260 research outputs found

    The Effect of Organizational Learning on Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Work Performance

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    Currently, it is widely believed that organizational learning is the best approach to improve organizational work outcomes such as employees work performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment etc. Organizational learning is no longer exclusive to the private sector and it is increasingly emerging as an important strategy in the public service sector. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of organizational learning, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on work performance among the public service managers. In addition, this study seeks to determine the role of organizational commitment and job satisfaction as mediator on the relationship between organizational learning and public service managers' work performance. The population of the study is around 4579 Administrative and Diplomatic (ADS) officers working in 28 ministries located in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. The collection of primary data was through the distribution of personally administered questionnaires to the respondents who were chosen by systematic sampling procedure. A total of 435 (87%) answered questionnaires were returned and used in the final analysis. Instruments used in this study are organizational learning (Gomez et a/., 2001), organizational commitment (Porter et a/., 1974), job satisfaction - - - 4 --..-,-=,--...-*--. ..*.-I. r-ui - r---------c----- - - ----- " - .- (Hackman and Oldham, 1975) and work performance (Suliman, 2001). Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) was conducted on the data and the results met the basic assumptions of normality and linearity. Cronbanch Alpha and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to test the reliability and validity of the instruments respectively and they indicated acceptable results. The Pearson correlation, regression and path analysis were employed to obtain the answers for the research questions to achieve the objectives of the study. The findings indicate that the level of organizational learning, organizational -.,. , . . commitment, job satisfaction and work performance are rather high among the ADS officers. Organizational learning is positively related to organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and work performance among the public service managers. Organizational commitment and job satisfaction are also positively related with work performance and these variables partially mediate the relationship between organizational learning and work performance. Organizational learning is equally important in explaining organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work performance. At the same time, organizational learning, job satisfaction and organizational commitment are also equally important in explaining work performance among the public service managers. In conclusion, this study contributes and enriches present knowledge in this field and it can be argued that western theories can be valid in non-western setting. The implications of the findings of this study are that top management in ministries need to pay serious attention and effort to create a conducive environment that will encourage learning among the employees. This will improve work outcomes and consequently improve the government delivery system

    Tourism marketing in Sabah: A study on Kinabalu Park as a leisure and holiday destination for domestic tourist market / Gua Hui B Manak

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    Tourism is not only arguably the world's largest industry, it also involves the greatest flows of people on the surface of the earth. It is a major agent of change and as one of the most visible expressions of globalization. Tourists and tourism development affect almost every country. They produce impacts upon communities, environments and economies. At the same time, tourism is a source of immerse enjoyment and pleasure for hundreds of millions of people and creates contact and communication between peoples from different regions and cultures. This study discusses the marketing of Kinabalu Park as a domestic tourist destination for leisure and holiday, analyzes the motivational factors underlying decisions to visit Kinabalu Park by the various existing local market segments. The tourism industry is crucial to Sabah as the state government sees tourism as an avenue to diversify the state's economy. However, the review on the local tourist industry and its literature through the marketing plans and l domestic tourism reports for the last five years between 1995 to 1999 shows that the domestic tourist arrival to the state has not been performing very well. One of the main factors leading to this trend was the lack of awareness from domestic market towards the various tourist destinations in Sabah particularly Kinabalu Park

    A Meshfree Weak- Strong-form (MWS) method for solid and fluid mechanics

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    Mesh free methods can be largely categorized into two main categories: mesh free methods based on strong forms (e.g. collocation methods) and mesh free methods based on the weak forms (EFG, MLPG, PIM, etc.; see Mesh Free Methods, by G. R. Liu, CRC Press, 2002). The mesh free collocation method is simple to implement and computationally efficient. However, it is often found unstable and less accurate, especially for problems governed by partial differential equations with Neumann (derivative) boundary conditions, such as solid mechanics problems with stress (natural) boundary conditions. On the other hand, the mesh free methods based on the weak form exhibits very good stability and excellent accuracy. However, the numerical integration makes them computational expensive, and the background mesh (global or local) for integration is responsible for not being “truly” mesh free. In this paper, a new idea of combination of both the strong form and the local weak form is proposed to develop truly meshless method for 2-D elasto-statics. A novel truly meshfree method, the meshfree weak-strong (MWS) form method, is originated by Liu et al. (2002) based on a combined formulation of both the strong and local weak forms. As shown in Figure 1, the problem domain and boundaries are represented by properly scattered nodes. The key idea of the MWS method is that in establishing the discrete system equations, both the strong-form and the local Petrov-Galerkin weak-form are used for the same problem, but for different nodes. This paper details the MWS method for solid and fluid mechanics problems. In the MWS method, the problem domain and its boundary is represented by a set of points or nodes. The strong form or collocation method is used for all the internal nodes and the nodes on the essential (Dirichlet) boundaries. The local weak form (Petrov-Galerkin weak form) is used for nodes on the natural (Neumann) boundaries. There is no need for numerical integrations for all the internal nodes and the nodes on the essential boundaries. The local numerical integration is performed only for the nodes on the natural/Neumann boundaries. The natural/Neumann boundary conditions can then be easily imposed to produce stable and accurate solutions. The locally supported radial point interpolation method (RPIM) and moving least squares (MLS) approximation are used to construct the shape functions. The final system matrix will be sparse and banded for computational efficiency. Numerical examples of solids and fluids are presented to demonstrate the efficiency, stability and accuracy of the proposed meshfree method.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Strategy for improvement of maternal health in Nepal

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    Maternal death is a public health problem in like Nepal. Still women have been facing the pregnancy related problems due to inaccessible and poor quality health service as well as a less available health service from skilled health workers. This is due to lack of essential knowledge about pregnancy and its complications. The main aim of this article is to evaluate and synthesize the current public health issues of maternal health of women in Nepal. Syntheses the problems, challenges and issues regarding maternal health and what can be done for the improvement of those problems with the evidence base practice. There should be making such a kind of policy, program, approaches and strategy from the state or the stockholder to tackle the health problem

    The effect of organizational learning on organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work performance

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    The literature review reveals that there is a relationship between organizational learning organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work performance. However, it is apparent that the integrated relationships between these variables have not been found to be reported. Hence, we examine the relationship among these variables using a sample of public service managers in Malaysia. Organizational learning was found positively related to organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and work performance. Organizational commitment and job satisfaction are also positively related with work performance and these variables partially mediate the relationship between organizational learning and work performance. Implication of the study and suggestions for future research been discussed in this paper

    Determinan Keberhasilan Pengobatan Pada Pasien Tbc Paru Di Wilayah KerjaPuskesmas Tarus Tahun 2018

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    Tuberkulosis paru merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh mycobacterium tuberculosis. Kasus TB paru di NTT pada tahun 2017 jumlah kasus TB paru sebesar 6.236 kasus. Beberapa faktor yang menentukan kesembuhan dan keberhasilan yaitu perilaku dan faktor lingkungan penderita tinggal, keatuhan dalam minum obat, motivasi untuk sembuh, pengetahuan serta dukungan dari keluarga merupakan faktor penting untuk mencapai angka kesembuhan yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan pengobatan pada pasien TBC paru di wilayah kerja puskesmas Tarus tahun2018. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitiandeskriptif, dengan rancangan cross sectional. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang terdiri dari 40 responden, karateristik penderita TBC paru yang berusia 15 - 60 tahun sebanyak 31 orang, yang lebih rentan terkena penyakit TBC paru yaitu pada laki – laki. faktor terkait motivasi, pengetahuan, perilaku, kepatuhan, dukungan keluarga dan lingkungan tempat penderita tinggal terhadap keberhasilan pengobatan TB paru di wilayah Puskesmas Tarus tahun 2018 termasuk dalam kategori bai

    The Effect Of Organizational Learning On Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction And Work Performance

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    The literature review reveals that there is a relationship between organizational learning organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work performance. However, it is apparent that the integrated relationships between these variables have not been found to be reported. Hence, we examine the relationship among these variables using a sample of public service managers in Malaysia. Organizational learning was found positively related to organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and work performance. Organizational commitment and job satisfaction are also positively related with work performance and these variables partially mediate the relationship between organizational learning and work performance. Implication of the study and suggestions for future research been discussed in this paper

    Certainty of Response Index: Analysis of Students' Level of Understanding in Biology Material at SMA Negeri 9 Halmahera Timur

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    Dalam proses pembelajaran Biologi, sangat penting untuk fokus pada pengembangan pemahaman konseptual siswa, yaitu dengan memperluas pengertian yang belum lengkap menjadi komprehensif dan akurat. Konsep ini sering kali menyimpang dari konsep sebenarnya. Kesalahpahaman mengacu pada perbedaan dari pemahaman konseptual. Kesalahpahaman adalah gagasan awal yang tidak sejalan dengan konsep ilmiah yang didukung oleh para ahli. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai sejauh mana miskonsepsi siswa terhadap konsep biologi di SMA Negeri 9 Halmahera Timur dengan memanfaatkan Certainty of Response Index. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 30 siswa kelas X MIA SMA Negeri 9 Halmahera Timur. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melibatkan pemberian tes diagnostik pilihan ganda beralasan yang terdiri dari 50 item. Setiap item disertai dengan Certainty of Response Index (CRI) siswa pada tiga topik: Keanekaragaman Hayati (15 pertanyaan), Virus (17 pertanyaan), dan Ekosistem (18 pertanyaan). Data tersebut dilakukan analisis kualitatif, yang mengarah pada perolehan kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil analisis. Materi Virus mempunyai tingkat miskonsepsi yang paling tinggi diantara ketiga materi yaitu sebesar 47%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa belum memahami secara jelas materi Virus, berbeda dengan materi Keanekaragaman Hayati yang memiliki tingkat miskonsepsi sebesar 13%, dan ekosistem yang mengalami miskonsepsi sebesar 20%. Secara umum, prevalensi miskonsepsi siswa masih cukup rendah, yaitu sebesar 35%