12 research outputs found

    Universal representation by Boltzmann machines with Regularised Axons

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    It is widely known that Boltzmann machines are capable of representing arbitrary probability distributions over the values of their visible neurons, given enough hidden ones. However, sampling -- and thus training -- these models can be numerically hard. Recently we proposed a regularisation of the connections of Boltzmann machines, in order to control the energy landscape of the model, paving a way for efficient sampling and training. Here we formally prove that such regularised Boltzmann machines preserve the ability to represent arbitrary distributions. This is in conjunction with controlling the number of energy local minima, thus enabling easy \emph{guided} sampling and training. Furthermore, we explicitly show that regularised Boltzmann machines can store exponentially many arbitrarily correlated visible patterns with perfect retrieval, and we connect them to the Dense Associative Memory networks.Comment: 12 pages. Updated reference

    Cold atoms meet lattice gauge theory

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    The central idea of this review is to consider quantum field theory models relevant for particle physics and replace the fermionic matter in these models by a bosonic one. This is mostly motivated by the fact that bosons are more ‘accessible’ and easier to manipulate for experimentalists, but this ‘substitution’ also leads to new physics and novel phenomena. It allows us to gain new information about among other things confinement and the dynamics of the deconfinement transition. We will thus consider bosons in dynamical lattices corresponding to the bosonic Schwinger or Z2 Bose–Hubbard models. Another central idea of this review concerns atomic simulators of paradigmatic models of particle physics theory such as the Creutz–Hubbard ladder, or Gross–Neveu–Wilson and Wilson–Hubbard models. This article is not a general review of the rapidly growing field—it reviews activities related to quantum simulations for lattice field theories performed by the Quantum Optics Theory group at ICFO and their collaborators from 19 institutions all over the world. Finally, we will briefly describe our efforts to design experimentally friendly simulators of these and other models relevant for particle physics. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Quantum technologies in particle physics’

    Hidden string order in a hole superconductor with extended correlated hopping

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    Ultracold fermions in one-dimensional, spin-dependent nonoverlapping optical lattices are described by a nonstandard Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbor correlated hopping. In the limit of a kinetically constraining value of the correlated hopping equal to the normal hopping, we map the invariant subspaces of the Hamiltonian exactly to free spinless fermion chains of varying lengths. As a result, the system exactly manifests spin-charge separation and we obtain the system properties for arbitrary filling: ground state collective order characterized by a spin gap, which can be ascribed to an unconventional critical hole superconductor associated with finite long range nonlocal string order. We study the system numerically away from the integrable point and show the persistence of both long range string order and spin gap for appropriate parameters as well as a transition to a ferromagnetic state

    Quantum Random Number Generators : Benchmarking and Challenges

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    We discuss the current state of the art of Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNG) and their possible applications in the search for quantum advantages. To this aim, we first discuss a possible way of benchmarking QRNG by applying them to the computation of complicated and hard to realize classical simulations, such as critical dynamics in two-dimensional Ising lattices. These are performed with the help of computing devices based on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or graphic processing units (GPUs). The results obtained for QRNG are compared with those obtained by classical pseudo-random number generators (PRNG) of various qualities. Monte Carlo simulations of critical dynamics in moderate lattice sizes (128×\times128) start to be sensitive to the correlations present in pseudo-random numbers sequences, allowing us to detect them. By comparing our analysis with that of Ref. [PRE {\bf 93}, 022113 (2016)], we estimate the requirements for QRNGs in terms of speed, rapidity of access, and efficiency to achieve the objective of quantum advantage with respect to the best PRNGs. We discuss the technical challenges associated with this objective.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure