45 research outputs found

    L’évolution des genres politiques sous l’influence de la publicité: un pacte orienté vers un rêve et une offre

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    Evolution of genres of political discourse under the influence of advertising: pact aimed at a dream and illusive offer The objective of the paper is to capture the changes, which are taking place in the genres of political discourse under the influence of advertising. The paper outlines the methodology known as the French discourse analysis, and defines both the political and the media discourse as well as the concepts of the contract, genre and strategy. The latter notion is of key importance for studying the influence of some genres and their design on others. The rhetoric of the advertisement, developed by the contemporary consumerist society, is primarily based on emotions. Emotional persuasion of advertising contrasts with classical political argumentation. The political genres are being penetrated by the logic of a dream and an illusive gift

    Le "Fait divers" : un genre rédactionnel et métadiscursif

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    Every statement pertains to a particular scope of man’s functioning, that is to a discourse and also to the specified genre, which is the functioning purposeful expression and the instrument of effective communication. Author focuses on the journalistic genre called “fait divers” and points to some relevant aspects such as discourse contract ( particularly informative one), motifs, descriptive structure and co-temporary statement. The aim of the article is to show that “fait divers” is a metadiscursive genre and an effect of the editorial task.Dans cet article, il est question du sens et de la communication. En tant que dispositif de communication, unité pragmatique du discours dans laquelle « nous moulons nos paroles » en fonction de la situation, c’est le genre qui joue le rôle le plus important dans la construction du sens. Surtout qu’il n’y a pas d’énoncé n’appartenant à aucun genre. La reconnaissance de celui-ci dans un texte lui permet d’obtenir une interprétation sémantico-pragmatique adéquate. Le discours médiatique est un type particulier qui relève du méta-discours. Nous analysons un de ses genres, le « fait divers », en l’envisageant comme un genre rédactionnel. Car c’est le travail rédactionnel, à partir de la sélection de certains événements, qui leur permet d’accéder au statut de faits médiatisés, jusqu’à la mise en page, qui crée le fait divers. Dans l’article, on pose quelques problèmes importants sur le caractère construit dudit genre et on essaie d’en présenter les traits définitoires les plus caractéristiques

    French discourse analysis and contrastive studies (?)

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    The paper asks whether contrastive studies are conducted within the framework of French discourse analysis and attempts to find an answer to that question. First, the Author offers a brief overview of the origins of Polish textology and French discourse analysis, and explains the differences in how these two streams of linguistics approach comparative studies. While contrastive studies are not undertaken by French discourse analysts, recent years have seen attempts at comparing sociolinguistic behaviours using the criterion of occupation as well as cultural differences.Artykuł jest próbą znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy w ramach francuskiej analizy dyskursu prowadzone są badania kontrastywne. Autorka przypomina w skrócie genezę polskiej tekstologii i francuskiej analizy dyskursu, tłumacząc różnice w podejściu obu lingwistyk do badań porównawczych. Francuscy dyskursywiści nie prowadzą badań kontrastywnych; można jednak w ostatnich latach zauważyć tendencje do porównywania zachowań społeczno-językowych w aspekcie wykonywanych zawodów oraz ze względu na różnice międzykulturowe

    L’évolution des genres politiques sous l’influence de la publicité: un pacte orienté vers un rêve et une offre

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    Evolution of genres of political discourse under the influence of advertising: pact aimed at a dream and illusive offer The objective of the paper is to capture the changes, which are taking place in the genres of political discourse under the influence of advertising. The paper outlines the methodology known as the French discourse analysis, and defines both the political and the media discourse as well as the concepts of the contract, genre and strategy. The latter notion is of key importance for studying the influence of some genres and their design on others. The rhetoric of the advertisement, developed by the contemporary consumerist society, is primarily based on emotions. Emotional persuasion of advertising contrasts with classical political argumentation. The political genres are being penetrated by the logic of a dream and an illusive gift

    Jan Paweł II – najlepszy ojciec : analiza dyskursywna

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