18 research outputs found

    The Survey of the Functioning of the Computer Catalogue of the JU Libraries Collections by means of the Reader Satisfaction Indicator and the Statistical Tool for Recording the Frequency of Service Usage

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    Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badania funkcjonalności Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Podstawę artykuły stanowi analiza badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego w lutym 2014 roku wśród użytkowników Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Ankieta była anonimowa i dostępna online ze strony głównej Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej oraz bezpośrednio ze strony Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego . Obszar badania obejmował: stronę WWW Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, poszczególne funkcje Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, umieszczone na stronie instrukcje i informacje dla czytelników, a dotyczące Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Badania objęły również ocenę kompetencji i życzliwości personelu Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej, głównie pracowników Katalogu. Rezultatem badań jest ustalenie wskaźnika satysfakcji użytkowników z Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w całości i dla poszczególnych jego funkcji, a także ustalenie preferencji użytkowników w wyborze poszczególnych usług przez określenie częstotliwości korzystania z danej usługi.This article presents the results of the survey of the functioning of the Computer Catalogue of the JU Libraries Collections which was performed in February 2014 among the users of that Catalogue. This survey was anonymous and available online directly from the website of the Computer Catalogue of the JU Libraries Collections. It covered the website of the Computer Catalogue of the JU Libraries Collections, particular functions of that catalogue, as well as the information and instructions for the readers which were available on the website of the Jagiellonian Library and concerned the Computer Catalogue of the JU Libraries Collections. It also included the evaluation of the competence and friendliness of the staff of the Library, mainly the staff of the Catalogue. The survey resulted in calculating the rate of user satisfaction both with the Computer Catalogue of the JU Libraries Collections as a whole as well as with its particular functions. Thanks to the statistical tool for the frequency of service usage, it also revealed the preferences of the users as regards choosing particular services

    Badanie funkcjonalności Katalogu Komputerowego Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

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    Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badania funkcjonalności Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Podstawę artykuły stanowi analiza badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego w lutym 2014 roku wśród użytkowników Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Ankieta była anonimowa i dostępna online ze strony głównej Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej oraz bezpośrednio ze strony Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Obszar badania obejmował: stronę WWW Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, poszczególne funkcje Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, umieszczone na stronie instrukcje i informacje dla czytelników, a dotyczące Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Badania objęły również ocenę kompetencji i życzliwości personelu Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej, głównie pracowników Katalogu. Rezultatem badań jest ustalenie wskaźnika satysfakcji użytkowników z Komputerowego Katalogu Zbiorów Bibliotek Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w całości i dla poszczególnych jego funkcji, a także ustalenie preferencji użytkowników w wyborze poszczególnych usług przez określenie częstotliwości korzystania z danej usługi

    Impact of rhizobacterial inoculants on plant growth and enzyme activities in soil treated with contaminated bottom sediments

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    The impact of contaminated bottom sediments on plant growth and soil enzyme activities was evaluated in a greenhouse pot study. The sediments were moderately contaminated with zinc and heavily contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans. The sediments were mixed with soil and planted with either Festuca arundinacea or Tagetes patula. The capacity of two rhizobacterial strains (Massilia niastensis P87 and Streptomyces costaricanus RP92), previously isolated from contaminated soils, to improve plant growth under the chemical stress was tested. Application of sediments to soil was severely phytotoxic to T. patula and mildly to F. arundinacea. On the other hand, the addition of sediments enhanced the soil enzymatic activity. Inoculation with both bacterial strains significantly increased shoot (up to 2.4-fold) and root (up to 3.4-fold) biomass of T. patula. The study revealed that the selected plant growth-promoting bacterial strains were able to alleviate phytotoxicity of bottom sediments to T. patula resulting from the complex character of the contamination

    Aluminum Inserts for Enhancing Heat Transfer in PCM Accumulator

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    Phase change materials (PCMs) are applied in heat storage units, as they are able to accumulate the energy in the form of the latent heat of fusion. Thus, they can be used in recovering the excess of heat from various industrial processes. Their main weakness is their low thermal conductivity coefficient, which strongly limits their usage. In this paper, the benefits of the application of metallic inserts in heat storage PCM-based units were elaborated. Two kinds of Al–Si spatial elements (foams and honeycomb structures) were produced with the use of means of the investment casting method. Key factors influencing the technological process were established. The surface’s roughness was measured in order to compare the obtained structures with their patterns in terms of the casting’s accuracy. The compressive strength of the samples was tested, and their fatigue resistance was considered. The thermal performance of manufactured inserts in the PCM (paraffin)-based accumulator, supported by the calculation of heat fluxes, was analyzed and adjusted. Finally, further optimization was conducted in terms of the volume ratio of the metal insert to the PCM. Metallic inserts were found to significantly affect the performance of the entire energy storage system, as their use results in reduced charging time, a longer heat release time, increased maximum temperature, and a significant reduction in the temperature gradient in the heat storage unit

    #ZostańWDomu — kronika czasów pandemii

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    2020, ending the second decade of the twenty-first century, is going down in history as the year of a global pandemic caused by the rapid spread of a virus labelled as SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). The dramatic consequences of the pandemic are still felt all over the world. One of the early methods for fighting the pandemic and aimed at stopping the transmission of the virus was a decision made by governments of most countries to close down the economy and restrict social contacts as much as possible, a state described as lockdown. Bans on travel and participation in public life have kept most people locked in their homes. In Poland the lockdown began on 12 March 2020. At its height even outdoor activities were banned – it was impossible to go for an ordinary walk in a forest, let alone venture on tourist trails or go rock climbing. Life moved online and the internet became a “lifebelt” enabling people to maintain their social contacts and fill their excess leisure time in an attractive manner. To support the fight against the pandemic, the media initiated a solidarity cam-paign, #StayAtHome, which was to help people survive the difficult days of home isolation. Those who actively joined the campaign included members of the Laboratory of Humanistic Research into the Mountains, who published richly illustrated short essays (under the hashtag #StayAtHome) on mountain-related themes on the fan page of Góry-Literatura-Kultura (www.facebook.pl/glkuwr). Although the material is still available on Facebook, we are publishing it in the present volume in its entirety as a sign of the times. Hoping that the world will be able to overcome the pandemic, we dedicate these articles to all healthcare professionals who have fought the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the front line with such dedication.2020, ending the second decade of the twenty-first century, is going down in history as the year of a global pandemic caused by the rapid spread of a virus labelled as SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). The dramatic consequences of the pandemic are still felt all over the world. One of the early methods for fighting the pandemic and aimed at stopping the transmission of the virus was a decision made by governments of most countries to close down the economy and restrict social contacts as much as possible, a state described as lockdown. Bans on travel and participation in public life have kept most people locked in their homes. In Poland the lockdown began on 12 March 2020. At its height even outdoor activities were banned – it was impossible to go for an ordinary walk in a forest, let alone venture on tourist trails or go rock climbing. Life moved online and the internet became a “lifebelt” enabling people to maintain their social contacts and fill their excess leisure time in an attractive manner. To support the fight against the pandemic, the media initiated a solidarity cam-paign, #StayAtHome, which was to help people survive the difficult days of home isolation. Those who actively joined the campaign included members of the Laboratory of Humanistic Research into the Mountains, who published richly illustrated short essays (under the hashtag #StayAtHome) on mountain-related themes on the fan page of Góry-Literatura-Kultura (www.facebook.pl/glkuwr). Although the material is still available on Facebook, we are publishing it in the present volume in its entirety as a sign of the times. Hoping that the world will be able to overcome the pandemic, we dedicate these articles to all healthcare professionals who have fought the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the front line with such dedication

    Chest pain – similar symptoms but different diagnosis and clinical outcomes – case reports

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    Chest pain is one of the most frequent symptoms of cardiac disease, but it can be also provoked by other reasons. It is not easy to establish the cause of chest pain, nevertheless it plays a key role in the diagnostic workup. In the differential diagnosis first of all it is necessary to take into account the most common diseases and those which may be fatal or detrimental for the patient’s health. The most important are myocardial ischaemia and myocardial infarction. During the clinical assessment it is necessary to consider the possible reason of the chest pain originated deep from the chest (aorta, pulmonary artery, mediastinum, oesophagus, trachea, bronchi, pleura), from the chest wall (sensor nerves, chondrocostal junctions, spine, skin), from the abdomen (stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder) and also symptoms of psychological origin. In the diagnostic process it is necessary to take into account the chest pain characteristics, duration of chest pain, triggering and relieving factors and also coexisting symptoms. A subject with chest pain should be treated as a patient of high cardiovascular risk until the diagnostic management is terminated. The precise differential diagnostics allows to establish the correct diagnosis and to initiate the appropriate treatment. This paper describes five patients with a chest pain. Despite similar symptoms every patient has different disease and the clinical outcome was completely different in every case.Ból w klatce piersiowej jest najczęstszym objawem chorób układu krążenia, może być jednak spowodowany zaburzeniami ze strony innych układów i narządów. Ustalenie przyczyny bólu nie jest łatwe, niemniej jednak kluczowe w procesie diagnostycznym. W różnicowaniu należy wziąć pod uwagę przede wszystkim choroby najczęściej występujące oraz te, które zagrażają bezpośrednio życiu i zdrowiu pacjenta. Są to stany związane z niedokrwieniem mięśnia serca: niestabilna dławica piersiowa, zawał mięśnia serca. Podczas oceny chorego konieczne jest uwzględnienie przyczyn bólu w klatce piersiowej pochodzących z wnętrza klatki piersiowej (aorta, tętnica płucna, śródpiersie, przełyk, tchawica, oskrzela, opłucna), ze ściany klatki piersiowej (nerwy czuciowe, połączenia chrzęstno-kostne, kręgosłup, skóra), ze strony jamy brzusznej (żołądek, dwunastnica, trzustka, pęcherzyk żółciowy), a także dolegliwości o podłożu psychogennym. W procesie diagnostycznym należy brać pod uwagę charakter bólu, jego czas trwania, sytuacje prowokujące i zmniejszające ból, a także objawy towarzyszące. Do czasu zakończenia postępowania diagnostycznego chory z bólem w klatce piersiowej powinien być traktowany jak pacjent o istotnie podwyższonym ryzyku sercowo-naczyniowym. Dokładnie przeprowadzona diagnostyka różnicowa pozwala na ustalenie prawidłowego rozpoznania i włączenie odpowiedniego leczenia. W pracy przedstawiono opisy pięciu przypadków klinicznych chorych z bólem w klatce piersiowej. Pomimo podobnych objawów u każdego z prezentowanych pacjentów ustalono inne rozpoznanie, a przebieg kliniczny był w każdym przypadku zupełnie odmienny