60 research outputs found

    Morphological and biochemical indicators of Fusarium oxysporum f sp. fragariae in strawberry crops (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) in the province of Pichincha, Ecuador

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    ArticleFusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae is a fungal pathogen, transmitted by soil in crops of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.), which causes wilt disease that, kill the strawberry cultivars. The disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp., fragariae is hard to detect as the of the symptoms are similar with other soil-borne diseases. In spite of detection methods targeted F. oxysporum using molecular criteria have been developed, they have not been shown to successfully identity the unique identity of F. oxysporum strain that causes this disease. In Ecuador, the cultivation of strawberry has acquired great importance for the consumption, promoting the increase of its production. However, the process of importing plant material from producing countries for the purpose of improving production has contributed to the spread of the fungus. The objective of this study was to identify the presence of the Fusarium oxysporum f. sp fragariae by means of morphometric identification and the application of biochemical methods (BIOLOG) in the province of Pichincha. Fifty-two diseased strawberry plants and 52 asymptomatic plants were analyzed. Of these, 13 isolates were identified by morphometry as F. oxysporum. However, through BIOLOG four strains were identified as F. oxysporum, 5 as Fusarium sp., 2 F. lateritium, 1 F. udum and 1 strain as F. sacchari. The results obtained through the identification and evaluation confirmed the presence of F. oxysporum f. sp., fragariae in evaluated strawberry cultivars, thus determining the high risk to exist if the pathogen spreads in new plantations in Ecuador

    Fermentación in vitro de pepsina/pancreatina con inóculos de conejos

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    The in vitro gas production of pepsin/pancreatin used in the determination of in vitro digestibility was evaluated using different inocula from rabbits (ileal, caecal and soft faeces from rabbits). In experiment 1 were used 3 different ileal and caecal inocula obtained each one from the combination of the digesta of 3 different 70 d old rabbits

    Efecto del nivel de fibra soluble y de la relación de omega-6/omega-3 sobre el consumo de agua en gazapos en cebo

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto entre la fibra soluble y la relación n-6/n-3 sobre consumo de agua en gazapos tras el destete

    Comparison between Ecuadoran Genotypes of Cavy Litters (Cavia porcellus) and Cavies Bred in Peru

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    Background: The threat of extinction posed on different unprotected genotypes from the Andean Ranges of Ecuador is calling for new studies and preservation measures to keep the biological diversity of the area, which has enormous perspectives for human nutrition. The aim of this paper was to compare the sizes and weights up to the weaning stage of native Ecuadoran cavy litters in Azuay province, with the Peruvian-bred line. Methods: The study took place on Irquis experimental farm, belonging to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Cuenca, Ecuador. The database was based on the records of breeding animals screened among farmers from Azuay and Cañar, and it included their phenotypic traits. Results: No significant differences were observed in the month of parturition, or the number of parturitions, or the genotype regarding the size of the litter at weaning. The data from Azuay and Peru were similar in terms of litter size at birth (3.1 and 3.2, respectively). However, it was higher regarding litter weight at birth and weaning (432 and 837 g, compared to the 313 and 570 g from Azuay, but no different from Cañar). Conclusions: The native genotypes from Azuay and Cañar were inferior to the Peruvian genotype, in terms of birth weight and weaning weight. Azuay was no different from Peru, according to litter size at birth or weaning. The potential observed in this genotype should be further developed.Background: The threat of extinction posed on different unprotected genotypes from the Andean Ranges of Ecuador is calling for new studies and preservation measures to keep the biological diversity of the area, which has enormous perspectives for human nutrition. The aim of this paper was to compare the sizes and weights up to the weaning stage of native Ecuadoran cavy litters in Azuay province, with the Peruvian-bred line. Methods: The study took place on Irquis experimental farm, belonging to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Cuenca, Ecuador. The database was based on the records of breeding animals screened among farmers from Azuay and Cañar, and it included their phenotypic traits. Results: No significant differences were observed in the month of parturition, or the number of parturitions, or the genotype regarding the size of the litter at weaning. The data from Azuay and Peru were similar in terms of litter size at birth (3.1 and 3.2, respectively). However, it was higher regarding litter weight at birth and weaning (432 and 837 g, compared to the 313 and 570 g from Azuay, but no different from Cañar). Conclusions: The native genotypes from Azuay and Cañar were inferior to the Peruvian genotype, in terms of birth weight and weaning weight. Azuay was no different from Peru, according to litter size at birth or weaning. The potential observed in this genotype should be further developed

    Efecto del nivel de fibra soluble y de la relación omega-6/omega-3 sobre la composición química corporal y de la canal en conejos en cebo

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de la inclusión de diferentes niveles de fibra soluble combi- nados con distintas relaciones de n-6/n-3 sobre la composición química corporal y de la canal de conejos en crecimiento. Para ello, se formularon cuatro piensos (BF_Bn-3, BF_An-3, AF_Bn-3 y AF_An-3) con dos niveles de fibra soluble (BF: 7,8 vs. AF: 14,4% MS) y dos ratios n-6/n-3 (Bn-3: 13,4 vs. An-3: 3,5). Se utilizaron 40 gazapos/pienso destetados a 26 d de edad (460 ± 79,8 g) para determinar la composición corporal y de la canal mediante impedancia bioeléctrica a los 27, 39, 62 y 69 d de edad. Los gazapos de los piensos BF_An-3 y AF_Bn-3 tendieron a pesar más y a tener más energía corporal (P = 0,078 y 0,094). El porcentaje de proteína de la canal disminuyó un 1,16% en los gazapos del pienso BF_An-3 (P = 0,035), respecto a los tratamientos BF_Bn-3 y AF_An-3. El peso vivo a 62 d tendió a ser mayor con los mayores niveles de n-3 (P = 0,073), disminuyendo un 1,2% (P = 0,049) el porcentaje de proteína corporal y aumentando un 2,7% (P = 0,031) el de grasa. Todas estas variables se iguala- ron a 69 d. La energía corporal a 62 d tendió a incrementarse en los gazapos del pienso BF_An-3 (2380 vs. 2353 kJ/100g MS; P = 0,064), mientras que a los 69 días tendió a incrementarse en los de los tratamientos BF_An-3 y AF_Bn-3 (2493 vs. 2463 kJ/100g MS; P = 0,064). El porcentaje de grasa de la canal a los 39 d de edad, de los gazapos del tratamiento BF_An-3 tendió a disminuir respecto al pienso BF_Bn-3 (P = 0,074), mientras que a 69 d los gazapos del tratamiento BF_An-3 tendieron a aumentar su porcentaje de grasa respecto al pienso BF_Bn-3 (P = 0,074)

    Efecto del nivel de fibra soluble y de la suplementación con celobiosa sobre los rendimientos productivos en conejos en cebo

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de la fibra soluble y la suplementación de con celobiosa en agua sobre los rencimientos productivos del gazapo tras el destete. A los gazapos se les suministró dos piensos que difirieron en el nivel de fibra soluble (7,7 vs.15,2%, sobre MS) y tres concentraciones de celobiosa en agua (0,0,75 y 1,5 fl). Los piensos y la celobiosa se suministraron a gazapos desde el destete (34 d edad 781±88 g, 44 gazapos/pienso) hasta los 48 d edad

    Efecto de la vacunación a IBR con virus vivo y muerto, sobre las características anatómicas y endocrinológicas del cuerpo lúteo en novillas Holstein mestizas

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    El presente estudio se realizó para determinar si la vacunación con el herpes virus bovino tipo 1(HVB-1) como profilaxis para la rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina tiene efecto sobre las características anatómicas y endocrinológicas del cuerpo lúteo en novillas Holstein mestizas en la región amazónica ecuatoriana. Se utilizaron 60 novillas repartidas en tres grupos de 20 animales cada uno: sin inmunógeno, vacuna a virus vivo y vacuna a virus muerto. Se determinó el diámetro del cuerpo lúteo en diferentes estadios (12 y 18 días posinseminación) de desarrollo mediante ultrasonografía trans-rectal y la concentración de la progesterona en la sangre, por inmunoensayo enzimático. Para el manejo del experimento todos los grupos fueron sometidos a un protocolo de sincronización con prosgestágenos y estradiol. Se observó diferencias estadísticas significativas en el diámetro promedio del cuerpo lúteo a los 12 y 18 días, siendo mayor en el tratamiento testigo (26,5 y 29,9 mm) respectivamente seguido del tratamiento con virus vivo con (19,5 y 17,9 mm) y el tratamiento   con   virus  muerto   con   (19,2mm   y  17,9mm).   La   concentración   sanguínea   de progesterona fue estadísticamente mayor a los 12 y  18  días  post-tratamiento  en  el  tratamiento testigo  (5,1   y   5,7   ng/dl)  seguido  por  el  tratamiento  con  virus  vivo  (3,2  y  2,8  ng/dl)  y  el tratamiento con virus muerto (3,1 y 2,8 ng/dl) donde hubo valores estadísticamente diferentes en los tres tratamientos en estudio. La inoculación con el herpes virus bovino tipo 1 tiene efectos sobre el desarrollo temprano del cuerpo lúteo en novillas y la concentración de progesterona sanguínea

    A new minute Pristimantis (Amphibia: Anura: Strabomantidae) from the Andes of southern Ecuador

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    We describe a new rainfrog species (Pristimantis), from the wetland complex Oña, Nabón, Saraguro and Yacuambi, in the Andes of southern Ecuador, at altitudes ranging between 3000–3400 m a.s.l. Pristimantis tiktik sp. nov. is a small frog, displaying sexual dimorphism (the males with dorsum of various shades of gray, brown, orange or green and a whitish or pinkish yellow venter; females with brownish gray or gray dorsum and a reticulated white and black venter), with SVL ranging between 19.7–20.4 mm in females (n = 3) and 16.1–18.4 mm in males (n = 6). The skin on dorsum is tuberculated, that on venter is coarsely areolate, dorsolateral folds are absent, tympanic membrane is absent but the tympanic annulus is evident, cranial crests are absent, discs on fingers just slightly expanded, heel is lacking enlarged tubercles, inner edge of tarsus is bearing a long fold, Toe V is slightly longer than Toe III and the iris coloration is bronze with fine black reticulations. The males have a large subgular vocal sac that extends onto the chest and vocal slits but lack nuptial pads. The unique advertisement call consists of long duration series of periodically repeated clicks: “tik”. Molecular analyses place the new species in the recently resurrected P. orestes group, as the sister species of the assemblage that contains P. bambu, P. mazar, P. simonbolivari and an undescribed species. © 2018 Székely et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Peer reviewe

    Comparación de camadas de cobayas (Cavia porcelus) de genotipos ecuatorianos y la línea mejorada Perú

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    Background: The danger of disappearance of the different unprotected genotypes in the Andean highlands of Ecuador forces us to study and propose conservation measures to maintain that biological richness that has enormous prospects for the feeding of humanity. The objective of the study was to compare the sizes and weights of the litters until the weaning of native Ecuadorian guinea pigs from the provinces of Azuay, Cañar and the improved line of Peru. Methods: The study was carried out in the experimental farm of Irquis of the Faculty of Agropecific Sciences of the University of Cuenca. The database was constructed with the records of breeders prospective among the farmers of the provinces of Azuay and Cañar, taking as a reference the phenotypic characteristics. Results: No significant differences were proved for the month of parturition or for the number of births or the genotype in the size of the litter at weaning. The Azuay did not differ from Peru in the size of the litter at birth (3.1 and 3.2 respectively). This one exceeded in the weight of the litter at birth and at weaning with 432 and 837 g at 313 and 570 g of Azuay, which does not differ from the Cañar genotype. Conclusions: The Creole genotypes of Azuay and Cañar showed inferiority in the traits related to birth weight and mortality compared to Peru. The Azuay does not differ from Peru or in litter size at birth or at weaning, this genotype manifested a potential that can be developed.Antecedentes: El peligro de desaparición de los diferentes genotipos no protegidos en la sierra andina ecuatoriana obliga a estudiar y proponer medidas de conservación para mantener esa riqueza biológica que tiene perspectivas enormes para la alimentación de la humanidad. El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar los tamaños y pesos las camadas hasta el destete de cobayas nativas ecuatorianas procedentes de las provincias del Azuay, Cañar y de la línea mejorada Perú. Métodos: El estudio se llevó acabo en la granja experimental de Irquis de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad de Cuenca. La base de datos se construyó con los registros de reproductoras prospectadas entre los campesinos de las provincias de Azuay y Cañar tomando como referencia las características fenotípicas. Resultados: No se probaron diferencias significativas para el mes de parto ni para el número de partos ni del genotipo en el tamaño de la camada al destete. El Azuay no difirió del Perú en el tamaño de la camada al nacer (3,1 y 3,2 respectivamente). Este si superó en el peso de la camada al nacer y al destete con 432 y 837 g a 313 y 570 g del Azuay, que no difiere del genotipo Cañar. Conclusiones: Los genotipos criollos de Azuay y Cañar mostraron inferioridad en los rasgos relacionados al peso al nacer y al destete respecto al Perú. El Azuay no difiere del Perú ni en el tamaño de la camada al nacer ni al destete, este genotipo manifestó un potencial que puede ser desarrollado