1,038 research outputs found

    Propuesta de mejora en el área de producción para incrementar la rentabilidad de la empresa Línea Rica Moveis E. I. R. L.

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general el desarrollo de una propuesta de mejora en el área de producción para incrementar la rentabilidad de la empresa Linea Rica Moveis E.I.R.L. Nuestra sociedad se muestra día a día cada vez más exigente e competitiva por eso que toda empresa tiene que luchar para poder tener un espacio en el mercado. Linea Rica Moveis E.I.R.L. es una pequeña empresa, pero no es impedimento para hacer los productos con calidad y estar a nivel con las grandes fábricas, por ello se necesita mejorar sus procesos con herramientas de Ingeniería Industrial: Cadena Suministros, 5S´ (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke), indicadores de calidad. El trabajo a continuación presenta la realidad de la empresa, técnicas de mejora, definiciones y la importancia de un proceso de producción con calidad para el incremento de la rentabilidad de la empresa. Durante el trabajo será descrito paso a paso la aplicación de cada técnica en el área de estudio para su mejor entendimiento. Los resultados que se lograron son: • Con la aplicación de la propuesta de mejora obtendremos un ahorro total de 25,355.45doˊlares.•Incrementarelporcentajedeherramientasencontradasa100 25,355.45 dólares. • Incrementar el porcentaje de herramientas encontradas a 100%. • Disminuir a 0% el índice de materia prima y herramientas deterioradas. • Encontrar las herramientas en su lugar. • Prevenir accidentes por el desorden en las áreas de trabajo. • Incrementar el control de proveedores en un 100%. • Tener control de stock a un 100%. • Implementar nuevas herramientas de control: Kardex e Inventario. • Reducción de fallas en producción a 0.2% del costo total de producción. • Manejar tarjetas Kanban. • Reducir el índice de pedidos no entregados por falta de stock a 0%.The present work had as general objective the development of a proposal of improvement in the area of production to increase the profitability of the company Linea Rica Moveis E.I.R.L. Our society is showing itself every day more and more demanding and competitive that is why every company has to fight to be able to have a space in the market. Linea Rica Moveis E.I.R.L. Is a small company, but it is not impediment to make the products with quality and to be level with the big factories, for that it is necessary to improve its processes with tools of Industrial Engineering: Cadena Suministros, 5S' (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu , Shitsuke), quality indicators. The work below presents the reality of the company, improvement techniques, definitions and the importance of a production process with quality to increase the profitability of the company. During the work will be described step by step the application of each technique in the area of study for your better understanding. The results achieved are: • With the application of the improvement proposal we will obtain a total saving of 25,355.45 dollars. • Increase the percentage of tools found to 100%. • Decrease the index of raw material and deteriorated tools to 0%. • Find the tool s in their place. • Prevent accidents due to the disorder in the work areas. • Increase supplier control by 100%. • Have 100% stock control. • Implement new control tools: Kardex and Inventory. • Reduction of production failures to 0.2% of the total production cost. • Handle Kanban cards. • Reduce the rate of orders not delivered due to lack of stock at 0%

    Phase Dependency of the Human Primary Motor Cortex and Cholinergic Inhibition Cancelation during Beta tACS

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    The human motor cortex has a tendency to resonant activity at about 20 Hz so stimulation should more readily entrain neuronal populations at this frequency. We investigated whether and how different interneuronal circuits contribute to such resonance by using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) during transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) at motor (20 Hz) and a nonmotor resonance frequency (7 Hz). We tested different TMS interneuronal protocols and triggered TMS pulses at different tACS phases. The effect of cholinergic short-latency afferent inhibition (SAI) was abolished by 20 Hz tACS, linking cortical beta activity to sensorimotor integration. However, this effect occurred regardless of the tACS phase. In contrast, 20 Hz tACS selectively modulated MEP size according to the phase of tACS during single pulse, GABAAergic short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) and glutamatergic intracortical facilitation (ICF). For SICI this phase effect was more marked during 20 Hz stimulation. Phase modulation of SICI also depended on whether or not spontaneous beta activity occurred at ~20 Hz, supporting an interaction effect between tACS and underlying circuit resonances. The present study provides in vivo evidence linking cortical beta activity to sensorimotor integration, and for beta oscillations in motor cortex being promoted by resonance in GABAAergic interneuronal circuits

    Knowledge Maximizer: Concept-Based Adaptive Problem Sequencing for Exam Preparation

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    To support introductory Java programming students in preparing for their exams, we developed Knowledge Maximizer as a concept-based problem sequencing tool that considers a fine-grained concept-level model of student knowledge accumulated over the semester and attempts to bridge the possible knowledge gaps in the most efficient way. This paper presents the sequencing approach behind the Knowledge Maximizer and its classroom evaluation

    An ultra-low-cost RCL-meter

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    An ultra-low-cost RCL meter, aimed at IoT applications, was developed, and was used to measure electrical components based on standard techniques without the need of additional electronics beyond the AVR® micro-controller hardware itself and high-level routines. The models and pseudo-routines required to measure admittance parameters are described, and a benchmark between the ATmega328P and ATmega32U4 AVR® micro-controllers was performed to validate the resistance and capacitance measurements. Both ATmega328P and ATmega32U4 micro-controllers could measure isolated resistances from 0.5 Ω to 80 MΩ and capacitances from 100 fF to 4.7 mF. Inductance measurements are estimated at between 0.2 mH to 1.5 H. The accuracy and range of the measurements of series and parallel RC networks are demonstrated. The relative accuracy (ar) and relative precision (pr) of the measurements were quantified. For the resistance measurements, typically ar, pr ar pr ar pr ar falls below 5% in some sub-ranges. The combination of the two capacitance modes allows for measurements in the range 100 fF–10 mF (11 orders of magnitude) with ar < 20%. Possible applications include the sensing of impedimetric sensor arrays targeted for wearable and in-body bioelectronics, smart agriculture, and smart cities, while complying with small form factor and low cost.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation on repetitive finger movements in healthy humans

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    Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is a noninvasive neurophysiological technique that can entrain brain oscillations. Only few studies have investigated the effects of tACS on voluntary movements. We aimed to verify whether tACS, delivered over M1 at beta and gamma frequencies, has any effect on repetitive finger tapping as assessed by means of kinematic analysis. Eighteen healthy subjects were enrolled. Objective measurements of repetitive finger tapping were obtained by using a motion analysis system. M1 excitability was assessed by using single-pulse TMS and measuring the amplitude of motor-evoked potentials (MEPs). Movement kinematic measures and MEPs were collected during beta, gamma, and sham tACS and when the stimulation was off. Beta tACS led to an amplitude decrement (i.e., progressive reduction in amplitude) across the first ten movements of the motor sequence while gamma tACS had the opposite effect. The results did not reveal any significant effect of tACS on other movement parameters, nor any changes in MEPs. These findings demonstrate that tACS modulates finger tapping in a frequency-dependent manner with no concurrent changes in corticospinal excitability. The results suggest that cortical beta and gamma oscillations are involved in the motor control of repetitive finger movements

    Driving human motor cortical oscillations leads to behaviorally relevant changes in local GABAA inhibition: a tACS-TMS study

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    Beta and gamma oscillations are the dominant oscillatory activity in the human motor cortex (M1). However, their physiological basis and precise functional significance remain poorly understood. Here, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to examine the physiological basis and behavioral relevance of driving beta and gamma oscillatory activity in the human M1 using transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS). tACS was applied using a sham-controlled crossover design at individualized intensity for 20 min and TMS was performed at rest (before, during, and after tACS) and during movement preparation (before and after tACS). We demonstrated that driving gamma frequency oscillations using tACS led to a significant, duration-dependent decrease in local resting-state GABAA inhibition, as quantified by short interval intracortical inhibition. The magnitude of this effect was positively correlated with the magnitude of GABAA decrease during movement preparation, when gamma activity in motor circuitry is known to increase. In addition, gamma tACS-induced change in GABAA inhibition was closely related to performance in a motor learning task such that subjects who demonstrated a greater increase in GABAA inhibition also showed faster short-term learning. The findings presented here contribute to our understanding of the neurophysiological basis of motor rhythms and suggest that tACS may have similar physiological effects to endogenously driven local oscillatory activity. Moreover, the ability to modulate local interneuronal circuits by tACS in a behaviorally relevant manner provides a basis for tACS as a putative therapeutic intervention.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Gamma oscillations have a vital role in motor control. Using a combined tACS-TMS approach, we demonstrate that driving gamma frequency oscillations modulates GABAA inhibition in the human motor cortex. Moreover, there is a clear relationship between the change in magnitude of GABAA inhibition induced by tACS and the magnitude of GABAA inhibition observed during task-related synchronization of oscillations in inhibitory interneuronal circuits, supporting the hypothesis that tACS engages endogenous oscillatory circuits. We also show that an individual's physiological response to tACS is closely related to their ability to learn a motor task. These findings contribute to our understanding of the neurophysiological basis of motor rhythms and their behavioral relevance and offer the possibility of developing tACS as a therapeutic tool

    The Problem Solving Genome: Analyzing Sequential Patterns of Student Work with Parameterized Exercises

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    Parameterized exercises are an important tool for online assessment and learning. The ability to generate multiple versions of the same exercise with different parameters helps to support learning-by-doing and decreases cheating during assessment. At the same time, our experience using parameterized exercises for Java programming reveals suboptimal use of this technology as demonstrated by repeated successful and failed attempts to solve the same problem. In this paper we present the results of our work on modeling and examining patterns of student behavior with parameterized exercises using the Problem Solving Genome, a compact encapsulation of individual behavior patterns. We started with micro-patterns (genes) that describe small chunks of repetitive behavior and constructed individual genomes as frequency profiles that show the dominance of each gene in individual behavior. The exploration of student genomes revealed the individual genome is considerably stable, distinguishing students from their peers. Using the genome, we were able to analyze student behavior on the group level and identify genes associated with good and poor learning performance
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