30 research outputs found
The gauge-string duality and heavy ion collisions
I review at a non-technical level the use of the gauge-string duality to
study aspects of heavy ion collisions, with special emphasis on the trailing
string calculation of heavy quark energy loss. I include some brief
speculations on how variants of the trailing string construction could provide
a toy model of black hole formation and evaporation. This essay is an invited
contribution to "Forty Years of String Theory" and is aimed at philosophers and
historians of science as well as physicists.Comment: 21 page
Spinning Dragging Strings
We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to compute the drag force experienced by a
heavy quark moving through a maximally supersymmetric SU(N) super Yang-Mills
plasma at nonzero temperature and R-charge chemical potential and at large 't
Hooft coupling. We resolve a discrepancy in the literature between two earlier
studies of such quarks. In addition, we consider small fluctuations of the
spinning strings dual to these probe quarks and find no evidence of
instabilities. We make some comments about suitable D7-brane boundary
conditions for the dual strings.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; v2 refs added; v3 to appear in JHEP, clarifying
Stirring Strongly Coupled Plasma
We determine the energy it takes to move a test quark along a circle of
radius L with angular frequency w through the strongly coupled plasma of N=4
supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory. We find that for most values of L and w
the energy deposited by stirring the plasma in this way is governed either by
the drag force acting on a test quark moving through the plasma in a straight
line with speed v=Lw or by the energy radiated by a quark in circular motion in
the absence of any plasma, whichever is larger. There is a continuous crossover
from the drag-dominated regime to the radiation-dominated regime. In the
crossover regime we find evidence for significant destructive interference
between energy loss due to drag and that due to radiation as if in vacuum. The
rotating quark thus serves as a model system in which the relative strength of,
and interplay between, two different mechanisms of parton energy loss is
accessible via a controlled classical gravity calculation. We close by
speculating on the implications of our results for a quark that is moving
through the plasma in a straight line while decelerating, although in this case
the classical calculation breaks down at the same value of the deceleration at
which the radiation-dominated regime sets in.Comment: 27 pages LaTex, 5 figure
Hard thermal loops and the entropy of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories
We apply the previously proposed scheme of approximately self-consistent
hard-thermal-loop resummations in the entropy of high-temperature QCD to N=4
supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theories and compare with a (uniquely
determined) R[4,4] Pad\'e approximant that interpolates accurately between the
known perturbative result and the next-to-leading order strong-coupling result
obtained from AdS/CFT correspondence. We find good agreement up to couplings
where the entropy has dropped to about 85% of the Stefan-Boltzmann value. This
is precisely the regime which in purely gluonic QCD corresponds to temperatures
above 2.5 times the deconfinement temperature and for which this method of
hard-thermal-loop resummation has given similar good agreement with lattice QCD
results. This suggests that in this regime the entropy of both QCD and N=4 SYM
is dominated by effectively weakly coupled hard-thermal-loop quasiparticle
degrees of freedom. In N=4 SYM, strong-coupling contributions to the
thermodynamic potential take over when the entropy drops below 85% of the
Stefan-Boltzmann value.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, JHEP3. v2: revised and expanded, with unchanged
HTL results but corrected NLO strong-coupling result from AdS/CFT (which is
incorrectly reproduced in almost all previous papers comparing weak and
strong coupling results of N=4 SYM) and novel (unique) Pade approximant
interpolating between weak and strong coupling result
Debye screening in strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma
Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we examine the behavior of correlators of
Polyakov loops and other operators in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at
non-zero temperature. The implications for Debye screening in this strongly
coupled non-Abelian plasma, and comparisons with available results for thermal
QCD, are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, significantly expanded discussion of Polyakov
loop correlator and static quark-antiquark potentia
Non-commutative oscillator with Kepler-type dynamical symmetry
A 3-dimensional non-commutative oscillator with no mass term but with a
certain momentum-dependent potential admits a conserved Runge-Lenz vector,
derived from the dual description in momentum space. The latter corresponds to
a Dirac monopole with a fine-tuned inverse-square plus Newtonian potential,
introduced by McIntosh, Cisneros, and by Zwanziger some time ago. The
trajectories are (arcs of) ellipses, which, in the commutative limit, reduce to
the circular hodographs of the Kepler problem. The dynamical symmetry allows
for an algebraic determination of the bound-state spectrum and actually extends
to the conformal algebra o(4,2).Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Published versio
Localization of Gravity on Brane Embedded in and
We address the localization of gravity on the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker type
brane embedded in either or bulk space,and derive two
definite limits between which the value of the bulk cosmological constant has
to lie in order to localize the graviton on the brane.The lower limit implies
that the brane should be either or 4d Minkowski in the
bulk.The positive upper limit indicates that the gravity can be trapped also on
curved brane in the bulk space.Some implications to recent
cosmological scenarios are also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, Latex fil
Five-Brane Configurations without a Strong Coupling Regime
Five-brane distributions with no strong coupling problems and high symmetry
are studied. The simplest configuration corresponds to a spherical shell of
branes with S^3 geometry and symmetry. The equations of motions with
delta-function sources are carefully solved in such backgrounds. Various other
brane distributions with sixteen unbroken supercharges are described. They are
associated to exact world-sheet superconformal field theories with domain-walls
in space-time. We study the equations of gravitational fluctuations, find
normalizable modes of bulk 6-d gravitons and confirm the existence of a mass
gap. We also study the moduli of the configurations and derive their
(normalizable) wave-functions. We use our results to calculate in a
controllable fashion using holography, the two-point function of the stress
tensor of little string theory in these vacua.Comment: LateX, 32 pages, 4 figures; (v2) A reference adde
The dynamics of quark-gluon plasma and AdS/CFT
In these pedagogical lectures, we present the techniques of the AdS/CFT
correspondence which can be applied to the study of real time dynamics of a
strongly coupled plasma system. These methods are based on solving
gravitational Einstein's equations on the string/gravity side of the AdS/CFT
correspondence. We illustrate these techniques with applications to the
boost-invariant expansion of a plasma system. We emphasize the common
underlying AdS/CFT description both in the large proper time regime where
hydrodynamic dynamics dominates, and in the small proper time regime where the
dynamics is far from equilibrium. These AdS/CFT methods provide a fascinating
arena interrelating General Relativity phenomenae with strongly coupled gauge
theory physics.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures. Lectures at the 5th Aegean summer school, `From
gravity to thermal gauge theories: the AdS/CFT correspondence'. To appear in
the proceedings in `Lecture Notes in Physics
Shockwaves and deep inelastic scattering within the gauge/gravity duality
Within the gauge/gravity correspondence, we discuss the general formulation
of the shockwave metric which is dual to a 'nucleus' described by the
strongly-coupled N=4 SYM theory in the limit where the number of colors Nc is
arbitrarily large. We emphasize that the 'nucleus' must possess Nc^2 degrees of
freedom per unit volume, so like a finite-temperature plasma, in order for a
supergravity description to exist. We critically reassess previous proposals
for introducing transverse inhomogeneity in the shockwave and formulate a new
proposal in that sense, which involves no external source but requires the
introduction of an 'infrared' cutoff which mimics confinement. This cutoff
however plays no role when the shockwave is probed by a highly virtual
projectile, so like in deep inelastic scattering. We consider two such
projectiles, the dilaton and the R-current, and compute the respective
structure functions including unitarity corrections. We find that there are no
leading-twist contributions to the structure functions at high virtuality,
meaning that there are no point-like constituents in the strongly coupled
'nucleus'. In the black-disk regime at low virtuality, the structure functions
are suggestive of parton saturation with occupation numbers of order one. The
saturation momentum Qs grows with the energy like Qs^2 ~ 1/x (with x the
Bjorken variable), which is the hallmark of graviton exchanges and is also
necessary for the fulfillment of the energy-momentum sum rules.Comment: 43 page