5 research outputs found

    Nutritive value of sun-dried grape pomace, incorporated at a low level in complete feed for the rabbit bred under Magrebian conditions

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    [EN] The nutritive value and potential use of sun-dried grape pomace (g/kg as fed: 140 of crude protein (CP), 529 of neutral detergent fi bre (NDF), 460 acid detergent fi bre , 293 acid detergent lignin) for fattening rabbits was studied by comparing 3 experimental diets containing a low but increasing incorporation rate of grape pomace (GP): 0% (control, GP0), 3% (GP3), and 6% (GP6) in substitution to the control diet (251 g NDF and 175 g CP/kg) formulated with raw materials available in the area of Tiaret (Algeria): barley, wheat bran and straw, soybean meal and faba bean. Three groups of 30 rabbits (individually caged) were fed ad libitum the three diets from weaning (35 d, mean weight 460±83 g) to 77 d of age. The dry matter digestibility was obtained from total and individual faecal collection on all animals (3 x 30), during four consecutive days each week from 42 to 77 d of age. Then, faeces from 10 rabbits per group were selected for nutrient analyses. Intake and weight gain were recorded twice a week during the whole fattening period. Incorporating 3 or 6% of GP in a low fi bre diet impaired from 35 to 77 d growth rate (-8.8% for GP3 and GP6 vs. GP0, P<0.01), feed conversion (+8.5% for GP6 vs. GP0, P<0.01), and dressing out percentage (-2.5% for GP3 and GP6 vs. GP0, P<0.001). The digestibility of organic matter was linearly reduced from 72.8 to 70.0% with the GP incorporation rate (P<0.01), while crude protein digestibility remained unaffected and averaged 78.7%. The predicted nutritive value of sun-dried GP calculated by regression was high but highly variable for digestible energy (9.33±2.01 MJ DE/Kg, raw basis), and particularly for the digestible protein content (81.8±77.2 g DCP/kg). Thus, the sun-dried whole grape pomace could be considered as an alternative fibre source for the rabbit feeding in Magrebian area.Guemour, D.; Bannelier, C.; Dellal, A.; Gidenne, T. (2010). Nutritive value of sun-dried grape pomace, incorporated at a low level in complete feed for the rabbit bred under Magrebian conditions. World Rabbit Science. 18(1):17-25. doi:10.4995/wrs.2010.18.03172518

    Influence du pâturage sur la phytodiversité et la variation de la composition chimique de cinq plantes broutées dans le mont de Tessala (Algérie nord occidentale)

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    Abstract The aim of our work is to assess the impact of grazing on the plant biodiversity of the Tessala mountains. For this, six (06) stations located on the north and south slopes of the study area were sampled. At each station, a floristic study and soil analyzes are carried out in order to identify the main factors involved in the distribution of vegetation. In addition, field surveys were carried out in order to carry out a forage analysis and highlight the impact of the factor raised. In this context, we compared the forage supply of five species belonging to the following families: Poaceae, Fabaceae, Plantaginaceae and Papaveraceae, this comparison resulted in a deficit of 18630,27 UFL, that is to say a lack of 22975,07 kg dry matter for the six stations. The factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) has enabled us to identify two groups of stations: the first group (G1) is represented by stations S2, S5, and S6, whose impact from grazing is sometimes low. The second (G2) represents the most grazed stations S1, S3 and S4, thus reflecting a trivialization of the floristic procession of the latter. &nbsp;El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es evaluar el impacto del pastoreo en la biodiversidad vegetal de las montañas de Tessala. Para esto, se muestrearon seis (06) estaciones ubicadas en las laderas norte y sur del área de estudio. En cada estación, se realiza un estudio florístico y análisis de suelos para identificar los principales factores involucrados en la distribución de la vegetación. Además, se realizaron encuestas de campo para llevar a cabo un análisis de forraje y resaltar el impacto del factor planteado. En este contexto, comparamos el suministro de forraje de cinco especies pertenecientes a las siguientes familias: Poaceae, Fabaceae, Plantaginaceae y Papaveraceae, esta comparación resultó en un déficit de 18630.27 UFL, es decir, la falta de 22,975.07 kg de materia seca para las seis estaciones. El análisis de correspondencia factorial (AFC) nos ha permitido identificar dos grupos de estaciones: el primer grupo (G1) está representado por las estaciones S2, S5 y S6, cuyo impacto del pastoreo a veces es bajo. El segundo (G2) representa las estaciones más apacentadas S1, S3 y S4, lo que refleja una trivialización de la procesión florística de este último.Le but de notre travail est d’évaluer l’impact du pâturage sur la biodiversité végétale des monts de Tessala. Pour cela, six (06) stations situées sur les versants nord et sud de la zone d’étude ont été échantillonnées. Sur chaque station une étude floristique et des analyses pédologiques sont effectuées afin de dégager les principaux facteurs qui interviennent dans la répartition de la végétation. En plus, des enquêtes sur terrain ont été menées afin de réaliser une analyse fourragère et de faire ressortir l’impact du facteur suscité. Dans ce contexte, nous avons comparé l’offre fourragère de cinq espèces appartenant aux familles suivantes: Poaceae, Fabaceae, Plantaginaceae et Papaveraceae, cette comparaison a aboutit à un déficit de 18630,27 UFL, c'est-à-dire un manque de 22975,07 kg de matière sèche pour les six stations. L’analyse factorielle des correspondances (AFC) nous a permis d’identifier deux groupes de stations: le premier groupe (G1) est représenté par les stations S2, S5, et S6 dont l’impact du pâturage est faible parfois moyen. Le deuxième (G2) représente les stations les plus pâturées S1, S3 et S4, reflétant ainsi une banalisation du cortège floristique de ces dernières