87 research outputs found

    A single-crystal neutron diffraction study of wardite, NaAl3(PO4)2(OH)4·2H2O

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    The crystal structure and crystal chemistry of wardite, ideally NaAl3(PO4)2(OH)4\ub72H2O, was investigated by single-crystal neutron diffraction (data collected at 20 K) and electron microprobe analysis in wavelength-dispersive mode. The empirical formula of the sample used in this study is: (Na0.91Ca0.01)\u3a3 = 0.92(Al2.97Fe3+0.05Ti0.01)\u3a3 = 3.03(P2.10O8)(OH)4\ub71.74H2O. The neutron diffraction data confirm that the crystal structure of wardite can be described with a tetragonal symmetry (space group P41212, a = b = 7.0577(5) and c = 19.0559(5) \uc5 at 20 K) and consists of sheets made of edge-sharing Na-polyhedra and Al-octahedra along with vertex-sharing Al-octahedra, parallel to (001), connected by P-tetrahedra and H bonds to form a (001) layer-type structure, which well explains the pronounced {001} cleavage of the wardite crystals. The present data show that four crystallographically independent H sites occur in the structure of wardite, two belonging to a H2O molecule (i.e., H1\u2013O6\u2013H2) and two forming hydroxyl groups (i.e., O5\u2013H3 and O7\u2013H4). The location of the hydrogen atoms allows us to define the extensive network of H bonds: the H atoms belonging to the H2O molecule form strong H bonds, whereas both the H atoms belonging to the two independent hydroxyl groups form weak interactions with bifurcated bonding schemes. As shown by the root-mean-square components of the displacement ellipsoids, oxygen and hydrogen atoms have slightly larger anisotropic displacement parameters compared to the other sites (populated by P, Al and Na). The maximum ratio of the max and min root-mean-square components of the displacement ellipsoids is observed for the protons of the hydroxyl groups, which experience bifurcated H-bonding schemes. A comparative analysis of the crystal structure of wardite and fluorowardite is also provided

    Tertiary pegmatite dikes of the Central Alps

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    The largest field of Alpine Oligocene pegmatite dikes is in the Central Alps within the Southern Steep Belt (SSB) of the Alpine nappes; it extends for about 100 km in an E–W direction and 15 km in a N–S direction north of the Periadriatic Fault, from the Bergell pluton (to the east) to the Ossola valley (to the west). The pegmatite field geographically overlaps (1) the highest temperature domain of the Lepontine Barrovian metamorphic dome and (2) the zone of Alpine migmatization. We have studied pegmatites in two areas: (1) the Codera area on the western border of the Bergell pluton and (2) the Bodengo area between the Mera and the Mesolcina valleys. Most pegmatites show a simple mineral assemblage consisting of K-feldspar, quartz, and muscovite ± biotite, and only a minor percentage of the dikes (< 5%) contains Sn-Nb-Ta-Y-REE-U oxide, Y-REE phosphate, Mn-Fe-phosphate, Ti-Zr-silicate, Be-Y-REE-U-silicate and oxide minerals (beryl, chrysoberyl, bertrandite, bavenite, and milarite), garnet (almandine-spessartine), tourmaline (schorl to rare elbaite), bismuthinite, magnetite, and rarely dumortierite and helvite. The mineral assemblages, geological context, and chemical compositions allow the distinction between LCT (lithium, cesium, tantalum) and mixed LCT-NYF (niobium, yttrium, fluorine) pegmatites (with only one exception of an NYF dike in the Bodengo area). The LCT pegmatites of the Central Alps did not reach a high degree of geochemical evolution. The most fractionated pegmatites are found in the Codera area and contain Mn-rich elbaite, triplite, pink-beryl, and Cs-Rb-rich feldspar. In the Bodengo area pegmatites locally contain miarolitic cavities and the most evolved pegmatites correspond to the beryl-columbite-phosphate type. From a structural point of view two main types of pegmatites can be distinguished: (1) pegmatites that were involved in ductile deformation and (2) pegmatites that postdated the main ductile deformation of the SSB. Many pegmatites of the Codera valley belong to the first structural type: they were emplaced at relatively high ambient temperature (ca. 500 °C) and locally show a pervasive recrystallization of quartz and a mylonitic structure. The Codera dikes trend about 70° and are steeply dipping. In the Bodengo area the main set of pegmatites (trending approximately N–S to NNE–SSW) crosscuts the ductile deformation structures of the SSB, but the area also includes an earlier generation of boudinaged and folded pegmatite dikes. The undeformed pegmatites from this area may contain miarolitic pockets. There is no systematic difference in the mineral assemblage between the two structural types of pegmatites. However, the chemistry of pegmatite minerals, especially of garnet, in addition to field data suggests that the dikes of the Codera and Bodengo areas represent two distinct generations of pegmatites. Structural data and the few existing radiometric ages suggest that pegmatites were emplaced over a time span between 29 and 25 Ma (and possibly as young as 20 Ma), with the youngest dikes postdating the ductile deformations of the Alpine nappes. The present work presents a first comprehensive field description and geochemical – mineralogical characterization of the Alpine pegmatite field of the Central Alps

    High-pressure behavior and P-induced phase transition of CaB3O4(OH)3&#183;H2O (colemanite)

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    Colemanite (ideally CaB3O4(OH)3\ub7H2O, space group P21/a, unit-cell parameters: a ~ 8.74, b ~ 11.26, c ~ 6.10 \uc5, \u3b2 ~ 110.1\ub0) is one of the principal mineralogical components of borate deposits and the most important mineral commodity of boron. Its high-pressure behavior is here described, for the first time, by means of in situ single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction with a diamond anvil cell up to 24 GPa (and 293 K). Colemanite is stable, in its ambient-conditions polymorph, up to 13.95 GPa. Between 13.95 and 14.91 GPa, an iso-symmetric first-order single-crystal to single-crystal phase transition (reconstructive in character) toward a denser polymorph (colemanite-II) occurs, with: aCOL-II=3\ub7aCOL, bCOL-II=bCOL, and cCOL-II=2\ub7cCOL. Up to 13.95 GPa, the bulk compression of colemanite is accommodated by the Ca-polyhedron compression and the tilting of the rigid three-membered rings of boron polyhedra. The phase transition leads to an increase in the average coordination number of both the B and Ca sites. A detailed description of the crystal structure of the high-P polymorph, compared to the ambient-conditions colemanite, is given. The elastic behaviors of colemanite and of its high-P polymorph are described by means of III- and II-order Birch-Murnaghan equations of state, respectively, yielding the following refined parameters: KV0=67(4) GPa and KV\u2032=5.5(7) [\u3b2V0=0.0149(9) GPa-1] for colemanite; KV0=50(8) GPa [\u3b2V0=0.020(3) GPa-1] for its high-P polymorph

    Crystal chemistry and temperature behavior of the natural hydrous borate colemanite, a mineral commodity of boron

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    Colemanite, CaB3O4(OH)3*H2O, is the most common hydrous Ca-borate, as well as a major mineral commodity of boron. In this study, we report a thorough chemical analysis and the low-temperature behavior of a natural sample of colemanite by means of a multi-methodological approach. From the chemical point of view, the investigated sample resulted to be relatively pure, its composition being very close to the ideal one, with only a minor substitution of Sr2+for Ca2+. At about 270.5 K, a displacive phase transition from the centrosymmetric P21/a to the acentric P21 space group occurs. On the basis of in situ single-crystal synchrotron X-ray (down to 104 K) and neutron diffraction (at 20 K) data, the hydrogen-bonding configuration of both the polymorphs and the structural modifications at the atomic scale at varying temperatures are described. The asymmetric distribution of ionic charges along the [010] axis, allowed by the loss of the inversion center, is likely responsible for the reported ferroelectric behavior of colemanite below the phase transition temperature

    New scenarios in secondary hyperparathyroidism: etelcalcetide. Position paper of working group on CKD-MBD of the Italian Society of Nephrology

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    Bone mineral abnormalities (defined as Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral Bone Disorder; CKD-MBD) are prevalent and associated with a substantial risk burden and poor prognosis in CKD population. Several lines of evidence support the notion that a large proportion of patients receiving maintenance dialysis experience a suboptimal biochemical control of CKD-MBD. Although no study has ever demonstrated conclusively that CKD-MBD control is associated with improved survival, an expanding therapeutic armamentarium is available to correct bone mineral abnormalities. In this position paper of Lombardy Nephrologists, a summary of the state of art of CKD-MBD as well as a summary of the unmet clinical needs will be provided. Furthermore, this position paper will focus on the potential and drawbacks of a new injectable calcimimetic, etelcalcetide, a drug available in Italy since few months ago

    New scenarios in secondary hyperparathyroidism: etelcalcetide. Position paper of working group on CKD-MBD of the Italian Society of Nephrology

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    Bone mineral abnormalities (defined as Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral Bone Disorder; CKD-MBD) are prevalent and associated with a substantial risk burden and poor prognosis in CKD population. Several lines of evidence support the notion that a large proportion of patients receiving maintenance dialysis experience a suboptimal biochemical control of CKD-MBD. Although no study has ever demonstrated conclusively that CKD-MBD control is associated with improved survival, an expanding therapeutic armamentarium is available to correct bone mineral abnormalities. In this position paper of Lombardy Nephrologists, a summary of the state of art of CKD-MBD as well as a summary of the unmet clinical needs will be provided. Furthermore, this position paper will focus on the potential and drawbacks of a new injectable calcimimetic, etelcalcetide, a drug available in Italy since few months ago
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