7 research outputs found

    A bilateral whitish lesion on the mucosa of the cheek

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    An 8-year-old girl with no medical history presented with a bilateral whitish lesion on the mucosa of the cheek, evident since early childhood. There was no relevant family history, and her parents had not presented similar lesions. They reported a progressive growth of the lesion in the last months, for which she had been evaluated by maxillofacial surgery, the lesion being oriented as a frictional keratosis. However, the use of occlusal splint was not associated with any improvement. She was otherwise asymptomatic. Physical examination revealed a bilateral, whitish, well-demarcated cheek mucosal plaque, which partially coincided with the dental occlusion line. The lesion did not detach with scratching (Figure 1). No other alterations were observed in the oral cavity or in the systematic physical examination

    Absence of nuclear p16 is a diagnostic and independent prognostic biomarker in squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix

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    The tumor-suppressor protein p16 is paradoxically overexpressed in cervical cancer (CC). Despite its potential as a biomarker, its clinical value and the reasons for its failure in tumor suppression remain unclear. Our purpose was to determine p16 clinical and biological significance in CC. p16 expression pattern was examined by immunohistochemistry in 78 CC cases (high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs) and squamous cell carcinomas of the cervix -SCCCs). CC cell proliferation and invasion were monitored by real-time cell analysis and Transwell® invasion assay, respectively. Cytoplasmic p16 interactors were identified from immunoprecipitated extracts by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, and colocalization was confirmed by double-immunofluorescence. We observed that SCCCs showed significantly more cytoplasmic than nuclear p16 expression than HSILs. Importantly, nuclear p16 absence significantly predicted poor outcome in SCCC patients irrespective of other clinical parameters. Moreover, we demonstrated that cytoplasmic p16 interacted with CDK4 and other unreported proteins, such as BANF1, AKAP8 and AGTRAP, which could sequester p16 to avoid nuclear translocation, and then, impair its anti-tumor function. Our results suggest that the absence of nuclear p16 could be a diagnostic biomarker between HSIL and SCCC, and an independent prognostic biomarker in SCCC; and explain why p16 overexpression fails to stop CC growth

    Guía de cribado del cáncer de cuello de útero en España, 2014

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    Justificación de la Guía de cribado del cáncer de cuello de útero en España, 2014 El cáncer de cuello uterino (CCU) es la tercera neoplasia más frecuente en el mundo en las mujeres. El cribado de mujeres sanas mediante citología cervical ha demostrado claramente su eficacia, puesto que su aplicación de forma adecuada y sistemática en determinados países ha conseguido reducir en un 70-80% la incidencia y mortalidad por CCU. Este beneficio se debe a la detección de lesiones premalignas asintomáticas cuyo diagnóstico y tratamiento evita su progresión a carcinoma invasor..

    A bilateral whitish lesion on the mucosa of the cheek

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    An 8-year-old girl with no medical history presented with a bilateral whitish lesion on the mucosa of the cheek, evident since early childhood. There was no relevant family history, and her parents had not presented similar lesions. They reported a progressive growth of the lesion in the last months, for which she had been evaluated by maxillofacial surgery, the lesion being oriented as a frictional keratosis. However, the use of occlusal splint was not associated with any improvement. She was otherwise asymptomatic. Physical examination revealed a bilateral, whitish, well-demarcated cheek mucosal plaque, which partially coincided with the dental occlusion line. The lesion did not detach with scratching (Figure 1). No other alterations were observed in the oral cavity or in the systematic physical examination

    Guía de cribado del cáncer de cuello de útero en España, 2014

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    Justificación de la Guía de cribado del cáncer de cuello de útero en España, 2014 El cáncer de cuello uterino (CCU) es la tercera neoplasia más frecuente en el mundo en las mujeres. El cribado de mujeres sanas mediante citología cervical ha demostrado claramente su eficacia, puesto que su aplicación de forma adecuada y sistemática en determinados países ha conseguido reducir en un 70-80% la incidencia y mortalidad por CCU. Este beneficio se debe a la detección de lesiones premalignas asintomáticas cuyo diagnóstico y tratamiento evita su progresión a carcinoma invasor..

    Guía de cribado del cáncer de cuello de útero en España, 2014

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    Justificación de la Guía de cribado del cáncer de cuello de útero en España, 2014 El cáncer de cuello uterino (CCU) es la tercera neoplasia más frecuente en el mundo en las mujeres. El cribado de mujeres sanas mediante citología cervical ha demostrado claramente su eficacia, puesto que su aplicación de forma adecuada y sistemática en determinados países ha conseguido reducir en un 70-80% la incidencia y mortalidad por CCU. Este beneficio se debe a la detección de lesiones premalignas asintomáticas cuyo diagnóstico y tratamiento evita su progresión a carcinoma invasor..