21 research outputs found

    Star-cumulants of free unitary Brownian motion

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    We study joint free cumulants of u_t and u_t^{*}, where u_t is a free unitary Brownian motion at time t. We determine explicitly some special families of such cumulants. On the other hand, for a general joint cumulant of u_t and u_t^{*}, we "calculate the derivative" for t going to infinity, when u_t approaches a Haar unitary. In connection to the latter calculation we put into evidence an "infinitesimal determining sequence" which naturally accompanies an arbitrary R-diagonal element in a tracial *-probability space.Comment: 35 pages. This version has added details in Sections 5 and

    Structure and enumeration of (3+1)-free posets

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    A poset is (3+1)-free if it does not contain the disjoint union of chains of length 3 and 1 as an induced subposet. These posets play a central role in the (3+1)-free conjecture of Stanley and Stembridge. Lewis and Zhang have enumerated (3+1)-free posets in the graded case by decomposing them into bipartite graphs, but until now the general enumeration problem has remained open. We give a finer decomposition into bipartite graphs which applies to all (3+1)-free posets and obtain generating functions which count (3+1)-free posets with labelled or unlabelled vertices. Using this decomposition, we obtain a decomposition of the automorphism group and asymptotics for the number of (3+1)-free posets.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures. New version includes substantial changes to clarify the construction of skeleta and the enumeration. An extended abstract of this paper appears as arXiv:1212.535

    Toda Equations and Piecewise Polynomiality for Mixed Double Hurwitz Numbers

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    This article introduces mixed double Hurwitz numbers, which interpolate combinatorially between the classical double Hurwitz numbers studied by Okounkov and the monotone double Hurwitz numbers introduced recently by Goulden, Guay-Paquet and Novak. Generalizing a result of Okounkov, we prove that a certain generating series for the mixed double Hurwitz numbers solves the 2-Toda hierarchy of partial differential equations. We also prove that the mixed double Hurwitz numbers are piecewise polynomial, thereby generalizing a result of Goulden, Jackson and Vakil

    Polynomiality of monotone Hurwitz numbers in higher genera

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    Hurwitz numbers count branched covers of the Riemann sphere with specified ramification, or equivalently, transitive permutation factorizations in the symmetric group with specified cycle types. Monotone Hurwitz numbers count a restricted subset of these branched covers, related to the expansion of complete symmetric functions in the Jucys-Murphy elements, and have arisen in recent work on the the asymptotic expansion of the Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber integral. In previous work we gave an explicit formula for monotone Hurwitz numbers in genus zero. In this paper we consider monotone Hurwitz numbers in higher genera, and prove a number of results that are reminiscent of those for classical Hurwitz numbers. These include an explicit formula for monotone Hurwitz numbers in genus one, and an explicit form for the generating function in arbitrary positive genus. From the form of the generating function we are able to prove that monotone Hurwitz numbers exhibit a polynomiality that is reminiscent of that for the classical Hurwitz numbers, i.e., up to a specified combinatorial factor, the monotone Hurwitz number in genus g with ramification specified by a given partition is a polynomial indexed by g in the parts of the partition.Comment: 23 page