71 research outputs found

    Assessing positive and negative experiences: validation of a new measure of well-being in an Italian population

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    The aim of this study is to explore the psychometric properties of an affect scale, the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE), in an Italian-speaking population. The results of this study demonstrate that the Italian version of the SPANE has psychometric properties similar to those shown by the original and previous versions, and it presents satisfactory reliability and factorial validity. The results of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis support the expected two-factor structure, positive and negative feeling, which characterized the previous versions. As expected, measures of negative affect, anxiety, negative future expectances, and depression correlated positively with the negative experiences SPANE subscale, and negatively with the positive experiences SPANE subscale. Results of this study demonstrate that the Italian version of the SPANE has psychometric properties similar to those shown by the original and previous versions, and it presents satisfactory reliability and factorial validity. The use of this instrument provides clinically useful information about a person’s overall emotional experience and it is an indicator of well-being. Although further studies are required to confirm the psychometric characteristics of the scale, the SPANE Italian version is expected to improve theoretical and empirical research on the well-being of the Italian population.Lo scopo del presente studio è quello di esplorare le proprietà psicometriche di uno strumento di misurazione dell’affetto, la Scala di Esperienze Positive e Negative (SPANE), all’interno di una popolazione italiana. Gli esiti dell’analisi fattoriale confermativa com- provano l’attesa struttura a due fattori, sentimenti positivi e negativi. Le correlazioni con altre dimensioni (per es., ansia, depressione, affetto, aspettative future) confermano i risultati ottenuti con le precedenti versioni della scala: affetto negativo, ansia, depressione e aspettative futu- re negative correlano positivamente con la subscala di esperienze negative e negativamente con la subscala di esperienze positive dello SPA- NE. In conclusione, i risultati del nostro studio dimostrano che la versione italiana dello SPANE presenta caratteristiche psicometriche simili a quelle mostrate dalla versione orginale e da successive validazioni dello strumento in altre lingue. La scala presenta, inoltre, affidabilità e va- lidità fattoriale. Lo SPANE è un indice utile dal punto di vista clinico che può fornire informazioni rilevanti circa l’esperienza emotiva e il be- nessere della persona. Nonostante ulteriori studi siano necessari per confermare le caratteristiche psicometriche della scala, la presente vali- dazione della versione italiana dello SPANE può contribuire ad ampliare la ricerca nell’ambito del benessere in una popolazione Italiana.CIBERobn i san initiate of the ISCIII. Red de Excelencia PROMOSAN (PSI2014-56303-REDT): Investigación en procesos, mecanismos y tratamientos psicológicos para la promoción de la salud mental. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain), (Plan Nacional I+D+I. PSI2013-41783-R)

    Assessing Future Expectations and the Two-Dimensional Model of Affect in an Italian Population

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    Future-directed thinking has been described as part of two underlying systems that integrate dimensions of affect, motivational systems, orientation to the future, and future expectations, which are initiated at the cognitive, affective, biological, behavioral, and motivational levels. The main aim of the present study is to test the two underlying frameworks model and explore future expectations in a general Italian-speaking population (N=345). Therefore, the second aim of the present paper is to confirm the factorial structure of the Subjective Probability Task (SPT; MacLeod et al., 1996), a questionnaire designed to assess specific positive and negative orientations towards the future. Results showed that the SPT has good psychometric properties and it is a reliable instrument to assess future-directed thinking. Moreover, our findings confirmed the role of future expectancies as cognitive correlates of depression and anxiety. Differently from previous studies (Clark and Watson, 1991; MacLeod et al., 1996), our results did not confirm that depression was characterized by low positive affect. We believe this paper contributes to the understanding of future expectancies and their relation with anxiety and depression, and will help to expand the availability of an instrument to assess future directed thinking

    «Mi mejor yo»: diseño de una intervención positiva aplicada en formato grupal y apoyada en las TIC

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    Introducción: El ejercicio «Mi mejor yo» («Best Possible Self», bPS) es una técnica de pensamiento futuro positivo, que requiere que la persona se visualice y escriba sobre un futuro en el que ha conseguido todos sus objetivos. Esta técnica ha demostrado ser eficaz en la mejora del bienestar y en potenciar emociones futuras positivas. Existen otras inter-venciones dirigidas a mejorar estas emociones específicas, como el entrenamiento en es-peranza. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir un protocolo de intervención grupal para realizar el ejercicio bPS, integrando componentes del entrenamiento en esperanza y aplicándolo a través de tecnologías positivas. También se pretende analizar el nivel de aceptación del protocolo utilizado en el taller. método: El protocolo está diseñado para ser aplicado en 4 sesiones de 2 horas. Se ha dirigido a una muestra de 6 pacientes graves que presentaban trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. El programa consta de diferentes com-ponentes y los participantes realizan el ejercicio durante 5 minutos al día. Se valora el es-tado de ánimo y las expectativas futuras antes y después de la intervención. resultados: El estudio está en progreso, por lo que todavía no disponemos de datos de eficacia. En cuanto a resultados preliminares sobre la opinión y aceptación del programa, se observan niveles de satisfacción satisfactoria. discusión: Este protocolo pretende ser una alternativa para la aplicación del ejercicio bPS dirigido a la mejora del bienestar y emociones futuras positivas. Los buenos niveles de satisfacción manifestados por los participantes sugieren un alto nivel de aceptación e interés hacia el ejercicio.Introduction: Best Possible Self (bPS) exercise is a future positive thinking technique, which consists of visualizing and writing about a future in which all goals have been reached. This technique has shown efficacy in the improvement of well-being and positive emotions related to future. There are other interventions aimed to improve these specific emo-tions, like training in hope. The goal of the present study is to describe a group intervention protocol to carry out the bPS exercise, adding components of the hope’s training and being applied through Positive Technology. Also, acceptance levels are going to be analyzed. method: The program is designed to be applied in 4 2-hour sessions, one per week. It has been aimed to a sample of 6 patients diagnosed with an eating disorder. The program consists of different components and participants carry out the exercise during 5 minutes per day. Mood and future expectations are assessed before and after the intervention. results: As the study is still in progress, data about efficacy are not yet available. Regarding preliminary results about opinion and acceptance of the program, appropriate levels of satisfaction have been obtained. discussion: This program is intended to be an alternative for the applica-tion of the bPS exercise aimed to improve well-being and positive emotions related to future. High levels of satisfaction reported by the participants suggest a high level of ac-ceptation and interest towards the exercise

    Acceptability of positive technologies by patients with eating disorders: Results from a Randomized Control Trial

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    The present study is aimed to analyze acceptability ratings of positive technologies reported by patients with eating disorders. 54 patients were enrolled in a randomized control trial with two experimental conditions. In the intervention group (n=29), participants performed the best possible self exercise, through positive technologies, for one month. Likewise, participants in the control group (n=25) had to write about their daily activities also through technology. Acceptability levels were rated at the end of the one-month training. Results showed that participants of both conditions reported appropriate levels of satisfaction with the exercises and the technologies and they also perceived the exercises as useful. These results suggest that positive technologies can serve as a supporting tool delivering interventions aimed to improve positive emotions and well-being in clinical samples

    Identification of the critical wavelength responsible for the fragmentation of ductile rings expanding at very high strain rates

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    This work examines the mechanisms governing the fragmentation of ductile ringsexpanding at very high strain rates. Based on previous works three different methodologies have been addressed, namely: fully 3D finite element computationsof the radial expansion of ductile rings, numerical simulations of unitary axisymmetric cells with sinusoidal spatial imperfections subjected to tensile loading and a linear perturbation technique derived within a quasi-1D theoretical framework. The results derived from these three different approaches allow for identification of a critical wavelength which dictates the fragmentation of ductile rings expanding at very high strain rates. This critical wavelength is revealed quite independent of the material properties but closely related to the ratio (L0/Ø0) critical ≈1:5 where L0 is the fragment size and Ø0 is the diameter of the circular section of the ring. This work highlights the fundamental role played by material inertia in the fragmentation at very high strain rates, setting aside the mechanisms associated to the classical statistical theories.Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Project CCG10-UC3M/DPI-5596) and to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (Project DPI/2011-24068) for the financial support received which allowed conducting part of this work.Publicad

    Implementation of a positive psychology group program in an inpatient eating disorder service. A pilot Study

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    Context: Eating disorders (ED) are very difficult conditions to treat. Therefore, interventions in this field are shifting their main target towards the disorder's impact in quality of life, rather than ED symptomatology in itself. In this sense, a focus in the promotion of positive emotions and well-being is emerging in order to ameliorate the harmful effects caused by ED. However, evidence of potential benefits of this type of interventions is still scarce. Purpose: This study introduces a 4-week positive psychology group program specifically designed for ED patients' needs and to present data about feasibility and acceptability. Method: Seven female inpatients of an eating disorder service aged from 13 to 38 years old attended the group. Measures of affect and optimistic thinking were taken before the program and after each session. Results: The program was very well rated by participants, and there was no attrition. Furthermore, possible benefits were found in terms of optimistic thinking at the end of the group program, and these benefits were noticeable, but non-significant, in the case of affect. Conclusions: This study opens the door to conduct larger and controlled studies for testing interventions aimed at promoting positive emotions and well-being in ED populations. Thus, these interventions could support the efficacy of current treatments in order to improve patients' quality of life

    Incrementando el bienestar: Una revisión de intervenciones dirigidas a promover estados emocionales positivos

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    La experiencia de emociones positivas, como alegría y satisfacción, tiene numerosos beneficios físicos, sociales e intelectuales para el individuo (Sheldon y Lyubomirsky, 2006). Una gran variedad de estudios han investigado la eficacia de diferentes intervenciones dirigidas a promover estados emocionales positivos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una revisión de las principales intervenciones positivas dirigidas a mejorar el bienestar. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la última década, a través de diferentes bases de datos, combinando palabras clave como: «positive interventions », «well-being», «positive psychology» y «happiness». La búsqueda dio como resultado una serie de intervenciones autoaplicadas dirigidas a promover emociones positivas. Dichas intervenciones incluyen estrategias cognitivas y conductuales simples, tales como: escribir cartas de agradecimiento, realizar actos bondadosos e identificar fortalezas personales, entre otros (Layous y Lyubomirsky, 2012). Por otra parte, se ha comprobado que determinadas características de las actividades y ciertos factores personales pueden modular la eficacia de las intervenciones (Vázquez et al., 2006). Los trabajos de investigación sobre este tema ponen de manifiesto que estas estrategias son efectivas incrementando el bienestar y disminuyendo la aparición de sintomatología depresiva (Sin y Lyubomirsky, 2009). A nivel clínico, dichas estrategias pueden ayudar a aumentar la eficacia de los actuales tratamientos psicológicos y mejorar los programas de prevención de recaídas (Vázquez et al., 2006). En este sentido, la Psicología Positiva puede proporcionar una mejor resistencia ante estresores intensos cuando quienes los sufren perciben, además de las consecuencias negativas, algunos elementos positivos en lo sucedido (Vázquez y Pérez Sales, 2003).Experiencing positive emotions, like joy and contentment, holds numerous social, intellectual and physical benefits for the individual (Sheldon & Lyubomirsky, 2006). A high variety of studies have analysed the efficacy of different interventions aimed to boost positive emotional states. The goal of this study is to review the main positive interventions targeting to improve well-being. We have carried out a literature review over the last decade through several databases, combining different keywords: Positive interventions, well-being, positive psychology, and happiness. This research has resulted in a series of self-administered interventions aimed to promote positive emotions. These interventions involve simple cognitive and behavioural strategies, such as: writing gratitude letters, performing acts of kindness, and identifying personal strengths, among others (Layous & Lyubomirsky, 2012). Moreover, it has been proven that certain characteristic of the activities and some personal factors can affect the efficacy of the interventions (Vazquez, et al., 2006). The research on this topic shows that these strategies are effective as they increase psychological well-being and decrease depressive symptoms (Sin & Lyubomirsky, 2009). At a clinical level, these strategies could help increasing the efficacy of the current psychological treatments and could improve the relapse prevention programs (Vázquez, et al., 2006). In this sense, Positive Psychology can provide a better resistance against intense stressors when those who suffer perceive, apart from the negative consequences, some positive elements in what has happened (Vázquez & Pérez Sales, 2003)

    El Mejor Self Posible: Una intervención dirigida a generar emociones positivas. Resultados preliminares

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    La vivencia de emociones positivas promueve un pensamiento más abierto y flexible y nos fortalece frente a la adversidad. Desde el campo de la psicología positiva se han desarrollado diferentes estrategias que potencian la aparición de emociones positivas. Una de estas intervenciones es imaginar el Mejor Self Posible, una técnica de pensamiento futuro positivo que requiere que la persona se visualice en un futuro en el que todo se ha desarrollado del mejor modo posible. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la eficacia de esta intervención en la generación de emociones positivas y de optimismo, utilizando Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) para tratar de potenciar sus efectos. Se trata de un estudio experimental preliminar, de una sola sesión, cuya muestra está formada por 12 sujetos (M= 23,4 años) reclutados de la población general. Para analizar los resultados se tomaron medidas de afecto (PANAS) y expectativas futuras (SPT) antes y después de realizar el ejercicio. En cuanto al afecto, los resultados arrojan un aumento significativo de afecto positivo tras realizar la sesión; mientras que en las medidas de expectativas futuras, se observa una disminución, no significativa, en expectativas futuras negativas al terminar la sesión.Experiencing positive emotions promotes open and flexible thinking and strengthens us against adversity. In the field of positive psychology different strategies that boost the appearance of positive emotions have been developed. One of these interventions is to imagine the Best Possible Self, a positive future thinking technique that consists in visualizing a future where everything has gone the best possible way. The goal of the present study is to analyze the efficacy of this intervention increasing the appearance of positive emotions and optimism, using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to maximize their effects. This is a one session preliminary experimental study, with a sample of 12 individuals (M=23.4 years) recruited from the general population. In order to analyze the results, measures of affect (PANAS) and future expectancies (SPT) were administered before and after each manipulation. Regarding affect, results show a significant increase in positive affect after the session. On the contrary, in the measures of future expectancies, results show a non-significant decrease in negative future expectancies at the end of the session

    DSM-5: avances en la clasificación y el diagnóstico de los trastornos mentales

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    Uno de los aspectos más relevantes en Psicopatología es la clasificación de los trastornos mentales. La caracterización de los distintos problemas psicopatológicos en manuales diagnósticos estandarizados como los DSM publicados por la Asociación de Psiquiatría Americana (APA) o las Clasificaciones Internacionales de las Enfermedades (CIE) publicadas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) tiene una influencia fundamental en aspectos relevantes en la psiquiatría y la psicología clínica como el diagnóstico, el pronóstico, el tratamiento o la investigación. La publicación del DSM-5 va a suponer uno de los hitos más importantes en el ámbito de la salud mental en los últimos años. La revisión del DSM-IV ha puesto en cuestión diferentes aspectos fundamentales de las clasificaciones psiquiátricas vigentes (p. ej., estructura de la clasificación, enfoque prototípico, cuestiones relacionadas con la etiología, etc.). Fruto de esta revisión se han producido importantes modificaciones en algunos de estos aspectos. El objetivo de este trabajo es llevar a cabo una revisión general de los cambios que implica la sustitución del DSM-IV por el nuevo DSM-5. Estos cambios han sido especialmente sustanciales en la clasificación de los trastornos de personalidad (TP). Por ello, a fin de ejemplificar las modificaciones sufridas por el DSM, nos centramos en este grupo de trastornos. Finalizamos el artículo con una reflexión acerca de las repercusiones de la publicación del DSM-5One of the most important topics in Psychopatology is the classification of mental disorders. The description of different psychopathological problems in standardized diagnostic manuals such as the DSM, published by the American Psyquiatric Association (APA), or the icd, published by the World Health Organization (WHO), strongly affects central aspects related to psychology and psychiatry, such as diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and research. The next publication of DSM-5 is expected to become an important milestone in mental health. The review has questioned several major aspects of current psychiatric classifications (e.g. classification framework, prototypical approach, different questions about etiology, etc.). As a result, important changes in some of these aspects have been done. The aim of this paper is to carry out a general review of the modifications that involves the replacement of DSM-IV by the new DSM-5. These changes have been especially important in the classification of personality disorders. For this reason, as an example, we will focus on the changes undergone by personality disorders. As a conclusion, we end our article with a reflection about the implications of the publication of DSM-5

    Programa de tratamiento integrativo para la fibromialgia: estudio preliminar

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    One of the most prevalent chronic pain syndromes in the hospital and outpatient rheumatologyclinic is fibromyalgia (FM). The current psychological treatment programs that havebeen developed for patients suffering from FM are based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT). Many of these treatments have shown efficacy in isolation in empirical studiesin laboratory settings. Therefore, it is necessary to test the effectiveness of these treatmentprograms in natural settings such as a Mental Health Unit (USM). For the presentstudy, an intervention program has been developed, applied at a USM, aimed not only atreducing pain but also at providing the patient with tools to achieve better acceptance ofit, increase their positive emotions and their quality of life, therefore addressing better theproblem of pain.A pilot study was conducted to assess the preliminary efficacy of a psychological treatmentprogram that integrates CBT techniques along with positive psychology, acceptance,mindfulness and hypnosis tools (which have shown evidence in the treatment of chronicpain). The study involved 5 patients (4 women and 1 man) who received an 8 sessionprogram. Post- treatment results indicate that patients significantly increased their levelsof pain acceptance, self-pity, and quality of life. There is also an improvement in moodaccompanied by a reduction in pain interference.Our work provides preliminary data that support the usefulness of including new componentswhen addressing FM.Uno de los síndromes de dolor crónico más prevalente en la consulta hospitalaria y ambulatoriade reumatología es la fibromialgia (FM). Los programas de tratamiento psicológicosactuales que se han desarrollado para los pacientes que sufren FM están basadosen la Terapia Cognitivo Conductual (TCC). Muchos de estos tratamientos han mostradoeficacia de forma aislada en estudios empíricos en entornos de laboratorio. Por esto, esnecesario probar la eficacia de estos programas de tratamiento en entornos naturalescomo es el caso de una Unidad de Salud Mental (USM). Para el presente estudio seha desarrollado un programa de intervención, aplicado en una USM, dirigido no sólo ala reducción del dolor sino también a dotar al paciente de herramientas para lograr unamejor aceptación del mismo, aumentar sus emociones positivas y su calidad de vida,afrontando así de mejor manera el problema del dolor.Se realizó un estudio piloto con el fin de valorar la eficacia preliminar de un programa detratamiento psicológico que integra técnicas de la TCC junto con herramientas de psicologíapositiva, aceptación, mindfulness e hipnosis (que han mostrado evidencia en eltratamiento del dolor crónico). En el estudio participaron 5 pacientes (4 mujeres y 1 hombre)que recibieron dicho programa en 8 sesiones. Los resultados en el post-tratamientoindicaron que los pacientes aumentaron de manera significativa sus niveles de aceptacióndel dolor, auto-compasión y calidad de vida. Se observa también una mejora en elestado de ánimo acompañada de una reducción en la interferencia del dolor.Nuestro trabajo aporta datos preliminares que apoyan la utilidad de incluir nuevos componentesa la hora de abordar la F