25 research outputs found

    Gotowość duszpasterzy do towarzyszenia małżonkom w rozwoju wiary

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    Pastoral accompaniment of spouses in the development of faith is part of the essence of the Church’s salvific activity towards people living in the sacrament of marriage. The pastoral accompaniment of the spouses is realized by the presbyters through evangelization, the preaching of the word of God, the catechesis of the spouses and parents, sacramental ministry and spiritual direction, and finally especially through the holiness of priestly life. The research carried out among the clergy of the Archdiocese of Przemyśl has shown the need for permanent formation of the presbyters to support the pastoral accompaniment of the spouses and motivate the clergy for this ministry.Duszpasterskie towarzyszenie małżonkom w rozwoju wiary wpisuje się w istotę zbawczej działalności Kościoła skierowanej wobec osób żyjących w sakramencie małżeństwa. Wsparcie małżonków płynące ze strony duszpasterzy jest realizowane przez prezbiterów poprzez ewangelizację, przepowiadanie słowa Bożego, katechezę małżonków i rodziców, posługę sakramentalną i kierownictwo duchowe, w końcu szczególnie poprzez świętość kapłańskiego życia. Przeprowadzone badania wśród duchownych archidiecezji przemyskiej dowiodły potrzebę formacji stałej prezbiterów, wspomagającej duszpasterskie towarzyszenie małżonków i motywującej duchownych do tej posługi

    Chmura obliczeniowa

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    Cloud computing is an approach to computing that leverages the efficient pooling of on- demand, self-managed virtual infrastructure that is consumed as a service. The launch of this model of data processing requires the appropriate hardware and software infrastructure, which currently are very expensive. Another problem is the law that is not adapted to modern IT solutions. Nevertheless, cloud computing is the fastest growing part of the IT market. This article provides information about benefits and limitations of public and private cloud computing. It focuses on definition of cloud computing, describing proposed solutions for private cloud computing offered by leading software manufacturers and financial and law factors that can decide about successful migration to the cloud

    Effects of Saponins against Clinical E. coli Strains and Eukaryotic Cell Line

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    Saponins are detergent-like substances showing antibacterial as well as anticancer potential. In this study, the effects of saponins from Quillaja saponaria were analyzed against prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Multidrug-resistant clinical E. coli strains were isolated from human urine. As eukaryotic cells, the CHO-K1 cell lines were applied. Antibacterial effect of ampicillin, streptomycin, and ciprofloxacin in the presence of saponins was measured by cultivation methods. Properties of saponins against CHO-K1 cells were measured by the MTT test, hemolysis assay and flow cytometry. Saponin from Quillaja saponaria has a cytotoxic effect at concentrations higher than 25 μg/mL and in the range of 12–50 μg/mL significantly increases the level of early apoptotic cells. Saponin at dose of 12 μg/mL enhances the six E. coli strains growth. We postulate that saponins increase the influx of nutrients from the medium into E. coli cells. Saponins do not have synergetic effects on antibacterial action of tested antibiotics. In contrary, in the presence of saponins and antibiotics, more CFU/mL E. coli cells were observed. This effect was similar to saponins action alone towards E. coli cells. In conclusion, saponins was cytotoxic against CHO-K1 cells, whereas against E. coli cells this effect was not observed

    Ruthenium(IV) complexes as potential inhibitors of bacterial biofilm formation

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    With increasing antimicrobial resistance there is an urgent need for new strategies to control harmful biofilms. In this study, we have investigated the possibility of utilizing ruthenium(IV) complexes (H3O)2(HL1)2[RuCl6]·2Cl·2EtOH (1) and [RuCl4(CH3CN)2](L32)·H2O (2) (where L1-2-hydroxymethylbenzimadazole, L32-1,4-dihydroquinoxaline-2,3-dione) as effective inhibitors for biofilms formation. The biological activities of the compounds were explored using E. coli, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa PAO1, and P. aeruginosa LES B58. The new chloride ruthenium complexes were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, Hirshfeld surface analysis, FT-IR, UV-Vis, magnetic and electrochemical (CV, DPV) measurements, and solution conductivity. In the obtained complexes, the ruthenium(IV) ions possess an octahedral environment. The intermolecular classical and rare weak hydrogen bonds, and π···π stacking interactions significantly contribute to structure stabilization, leading to the formation of a supramolecular assembly. The microbiological tests have shown complex 1 exhibited a slightly higher anti-biofilm activity than that of compound 2. Interestingly, electrochemical studies have allowed us to determine the relationship between the oxidizing properties of complexes and their biological activity. Probably the mechanism of action of 1 and 2 is associated with generating a cellular response similar to oxidative stress in bacterial cells

    Characterization of Microbial Communities in Acidified, Sulfur Containing Soils

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    Over a period of three years, microbial communities in acidified soil with high sulfur content were analyzed. In soil water extracts ureolytic, proteolytic, oxidoreductive, and lipolytic activity were detected. The presented results indicate that the enzymatic activity of soil micro­bial communities varied considerably over time. Isolated 26 (80%) bacterial strains belonged to genus Bacillus sp. and were identified bycultivation and 16S rRNA methods. The commercially available procedures for bacterial DNA isolation from acidified soil failed, therefore a new, specific DNA isolation method was established. Ureolytic activity, detected in soil extracts as well as in isolated Bacillus sp. strains may be considered as a tool for the bioremediation of acidified soils with high sulfate content

    Influence of quorum sensing signal molecules on biofilm formation in Proteus mirabilis O18

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    The influence of basis of quorum sensing molecules on Proteus strains is much less known as compared to Pseudomonas or Escherichia. We have previously shown that a series of acylated homoserine lactones (acyl-HSL) does not influence the ureolytic, proteolytic, or hemolytic abilities, and that the swarming motility of Proteus mirabilis rods is strain specific. The aim of the presented study was to find out if the presence of a series of acyl-HSL influences biofilm formation of P. mirabilis laboratory strain belonging to O18 serogroup. This serogroup is characterized by the presence of a unique non-carbohydrate component, namely phosphocholine. Escherichia coli and P. mirabilis O18 strains used in this work contains cloned plasmids encoding fluorescent protein genes with constitutive gene expression. In mixed biofilms in stationary and continuous flow conditions, P. mirabilis O18 overgrow whole culture. P. mirabilis O18 strain has genetically proved a presence of AI–2 quorum sensing system. Differences in biofilm structure were observed depending on the biofilm type and culture methods. From tested acylated homoserine lactones (BHL, HHL, OHL, DHL, dDHL, tDHL), a significant influence had BHL on thickness, structure, and the amount of exopolysaccharides produced by biofilms formed by P. mirabilis O18 pDsRed2

    Pastoral Accompaniment of Spouses in Responsible Parenthood

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    Duszpasterskie towarzyszenie małżonkom w odpowiedzialnym rodzicielstwie należy do istotnych zadań tej zbawczej działalności Kościoła. Małżonkowie zaproszeni przez Boga do realizacji powołania rodzicielskiego oczekują na wsparcie płynące ze strony duszpasterzy. Wsparcie to jest realizowane przez kapłanów poprzez przepowiadanie słowa Bożego, parafialne poradnictwo rodzinne, posługę kierownictwa duchowego i wsparcia modlitewnego czy też w procesie pedagogizacji. Przeprowadzone wśród prezbiterów badania dowiodły, że wysoki odsetek księży deklaruje gotowość duszpasterskiego towarzyszenia małżonkom w dziele odpowiedzialnego rodzicielstwa. Częściej tak uważają zwłaszcza kapłani starsi, powyżej 36. roku życia, mający większe doświadczenie posługiwania dla małżeństw. Wyzwanie wsparcia duszpasterskiego małżonków w odpowiedzialnym rodzicielstwie stanowią kapłani młodsi, do 35 roku życia.Pastoral accompaniment of spouses in responsible parenthood is one of the important tasks of this salvific activity of the Church. Spouses invited by God to pursue their parental vocation await the support of pastors. This support is realized by priests through the preaching of the word of God, parish family counseling, the ministry of spiritual direction and prayer support, or in the process of pedagogy. Surveys among presbyters have shown that a high percentage of priests declare their willingness to accompany their spouses in the work of responsible parenthood. More often than not, priests from the age of 36 years of age, who have more experience in ministering to married couples, consider it this way. The challenge of pastoral support for spouses in responsible parenthood is faced by younger priests up to 35 years of age

    Gotowość duszpasterzy do towarzyszenia małżonkom w rozwoju wiary

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    Pastoral accompaniment of spouses in the development of faith is part of the essence of the Church’s salvific activity towards people living in the sacrament of marriage. The pastoral accompaniment of the spouses is realized by the presbyters through evangelization, the preaching of the word of God, the catechesis of the spouses and parents, sacramental ministry and spiritual direction, and finally especially through the holiness of priestly life. The research carried out among the clergy of the Archdiocese of Przemyśl has shown the need for permanent formation of the presbyters to support the pastoral accompaniment of the spouses and motivate the clergy for this ministry.Duszpasterskie towarzyszenie małżonkom w rozwoju wiary wpisuje się w istotę zbawczej działalności Kościoła skierowanej wobec osób żyjących w sakramencie małżeństwa. Wsparcie małżonków płynące ze strony duszpasterzy jest realizowane przez prezbiterów poprzez ewangelizację, przepowiadanie słowa Bożego, katechezę małżonków i rodziców, posługę sakramentalną i kierownictwo duchowe, w końcu szczególnie poprzez świętość kapłańskiego życia. Przeprowadzone badania wśród duchownych archidiecezji przemyskiej dowiodły potrzebę formacji stałej prezbiterów, wspomagającej duszpasterskie towarzyszenie małżonków i motywującej duchownych do tej posługi