408 research outputs found

    Synthesis of fucose derivatives with thiol motifs towards suicide inhibition of helicobacter pylori

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    The syntheses of six thiol-exhibiting monosaccharides towards suicide inhibition of Helicobacter pylori are reported. Blood group Antigen Binding Adhesin (BabA), a bacterial membrane-bound lectin, binds to human ABO and Lewis b blood group structures displayed on the surface of host epithelial cells. Crystal structures of the carbohydrate-recognition domain revealed a conserved disulfide bonded loop that anchors a critical fucose residue in these blood group structures. Disruption of this loop by N-acetylcysteine results in reduced BabA-mediated adherence to human gastric tissue sections and attenuated virulence in Lewis b-expressing transgenic mice. With a view of creating specific inhibitors of the lectin, we designed and successfully synthesised six fucose-derived compounds with thiol motifs to engage in a thiol-disulfide exchange with this disulfide bond of BabA and form a glycan-lectin disulfide linkage. Branching and extending the fucose backbone with 2- and 3-carbon thiol motifs delivered a range of candidates to be tested for biological activity against BabA

    An integrated in silico–in vitro approach for bioprinting core–shell bioarchitectures

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    Biological tissues possess a high degree of structural complexity characterized by curvature and stratification of different tissue layers. Despite recent advances in in vitro technology, current engineering solutions do not comprise both of these features. In this paper, we present an integrated in silico-in vitro strategy for the design and fabrication of biological barriers with controlled curvature and architecture. Analytical and computational tools combined with advanced bioprinting methods are employed to optimize living inks for bioprinting-structured core-shell constructs based on alginate. A finite element model is used to compute the hindered diffusion and crosslinking phenomena involved in the formation of core-shell structures and to predict the width of the shell as a function of material parameters. Constructs with a solid alginate-based shell and a solid, liquid, or air core can be reproducibly printed using the workflow. As a proof of concept, epithelial cells and fibroblasts were bioprinted respectively in a liquid core (10 mg/mL Pluronic) and in a solid shell (20 mg/mL alginate plus 20 mg/mL gelatin, used for providing the cells with adhesive moieties). These constructs had a roundness of 97.6% and an average diameter of 1500 & PLUSMN;136 & mu;m. Moreover, their viability was close to monolayer controls (74.12% & PLUSMN; 22.07%) after a week in culture, and the paracellular transport was twice that of cell -free constructs, indicating cell polarization

    Anti-CTLA-4 therapy for malignant mesothelioma

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    Immunotherapy is an emerging therapeutic strategy with a promising clinical outcome in some solid tumors, particularly metastatic melanoma. One approach to immunotherapy is immune checkpoint inhibitors, such as blockage of CTLA-4 and PD-1/PD-L1. This special report aims to describe the state of clinical trials of tremelimumab in patients with unresectable malignant mesothelioma (MM) in particular with regard to the clinical efficacy, safety and tolerability. Criticism and perspective of this treatment are also discussed. Biological and clinical considerations rule out the use of tremelimumab as single agent for MM and, more generally, the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors for MM is still largely questionable and not supported by evidences

    Selectively charged and zwitterionic analogues of the smallest immunogenic structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae type 14

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    Zwitterionic polysaccharides (ZPs) have been shown in recent years to display peculiar immunological properties, thus attracting the interest of the carbohydrate research community. To fully elucidate the mechanisms underlying these properties and exploit the potential of this kind of structures, in depth studies are still required. In this context, the preparation of two cationic, an anionic, as well as two zwitterionic tetrasaccharide analogues of the smallest immunogenic structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae type 14 (SP14) capsular polysaccharide are presented. By exploiting a block strategy, the negative charge has been installed on the non-reducing end of the lactose unit of the tetrasaccharide and the positive charge either on the non-reducing end of the lactosamine moiety or on an external linker. These structures have then been tested by competitive ELISA, showing that the structural variations we made do not modify the affinity of the neutral compound to binding to a specific antibody. However, lower efficacies than the natural SP14 compound were observed. The results obtained, although promising, point to the need to further elongate the polysaccharide structure, which is likely too short to cover the entire epitopes

    Remarkable effect of [Li(G4)]TFSI solvate ionic liquid (SIL) on the regio- And stereoselective ring opening of α-gluco carbasugar 1,2-epoxides

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    Carba analogues of biologically relevant natural carbohydrates are promising structures for the development of future drugs endowed with enhanced hydrolytic stability. An open synthetic challenge in this field is the optimization of new methodologies for the stereo- and regioselective opening of α-gluco carbasugar 1,2-epoxides that allow for the preparation of pseudo mono- and disaccharides of great interest. Therefore, we investigated the effect of Lewis acids and solvate ionic liquids (SILs) on the epoxide ring opening of a model substrate. Of particular interest was the complete stereo- and regioselectivity, albeit limited to simple nucleophiles, toward the desired C(1) isomer that was observed using LiClO4. The results obtained with SILs were also remarkable. In particular, Li[NTf2]/tetraglyme ([Li(G4)]TFSI) was able to function as a Lewis acid and to direct the attack of the nucleophile preferentially at the pseudo anomeric position, even with a more complex and synthetically interesting nucleophile. The regioselectivity observed for LiClO4 and [Li(G4)]TFSI was tentatively ascribed to the formation of a bidentate chelating system, which changed the conformational equilibrium and ultimately permitted a trans-diaxial attack on C(1). To the best of our knowledge, we report here the first case in which SILs were successfully employed in a ring-opening process of epoxides

    On the Effect of the Reaction Medium on the HydroClaus Process: A Novel Sustainable H2S Valorization Strategy

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is becoming a critical issue to manage, due to the increasing sulfur content in the processed gas together with the stricter environmental regulations. Novel alternatives are being developed for the H2S abatement and conversion to valuable chemicals. Among them, the HydroClaus process, patented by Eni S.p.A., deserves attention. This technology aims at converting H2S and SO2 into a hydrophilic mixture of sulfur and sulfur-rich compounds, polythionates, to be used as a fertilizer. An improved configuration for an efficient water management is proposed in this work. The process operability has been demonstrated at the bench scale, through an ad hoc experimental campaign. For the technology scale-up, a flowsheet has been set up and its performances have been assessed in terms of heat and material balances and CO2 emissions. Results reveal that the modified HydroClaus process can be a valid solution for an effective H2S valorization, also considering that no direct CO2 emissions are released. Moreover, since only electric power is required, a further reduction of the indirect CO2 emissions is expected, if renewable sources can be exploited for this purpose

    The Effect of Visual Experience on the Development of Functional Architecture in hMT+

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    We investigated whether the visual hMT+ cortex plays a role in supramodal representation of sensory flow, not mediated by visual mental imagery. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure neural activity in sighted and congenitally blind individuals during passive perception of optic and tactile flows. Visual motion-responsive cortex, including hMT+, was identified in the lateral occipital and inferior temporal cortices of the sighted subjects by response to optic flow. Tactile flow perception in sighted subjects activated the more anterior part of these cortical regions but deactivated the more posterior part. By contrast, perception of tactile flow in blind subjects activated the full extent, including the more posterior part. These results demonstrate that activation of hMT+ and surrounding cortex by tactile flow is not mediated by visual mental imagery and that the functional organization of hMT+ can develop to subserve tactile flow perception in the absence of any visual experience. Moreover, visual experience leads to a segregation of the motion-responsive occipitotemporal cortex into an anterior subregion involved in the representation of both optic and tactile flows and a posterior subregion that processes optic flow only

    Electrostatic Control of the Thermoelectric Figure of Merit in Ion-Gated Nanotransistors

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    Semiconductor nanostructures have raised much hope for the implementation of high-performance thermoelectric generators. Indeed, they are expected to make available reduced thermal conductivity without a heavy trade-off on electrical conductivity, a key requirement to optimize the thermoelectric figure of merit. Here, a novel nanodevice architecture is presented in which ionic liquids are employed as thermally-insulating gate dielectrics. These devices allow the field-effect control of electrical transport in suspended semiconducting nanowires in which thermal conductivity can be simultaneously measured using an all-electrical setup. The resulting experimental data on electrical and thermal transport properties taken on individual nanodevices can be combined to extract ZT, guide device optimization and dynamical tuning of the thermoelectric properties

    Chiral biobased ionic liquids with cations or anions including bile acid building blocks as chiral selectors in voltammetry

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    Chiral ionic liquids (CILs), or ionic liquids (ILs) with chiral additives, are very attractive chiral media for enantioselective electroanalysis, on account of their high chiral structural order at the electrochemical interphase. A family of molecular salts with CIL properties is now introduced, based on the chiral steroid building block of deoxycholic acid implemented either in the anion or cation. Testing them as chiral additives in a commercial achiral IL, they enable voltammetric discrimination of the enantiomers of a model chiral probe on disposable screen-printed electrodes in terms of peak potential differences, which is the most desirable transduction mode of the enantiorecognition event. The probe enantiomer sequence is the same for all selectors, consistent with their sharing the same chiral building block configuration. This proof-of-concept widens the application fields of bile acid derivatives as chiral selectors, while also enriching the still very few CIL families so far explored for applications in chiral electroanalysis
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