56 research outputs found

    The relation of J.Ch. Finke's theory with the features of constitutional state

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    The relevance of the study of this problem is caused by the fact that there is a desire to develop the state of law in Russia and abroad. The concept of the state of law is versatile; it covers the different facets of this problem. For centuries many philosophers and scientists were involved in its development. Among them it should be noted the professor of the Kazan Imperial University J.Ch. Finke. He contributed to the development of the theory of natural law. Its framework includes the ideas related to the state of law. The aim of this study is to identify the link between J.Ch. Finke's theory and the generally accepted modern attributes of the state of law. The key methods used in this study are the general scientific and frequent scientific methods. They enabled to open the features of J.Ch. Finke's views on the natural law nature and system, to see the connection between the individual aspects of his theory and the attributes of the state of law. This article, from the perspective of this theory of natural law, includes a description of the role of moral law and freedom, shows the importance of these categories for the proper understanding of the attributes of the state of law. The materials presented in this article may be used in the process of legal education. They can also be taken into account in law-making, as they help to better understand the features of the natural law and the attributes of the state of law

    The improvement of legal procedure of state strategies implementation in the Russian federation

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    The system of state strategic administration is essential for the provision of competitiveness of the economy and national security of the country. In modern conditions the study of the legal frameworks of strategic administration is quite timely in the Russian Federation. At this stage of development of the country in the state administration, the strategic planning comes to the forefront as a basis for creating the ideal model, to be strained after during the state policy in a particular sphere of life of the society. Fixation of the strategic plans in the regulatory legal acts suggests the need to consider the issues of the budget formation and the implementation of priority national projects. In this regard, it is urgent to investigate the program documents and budget planning (budget message of the President of the Russian Federation; the forecast of socio-economic development; the main directions of budget and tax policy; the main activities of the activity of the Government of the Russian Federation; a summary report on the results and main activities of the Government of the Russian Federation; the reports on the results and main activities of the subjects of budget planning, etc.), as well as the procedures for their adoption. The article discloses the concept of strategy, studies the strategy traits, defines the strategic administration, justifies the use of strategic administration methods in the study of state-legal phenomena, and identifies the regulatory legal acts adopted at the federal level, which are of strategic nature

    A pulsed EPR study of clustering of Yb3+ ions incorporated in GeO2 glass

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    The structural aspects of clustering of Yb3+ ions and the paramagnetic behavior of these clusters have been investigated in GeO 2 glasses doped with 140-1100 ppm by weight of Yb2O 3 using time-domain electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic techniques. The echo-detected EPR (EDEPR) spectra of Yb 3+ ions and their unusual dependencies on microwave power and magnetic field have been found to be indicative of the formation of clusters of these rare earth ions in GeO2 glass that behave as non-Kramers type spin systems. The magnetic field and concentration dependence of phase relaxation rates of Yb3+ in these glasses further substantiate such a scenario and indicate the formation of clusters of Yb3+ ions. A comparison of the EDEPR spectra with calculated cw-EPR line shapes yields a semi-quantitative measure of the typical cluster size of ≥3 Yb atoms and intra-cluster Yb-Yb distances of 3.5-4.0 Å in these glasses at doping levels of ≥350 ppm of Yb2O3. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Enhancing high-order harmonic generation in light molecules by using chirped pulses

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    One of the current challenges in high-harmonic generation is to extend the harmonic cutoff to increasingly high energies while maintaining or even increasing the efficiency of the high-harmonic emission. Here we show that the combined effect of down-chirped pulses and nuclear dynamics in light molecules allows one to achieve this goal, provided that long enough IR pulses are used to allow the nuclei to move well outside the Franck-Condon region. We also show that, by varying the duration of the chirped pulse or by performing isotopic substitution while keeping the pulse duration constant, one can control the extension of the harmonic plateauWe gratefully acknowledge fruitful discussions with Y.Mairesse. This work has been accomplished with a generous allocation of computer time from Mare Nostrum BSC and CCC-UAM and has been partially supported by the European Research Council Advanced Grant No. XCHEM 290853, MINECO Project No. FIS2013-42002-R, ERA-Chemistry Project No. PIM2010EEC-00751, European Grant No. MC-ITN CORINF, European COST Action XLIC CM1204, and the CAM project NANOFRONTMAG. R. E. F. S. acknowledges FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal, Grant No. SFRH/BD/84053/201


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    Sevoflurane is one of the widely used inhalation anesthetics as well as desflurane, which started to be used in Russia in 2012. These drugs possess similar properties; however, desflurane provides faster restoration of cognitive functions and reduces the time to extubation. This study was aimed to investigate the impact of properties of these medications on pharmacoeconomic parameters. The objective is to evaluate pharmacoeconomic parameters of anesthesia with desflurane and sevoflurane in a medical unit, investigating their impact on the performance of surgical teams and opportunity to introduce Fast-track surgery in the Russian Federation. Methods. For the purpose of cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), the time period for simulation of the compared regimens made 1 year. And the time period for budget impact analysis (BIA) and additional analysis of Fast-Track surgery made 3 years. Results of randomized clinical trials were used as a source of data on safety and clinical efficiency. The simulated groups (100 patients each) were formed for the purpose of analysis. The decision tree was used, including all direct medical costs of anesthesia, and surgery in general (dextral hemicolectomy was analyzed). The number of surgeries performed in case of the maximum load in a medical unit was used as an efficiency criterion for CEA, and the full scope of costs for additional surgeries was also included. Result: Desflurane demonstrated maximum absolute efficiency, expressed as the number of surgeries in case of the maximum load in a medical unit, i.e. the best rate of cost-effectiveness (CER). CER for the regimen with desflurane made 63,251 RUR and CER for the one with sevoflurane made 63,841 RUR, The budget impact analysis showed that use of desflurane reduced the budget costs by 153,467 RUR during 3 years (provided that there are 247 surgeries per year and 3 surgeries per day). Sensitivity analysis confirmed the invariance of the obtained results. Analysis of potential introduction of Fast-Track surgeries showed that its use was associated with reduction of budget costs by 8,013,182 RUR. Conclusion: Use of anesthesia with desflurane resulted in higher effectiveness and was the most cost-effective providing reduction of budget costs. Одним из распространенных современных ингаляционных анестетиков является севофлуран, а также появившийся в российской практике в 2012 г. десфлуран. Данные препараты обладают во многом схожими свойствами, однако десфлуран обеспечивает более раннее восстановление когнитивных функций и сокращает время до экстубации. Влияние этих свойств на фармакоэкономические показатели и стало предметом данного исследования. Цель: оценить фармакоэкономические характеристики анестезии с применением десфлурана и севофлурана в медицинской организации (МО) с изучением влияния на производительность хирургической бригады, а также на возможность внедрения Fast-Track-протокола в условиях РФ. Методика. Горизонт моделирования для сравниваемых схем не превышал 1 года для анализа «затраты–эффективность» (CEA). Для анализа влияния на бюджет (BIA) и дополнительного анализа Fast-Track-протокола горизонт составил 3 года. В качестве источника данных о безопасности и клинической эффективности использованы результаты рандомизированных клинических исследований. Для анализа сформированы симулируемые группы (по 100 пациентов в каждой). Использована модель «древо принятия решений», учитывавшая прямые медицинские затраты на анестезию, а также на хирургическое вмешательство в целом (анализ выполняли при правосторонней гемиколэктомии). В качестве критерия эффективности в рамках СЕА использовано число операций, проводимых при условии максимальной загрузки МО, при этом учитывался также полный объем затрат на дополнительные операции. Результат. Десфлуран показал наибольшую абсолютную эффективность, выраженную как число операций при условии максимальной загрузки МО, и наибольшую эффективность затрат, т. е. наименьший показатель «затраты–эффективность» (СЕR). Показатель СЕR для схемы на основе десфлурана составил 63 251 руб., а севофлурана – 63 841 руб. Анализ влияния на бюджет показал, что использование десфлурана снижает бюджетное бремя на 153 467 руб. за 3 года (при условии 247 операционных дней в год и нагрузки – 3 операции в день). Анализ чувствительности подтвердил устойчивость полученных результатов. Анализ гипотетического внедрения Fast-Track-методологии показал, что его применение ассоциировано со снижением бюджетного бремени на 8 013 182 руб. Вывод. Применение анестезиологических схем на основе десфлурана показало большую эффективность с наилучшим показателем «затраты–эффективность» и снижение бюджетного бремени.


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    Rehabilitation technologies and provision of conditions for their implementation in surgery units, as well as in resuscitation and intensive care wards make an integral part of the modern medical practice. Currently, the efficacy of these approaches has been proven and formalized to a certain extent in the form of enhanced recovery after surgery in the intensive care units. Despite the different context and categories of patients on rehabilitation, these approaches have much in common both from a scientific and clinical point of view.Реабилитационные технологии и создание условий для их реализации в отделениях хирургического профиля, а также в реанимации и интенсивной терапии являются неотъемлемой частью современного лечебного процесса. В настоящее время эффективность этих подходов доказана и в определенной степени формализована в виде программы ускоренного восстановления и реабилитации в интенсивной терапии. Несмотря на разную контекстную направленность в отношении категории пациентов, получающих восстановительное лечение, данные подходы имеют много общего как с научной, так и с клинической точки зрения

    The improvement of legal procedure of state strategies implementation in the Russian federation

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    The system of state strategic administration is essential for the provision of competitiveness of the economy and national security of the country. In modern conditions the study of the legal frameworks of strategic administration is quite timely in the Russian Federation. At this stage of development of the country in the state administration, the strategic planning comes to the forefront as a basis for creating the ideal model, to be strained after during the state policy in a particular sphere of life of the society. Fixation of the strategic plans in the regulatory legal acts suggests the need to consider the issues of the budget formation and the implementation of priority national projects. In this regard, it is urgent to investigate the program documents and budget planning (budget message of the President of the Russian Federation; the forecast of socio-economic development; the main directions of budget and tax policy; the main activities of the activity of the Government of the Russian Federation; a summary report on the results and main activities of the Government of the Russian Federation; the reports on the results and main activities of the subjects of budget planning, etc.), as well as the procedures for their adoption. The article discloses the concept of strategy, studies the strategy traits, defines the strategic administration, justifies the use of strategic administration methods in the study of state-legal phenomena, and identifies the regulatory legal acts adopted at the federal level, which are of strategic nature

    The relation of J.Ch. Finke's theory with the features of constitutional state

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    The relevance of the study of this problem is caused by the fact that there is a desire to develop the state of law in Russia and abroad. The concept of the state of law is versatile; it covers the different facets of this problem. For centuries many philosophers and scientists were involved in its development. Among them it should be noted the professor of the Kazan Imperial University J.Ch. Finke. He contributed to the development of the theory of natural law. Its framework includes the ideas related to the state of law. The aim of this study is to identify the link between J.Ch. Finke's theory and the generally accepted modern attributes of the state of law. The key methods used in this study are the general scientific and frequent scientific methods. They enabled to open the features of J.Ch. Finke's views on the natural law nature and system, to see the connection between the individual aspects of his theory and the attributes of the state of law. This article, from the perspective of this theory of natural law, includes a description of the role of moral law and freedom, shows the importance of these categories for the proper understanding of the attributes of the state of law. The materials presented in this article may be used in the process of legal education. They can also be taken into account in law-making, as they help to better understand the features of the natural law and the attributes of the state of law

    The relation of J.Ch. Finke's theory with the features of constitutional state

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    The relevance of the study of this problem is caused by the fact that there is a desire to develop the state of law in Russia and abroad. The concept of the state of law is versatile; it covers the different facets of this problem. For centuries many philosophers and scientists were involved in its development. Among them it should be noted the professor of the Kazan Imperial University J.Ch. Finke. He contributed to the development of the theory of natural law. Its framework includes the ideas related to the state of law. The aim of this study is to identify the link between J.Ch. Finke's theory and the generally accepted modern attributes of the state of law. The key methods used in this study are the general scientific and frequent scientific methods. They enabled to open the features of J.Ch. Finke's views on the natural law nature and system, to see the connection between the individual aspects of his theory and the attributes of the state of law. This article, from the perspective of this theory of natural law, includes a description of the role of moral law and freedom, shows the importance of these categories for the proper understanding of the attributes of the state of law. The materials presented in this article may be used in the process of legal education. They can also be taken into account in law-making, as they help to better understand the features of the natural law and the attributes of the state of law