encountered in considering constraints introduced by models built by means of completely different methodological approaches. For example, major difficulties can arise in integrating data from individual classical disciplines (i.e., geology, stratigraphy, geophysics, tectonics, magmatology and plate kinematics) with those resulting from the use of modern technologies (i.e., digital processing, uses of software, field observations using drones, etc.) and generally aimed to support specific topics. These considerations lead researchers to believe that a multidisciplinary approach would always be auspicious for these studies, because a greater control of the reconstruction of geologic and geodynamic events, and, therefore, for resulting models, would be ensured. After some considerations about different types of literature models based on specific investigation methodologies, the updating of a recently presented evolutionary model is proposed by attempting to integrate as much data as possible about the Cenozoic basins of the central-western Mediterranean area.Research supported by: grants from the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (F. Guerrera and M. Tramontana); Research Project CGL2016-75679-P, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science; Research Groups, Projects of the Generalitat Valenciana, Alicante University (CTMA-IGA)

    Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the onshore-offshore Tunisian Tell: Implications for oil-gas research

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    A review of the paleogeographic and tectonic reconstruction of the onshore and offshore Tunisian margin during the Cenozoic is discussed. Five unconformities (A to E) and associated stratigraphic gaps of various vertical extents allow subdivision of the stratigraphic record into depositional units in the following time intervals: (i) Paleocene-Oligocene, (ii) Oligocene-early Aquitanian, (iii) early Aquitanian-Burdigalian, (iv) late Burdigalian-Langhian and (v) Langhian-late Miocene. These intervals can in turn be grouped into four main sedimentary cycles (SC1–SC4) dated to the (1) Paleocene-Oligocene, (2) Oligocene–Burdigalian, (3) Burdigalian-Langhian and (4) Langhian-late Miocene. The oldest depositional unit reflects Eo-Alpine tectonics in the Maghrebian Flysch Basin (MFB); the others are related to the Neo-Alpine syn- and late orogenic tectonic deformation affecting the MFB. The uppermost unit represents post-orogenic deposition. Early Miocene synsedimentary tectonism led to (1) deposition of thick successions owing to a large sediment supply and (2) the occurrence of various tectofacies (unconformities, slumps, mega-turbidites, olistostromes, growth folds, chaotic intervals and heterogenous lithofacies), that all, together with the occurrence of lateral change of facies, clearly indicate non-cyclical sedimentation. During the middle Miocene the Tunisian Tell underwent polyphase thrust tectonism, followed by late Miocene strike-slip deformation with contemporaneous rejuvenation of halokinetics and magmatism (the La Galite Archipelago) that may be traced as far as the Algerian Tell. The margin experienced deep-seated compressional tectonism during the Paleogene, a foreland basin during the early Miocene, and nappe stacking during the middle Miocene, with the occurrence of wedge-top sub-basins. The evolution of the region makes the existence of petroleum resources within either the thrust belt, the foredeep and/or the foreland systems plausible. Oil and/or gas may have been trapped in either i) deep buried allochthonous thrust wedges that are located below the Numidian Nappes, and/or in ii) the imbricate Medjerda Valley domain of the Tell foredeep. The offshore area between northern Tunisia and the La Galite Archipelago may also hold potential for large oil/gas fields, as has been confirmed by exploration of the same overthrust belt in other areas such as in Sicily and the Southern Apennines.Research supported by Research Project PID2020-114381 GB-I00, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science; Research Groups and Projects from M. Martín-Martín, Alicante University (CTMA-IGA)

    Volcaniclastites as a key for geodynamic constraints in the evolution of the central-western Mediterranean region: an overview

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    In the central-western peri-Mediterranean chains, a consistent latest Chattian-Langhian orogenic calc-alkaline magmatism generated a high amount of volcaniclastites interbedded within penecontemporaneous marine successions. Emplacement of volcaniclastites is due mainly to epiclastic processes, implying paleogeographic constraints that instead do not control the distribution of fall-out pyroclastic deposits. Current knowledge does not allow direct correlations to be established between specific volcanic events and related secondary products; thus, reconstructions are based on field and analytic data. The volcanic activity occurred: (i) in the Adria Plate (during continental collision between the Mesomediterranean Microplate and the Adria-Africa Plate); (ii) along active subduction margins with different volcanic arc systems ("Mesomediterranean Microplate" Margin); (iii) back-arc basins (Apennine-Maghrebian-Betic systems; southwestern Corsica Margin and Sardinia Trough) due to rollback of the subductional slab; (iv) rifting (SE European Margin; e.g. Valencia and Provençal Basins) and (v) basins related to a strike-slip fault zone (Subbetic Basin). In this context it bears noting the scarcity at present of potential source areas consisting of primary products, suggesting that explosive volcanic arcs were quickly effaced during subduction. Instead, in rifting zones in the back arc areas the volcanic activity continues also in successive times and is testified to by several primary volcanic products. Paleogeographic and depositional constraints indicate multiple volcanic sources (arcs) located in different contexts but always near sedimentary basins. The study helps elucidate the evolution of interconnected geodynamic events in an original paleogeographic-paleotectonic framework.All this research was supported by Urbino University grants to F. Guerrera and M. Tramontana; CGL2012-32169 and CGL2016-75679-P research project (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science), by Research Groups and projects of the Generalitat Valenciana from Alicante University (CTMA-IGA)

    The Early Miocene “Bisciaro volcaniclastic event” (northern Apennines, Italy): a key study for the geodynamic evolution of the central-western Mediterranean

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    The Early Miocene Bisciaro Fm., a marly limestone succession cropping out widely in the Umbria–Romagna–Marche Apennines, is characterized by a high amount of volcaniclastic content, characterizing this unit as a peculiar event of the Adria Plate margin. Because of this volcaniclastic event, also recognizable in different sectors of the central-western Mediterranean chains, this formation is proposed as a “marker” for the geodynamic evolution of the area. In the Bisciaro Fm., the volcaniclastic supply starts with the “Raffaello” bed (Earliest Aquitanian) that marks the base of the formation and ends in the lower portion of the Schlier Fm. (Late Burdigalian–Langhian p.p.). Forty-one studied successions allowed the recognition of three main petrofacies: (1) Pyroclastic Deposits (volcanic materials more than 90 %) including the sub-petrofacies 1A, Vitroclastic/crystallo-vitroclastic tuffs; 1B, Bentonitic deposits; and 1C, Ocraceous and blackish layers; (2) Resedimented Syn-Eruptive Volcanogenic Deposits (volcanic material 30–90 %) including the sub-petrofacies 2A, High-density volcanogenic turbidites; 2B, Low-density volcanogenic turbidites; 2C, Crystal-rich volcanogenic deposits; and 2D, Glauconitic-rich volcaniclastites; (3) Mixing of Volcaniclastic Sediments with Marine Deposits (volcanic material 5–30 %, mixed with marine sediments: marls, calcareous marls, and marly limestones). Coeval volcaniclastic deposits recognizable in different tectonic units of the Apennines, Maghrebian, and Betic Chains show petrofacies and chemical–geochemical features related to a similar calc-alkaline magmatism. The characterization of this event led to the hypothesis of a co-genetic relationship between volcanic activity centres (primary volcanic systems) and depositional basins (depositional processes) in the Early Miocene palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic evolution of the central-western Mediterranean region. The results support the proposal of a geodynamic model of this area that considers previously proposed interpretations.This research was supported by Urbino University funds (responsibles F. Guerrera and M. Tramontana); by CGL2011-30153-CO2-02 and CGL2012-32169 Research Project (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science); and by Research Groups and projects of the Generalitat Valenciana and Alicante University (CTMA-IGA)

    Shoreline Changes and Coastal Erosion: The Case Study of the Coast of Togo (Bight of Benin, West Africa Margin)

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    The coastal strip between the Volta River delta and the westernmost portion of Benin (West Africa Margin of Atlantic Basin) is highly populated (e.g., Lomé) due to migrations from inland areas. The coastal zone has proved to be very vulnerable because of the potential development of sometimes catastrophic events related to different and interacting causes, resulting in negative effects on natural ecosystems and socio-economic conditions. The main problem is the marked erosion of large coastal sectors with maximum retreat rates of the order of 5 m/year. The continuous loss of territory leads to a progressive impoverishment of activities and human resources and to the increase of geological risk factors. The coastal erosion is induced both by natural and anthropic causes and can be controlled only by means of prevention programs, detailed scientific studies and targeted technical interventions. The main erosional processes observed in the study area are triggered by the presence of the Lomé port and other human activities on the coastal strip, including the water extraction from the subsoil, which induces subsidence and the use of sediments as inert material. These elements, together with the reduction of the solid supply from Volta River (caused by the realization of the Akosombo dam) are among the main factors that control the medium and long-term evolution of the area. Also relative sea level changes, which take into account also tectonic and/or isostatic components, can contribute to the process. In order to have a real understanding of the coastal dynamics and evolution, it would be necessary to develop a scientific structure through the collaboration of all countries of the Bight of Benin affected by coastal erosion. The aim should be primarily to collect the interdisciplinary quantitative data necessary to develop a scientific knowledge background of the Bight of Benin coastal/ocean system. In conclusion, some proposals are presented to reduce the vulnerability of the coastal area as for example to plan surveys for the realization of appropriate coastal protection works, such as walls, revetments, groins, etc. A possible expansion of the port of Lomè is also considered. Proposals comprise the constitution of a Supranational Scientific Committee as a coordinating structure on erosion for both the study of phenomena and planning interventions.Research supported by University of Urbino Carlo Bo (funds Ricerca Scientifica 2020, DiSPeA-M. Tramontana); Research Project CGL2016-75679-P, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science; Research Groups, Projects of the Generalitat Valenciana, Alicante University (CTMA-IGA)

    Source areas evolution in the Neogene Agost Basin (Betic Cordillera): implications for regional reconstructions

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    Sedimentary and mineralogical analyses were performed in the Neogene Agost Basin (External Domain, Betic Cordillera) to reconstruct relationships between tectonics and sedimentation, and source areas evolution over time. The sedimentary analysis allowed defining two sedimentary sequences: (1) Lower Stratigraphic Unit, Serravallian p.p. and (2) Upper Stratigraphic Unit, post Lower Tortonian (Upper Miocene p.p.) separated by an angular unconformity. They consist of marine (lithofacies L-1 to L-3) and continental (lithofacies L-4 to L-8) deposits, respectively. The analysis of mineralogical assemblages and some XRD parameters of the sedimentary sequences and older formations allowed recognizing a sedimentary evolution controlled by the activation of different source areasover time. In particular, the Ill+Kln±Sme+Chl claymineral association characterizes the supply from Triassic formations; the Ill+Kln+Sme association from Albian formations; the Sme+Ill±Kln+(I-S) and Sme+Ill±Kln associations from Upper Cretaceous p.p. formations; and the Sme+Ill±Kln+(I-S) association from Paleogene formations, testifying a tectonic mobility of the basin margins differentiated over time. This reconstruction leads to propose detailed relationships between types of deposits and provenance and not a classic ?unroofing?, as follows: (i) the lithofacies L-1 (lithofacies L-2 and L-3 were not analysed) is characterized by the Ill+Kln+Sme mineralogical association indicating an origin from the Albian formations; (ii) the lithofacies L-4 shows a mixture of Ill+Kln+Sme and Sme+Ill+Kln associations sourced from the Albian and Upper Cretaceous formations; (iii) the lithofacies L-5 is characterized by the Sme+Ill±Kln+(I-S) association indicating a provenance from the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene formations, and (iv) the lithofacies L-6 to L-8 are characterized by the Ill+Kln±Sme+Chl association indicating a supply mainly from Triassic deposits. The evolutionary sedimentary model reconstructed for the Agost Basin, which improves a previous contribution about the same area, has been correlated with those reported in other intramontane Neogene basins in the Betic-Rifian Arc studied with similar resolution, this obtaining useful information for regional reconstructions.Research supported by: Research Project CGL2016-75679-P, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science; Research Groups and Projects of the Generalitat Valenciana, Alicante University (CTMAIGA); Research Group RNM 146, Junta de Andalucía; Grants from University of Urbino Carlo Bo, responsible M. Tramontana

    The Numidian formation and its Lateral Successions (Central-Western Mediterranean): a review

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    The widely debated late Oligocene-middle Miocene Numidian Fm (NF) consists of supermature quartzose sediments deposited in the Maghrebian Flysch Basin (MFB) outcropping from the Betic Cordillera to the Southern Apennine passing by the Maghrebian Chain. The NF is commonly composed of three lithostratigraphic members and is characterized by two vertical successions (Type A and Type B) corresponding to different sedimentation areas in the MFB. It is noteworthy the occurrence of widespread lateral successions of the NF (Types C, D and E) indicating in some cases an interference of the Numidian sedimentation with other different depositional systems and supplies. The Type C ‘Mixed Successions’, deposited in depocentre areas, are composed of supermature Numidian supply interfingering with immature siliciclastic materials, coming from the internal portion of the MFB. The Type D consists of supermature Numidian materials supplied from the Africa Margin (external sub-domains) deposited in sub-basins on the Africa-Adria margins, outside the typical Numidian depositional area. The Type E, which stratigraphically overlies both the South Iberian Margin (SIM) and the Mesomediterranean Microplate (MM), represents the migration of the Numidian depositional system to reach the opposite margins of the MFB. The occurrence at a regional scale of all the above-mentioned lateral successions reveals a great evolutionary complexity resulting also from further constraints, which must be considered for palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic reconstructions. Another important point deals with the diachronism of the top of the NF, observed eastward from the Betic-Rifian Arc and the Algerian-Tunisian Tell (Burdigalian p.p.) to Sicily (Langhian p.p.) and up to the Southern Apennine (at least Langhian/Serravallian boundary) which can be related with eastwards delay in the MFB closure. The palaeogeographic reconstruction of the Numidian depositional area presented in this paper, which is also included into a global kinematic model, represents a first attempt to use the software GPlates for this subject