1,306 research outputs found

    The physical properties of S0 galaxy PGC 26218: the origin of starburst and star formation

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    We present 2D-spectroscopic observations from Centro Astron\'omico Hispano Alem\'an (CAHA) 3.5 m telescope and the millimetre observation from NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) of the nearby S0 galaxy PGC 26218, which shows central star-formation activity and post-starburst outside in the disk. We estimate the star formation rate (SFR = 0.28±0.010.28\pm0.01 M⊙yr−1M_{\odot} \rm yr^{-1}) and molecular gas mass (log \rm log\ $M_{\rm H_{2}}=7.60\pm0.15\ M_{\odot})ofPGC26218basedontheextinction−correctedH) of PGC 26218 based on the extinction-corrected H\alphaemissionlineandtheCO− emission line and the CO-\rm H_{2}conversionfactor( conversion factor (\alpha_{\rm CO})oftheMilkyWay,respectively.WefindthatPGC26218followsthestarformingmainsequence(SFMS)andtheKennicutt−Schmidtlaw.ComparingthekinematicsofCO() of the Milky Way, respectively. We find that PGC 26218 follows the star forming main sequence (SFMS) and the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. Comparing the kinematics of CO(J=1−0),starsandH=1-0), stars and H\alpha,wefindthattherotationalaxisofCO(, we find that the rotational axis of CO(J=1−0)is45=1-0) is 45^{\circ}differentfromthatofH different from that of H\alpha.Inaddition,theprofileoftheCO(. In addition, the profile of the CO(J=1−0)emissionlineshowsasymmetryandhasaninflowcomponentof=1-0) emission line shows asymmetry and has an inflow component of \sim46 46 \rm km\ s^{-1}.Withthedecompositionoftheopticalimage,weconfirmthatPGC26218showsmultiplenuclearstructures.TheprojectedoffsetbetweenthemostluminousopticalcenterandthecenterofCO(. With the decomposition of the optical image, we confirm that PGC 26218 shows multiple nuclear structures. The projected offset between the most luminous optical center and the center of CO(J=1−0)is=1-0) is 5.2\arcsec( (\sim$ 0.6 kpc) and the latter overlaps with one of the optical cores. These results support that PGC 26218 may have experienced a gas-rich minor merger, extending its star formation and locating it in the SFMS.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ, 16 page, 12 figure

    PGC 38025: A Star-forming Lenticular Galaxy With an Off-nuclear Star-forming Core

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    Lenticular galaxies (S0s) were considered mainly as passive evolved spirals due to environmental effects for a long time; however, most S0s in the field cannot fit into this common scenario. In this work, we study one special case, SDSS J120237.07+642235.3 (PGC 38025), a star-forming field S0 galaxy with an off-nuclear blue core. We present optical integral field spectroscopic (IFS) observation with the 3.5 meter telescope at Calar Alto (CAHA) Observatory, and high-resolution millimeter observation with the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA). We estimated the star formation rate (SFR = 0.446 M⊙yr−1M_\odot yr^{-1}) and gaseous metallicity (12 + log(O/H) = 8.42) for PGC 38025, which follows the star formation main sequence and stellar mass - metallicity relation. We found that the ionized gas and cold molecular gas in PGC 38025 show the same spatial distribution and kinematics, whilst rotating misaligned with stellar component. The off-nuclear blue core is locating at the same redshift as PGC 38025 and its optical spectrum suggest it is \rm H\,{\sc ii} region. We suggest that the star formation in PGC 38025 is triggered by a gas-rich minor merger, and the off-nuclear blue core might be a local star-formation happened during the accretion/merger process.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Surface Photometry and Radial Color Gradients of Nearby Luminous Early-type Galaxies in SDSS Stripe 82

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    We make use of the images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 to present an analysis of r band surface brightness profiles and radial color gradients (g - r, u - r) in 111 nearby early-type galaxies (ETGs). With Stripe 82 images, we are able to pay special attentions to the low-surface-brightness areas (LSB areas) of the galaxies. The LSB areas make a difference to the Sersic fittings and concentration indices, making both the indices less than the typical values for ETGs. There are about 60% negative color gradients (red-core) within 1.5Re , much more than the approximately 10% positive ones (blue-core) within the same radius. However, taking into account of the LSB areas, we find that the color gradients are not necessarily monotonic: about one third of the red-core (or blue-core) galaxies have positive (or negative) color gradients in the outer areas. So LSB areas not only make ETGs' Sersic profiles deviate from de Vaucouleur ones and shift to the disk end, but also reveal that quite a number of ETGs have opposite color gradients in inner and outer areas. These outcomes remind us the necessity of double-Sersic fitting. These LSB phenomena may be interpreted by mergers and thus different metallicity in the outer areas. Isophotal parameters are also discussed briefly in this paper: more disky nearby ETGs are spotted than boxy ones.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure
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