101 research outputs found

    Ethical issues in neuroimaging health research:an IPA study with research participants

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    Neuroimaging is increasingly used to understand conditions like stroke and epilepsy. However, there is growing recognition that neuroimaging can raise ethical issues. We used interpretative phenomenological analysis to analyse interview data pre-and post-scan to explore these ethical issues. Findings show participants can become anxious prior to scanning and the protocol for managing incidental findings is unclear. Participants lacked a frame of reference to contextualize their expectations and often drew on medical narratives. Recommendations to reduce anxiety include dialogue between researcher and participant to clarify understanding during consent and the use of a `virtual tour' of the neuroimaging experience

    Learning difficulties : a portuguese perspective of a universal issue

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    In this article we present findings of a study that was conducted with the purpose of deepening the knowledge about the field of learning difficulties in Portugal. Therefore, within these findings we will discuss across several cultural boundaries, themes related with the existence of learning difficulties as a construct, the terminology, the political, social and scientific influences on the field, and the models of identification and of ongoing school support for students. While addressing the above-mentioned themes we will draw attention to the different, yet converging, international understandings of learning difficulties

    In Memoriam

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    Remembering my Teacher

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    In Tribute to Egon Guba

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    Egon Guba

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    Análisis a las inteligencias múltiples del docente en función de sus estrategias de enseñanza

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    1 recurso en línea (172 páginas) : tablas, figuras.This research aimed at analyze the teacher’s Multiple Intelligences, the relationship with their thoughts and their strategic decision making in the classroom. Based on the great variety of research carried out worldwide since the publication Frames of Mind (Gardner, 1983), it has been widely discovered the relationship that the types of Intelligence have with the way of perceiving knowledge and comprehend it within the limits of the immediacy. Even so, the works that have been developed regarding the teacher’s cognitive profile and the connection of their work with their own perception of learning are still insufficient. This research was developed under the methodology of mixed approach with dominant status and sequential order quantitative → QUALITATIVE. The present work concludes that the teaching practice must start from the self-reflection as learning beings and the interferences that our cognitive profile have within our practice as teachers, necessary action to raise awareness of our teaching methods within the classroom.Esta investigación se orientó a analizar las Inteligencias Múltiples del maestro, la relación con sus pensamientos y su toma de decisiones estratégicas en el aula. A partir de la gran variedad de investigaciones desarrolladas mundialmente desde la publicación Estructuras de la Mente (Gardner, 1983), se ha descubierto ampliamente la relación que poseen los tipos de Inteligencia con la forma de percibir el conocimiento y de comprenderlo dentro de los límites de la inmediatez. Aun así, los trabajos que se han desarrollado respecto al perfil cognitivo del docente y la conexión de su labor con su propia percepción del aprendizaje resultan aún insuficientes. Esta investigación se desarrolló bajo la metodología de enfoque mixto con estatus dominante y de orden secuencial cuantitativo→ CUALITATIVO. El presente trabajo investigativo concluye que la labor docente debe partir de la autorreflexión como seres aprendientes y las injerencias que nuestro perfil cognoscente tienen dentro de nuestra práctica como maestros, acción necesaria para concientizar las formas de enseñanza dentro del aula.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 156-163.MaestríaMagíster en Educació