10 research outputs found

    Abrupt peaks in perceived risk of occasional drug use after changing the question order in a repeated self-administered survey

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    Background: Question-order changes in repeated surveys can distort comparisons. We want to describe the evolution of drug risk perceptions among Spanish adolescents and assessing whether the 2006 peaks in perceived risk of occasional drug use can be explained by question-order changes. Methods: The subjects were secondary students from a biennial national survey during 2000-2012. A one-off intervention was applied in 2006, replacing the two-adjacent items on perceived risk of occasional and regular use of each drug by non-adjacent items. Annual prevalence of high-risk perception were obtained for occasional and regular use of cannabis, heroin, cocaine and ecstasy. Subsequently, the 2006 percent level change (PC) in such were estimated prevalence using segmented Poisson regression, adjusting for various student and parent covariates. Results: The 2006 PC in prevalence of high-risk perception of occasional drug use ranged from +63% (heroin) to +83% (ecstasy). These PCs were very high in all considered subgroups. However, the 2006 PC in prevalence of high-risk perception of regular drug use ranged from 1% (heroin) to 12% (cannabis). The evolution of preventive interventions does not suggest alternative causal hypotheses for 2006 peaks other than question-order changes. Conclusion: Within the cognitive heuristics framework, the 2006 spikes in perceived risk of occasional drug use were most likely due to a release of the anchor exerted by perceived risk of regular drug use over that of occasional use triggered by 2006 question-order changes. In repeated surveys it is inexcusable to pre-test the effect of any change in questionnaire format.This research was carried out in the framework of a project funded by the Government Delegation for the National Drugs Plan (DGPNSD) (Grant 2019I017).S

    Awareness and Use of HIV Self-Testing Among Men Who Have Sex With Men Remains Low in Spain 2 Years After Its Authorization

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    Objectives: HIV self-testing has been available in Spain since 2017 as a diagnostic tool to promote earlier diagnosis. We aimed to assess awareness and previous use of HIV self-testing in a sample of men who have sex with men (MSM) recruited online more than 2 years after its legal authorization in Spain. Methods: We analyzed 5,492 MSM recruited between May and July 2020 in gay dating apps/websites and other social networks. We estimated the proportion of participants who were aware of the existence of HIV self-testing and the proportion who reported previous use. To identify factors associated with both outcomes we built two Poisson regression models. Among those who reported previous use we described several aspects related to their last self-test. Results: Awareness of HIV self-test was reported by 29.7% and its previous use by 5% of participants. Awareness was independently associated with recruitment in gay dating apps/websites, being ≥40 years old, born in Spain-other European countries, having higher educational level, living in medium-small municipalities and living sex life openly. Independent associations were also found with having received a sexually transmitted infection diagnosis (STI) or an HIV negative test in the last 12 months, and being HIV positive. Use was significantly higher among participants who were paid for sex or diagnosed with an STI in the last 12 months and who received their last HIV test in the preceding year. Self-testing occurred recently, with kits acquired at pharmacies and carried out alone. Conclusion: Awareness and use probably have not increased sufficiently in order to make a relevant impact to the promotion of early HIV diagnosis. Additional efforts, mainly focused on less favored MSM, should be made to take better advantage of the possibilities offered by this testing option.This work received funding from the National Drugs Plan (Ministry of Health, Government of Spain, 2019I017).S

    Injection of Anabolic Steroids in Men Who Had Sex with Men in Madrid and Barcelona: Prevalence Correlates and Role as a Risk Factor for Transmitted Infections

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    This study describes the prevalence of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) injection, their main correlates, and the prevalence of specific AAS injection risk behaviours among men who have sex with men (MSM), an area insufficiently addressed in scientific research. Participants were HIV-negative MSM attending four HIV/STI diagnosis services: two clinics and two community programmes in Madrid and Barcelona. Participants answered an online self-administered questionnaire. Crude and adjusted lifetime prevalence and prevalence ratios (PRs) were calculated by different factors and using Poisson regression models with robust variance. Of the 3510 participants, 6.1% (95% CI: 5.3-6.9) had injected AAS before and 3.5% (95% CI: 2.9-4.2) had done so in the last 12 months. In the multivariate analysis, AAS injection was independently associated with being over 40 years old (aPR = 3.6; 95% CI: 2.0-6.5) and being born in Latin America (aPR = 2.5; 95% CI:1.9-3.4), and was less strongly associated (aPRs of around two) with having been recruited into STI clinics, having ever been paid for sex before, injected drugs, used drugs for sex, having been diagnosed with an STI before, and having been diagnosed with HIV at the recruitment consultation. Only three participants, 1.4%, of those who had injected AAS before had shared AAS or equipment for preparation or injecting before. Conclusions: In contrast to drugs, AAS injecting behaviours do not play a relevant, direct role in the transmission of blood-borne infections among MSM. However, AAS injectors have a higher prevalence of sexual risk behaviours. These findings should be confirmed using new studies that employ other sampling procedures.This study was supported by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017). The Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas had no further role in study design, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in the writing of the report, and in the decision to submit the paper for publication.S

    Hepatitis C antibody prevalence and active hepatitis C infection in HIV-negative gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Barcelona and Madrid, Spain (March 2018-March 2021)

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    Objectives: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been recognized as a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM), with an increased notification in HIV-negative MSM. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HCV antibody and active HCV infection in HIV-negative gay, bisexual, and other MSM (GBMSM), and their characteristics, in Barcelona and Madrid, from March 2018 to March 2021. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted on 3548 HIV-undiagnosed GBMSM, across four HIV/STI testing centers. Respondents submitted an online, self-administered questionnaire after consultation, which collected information on sociodemographics, sexual health history, HCV knowledge, and substance consumption. Prevalence of HCV antibodies was determined by a reactive result in a rapid anti-HCV test or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), while active HCV infection was determined by participants who were also positive on an HCV-RNA test. Crude and adjusted Poisson analyses with robust variance are presented for both prevalence and active infection. Results: In total, 97.6% of participants (n = 3463) were HIV-negative. Of those, 18 were found to have HCV antibodies (0.52%), of which nine (0.26%) were also HCV-RNA positive. Those with HCV antibodies were associated to have lived with an HCV (+) person (adjusted prevalence ratio [APR]: 7.84, [95% confidence interval: 2.50-24.53]), using injectable drugs for sex (APR: 6.92, [1.20-39.79]) and testing positive for an STI in the previous year (APR: 4.06, [1.09-15.12]). Presenting an active infection was strongly associated with a previous HCV diagnosis (APR: 100.82 [22.16-458.76]), sexualized injectable drug use (APR: 17.53 [2.70-113.76]), and sharing douching material (APR: 7.45, [2.12-25.95]). Conclusion: Sexual practices with a higher risk of bleeding and sexualized drug use, particularly sexualized injectable drug use, were associated with higher rates of HCV diagnosis in GBMSM. Identifying these practices during consultation, contact tracing new cases and regularly testing those with a previous history of HCV, will facilitate HCV eradication.Both a Health Research Grant (Fondo de Investigación en Salud, FIS P117/02077) and an Intramural Strategy Action Grant (PI17CIII/00037), From the Carlos III Institute, at the Science and Innovation Ministry of the Spain Government, supported this study.S

    Sexualized drug use among men who have sex with men in Madrid and Barcelona: The gateway to new drug use?

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    This original study compares the prevalences of drug use for any purpose and for sexualized drug use (SDU) among MSM. It also describes relevant characteristics of first SDU, analyzes to what extent SDU has been the first experience (the gateway) with different drugs by age and explores the correlates of SDU. Study participants included 2,919 HIV-negative MSM attending four HIV/STI diagnosis services in Madrid and Barcelona. They answered an online, self-administered questionnaire. Poisson regression models with robust variance were used. About 81.4% had ever used any drug, and 71.9% had done so in the last-12-months, while 56% had ever engaged in SDU, and 50% had done so in the last-12-months. Participants under 25 years old had the lowest prevalences of SDU, and the 25-39 age group the highest, except for Viagra, which was higher among those over age 40. The most frequently used drugs for first SDU were poppers (53.6%), cannabis (19.6%) and Viagra (12.2%). These drugs were also the most ever consumed for SDU. Among sexualized users, methamphetamine (78.3%) and Mephedrone (75.4%) were used always/most of the times for sex in the last-12-months. Around 72.2% of Mephedrone sexualized users and 69.6% of Methamphetamine vs 23.1% of ecstasy users' first consumption of these drugs involved use for sex. These drugs were provided to them free where they have sex for 66.8, 79.1, and 31.9%, respectively. On that occasion, 8.1% of Mephedrone, 6.8% of Methamphetamine and 18.4% of ecstasy users had sex only with steady partner; with 50.2, 56.2, and 26.2% respectively using a condom with any partner. SDU in the first use was associated with similar variables for recreational and chemsex drugs. The highest prevalence ratios were for having ever been penetrated by >20 men and having ever injected drugs. It can be concluded that the prevalence of SDU was more than half of the prevalence for any purpose. Thus SDU was the gateway to use for many drugs in an important proportion of users, who frequently consumed drugs that were free and had condomless anal sex with occasional and multiple partners. These circumstances were much more common for chemsex than for recreational drugs.This study was supported by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017)S

    Sexualized drug use among men who have sex with men in Madrid and Barcelona: The gateway to new drug use?

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    Men who have sex with men; Sexualized drug useHomes que tenen sexe amb homes; Consum sexual de droguesHombres que tienen sexo con hombres; Consumo sexual de drogasThis original study compares the prevalences of drug use for any purpose and for sexualized drug use (SDU) among MSM. It also describes relevant characteristics of first SDU, analyzes to what extent SDU has been the first experience (the gateway) with different drugs by age and explores the correlates of SDU. Study participants included 2,919 HIV-negative MSM attending four HIV/STI diagnosis services in Madrid and Barcelona. They answered an online, self-administered questionnaire. Poisson regression models with robust variance were used. About 81.4% had ever used any drug, and 71.9% had done so in the last-12-months, while 56% had ever engaged in SDU, and 50% had done so in the last-12-months. Participants under 25 years old had the lowest prevalences of SDU, and the 25–39 age group the highest, except for Viagra, which was higher among those over age 40. The most frequently used drugs for first SDU were poppers (53.6%), cannabis (19.6%) and Viagra (12.2%). These drugs were also the most ever consumed for SDU. Among sexualized users, methamphetamine (78.3%) and Mephedrone (75.4%) were used always/most of the times for sex in the last-12-months. Around 72.2% of Mephedrone sexualized users and 69.6% of Methamphetamine vs 23.1% of ecstasy users' first consumption of these drugs involved use for sex. These drugs were provided to them free where they have sex for 66.8, 79.1, and 31.9%, respectively. On that occasion, 8.1% of Mephedrone, 6.8% of Methamphetamine and 18.4% of ecstasy users had sex only with steady partner; with 50.2, 56.2, and 26.2% respectively using a condom with any partner. SDU in the first use was associated with similar variables for recreational and chemsex drugs. The highest prevalence ratios were for having ever been penetrated by >20 men and having ever injected drugs. It can be concluded that the prevalence of SDU was more than half of the prevalence for any purpose. Thus SDU was the gateway to use for many drugs in an important proportion of users, who frequently consumed drugs that were free and had condomless anal sex with occasional and multiple partners. These circumstances were much more common for chemsex than for recreational drugs.This study was supported by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017)

    Substance use in Sexual Context among Spanish Resident Men who have Sex with Men

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    Artículo disponible en español e inglés.[ES] Analizar los patrones de consumo sexualizado de drogas (CSD) e identificar cual es el de mayor riesgo para la adquisición/transmisión del VIH y de otras infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) en una muestra de hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH) residentes en España. Adicionalmente, también se identifican las subpoblaciones más afectadas por el patrón de CSD de mayor riesgo. En 2016, se realizó una encuesta online en app de contacto gay. Se identificaron los patrones de CSD y se estimaron las prevalencias de varios indicadores de riesgo para el VIH/ITS para cada uno. Se construyeron dos modelos multivariantes de Poisson identificando factores asociados al patrón de mayor riesgo. Todos los análisis se realizaron en función del estado serológico frente al VIH. De 2883 HSH, el 21,9% refirió CSD en los últimos 12 meses. Todos los patrones de CSD fueron más frecuentes en los VIH+. De los cuatro patrones identificados (chemsex, drogas recreacionales, drogas para mejorar el rendimiento sexual y cannabinoides) el más prevalente y de mayor riesgo, fue el chemsex (21,9% en VIH+ vs. 6,6% en VIH-). En los VIH- el chemsex se asoció con: ciudad de residencia > 1 000 000 habitantes, vivir la sexualidad abiertamente, haber cobrado por tener sexo, haber mantenido relaciones anales desprotegidas (RAD) en el último año y haber sido diagnosticado de una ITS. En los VIH+ se asoció con: tener 30-49 años, haber pagado por tener relaciones sexuales, haber tenido RAD y haber sido diagnosticado de ITS en el último año. Dada su elevada prevalencia especialmente en VIH+ y a que se observa fundamentalmente en poblaciones con perfiles de alto riesgo, el chemsex podría estar jugando un papel relevante en la adquisición y/o transmisión del VIH y otras ITS. [EN] We analysed patterns of sexualized drug use (SDU) and pinpointed the one with the highest risk for the acquisition/transmission of HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in a sample of men who have sex with men (MSM) residing in Spain. Additionally, we also identified the most affected subpopulations by highest risk SDU pattern. In 2016, we promoted an online survey in gay dating apps. We estimated the prevalence of several HIV/STI risk indicators for each identified SDU pattern. We built two different Poisson regression models identifying factors associated to the pattern associated with the highest risk. All analyses were carried out by HIV status. Of 2,883 MSM, 21.9% self-reported SDU in the last 12 months. All patterns of SDU were more frequent in HIV+ MSM. Of the four SDU patterns identified (chemsex, recreational drugs, sexual performance enhancing drugs, and cannabinoids), the most frequent was chemsex (21.9% in HIV+ vs 6.6% in HIV-). It also comprised the highest risk profile for HIV/STI. Among HIV-, chemsex was associated with living in a city of > 1,000,000 inhabitants, living sexuality in an open way and having been paid for sex, having had unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) in the last 12 months and having ever received an STI diagnosis. Among HIV+, it was associated with being 30-49 years old, having paid for sex, having had UAI and having been diagnosed with an STI in the last 12 months. Given its high prevalence, especially among HIV positive individuals, and its association with subpopulations with high-risk behaviour, chemsex could be playing a relevant role in the acquisition/transmission of HIV and other STIs.[ES] Este estudio recibió financiación del Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA: 20131101) y de Acción Estratégica en Salud (AESI: PI17CIII/00037) y de la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019 I 017). [EN] This study was supported by Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA: 20131101) and Acción Estratégica en Salud (AESI: PI17CIII/00037) and of the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019 I 017).S

    El consumo de drogas con cualquier finalidad y el consumo sexualizado, en los hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres en España: prevalencia, factores asociados e implicaciones para el control de la epidemia de VIH y otras infecciones de transmisión sexual

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública y Microbiologia. Fecha de Lectura: 21-03-202

    Mapeo de activos de población trans y no binaria de la ciudad de Barcelona previo a implementación de instrumento de salud

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    XLI Reunión anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) y XVIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiología (APE). Porto (Portugal), del 5 al 8 de septiembre de 2023.Antecedentes/Objetivos: Los determinantes en salud de las personas trans y no binarias (PT/NB) pueden verse afectados por necesidades no visualizadas. En el marco de una evaluación de la salud de este colectivo en España, el objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un mapeo de activos de PT/NB en la ciudad de Barcelona, identificando actores y necesidades, previo al desarrollo e implementación del instrumento. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de proceso realizado entre enero y marzo del 2023. Se realizó una búsqueda a través de informantes claves, redes sociales (RRSS), actividades presenciales y organizaciones accedidas por contactos e internet. Las entidades fueron invitadas a participa vía correo electrónico. Según respuesta, se agendaron entrevistas presenciales o recaudaron más contactos. Con aquellas interesadas se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas de entre 60 a 120 minutos, evaluando población objetivo y percepción de necesidades en salud de las PT/NB. Resultados: De las 33 organizaciones detectadas, 21% respondió al contacto, de las cuales 9% avanzaron a entrevista. Entre quienes contestaron, un 100% presentó actividad en RRSS durante el último año, versus 32% de las que no contestaron. Se entrevistó un servicio de salud específico en acompañamiento a PT/NB y dos entidades comunitarias enfocadas en migración y trabajo sexual. Se observaron puntos en común como la relación entre salud y sus determinantes sociales; la necesidad de evidenciar problemáticas de salud mental; y el manejo adecuado de una población altamente instrumentalizada dentro de la investigación, creando instrumentos precisos, con participación comunitaria, libres de estigma y con enfoque de género. Conclusiones/Recomendaciones: El mapeo de activos es un instrumento necesario previo al desarrollo de estudios con comunidades clave. Las instituciones entrevistadas abarcan a población vinculada a terapia hormonal, migrantes y aquellas que realizan trabajo sexual, trabajando en red con colectivos en Cataluña y el resto de España. Sin embargo, podrían omitir a población no binaria o que no busquen hormonarse. Expandir la red de organizaciones activas y aplicar metodologías de bola de nieve permitirá alcanzar una muestra más heterogénea y representativa. Las conclusiones obtenidas permitirán el desarrollo de instrumentos atingentes, que evidencien las necesidades de los colectivos y se traduzcan en políticas efectivas.N

    Excessive Drinking Among Men Who Have Sex With Men Recruited From Web-Based Resources: Cross-sectional Questionnaire Study

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    BackgroundUS and Northern European studies have found a higher prevalence of alcohol-related problems among men who have sex with men (MSM) than among the general population of men (GPM). However, most of them relied on traditional sampling methods, not profiting from MSM dating apps and websites for recruitment. Besides, analogous comparisons in Southern Europe are lacking. ObjectiveThis study aimed to compare several indicators of excessive drinking between MSM and GPM in Spain. MethodsOverall, 5862 MSM were recruited through dating apps or websites for the Méthysos Project, and 10,349 GPM were recruited using probability sampling via the Household Survey on Alcohol and Drugs in Spain from 2018 to 2020. The outcomes were the prevalence of hazardous or harmful drinking (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test [AUDIT] ≥8), hazardous drinking (AUDIT-Consumption ≥4), harmful drinking (AUDIT-Problem ≥4), regular hazardous drinking (>14 standard drinks per week), and monthly binge drinking. The prevalence of excessive drinking indicators was calculated for MSM and GPM and compared using the adjusted prevalence ratio (aPR). Two different aPRs and their 95% CIs were estimated using Poisson regression models with robust variance. The first was adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, and the second was adjusted for the aforementioned covariates plus other drug use. ResultsThe prevalence of hazardous or harmful drinking was 15.6% (913/5862) among MSM versus 7.7% (902/10,349) among GPM. After adjusting for sociodemographic covariates, the risk was higher in MSM than in GPM for harmful or hazardous drinking (aPR 1.8, 95% CI 1.6-2.0), harmful drinking (aPR 2.3, 95% CI 2.0-2.7), and binge drinking (aPR 1.7, 95% CI 1.5-1.9); the same in both populations for hazardous drinking (aPR 0.9, 95% CI 0.9-1.0); and higher in GPM than in MSM for regular hazardous drinking (aPR 0.7, 95% CI 0.6-0.9). The relative excess risk of harmful drinking and binge drinking among MSM tended to increase with increasing education level and size of the place of residence, and the opposite was true for the deficit risk in regular hazardous drinking. Additional adjustment for other drug use greatly buffered the relative excess risk in harmful drinking and binge drinking in MSM, while it deepened its deficit risk in regular hazardous drinking. ConclusionsThe use of web-based resources allowed recruiting a large sample of MSM. The risk of hazardous or harmful drinking was 80% greater in MSM than in GPM, which was mainly because of the higher risk of harmful drinking and binge drinking among MSM. Nearly 1 in 6 MSM would benefit from early brief alcohol intervention procedures. The subgroup with harmful or binge drinking combined with other drug use is an important contributor to excess MSM risk in hazardous or harmful drinking and must be a priority target for harm reduction interventions