5 research outputs found

    Activity pattern and fat accumulation strategy of the Natterer’s bat (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera) swarming population indicate the exact time of male mating effort

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    Studies concerning bat autumn swarming behavior suggest that the main purpose of this phenomenon is mating. However, the process of fat accumulation is crucial for surviving winter, and it seems to be in clear conflict with a need to strive for the opportunity to mate prior to hibernation. Investment in one activity limits the other one creating a trade-off between them. The aim of our study was to describe the activity pattern of each sex-age group (adult males, adult females, subadults) of the Natterer’s bat during swarming period and to investigate the fat accumulation process of adult males in the context of their reproductive strategy. Bats were captured by mist nets at the swarming site fortnightly from the early August until the late November. The age, sex, reproductive status, and body condition index (mass to forearm ratio, BCI) were recorded. The activity peak of both sexes, adults, and subadults was observed in the late September. That time in season, BCI of adult males was the lowest, and there was no correlation between the hour of an adult male capture and its BCI value within one night (rs = 0.23; p = 0.157). Such correlation was observed later in the season (early October: rs = 0.44; p = 0.020; late October: rs = 0.48; p = 0.002). A negative correlation between adult males’ BCI and proportion of adult females was found (r = 0.44; p = 0.000). We conclude that the activity peak of females is likely to be responsible for the effort of the mating behavior of the males, which is reflected by their low condition index. We suggest that the gleaning foraging strategy of Natterer’s bat allows the males to postpone their fat accumulation until just before hibernation

    Caves in the Polish Flysch Carpathians : collective work : the restoration

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    The inventory, valorization, and geoconservation of caves in the Babia Góra and Przedbabiogórze Ranges

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    Artykuł przedstawia wyniki inwentaryzacji oraz waloryzacji jaskiń położonych w Paśmie Babiogórskim i Paśmie Przedbabiogórskim. Inwentaryzacja jaskiń prowadzona była przez różnych autorów w latach 1976-2015. W jej rezultacie zinwentaryzowano 104 jaskinie o łącznej długości 1270 m, w tym największą na obszarze badań Jaskinię Oblicę. Obiekty te poddane zostały waloryzacji w celu wytypowania obiektów wartych objęcia ochroną przyrody. Wyniki waloryzacji wykazały, iż najcenniejsze jaskinie znajdują się głównie w Paśmie Babiogórskim (17), podczas gdy w Paśmie Przedbabiogórskim występują jedynie dwie takie jaskinie. Spośród obiektów, które zdobyły największą ilość punktów, większość objęta jest ochroną przyrody w ramach Babiogórskiego Parku Narodowego. Niemniej kilka cennych przyrodniczo jaskiń, położonych w Paśmie Polic oraz Paśmie Jałowieckim, nie została objęta żadną formą ochrony. Zgrupowania jaskiń położonych na Okrąglicy oraz Łysinie powinny zostać w przyszłości objęte ochroną jako stanowiska dokumentacyjne, a najcenniejsze przyrodniczo: Jaskinia Oblica oraz Zbójska Dziura, powinny zostać uznane za pomniki przyrody.This paper refers to the results of taking an inventory and valorization of pseudokarst caves in two mountain areas: the Babia Góra Massif and the Przedbabiogórskie Range. The inventory of the caves was taken by various authors in 1976-2015. Consequently, 104 caves with a total length of 1,270 m were recorded, including the largest one - Oblica Cave. The valorization of the caves was made to determine the most valuable structures, and to select some of them for legal protection. The majority of the most of valuable caves are located in the Babia Góra Massif (17), and only two of them in the other study area (the Przedbabiogórskie Range). However, some of most valuable caves in the Babia Góra Massif (the Polica Range) and the Przedbabiogórskie Range (the Jałowiecki Range) are not legally protected. The groups of caves located in Okrąglica and Łysina landslides should be protected as documentation sites, and the most valuable caves, e.g. Oblica and Zbójska Dziura, should be protected as natural monuments