2,478 research outputs found

    Interface Dipole : Effects on Threshold Voltage and Mobility for both Amorphous and Poly-crystalline Organic Field Effect Transistors

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    We report a detailed comparison on the role of a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of dipolar molecules on the threshold voltage and charge carrier mobility of organic field-effect transistor (OFET) made of both amorphous and polycrystalline organic semiconductors. We show that the same relationship between the threshold voltage and the dipole-induced charges in the SAM holds when both types of devices are fabricated on strictly identical base substrates. Charge carrier mobilities, almost constant for amorphous OFET, are not affected by the dipole in the SAMs, while for polycrystalline OFET (pentacene) the large variation of charge carrier mobilities is related to change in the organic film structure (mostly grain size).Comment: Full paper and supporting informatio

    Negative Differential Resistance, Memory and Reconfigurable Logic Functions based on Monolayer Devices derived from Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with Electro-polymerizable Thiophene-EDOT Units

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    We report on hybrid memristive devices made of a network of gold nanoparticles (10 nm diameter) functionalized by tailored 3,4(ethylenedioxy)thiophene (TEDOT) molecules, deposited between two planar electrodes with nanometer and micrometer gaps (100 nm to 10 um apart), and electropolymerized in situ to form a monolayer film of conjugated polymer with embedded gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). Electrical properties of these films exhibit two interesting behaviors: (i) a NDR (negative differential resistance) behavior with a peak/valley ratio up to 17, and (ii) a memory behavior with an ON/OFF current ratio of about 1E3 to 1E4. A careful study of the switching dynamics and programming voltage window is conducted demonstrating a non-volatile memory. The data retention of the ON and OFF states is stable (tested up to 24h), well controlled by the voltage and preserved when repeating the switching cycles (800 in this study). We demonstrate reconfigurable Boolean functions in multiterminal connected NP molecule devices.Comment: Full manuscript, figures and supporting information, J. Phys. Chem. C, on line, asap (2017

    Learning affects host preference in tsetse flies

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    Les glossines sont des vecteurs cycliques très efficaces des trypanosomoses animales. Etant généralement infectées dès le premier repas de sang, en particulier dans le cas de la maladie du sommeil, toute tendance à retourner sur la première espèce hôte rencontrée se traduirait par une augmentation de la transmission intra-spécifique du parasite au détriment de sa transmission interspécifique. Pour tester cette hypothèse, un choix entre deux hôtes (vache et varan) a été proposé en étable sous moustiquaire à des glossines marquées (Glossina palpalis gambiensis, Diptera : Glossinidae) préalablement nourries sur un de ces deux hôtes. Quatre-vingts pourcent des glossines ténérales choisirent d’exploiter la vache lorsque le choix leur fut proposé. Parmi les glossines nourries une première fois sur un des deux hôtes, une proportion significativement supérieure de glossines sont retournées sur le premier hôte rencontré. Les avantages énergétiques et les implications épidémiologiques de ce comportement dans la transmission du parasite de la maladie du sommeil du réservoir animal à l’homme sont discutés. Enfin, la question de l’impact de l’apprentissage dans l’épidémiologie des zoonoses à transmission vectorielle est posée.Tsetse flies are very efficient cyclic vectors of African trypanosomosis. Since tsetse are generally infected by the first blood meal, as in the case of sleep-ing sickness for example, any propensity to feed on the same host a second time will improve transmission within this host species, whereas transmission between host species will decrease. To test this hypothesis we presented a monitor lizard and a cow in a stable to marked tsetse flies that had first fed on one of these two hosts. 80% of the teneral flies that fed did so on the cow when provided the choice. Among the flies having feeding experience, a dis-proportionately high number of flies that had fed on one host returned to this host for the second meal. We discuss the energetic advantages of such a learn-ing behavior and its importance in sleeping sickness epidemiology. The find-ings are of relevance to the role played by such learning behavior in disease transmission by other insect vectors of zoonoses.Las moscas tse-tse son vectores cíclicos muy eficientes de la tripanosomosis africana. En vista de que las tse-tse generalmente se infectan con su primera alimentación de sangre, como por ejemplo en el caso de la enfermedad del sueño, cualquier propensión a alimentarse una segunda vez en el mismo huésped mejora la transmisión al interior de las especies huéspedes mientras que la transmisión entre especies huéspedes disminuye. Para probar esta hipótesis, presentamos una lagartija monitor y una vaca en un establo, para marcar las moscas tse-tse que se alimentan por primera vez en uno de estos huéspedes. 80% de las moscas tenerales que se alimentaron, lo hicieron en la vaca cuando la escogencia les fue propuesta. Entre las moscas que experimentaron la alimentación, un número desproporcionado de moscas que se alimentaron en uno de los huéspedes volvieron a este huésped para su segunda comida. Discutimos las ventajas energéticas de este comportamiento aprendido y su importancia en la epidemiología de la enfermedad del sueño. Estos hallazgos son relevantes para el papel que juegan estos comportamientos aprendidos en la transmisión de la enfermedad por otros insectos vectores de zoonosis

    Prevalence study of yaws in the Democratic Republic of Congo using the lot quality assurance sampling method.

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    BACKGROUND: Until the 1970s the prevalence of non-venereal trepanomatosis, including yaws, was greatly reduced after worldwide mass treatment. In 2005, cases were again reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We carried out a survey to estimate the village-level prevalence of yaws in the region of Equator in the north of the country in order to define appropriate strategies to effectively treat the affected population. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We designed a community-based survey using the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling method to classify the prevalence of active yaws in 14 groups of villages (lots). The classification into high, moderate, or low yaws prevalence corresponded to World Health Organization prevalence thresholds for identifying appropriate operational treatment strategies. Active yaws cases were defined by suggestive clinical signs and positive rapid plasma reagin and Treponema pallidum hemagglutination serological tests. The overall prevalence in the study area was 4.7% (95% confidence interval: 3.4-6.0). Two of 14 lots had high prevalence (>10%), three moderate prevalence (5-10%) and nine low prevalence (<5%.). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Although yaws is no longer a World Health Organization priority disease, the presence of yaws in a region where it was supposed to be eradicated demonstrates the importance of continued surveillance and control efforts. Yaws should remain a public health priority in countries where previously it was known to be endemic. The integration of sensitive surveillance systems together with free access to effective treatment is recommended. As a consequence of our study results, more than 16,000 people received free treatment against yaws

    Optical-Depth Scaling of Light Scattering From a Dense and Cold Atomic \u3csup\u3e87\u3c/sup\u3eRb Gas

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    We report investigation of near-resonance light scattering from a cold and dense atomic gas of 87Rb atoms. Measurements are made for probe frequencies tuned near the F=2→ F\u27=3 nearly closed hyperfine transition, with particular attention paid to the dependence of the scattered light intensity on detuning from resonance, the number of atoms in the sample, and atomic sample size. We find that, over a wide range of experimental variables, the optical depth of the atomic sample serves as an effective single scaling parameter which describes well all the experimental data
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