181 research outputs found

    Hemangioendotelioma epiteloide óseo multicentrico : a propósito de un caso

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    El Hemangioendotelioma epiteloide óseo (HEEO) es un tumor vascular, infrecuente, con apariencia epiteloide que si no se conoce, puede confundirse con un carcinoma metastásico. Presentamos un caso de HEEO que por las características clínicas del paciente, se podría confundir con lesiones metastásicas de un carcinoma de origen desconocido. Se han descrito pocos casos de HEEO. Clínicamente el tumor cursa con un crecimiento lento y aunque el comportamiento es benigno, se han descrito metástasis a diversos niveles. Suele ser de loralización multicéntrica, teniendo especial predilección en los huesos de una extremidad. Esta característica hace necesaria una cirugía radical en estos pacientes. En nuestro caso el tratamiento realizado, aunque agresivo, fue efectivo, ya que el paciente ha vuelto a su actividad normal, una vez implantada la ortesis.The epitheloid hemangioendothelioma of bone is an infrequent vascular tumor which can be often mistaken for a metastatic carcinoma. We report a case mistaken for a metastatic carcinoma of unknown origin due to the clinical characteristics of the patient. To date, few cases of epitheloid hemangioendothelioma of bone have been described. The tumor shows a low growth rate. Although the tumor has a benign behavior, cases with metastatic spreadming have been reported. Often the tumor is multicentric with special affinitty for the bones of the extremities. This fact allows radial surgery as the best treatment choice. In our case the treatment, supracondylar amputation, was aggresive but effective, since the patient returned to his daily activities after application of the orthesis

    Plan de implantación de medidas de ciberseguridad y de tecnología en la nube para una editorial

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es diseñar un plan de Ciberseguridad y de seguridad en la nube para una empresa editorial que explota un gestor de contenidos a través de servicios cloud de tipo infraestructura como servicio o IaaS. Para desarrollar ambos planes se ha estudiado la legislación vigente y aplicables, se han expuesto los riesgos generales de las empresas de este mercado y se han dado soluciones a la seguridad tanto en el puesto de trabajo como en la nube. Además, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de riesgos siguiendo una adaptación de la Metodología de Análisis y Gestión de Riesgos de los sistemas de la Información MAGERIT. El proyecto trata de relacionar los conocimientos académicos adquiridos en diferentes asignaturas del máster en materia de seguridad de la información y cumplimiento normativo con un tipo de empresa con unas necesidades de seguridad muy concretas y únicas.The main goal of this project is to design a Cybersecurity and cloud security plan for a publishing company that operates a content manager through cloud services such as infrastructure-as-a-service or IaaS. To develop both plans, the current and applicable legislation has been studied, the general risks of companies in this market have been explained and solutions for the security have been given both in the workplace and in the cloud. In addition, a risk analysis has been carried out after an adaptation of the MAGERIT Information Systems Risk Analysis and Management Methodology. The project tries to relate the academic knowledge acquired in different subjects of the master's degree in information security and regulatory compliance with a type of company with very specific and unique security needs.Máster Universitario en Dirección de Proyectos Informáticos (M133

    Brucellosis – Granulomatous Spine Infection

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    Brucellosis mainly affects the musculoskeletal system, with the spine as the most common location. Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms, but in some cases, they may be lacking. Laboratory diagnosis is mainly made on the combination of high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) together with high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and leukocytosis. Blood culture is a very cost-effective investigation; plain radiographs may be useful, but magnetic resonance images (MRI) with gadolinium enhancement is the choice for diagnosing osteoarticular and spinal complications of human brucellosis. MRI diffusion-weighted imaging fast sequence is the most sensitive for differentiating acute and chronic forms of spondylodiscitis. The basis for treatment is usually the medical management. The indications for surgical treatment (endoscopy or open) are when: no microorganism has been isolated, spinal cord or dural compression is seen in MRI, or there\u27s spinal instability or severe deformity. Open surgery is the standard: the anterior approach allows for anterior disc and bone debridement. If there is an epidural abscess or posterior elements are involved it\u27s indicated as a posterior approach. To prevent relapses and reduce the rate of sequelae, it\u27s necessary to have an appropriate duration of antimicrobial therapy and a timely indication to perform surgery

    Modificaciones fisarias en la rata tras enclavijamiento: estudio comparativo entre implantes plásticos y metálicos

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    El presente trabajo se efectuó para estudiar las modificaciones locales inducidas por implantes que atraviesan el cartílago de crecimiento. Se utilizaron 20 ratas macho de 5 semanas de edad. A través de una incisión parapatelar externa se insertó una aguja de Kirschner en el fémur derecho y una de plástico en el izquierdo, ambas de 1 mm de diámetro, atravesando la placa fisaria distal. Cinco animales por grupo fueron sacrificados al cabo de 1,2,8 y 16 semanas. Tras denudar los fémures de partes blandas, su extremidad distal fue procesada para estudio histológico, histomorfométrico e histoquímico. Los resultados demuestran que desde la segunda semana la fisis tuvo mayor altura en los fémures con implante metálico, aunque las diferencias no fueron estadísticamente significativas. No se apreciaron diferencias histológicas remarcables entre las placas fisarias con uno u otro implante a lo largo del estudio. La captación de azul alcián fue asimismo similar, salvo en la decimosexta semana en que fue marcadamente menor alrededor de los implantes metálicos. Se concluye que la naturaleza del implante condiciona las modificaciones fisarias inducida por éste.A study is made of the local changes induced by implants transversing growth cartilage. Twenty 5-week-old rats were used. A Kirschner needl e 1 mm. of diameter was introduced through an external parapatellar incision into the right femur, while a plastic needle of the same dimensions was passed into the left femur. Both needles wer e advanced until the distal physeal plates wer e pierced. The rats wer e sacrificed in groups of 5 after 1,2,8 and 16 weeks. After soft tissue removal, the distal femoral ends were processed for histological, histomorphometric and histochemical study. After the second week the physeal portions wer e taller in the femurs that received metal implants, although the differences were not statistically significant. No important histological differences wer e noted between the physeal plates corresponding to either implant during the study; alcian blue uptake was likewise similar, with the sole exception of the 16th week, during which uptake was markedly less intense around the metal implants. To conclude, implant type is seen to condition the physeal change s induced

    Role of Mental Disorders in Nosocomial Infections after Hip Fracture Treatment

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    The association between mental disorders (MDs) and iatrogenic complications after hip fracture surgery has been poorly studied. Among iatrogenic complications, nosocomial infections (NIs) are a major factor in hip fracture surgery. The aim of this paper was to determine whether patients with a MD and a hip fracture develop more NIs after hip surgery than patients with no MD. We studied 912 patients who underwent surgery for a hip fracture (223 patients with a MD who underwent surgery for a hip fracture and 689 control patients without a MD who also underwent surgery for a hip fracture) and followed them after surgery. Univariable and multivariable analyses were performed using simple and multiple logistic regression analysis (confidence interval, crude and adjusted odds ratios, and P value). We found that MDs, gender, and comorbidities were not associated with a higher risk of developing a NI after surgery for a hip fracture. Only age increases the risk of a NI

    Biochemical assessment of nanostructures in human trabecular bone: Proposal of a Raman microspectroscopy based measurements protocol

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    Background: Improvements to the understating of the compositional contributions of bone mineral and organic components to the competence of trabecular bone are crucial. The purpose of this study was to propose a protocol to study biochemical composition of trabecular bone, based on two combined Raman analysis methodologies. Material and Methods: Both cluster and single point Raman mappings were obtained, in order to assess bone degeneration associated with aging, disease, or injury, and to help in the evaluation and development of successful therapies. In this study, human trabecular bone has been analysed throughout a) Raman cluster analysis: bone mineral content, carbonate-to-phosphate ratio (both from the mineral components), the crosslinking and nature/secondary structure of collagen (both from the organic components); and b) Single point Raman spectra, where Raman points related to the minerals and organic components were also obtained, both techniques were employed in spectra attained at 400 to 1700 cm- 1. Results: Multivariate analysis confirmed: 1) the different spectral composition, 2) the existence of centroids grouped by chemical affinity of the various components of the trabecular bone, and 3) the several traces of centroids and distribution of chemical compositional clusters. Conclusions: This study is important, because it delivers a study protocol that provides molecular variations information in both mineral and collagen structure of trabecular bone tissue. This will enable clinicians to benefit knowing the microstructural differences in the bone subjected to degeneration of their patients.Project MAT2017-85999-P supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) of Spanish Government and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Assessing bone quality through mechanical properties in postmenopausal trabecular bone.

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    Background: The inner structure of trabecular bone is a result of structural optimisation provided by remodeling processes. Changes in hormonal status related to menopause cause bone tissue loss and micro-architectural deterioration with a consequent susceptibility to fracture. Accumulation of micro-damage in bone, as a function of the rate of production and rate of repair, underlies the development of stress fractures, increasing fragility associated to age and osteoporosis, especially in transmenopausal women. Patients and Methods: Quasi-static and nano-dynamic mechanical characterisation were undertaken in trabecular bone from femoral neck biopsies of postmenopausal women. AFM complementary studies were performed to determine nano-roughness (SRa) and the fibrils width of collagen. Nanoindentations were used to quantify transmenopausal changes in intrinsic mechanical properties of trabecular bone: hardness (Hi), modulus of Young (Ei), complex modulus (E*), tan delta (δ), storage modulus (E') and loss modulus (E"). Results: As result of the quasi-static measurements, 0.149 (0.036) GPa and 2.95 (0.73) GPa of Hi and Ei were obtained, respectively. As result of the nano-dynamic measurements, 17.94 (3.15), 0.62 (0.10), 13.79 (3.21 and 6.39 (1.28) GPa of E*, tan (δ), E' and E" were achieved, respectively. 101.07 SRa and 831.28 nm of fibrils width were additionally obtained. Conclusion: This study poses a first approach to the measurement of bone quality in postmenopausal trabecular bone by combining quasistatic, nano-DMA analysis and tribology of dentin surface through AFM characterizationProject MAT2017-85999-P supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)

    The educational potential of video games in the deconstruction of hegemonic masculinity through the VIGLIAM method (Video Games Literacy from Alternative Masculinities)

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    Habitualmente, los personajes masculinos de los videojuegos representan la masculinidad hegemónica construida bajo los parámetros de un sistema patriarcal que presenta como sujeto protagonista y dominante al varón blanco-occidental-heterosexual-poderoso-adulto-sin discapacidad y antiecologista. Si a este hecho sumamos que los videojuegos son uno de los productos de la industria del ocio y del entretenimiento más consumidos mundialmente, observamos el papel crucial de la educación ante la búsqueda de una identidad masculina por parte de los alumnos en los videojuegos. Siendo éstos utilizados como recurso educativo para la mejora del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje del alumnado, este estudio tiene como objetivo principal proponer un método didáctico, al que hemos denominado VIGLIM (acrónimo de Video Games Literacy from masculinities) mediante el cuál, el alumnado deconstruya críticamente la masculinidad hegemónica de los personajes en los videojuegos y construya crítica y creativamente masculinidades alternativas que contribuyan a una sociedad más justa e igualitaria fomentando el desarrollo de competencias empáticas y empoderadoras desde las categorías género, raza, clase, orientación sexual, cuerpo y naturaleza. De modo que este trabajo se enmarca en los estudios de masculinidades, fundamentales en el ámbito educativo ante el surgimiento del posmachismo que surge ante la posibilidad de la pérdida del privilegio masculino.Generally, male video game characters represent a hegemonic masculinity based on a patriarchal system that shows as a protagonist and dominant a white, western, heterosexual, wealthy male, disabled man and anti-ecologist. Videogames are one of the most consumed entertainment industry products worldwide. For students, video games are spaces where to find their masculine identity. Therefore, education must include video games. Video games are used as an educational resource for the improvement of the teaching-learning process of students. However, the aim of this study is to propose a didactic method untitled VIGLIAM (acronym for Video Games Literacy from Alternative Masculinities). From this method, firstly, students deconstruct critically the hegemonic masculinity of the characters in video games. Secondly, students build critically and creatively alternative masculinities that promote a fairer and more equal society. From this way, students develop empowering and empathetic skills from categories as gender, race, class, sexual orientation, body and nature. In short, this research is part of masculinities studies in the area of education and it is fundamental in the light of the emergence of posmachism that arises given the possibility of the loss of male privilege.Proyecto I+D FEM2017-83302-C3-3- P (2018-2022), Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadPIE 19-210 (Proyecto de Innovación Educativa, 2017-2019), Universidad de Málag