24 research outputs found

    Rare earth elements in gneiss regoliths in southern Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Regolith characterization in its entirety is particularly difficult in gneissic regoliths due to the heterogeneity of their rock structure. Rare earth elements (REE) are a useful tool in helping understand the evolution of regoliths. This study relates the mineralogy and weathering indexes of three gneisses regoliths (P1-leucocratic, P2-mesocratic and P3-melanocratic gneisses) to the distribution of REE at depth. In soil, clay activity, iron and manganese oxides, CaO, SiO2, P2O5, TiO2, Fe2O3, and MgO showed high positive correlation with REE. The absolute content of REE was enriched in mafic minerals. At the interface between the soil and saprolite, the sum of absolute REE content was greater in soil than in saprolite in P1, while the opposite pattern was found in P2 and P3. The sums of absolute REE in the whole profiles did not overlap between P1, P2 and P3, and the absolute concentration of Gadolinium (Gd) differentiated the three gneisses in all and every horizon/layer of their regoliths without overlapping values. Normalized REE content was greater in the subsurface of P1 due to Eu content in plagioclase, and fractionation had less variation when estimated by Light REE / Heavy REE (LREE/HREE) than by La/Yb, since the variation in REE is great in gneisses (due to the segregation of minerals into bands), and had low levels of association with the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) and the Weathering Index of Parker (WIP)

    Correlation among monitoring methods of surface cleaning and disinfection in outpatient facilities

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    Objectives: To evaluate the correlation among microbiological culture, ATP bioluminescence assay, and visual inspection in monitoring the effectiveness of surface cleaning and disinfection in an outpatient facility and determine the ATP bioluminescence cutoff capable of indicating a clean surface regarding microbiological evaluation. Methods: Exploratory, cross-sectional, and correlation study consisting of 720 evaluations in five surfaces before and after cleaning and disinfection. The results were used to run two-proportions tests, calculate Spearman's correlation, and plot the receiver operating characteristic curve. Results: Similar proportions (p≥0.05) occurred for non-approval rates between ATP-bioluminescence and aerobic colony count only when the evaluations of all the surfaces before and after cleaning and disinfection were put together. There was a significant correlation between the ATP quantification and microbial count methods for the reception desk and the stretcher. Receiver operating characteristic analysis indicated that ATP quantification showed a significant result in comparison with aerobic colony count (p=0.044). Conclusion: There was a discrete correlation between the ATP quantification and microbial count methods for two surfaces. It is suggested that surfaces showing values ≤49 relative light units are clean.publishersversionpublishe

    Agronomic performance and adaptability of arabic coffee resistant. To leaf rust in the central brasilian savanna

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    Breeding programs and later indication of rust resistant cultivars for different environments and crops systems, in the concept of diseases integrated control, reach out for productivity raising and reduced production costs. The aim of this work was to evaluate the agronomic performance and adaptability of new Coffea arabica cultivars and progenies resistant to leaf rust in Central Brazilian Savanna. The experiment has been conducted since 2008 in an experimental area of Embrapa Hortaliças. Twenty three resistant cultivars, four progenies and three susceptible cultivars as controls, were assessed in a complete randomized block design with four replicates. The following traits were analyzed: plant height, stem diameter, canopy projection, number of plagiotropic branches, yield, grains percentage retained in sieves above 17, grain ripening and diseases resistance. Catucaí 2SL, Sacramento and Araponga stood out in vegetative growth. The highest yields are observed for IPR 103, Obatã 1669-20, Palma II, Sabiá 398 and Acauã, with values higher than 60 sacks per hectare. Among all these cultivars is observed high resistance to rust leaf and greater susceptibility to brown eye spot in the cultivar Acauã, for the place and period of evaluation


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    A dengue é considerada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) uma arbovirose de maior relevância no mundo. O agente etiológico da doença é um vírus do gênero Flavivírus, pertencente à família Flaviridae e é classificado em quatro sorotipos (DENV 1-4). O mosquito vetor, Aedes aegypti, apresenta-se em grande parte do território nacional e isso se deve à urbanização acelerada, sem planejamento, característica dos centros urbanos de países em desenvolvimento. Sem vacina contra a dengue, o controle da população de A. aegypti torna-se importante. Levantamentos de incidência de dengue também podem direcionar os programas de controle do vetor para locais com maiores casos suspeitos e confirmados. O presente trabalho realizou um levantamento de incidência da doença dengue em 6 bairros de Campos dos Goytacazes, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Observou que os bairros com melhor infraestrutura e população com melhor renda a incidência de dengue foi significativamente baixa, comparado com bairros de periferia

    Saprolites in the southeast region of Brazil: morphology, classification and evolution physical-geochemistry-mineralogical

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    O saprolito é um corpo geológico constituído pela mistura de minerais primários e secundários resultantes do intemperismo físico e químico, o qual mantém vestígios da estrutura original da rocha. Difere do solo pela evidente filiação litogenética e insignificante atividade biológica. Apesar das definições, no entanto, o limite e a distinção entre solo e saprolito nem sempre são claros, devido a continuidade entre estes corpos em termos de processos hidrológicos e geoquímicos, bem como de suas composições físicas e mineralógicas, o que gera grande confusão nas descrições morfológicas e na organização de informações. Devido ao caráter multidisciplinar das ciências envolvidas no estudo do saprolito e a dedicação parcial de todas elas, há uma grande carência de padronização de termos e procedimentos para sua caracterização e análise. O objetivo geral desta tese é a caracterização de saprolitos desenvolvidos a partir de variadas litologias, no intuito da elaboração de procedimentos para a descrição, classificação e análise de saprolitos. Especificamente objetivou-se avaliar detalhadamente os padrões de alteração física, mineralógica e geoquímica em materiais, influenciados por atributos litológicos relativos a composição mineralo-química e estrutural do material parental. Para tanto foram descritos e amostrados 15 perfis de alteração; compostos por solo, saprolito e rocha, derivados de rochas sedimentares e metamórficas na região Sudeste do Brasil, nos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. As descrições demonstraram que os corpos saprolíticos avaliados podem ser agrupados em quatro tipos morfológicos principais, sendo propostas as seguintes categorias estruturais: contínua, fraturada, fragmentada e terrosa. Dentre todos saprolitos avaliados, aqueles derivados de rochas metamórficas apresentaram maior complexidade morfológica. Deste modo, 9 perfis filiados a xistos e gnaisses foram submetidos a análises físicas, geoquímicas e mineralógicas para avaliação dos processos de alteração e desenvolvimento de sistema de classificação. A composição mineralógica de solos e saprolitos se mostrou semelhante, entretanto, ocorreram dissimilaridades geoquímicas entre estes corpos. Atributos físicos como densidade e porosidade total não demonstraram diferenças significativas entre solo e saprolito, entretanto, ao se considerar isoladamente amostras de saprolito, houve correlação positiva entre a perda de massa e a porosidade total, tornando este último atributo útil `a proposta de classificação de saprolitos.The saprolite is a geological body constituted by the mixture of primary and secondary minerals resulting of physical and chemical weathering, which retains traces of the original rock structure. It differs from the soil by the evident litogenetic affiliation and insignificant biological activity. Although the definitions, however, the limit and the distinction between soil and saprolite are not always clear, because the continuity between these bodies in terms of hydrological and geochemical processes, as well as their physical and mineralogical compositions, which creates great confusion in morphological descriptions and information network. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the sciences involved and the partial dedication of all of them in the saprolite investigations, there is a great lack of standardization of terms and procedures for characterization and analysis. The overall objective of this thesis is the characterization of saprolite developed from various lithologies in order to draw up procedures for the description, classification and saprolite analysis. Specifically aimed to evaluate in detail the patterns of physical, mineralogical and geochemical changes in some materials influenced by lithological attributes how the mineralogical and chemical composition, as well as the structure of parental material. For this were described and sampled 15 weathering profiles, composed of soil, saprolite and rock derived from sedimentary and metamorphic rocks in southeastern Brazil, in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. The descriptions shown that saprolite evaluated can be grouped into four main morphological types, proposed the following structural categories: continuous, fractured, fragmented and earthy. Among all evaluated saprolite, those derived from metamorphic rocks showed higher morphological complexity. Thus, 9 affiliated profiles schists and gneisses to have been subjected to physical, geochemical and mineralogical analyzes to evaluate the change processes and to developing the classification system of saprolites. The mineralogical composition of soils and saprolite was similar, however, there were dissimilarities regard geochemical attributes between this bodies. Physical properties such as density and porosity showed no significant differences between soil and saprolite, however, when considered in isolation saprolite samples, there was a positive correlation between weight loss and total porosity, making this last attribute able to integrate the proposed saprolite classification