29 research outputs found

    Interpretation of soil erosion in a Polish loess area using OSL, 137Cs, 210Pbex, dendrochronology and micromorphology – case study : Biedrzykowice site (s Poland)

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    Loess areas used for agriculture are susceptible to soil erosion. The intensive process of soil erosion in Polish loess areas began with the onset of the Neolithic and has continued intermittent-ly until today. This work presents the results of soil erosion from simultaneous use of the 137Cs and 210Pbex methods on an agricultural field located on loess slope. Moreover, to establish the age of ac-cumulated sediment connected with water slope erosion, OSL dating, selected physicochemical and micromorphological analyses were applied. The reference values of the 137Cs and 210Pbex fallout for the studied site (Biedrzykowice, the Proszowice Plateau, Małopolska Upland) equal 2627 (45% connected with Chernobyl) and 4835 Bq·m–2, respectively. The results of the 137Cs and 210Pbex inventories measured for the agricul-tural field range from 730 to 7911 and from 1615 to 11136 Bq·m–2, respectively. The mean soil ero-sion is about 2.1 kg·m–2·a–1 (about 1.4 mm·a–1). The accumulation of the colluvial sediments started in the Neolithic and drastically increased in the Middle Ages. The examined gully catchment in Bie-drzykowice has probably developed quite rapidly as a result of increased erosion. This resulted in the abandonment of this area as farmland and, consequently, in the minimization of water erosion on the slope due to the entrance of woody vegetation in this area. Erosion processes were highly intensified during the last 70 years as a result of deforestation after World War II and intensive agricultural reuse of this area after a break, as indicated by isotope measurements and dendrochronology

    Beaver ponds and mill ponds. History and water retention function. The Polish Plain study

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    This paper presents the results of studies on small-scale water retention in beaver ponds and mill ponds locatedwithin the Polish Plain in the catchments of the Brda and Wda Rivers. Findings regarding small-scale retention in the Holocene were based on geological surveys and archival materials in the presence of beaver ponds and mill ponds. Traces of Holocene and contemporary beaver colonisation in this area have been documented. We collected data on the location of mill ponds during various developmental periods of the millers’ trade. The potential maximum retention in Holocene beaver ponds, contemporary beaver ponds and mill ponds was estimated and compared in both examined catchments at various stages of the development of the miller’s trade. It was established that retention in mill ponds at the peak of the development of the miller’s trade in the catchments of Brda and Wda was four times lower than the potential retention in beaver ponds during the pre-anthropogenic stage of the Holocene. Current small-scale retention in beaver ponds is variable and definitely smaller than natural and anthropogenic retention in the past. It did not compensate for the water loss associated with irrigation practices in this area

    The basis of the study of the age of the Holocene Diluvium on loess areas of Polish Highlands

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    Large part of slope sediments (pediment) which are the effect of water induced soil erosion in the loess areas of Polish Uplands, has a close relationship with pre-historical, historical and “present” agricultural activity. The sediments accumulated in different periods are often separated by fossil soils. These soils are correlated with the periods of relinquishment of agricultural land use in a given area. A precise dating of the cycles of fossil soil formation is practically impossible. Therefore it is important to gain a possibility to establish the age of sediments between old fossil soils corresponding with the phases of soil erosion. The organic material in the floor or roof of deposits permitting a 14C dating is very seldom. This is why attempts were made to use the OSL method to date mineral parts of slope sediments. In connection with pedological and sedimentological methods, the OSL method makes it possible to give some information about the age of pre-historical and historical phases of intensive soil erosion. In order to date sediments accumulated during the last 50 years, the method based on measurement of 137Cs isotope in products of soil erosion is used. This paper shows some examples of the application of 14C, OSL and 137Cs methods in some selected research sites. In each case there is a discussion of limitations of the methods used

    Gas bubbles in the pericardium and concomitant tricuspid valve mass

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    Guz lewego przedsionka imitujący obraz kliniczny ostrej zatorowości płucnej

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    We present a case of left atrium tumor in computed tomography angiography images that imitated acute pulmonary embolism in the clinical picture.Przedstawiono przypadek guza lewego przedsionka w obrazach angiografii tomografii komputerowej, który klinicznie imitował ostrą zatorowość płucną

    Stworzenie interfejsu sterowania na inteligentny zegarek smartwatch z systemem Android Wear do gry wykonanej przy pomocy silnika Unity

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    Celem pracy jest znalezienie i opisanie metody na zaimplementowanie interfejsu sterowania na inteligentny zegarek z systemem Android Wear, który wyśle dane sensoryczne do gry stworzonej w Unity na smartfon z systemem Android.Po wstępnej analizie tematu, został wyciągnięty wniosek, że praca będzie wymagała stworzenia przynajmniej dwóch projektów gier, aby w pełni podsumować i opisać możliwości rozwiązania jak i problemy występujące podczas implementacji: po pierwsze, projekt gry, w której sterowanie odbywa się za pomocą danych sterowania przesyłanych w krótkich interwałach czasowych i po drugie projekt gry, w której sterowanie odbywa się za pomocą danych sterowania otrzymywanych po nieokreślonych opóźnieniach od włączeniu czujnika i zebrania przez niego danych.Podsumowując, dwa satysfakcjonujące rozwiązania zostały stworzone i opisane. Najbardziej znaczącym problemem, który się pojawił był fakt że nie wszystkie dostępne na urządzeniu czujniki mogą zostać użyte na potrzeby sterowania w grze - powodami między innymi było to, że niektóre czujniki zwracają dane w długich interwałach czasowych oraz że niektóre czujniki nie powinny zostać użyte ze względów bezpieczeństwa.Thesis goal is to discover and describe a method to implement control interface for smartwatch with Android Wear system, which will send its sensor data to a game created in Unity for smartphone with Android system.After further analysis of the topic the conclusion had been made that the thesis requires at least two projects to be created to fully conclude potential of the solution, as well as problems appearing in it: firstly, project of the game which requires steering data sent in short intervals and secondly, project of the game for which steering happens with undetermined delays after sensor turns on and after sensor gathers the data.In conclusion, two satisfactory solutions were created and described. The most significant issue is the fact that not all available on device sensors may be used for gaming - among reasons are that some of them do not return data in short intervals and some should not be used, because of safety reason

    The Basis of the Study of the Age of the Holocene Diluvium on Loess Areas of Polish Highlands

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    Abstract: Large part of slope sediments (pediment) which are the effect of water induced soil erosion in the loess areas of Polish Uplands, has a close relationship with pre-historical, historical and “pre-sent ” agricultural activity. The sediments accumulated in different periods are often separated by fos-sil soils. These soils are correlated with the periods of relinquishment of agricultural land use in a given area. A precise dating of the cycles of fossil soil formation is practically impossible. There-fore it is important to gain a possibility to establish the age of sediments between old fossil soils cor-responding with the phases of soil erosion. The organic material in the floor or roof of deposits per-mitting a 14C dating is very seldom. This is why attempts were made to use the OSL method to date mineral parts of slope sediments. In connection with pedological and sedimentological methods, the OSL method makes it possible to give some information about the age of pre-historical and historical phases of intensive soil erosion. In order to date sediments accumulated during the last 50 years, the method based on measurement of 137Cs isotope in products of soil erosion is used. This paper shows some examples of the application of 14C, OSL and 137Cs methods in some selected research sites. In each case there is a discussion of limitations of the methods used

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Sleep Structure Assessed in Polysomnography and Right Ventricular Strain Parameters

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    Our study aimed to assess functional, structural changes of the right ventricular using strain parameters and sleep structure using polysomnography in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Our study group consisted of 43 patients, 29 men, 14 women. The mean age was 56.36 ± 14.77. All patients underwent full night polysomnography and transthoracic echocardiography. The right ventricular global longitudinal strain was measured by 2D speckle-tracking echocardiography. The prevalence of OSA (AHI ≥ 5) was 76.7% in the studied group. We observed a significant positive correlation between OAH and average free wall strain (r = 0.37), snore and mid-free wall strain (r = 0.34), average HR, and basal free wall strain (r = 0.34). Moreover, CSB was positively correlated with basal septal strain and mid septal strain (r = 0.36 and 0.42). In summary, among patients with sleep disorders, functional disorders of the right ventricle, assessed using the strain method, are partly observed