10 research outputs found

    Development Of Technological Decisions On Production Of Capsulated Products Based On Dairy Raw Materials

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    Capsulated products – is a segment of the food industry with high rates of development in directions of creating analogues of black and red caviar, oil-fatty capsulated products, capsulated sauces, capsules, based on milk raw materials and also getting capsules with probiotic properties. It is determined, that milk is used as a “passive” recipe component (excretion of separate components, matrix for bifidobacteria) with the additional use of СаСІ2 for realizing encapsulation processes. It determines the aim of the studies – development of new technological principles and approaches to the technologies of processing dairy raw materials taking into account their chemical and technological potentials. At that there is offered to use the potential of lactocalcium of whey for realizing the encapsulation process that gives a possibility to exclude auxiliary substances, especially СаСІ2 from the technological process. There was developed the innovative plan of products, within which there is presented the conception of new products, their competitive advantages, determined the segment of users and consumers. There was elaborated the technological process of producing capsulated products, based on dairy raw materials involving secondary milk products, especially whey. It is noted, that the necessity of introducing whey is conditioned by its properties to be a donor of ionic calcium that is a condition of encapsulation process realization. There were studied the ways of the development of the technology of capsulated products, so a possibility of getting both fermented products and pasteurized ones appears at the expanse of thermostable properties of the coat of capsulated semi-products. It is determined, that the offered technological decisions allow to define directions of milk processing, to create products with high food properties and to offer products of new commodity forms – soft capsulated snack cheeses, soft capsulated dessert cheeses. It is proved, that the technological process of producing capsulated products taking into account consuming advantages provides the effectiveness of business functioning in the link “milk industry-restaurant industry-consumer”

    The Study of Sorption of the Milk Ionized Calcium by Sodium Alginate

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    The possibility of regulation of defatted cow milk salt composition (fat content– 0,05 %) with the use of sodium alginate as a natural ion-exchanger was studied. Realization of the properties of sodium alginate as to the bounding of calcium ions allows receive the systems on the base of cow milk, stable in time and at the thermal processing. The studies established the influence of technological factors on the sorption of ionized calcium by the solution of complex-creator by sodium alginate. It was established, that the important factors that influence the process are the active acidity and conditions of the process, namely, the phased addition of sorbent that favors the equal speed of process and, as the result, the equal speed of sorption during the whole process. At the same time the study of influence of sorption area and temperature demonstrates that these factors are not determining ones in this process. It was established, that rationalization of parameters of ionized calcium sorption results in the raise of thermal stability of defatted cow milk and the systems on its base. Materials, given in the work, are the base for elaboration and introduction of technology of dessert production (ice-cream, creams, puddings, cocktails and so on), in which composition the colloid stability is provided at the joint use of milk and fruit-berry raw material that can be used in food industry

    Study of Influence of Calcium Content in Milk on Quality Indicators of Cottage Cheese

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    The analysis was realized, and the dependence between the calcium content and organoleptic and functional-technological properties of milk as a raw material for producing sour milk cheese was determined. It was demonstrated, that alongside with other factors, the important role in milk clotting belongs to calcium, which role is in binding of free OH-groups of phosphoric acid of casein micelles. As a result of the aforesaid, their negative charge and colloid stability decrease with further hydrophilicity decrease with further aggregation of casein molecules. It was established, that the excessive content of calcium in milk is negative that is manifested in formation of the dry and brittle consistence of sour milk cheese. There was offered the way of calcium content regulation in milk by its decalcification using the natural sorbent of sodium alginate. Regulation of the milk salt system, especially, the calcium content as an initial raw material for producing sour milk cheese by the change of the content and condition of calcium allowed to correct parameters of the process of sour milk cheese making and its functional-technological properties, especially, moisture-keeping ability, form stability and other. It was established, that the decrease of the calcium content in milk provides getting sour milk cheese with the soft, easily smearing consistence, without whey separation. The obtained data on the characteristic of organoleptic indicators fully correlate with studies of the microstructure and dispersity of sour milk cheese. It was determined, that milk decalcification results in raising dispersity of sour milk cheese at the synchronous increase of the percent content of protein particles with minimal size characteristics in the system. It was elucidated, that the microstructure of studied samples consists of protein grains of the same form, evenly distributed by the whole volume. Based on the obtained experimental data, there were corrected parameters of the technological process of sour milk cheese production. There were elaborated ways of formation of the culinary products assortment on the base of sour milk cheese, produced of decalcified milk

    Devising the Technological Principles for Making a Granulated Filler Obtained Through Ionotropic Gelation

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    This paper reports the development of technological principles for making granulated fillers. Our study involved model systems (granules), which has made it possible to determine the conditions for forming alginate-calcium complexes. It has been established that the basic principle for obtaining the granules is the ratio of mannuronic to guluronic residues in the composition of sodium alginate, which should equal χ=0.4...0.6 to implement the process of granulation. It has been proven that the content of G-blocks in the composition of sodium alginate should be within 20...25 %, which, at the content of ionic calcium within the range of 80 to 120 mg %, ensures the formation of stable alginate calcium complexes. It has been determined that the increase in the module of elasticity of the structured systems depends on the concentration of sodium alginate, the conditions for implementing its sorption properties relative to calcium ions, and the quantitative content of charged particles.The reduction of the sorption capacity of sodium alginate has been proven under a condition of the lowered pH, as there occurs the exchange of ions of sodium for the ions of hydrogen, that is the formation of alginic acids (HAlg), which have a low ability to dissociation and ion exchange. It has been experimentally confirmed that the use of low pH raw materials in the technology of granulated fillers based on sodium alginate would not only reduce the module of elasticity of the granules but could also contribute to the loss of the system transparency.The influence of sugar syrups, pH of the medium, as well as heat treatment, on the module of elasticity and a change in the weight of granulated fillers have been investigated. It has been determined that under the impact of the above factors there is an increase in the module of elasticity of granulated fillers and a decrease in their mass due to a partial release of moisture. Taking the specified technological principles into consideration, a model of the technological system for making granulated fillers has been devised. Specific features of the technological process have been defined under a condition for the use of dairy raw materials, alcohol-containing raw materials, as well as low pH raw material

    Study of Influence of Technological Factors on the Sorption of Ionized Calcium From Skimmed Milk by Sodium Alginate

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    The possibility of regulating the composition of the salt system of skimmed cow milk for the purpose of regulating the functional and technological properties was investigated. Parameters for the regulation of the composition of the salt system of skimmed cow milk were established. We defined the prospects of using sodium alginate as a natural ion exchanger, the implementation of whose properties for the binding of calcium ions allows using it under conditions of regulating the composition of the salt system of skimmed cow milk or the systems based on it, stable over time and during thermal treatment. The research revealed the influence of technological factors on the process of sorption of ionized calcium by the solution of complexing agent sodium alginate. It was determined that the important factors that affect the process are active acidity and the conditions of conducting the process, namely, a phased introduction of the sorbent, which contributes to the same speed of the process and, as a result, obtaining the same sorption speed throughout the whole process. In addition, the study of influence of the sorption area and temperature indicate that these factors are not determining in this process. Rationalization of parameters of the sorption of ionized calcium leads to the increased thermal stability of skimmed cow milk and the systems based on it. Materials, presented in this paper, are the basis for the development and implementation of technologies of new food products, the composition of which provides colloidal stability under condition of the joint use of dairy and fruit and berries raw materials, which might be used in food industry

    Analysis of Background and Development of Technological Principles of Milk Processing by Coupsulation

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    It was proved that milk possesses unique potential as a raw material. It was determined that the most effective way of using the potential of dairy raw materials, in particular the potential of calcium ions, is application of a technical solution for preparation of encapsulated forms of dairy raw material based on sodium alginate. This process was realized by the principle of drop extrusion of the dairy raw material through air into solution of a high molecular polyelectrolyte, such as sodium alginate compound. It was confirmed that the calcium potential of the "milk" system is low-dynamic and inefficient. It has been established that activation of this potential is possible both by reducing pH of the "milk" system during fermentation and blending it with the "whey" system. It has been revealed that blending of milk and whey with emergence of a new "milk-whey" system having the necessary concentration of calcium ions does not affect colloidal stability of milk. On the other hand, it provides the "milk" system with a highly effective low-energy potential in a form of potential of calcium ions which effectively realize the encapsulation process. It was substantiated that the open technological "milk" system can be transformed to the "milk-whey" system with a limited availability in an encapsulated form and hence with a minimized influence of perturbing factors, that is, with an increased controllability of the technological processes. It has been experimentally confirmed that blending of the "milk" and "whey" systems in a 70:30 ratio is a prerequisite for accumulation of a critical concentration of ionic calcium (24‒25 mg %). This ensures production of encapsulated products with a regular spherical shape. At the same time, this ratio of components does not significantly affect the mixture pH which is also an important criterion for realization of the encapsulation process. A model of processing milk by encapsulation has been developed. It was proved that the developed approach makes it possible to realize the potential of milk with obtaining of food products featuring new consumer properties


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    The analysis was realized, and the dependence between the calcium content and organoleptic and functional-technological properties of milk as a raw material for producing sour milk cheese was determined. It was demonstrated, that alongside with other factors, the important role in milk clotting belongs to calcium, which role is in binding of free OH-groups of phosphoric acid of casein micelles. As a result of the aforesaid, their negative charge and colloid stability decrease with further hydrophilicity decrease with further aggregation of casein molecules. It was established, that the excessive content of calcium in milk is negative that is manifested in formation of the dry and brittle consistence of sour milk cheese. There was offered the way of calcium content regulation in milk by its decalcification using the natural sorbent of sodium alginate. Regulation of the milk salt system, especially, the calcium content as an initial raw material for producing sour milk cheese by the change of the content and condition of calcium allowed to correct parameters of the process of sour milk cheese making and its functional-technological properties, especially, moisture-keeping ability, form stability and other. It was established, that the decrease of the calcium content in milk provides getting sour milk cheese with the soft, easily smearing consistence, without whey separation. The obtained data on the characteristic of organoleptic indicators fully correlate with studies of the microstructure and dispersity of sour milk cheese. It was determined, that milk decalcification results in raising dispersity of sour milk cheese at the synchronous increase of the percent content of protein particles with minimal size characteristics in the system. It was elucidated, that the microstructure of studied samples consists of protein grains of the same form, evenly distributed by the whole volume. Based on the obtained experimental data, there were corrected parameters of the technological process of sour milk cheese production. There were elaborated ways of formation of the culinary products assortment on the base of sour milk cheese, produced of decalcified milk

    Development and Substantiation of the Technology for Producing Structured Olives Containing the Encapsulated Olive Oil

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    The technology of the production of structured olive containing the encapsulated olive oil was developed and substantiated. The technology is based on the structuring methods with the use of ionotropic polysaccharides. The developed technology belongs to the technologies of extrusive formation of food products in the medium of sodium alginate with obtaining structured form of olive, that is, its imitated shapes. The implementation of this method implies comprehensive processing olive raw material to obtain several kinds of new products – encapsulated olive oil, structured olive and their combined form. The product is a capsule in the shell of a gel forming agent with internal content of olive puree or the products of their processing (fiber, pulp) with evenly distributed olive oil capsules (filler of structured olive). It is possible to produce the structured olive of various diameters (d=6...18 mm), different color at various ratios of "inner content – shell". Regulation of structural-mechanical and organoleptic parameters is achieved through the use of the mixed gel formation of related structure-forming agents (sodium alginate and agar). The alginic shell of the structured olive modified by agar makes it possible to ensure high acid resistance and stability of products over a long period of storage. Based on the complex of research, the main indicators of quality and safety of new product, the storage terms and conditions were established.Scientific and practical experience during the implementation of the technology can be applied to different types of fruit and vegetable raw materials. This makes it possible to obtain food products with different physical form. Involvement in technological process of inferior parts of fruit and vegetable raw material makes it possible to recycle raw materials comprehensively, increasing the profitability and efficiency of technological processes. Structuring technology as a method of technological influence makes it possible to expand the range of food products and effectively control the chemical composition and nutritional value of structured products