125 research outputs found

    Lack of sex chromosome specific meiotic silencing in platypus reveals origin of MSCI in therian mammals

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    Background: In therian mammals heteromorphic sex chromosomes are subject to meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) during meiotic prophase I while the autosomes maintain transcriptional activity. The evolution of this sex chromosome silencing is thought to result in retroposition of genes required in spermatogenesis from the sex chromosomes to autosomes. In birds sex chromosome specific silencing appears to be absent and global transcriptional reductions occur through pachytene and sex chromosome-derived autosomal retrogenes are lacking. Egg laying monotremes are the most basal mammalian lineage, feature a complex and highly differentiated XY sex chromosome system with homology to the avian sex chromosomes, and also lack autosomal retrogenes. In order to delineate the point of origin of sex chromosome specific silencing in mammals we investigated whether MSCI exists in platypus. Results: Our results show that platypus sex chromosomes display only partial or transient colocalisation with a repressive histone variant linked to therian sex chromosome silencing and surprisingly lack a hallmark MSCI epigenetic signature present in other mammals. Remarkably, platypus instead feature an avian like period of general low level transcription through prophase I with the sex chromosomes and the future mammalian X maintaining association with a nucleolus-like structure. Conclusions: Our work demonstrates for the first time that in mammals meiotic silencing of sex chromosomes evolved after the divergence of monotremes presumably as a result of the differentiation of the therian XY sex chromosomes. We provide a novel evolutionary scenario on how the future therian X chromosome commenced the trajectory toward MSCI.Tasman J. Daish, Aaron E. Casey and Frank Grutzne

    Evolution, expression and meiotic behavior of genes involved in chromosome segregation of monotremes

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    Chromosome segregation at mitosis and meiosis is a highly dynamic and tightly regulated process that involves a large number of components. Due to the fundamental nature of chromosome segregation, many genes involved in this process are evolutionarily highly conserved, but duplications and functional diversification has occurred in various lineages. In order to better understand the evolution of genes involved in chromosome segregation in mammals, we analyzed some of the key components in the basal mammalian lineage of egg-laying mammals. The chromosome passenger complex is a multiprotein complex central to chromosome segregation during both mitosis and meiosis. It consists of survivin, borealin, inner centromere protein, and Aurora kinase B or C. We confirm the absence of Aurora kinase C in marsupials and show its absence in both platypus and echidna, which supports the current model of the evolution of Aurora kinases. High expression of AURKBC, an ancestor of AURKB and AURKC present in monotremes, suggests that this gene is performing all necessary meiotic functions in monotremes. Other genes of the chromosome passenger complex complex are present and conserved in monotremes, suggesting that their function has been preserved in mammals. Cohesins are another family of genes that are of vital importance for chromosome cohesion and segregation at mitosis and meiosis. Previous work has demonstrated an accumulation and differential loading of structural maintenance of chromosomes 3 (SMC3) on the platypus sex chromosome complex at meiotic prophase I. We investigated if a similar accumulation occurs in the echidna during meiosis I. In contrast to platypus, SMC3 was only found on the synaptonemal complex in echidna. This indicates that the specific distribution of SMC3 on the sex chromosome complex may have evolved specifically in platypus.Filip Pajpach, Linda Shearwin-Whyatt and Frank Grützne

    A comprehensive molecular and clinical analysis of the piRNA pathway genes in ovarian cancer

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    Ovarian cancer (OC) is one of the most lethal gynecological malignancies, yet molecular mechanisms underlying its origin and progression remain poorly understood. With increasing reports of piRNA pathway deregulation in various cancers, we aimed to better understand its role in OC through a comprehensive analysis of key genes: PIWIL1-4, DDX4, HENMT1, MAEL, PLD6, TDRD1,9 and mutants of PIWIL1 (P1∆17) and PIWIL2 (PL2L60). High-throughput qRT-PCR (n = 45) and CSIOVDB (n = 3431) showed differential gene expression when comparing benign ovarian tumors, low grade OC and high grade serous OC (HGSOC). Significant correlation of disparate piRNA pathway gene expression levels with better progression free, post-progression free and overall survival suggests a complex role of this pathway in OC. We discovered PIWIL3 expression in chemosensitive but not chemoresistant primary HGSOC cells, providing a potential target against chemoresistant disease. As a first, we revealed that follicle stimulating hormone increased PIWIL2 expression in OV-90 cells. PIWIL1, P1∆17, PIWIL2, PL2L60 and MAEL overexpression in vitro and in vivo decreased motility and invasion of OVCAR-3 and OV-90 cells. Interestingly, P1∆17 and PL2L60, induced increased motility and invasion compared to PIWIL1 and PIWIL2. Our results in HGSOC highlight the intricate role piRNA pathway genes play in the development of malignant neoplasms.Eunice Lee, Noor A. Lokman, Martin K. Oehler, Carmela Ricciardelli and Frank Grutzne

    RNA sequencing reveals sexually dimorphic gene expression before gonadal differentiation in chicken and allows comprehensive annotation of the W-chromosome

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    BACKGROUND Birds have a ZZ male: ZW female sex chromosome system and while the Z-linked DMRT1 gene is necessary for testis development, the exact mechanism of sex determination in birds remains unsolved. This is partly due to the poor annotation of the W chromosome, which is speculated to carry a female determinant. Few genes have been mapped to the W and little is known of their expression. RESULTS We used RNA-seq to produce a comprehensive profile of gene expression in chicken blastoderms and embryonic gonads prior to sexual differentiation. We found robust sexually dimorphic gene expression in both tissues pre-dating gonadogenesis, including sex-linked and autosomal genes. This supports the hypothesis that sexual differentiation at the molecular level is at least partly cell autonomous in birds. Different sets of genes were sexually dimorphic in the two tissues, indicating that molecular sexual differentiation is tissue specific. Further analyses allowed the assembly of full-length transcripts for 26 W chromosome genes, providing a view of the W transcriptome in embryonic tissues. This is the first extensive analysis of W-linked genes and their expression profiles in early avian embryos. CONCLUSION Sexual differentiation at the molecular level is established in chicken early in embryogenesis, before gonadal sex differentiation. We find that the W chromosome is more transcriptionally active than previously thought, expand the number of known genes to 26 and present complete coding sequences for these W genes. This includes two novel W-linked sequences and three small RNAs reassigned to the W from the Un_Random chromosome.Katie L Ayers, Nadia M Davidson, Diana Demiyah, Kelly N Roeszler, Frank Grützner, Andrew H Sinclair, Alicia Oshlack and Craig A Smit

    Reduced gonadotrophin receptor expression is associated with a more aggressive ovarian cancer phenotype

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    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH) play important roles in regulating cell growth and proliferation in the ovary. However, few studies have explored the expression of FSH and LH receptors (FSHR and LHCGR) in ovarian cancer, and their functional roles in cancer progression remain inconclusive. This study investigated the potential impact of both mRNA (FSHR, LHCGR) and protein (FSHR, LHCGR) expression on ovarian cancer progression using publicly available online databases, qRT-PCR (high grade serous ovarian cancers, HGSOC, n = 29 and benign ovarian tumors, n = 17) and immunohistochemistry (HGSOC, n = 144). In addition, we investigated the effect of FSHR and LHCGR siRNA knockdown on the pro-metastatic behavior of serous ovarian cancer cells in vitro. High FSHR or high LHCGR expression in patients with all subtypes of high-grade ovarian cancer was significantly associated with longer progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). High FSHR protein expression was associated with increased PFS (p = 0.050) and OS (p = 0.025). HGSOC patients with both high FSHR and high LHCGR protein levels had the best survival outcome, whilst both low FSHR and low LHCGR expression was associated with poorest survival (p = 0.019). Knockdown of FSHR significantly increased the invasion of serous ovarian cancer cells (OVCAR3 and COV362) in vitro. LHCGR knockdown also promoted invasion of COV362 cells. This study highlights that lower FSHR and LHCGR expression is associated with a more aggressive epithelial ovarian cancer phenotype and promotes pro-metastatic behaviour.Janelle Cheung, Noor A. Lokman, Riya D. Abraham, Anne M. Macpherson, Eunice Lee , Frank Grutzner, Nicolae Ghinea, Martin K. Oehler and Carmela Ricciardell

    Source-Reconstruction of Event-Related Fields Reveals Hyperfunction and Hypofunction of Cortical Circuits in Antipsychotic-Naive, First-Episode Schizophrenia Patients during Mooney Face Processing

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    Schizophrenia is characterized by dysfunctions in neural circuits that can be investigated with electrophysiological methods, such as EEG and MEG. In the present human study, we examined event-related fields (ERFs), in a sample of medication-naive, first-episode schizophrenia (FE-ScZ) patients (n � 14) and healthy control participants (n � 17) during perception of Mooney faces to investigate the integrity of neuromagnetic responses and their experience-dependent modification. ERF responses were analyzed for M100, M170, and M250components at the sensor and source levels. In addition, we analyzed peak latency and adaptation effects due to stimulus repetition. FE-ScZ patients were characterized by significantly impaired sensory processing, as indicated by a reduced discrimination index (A�). At the sensor level, M100 and M170 responses in FE-ScZ were within the normal range, whereas the M250 response was impaired. However, source localization revealed widespread elevated activity for M100 and M170 in FE-ScZ and delayed peak latencies for the M100 and M250 responses. In addition, M170 source activity in FE-ScZ was not modulated by stimulus repetitions. The present findings suggest that neural circuits in FE-ScZ may be characterized by a disturbed balance between excitation and inhibition that could lead to a failure to gate information flow and abnormal spreading of activity, which is compatible with dysfunctional glutamatergic neurotransmission

    The role of LINEs and CpG islands in dosage compensation on the chicken Z chromosome

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    Most avian Z genes are expressed more highly in ZZ males than ZW females, suggesting that chromosome-wide mechanisms of dosage compensation have not evolved. Nevertheless, a small percentage of Z genes are expressed at similar levels in males and females, an indication that a yet unidentified mechanism compensates for the sex difference in copy number. Primary DNA sequences are thought to have a role in determining chromosome gene inactivation status on the mammalian X chromosome. However, it is currently unknown whether primary DNA sequences also mediate chicken Z gene compensation status. Using a combination of chicken DNA sequences and Z gene compensation profiles of 310 genes, we explored the relationship between Z gene compensation status and primary DNA sequence features. Statistical analysis of different Z chromosomal features revealed that long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) and CpG islands are enriched on the Z chromosome compared with 329 other DNA features. Linear support vector machine (SVM) classifiers, using primary DNA sequences, correctly predict the Z compensation status for >60% of all Z-linked genes. CpG islands appear to be the most accurate classifier and alone can correctly predict compensation of 63% of Z genes. We also show that LINE CR1 elements are enriched 2.7-fold on the chicken Z chromosome compared with autosomes and that chicken chromosomal length is highly correlated with percentage LINE content. However, the position of LINE elements is not significantly associated with dosage compensation status of Z genes. We also find a trend for a higher proportion of CpG islands in the region of the Z chromosome with the fewest dosage-compensated genes compared with the region containing the greatest concentration of compensated genes. Comparison between chicken and platypus genomes shows that LINE elements are not enriched on sex chromosomes in platypus, indicating that LINE accumulation is not a feature of all sex chromosomes. Our results suggest that CpG islands are not randomly distributed on the Z chromosome and may influence Z gene dosage compensation status