12 research outputs found

    New estimation of La Hague contribution to the artificial radioactivity of Norwegian waters (1992-1995) and Barents Sea

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    International audienceA release of 10000 GBq per month of a conservative radionuclide into the central part of the English Channel gives rise to activities (in Bq m-3) of 68-89 at Goury, 50-70 in Cherbourg (5 and 30 km from the waste outlet of La Hague), 25-40 in the Straits of Dover, 4-5 at the entrance of the Norwegian Channel and l-3 at the entrance of the Barents Sea. Taking account of La Hague releases and transit times of 17 and 36 months, a calculation of the contribution of La Hague to the artificial radioactivity of the entrance to the Norwegian Channel and the Barents Sea is given

    The distribution of artificial radionuclides in the English Channel, southern North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, 1990–1993

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    International audienceThis paper presents the initial results concerning the distribution of artificial radionuclides from research cruises conducted in collaboration by three European institutes as part of an EEC MAST research project. Ten cruises were undertaken covering the English Channel, southern and eastern North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat over a period of 2.5 yr. A large number of analyses of four artificial radionuclides (13'Cs, "Tc, '*%b, !%r), which behave conservatively in seawater, provided information about the general distribution of water masses and circulation patterns as well as about single transport events in the study area. Controlled liquid releases from the La Hague nuclear fuel reprocessing plant are transported eastwards, forming a characteristic distribution pattern in the Channel and the southern North Sea. This includes a near-coastal "plume" and a distinct boundary between waters contaminated predominantly by La Hague and by Sellafield. Spatial and temporal distributions of radionuclide ratios were used, for the first time, to calculate transit times from the English Channel to the coast of Jutland. The data published herein provide an essential input to the calibration of numerical models simulating water transport processes. The results demonstrate the continuing usefulness of artificial radionuclides as oceanographic tracers, even at the very low concentrations observed at present in northwest European Shelf waters

    La dynamique des masses d'eaux et des matieres en suspension en Manche Orientale

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    The structuration between nearshore and offshore waters along the macrotidal French Eastern Channel coast is demonstrated by longitudinal and vertical continuous recordings of salinity, temperature, turbidity and fluorimetry. The distribution of suspended particulate matter, one dissolved marker ( super(125)Sb) and particulate markers (such as diatoms) indicates the variability of the waters from coast to open sea. Semidiurnal and semilunar tidal cycles induce the birth and the evolution of frontal structures along shore-lines with or without estuaries. The hydrodynamic consequences for suspended matter fluxes are presented