15 research outputs found

    Gravitational radiation and nonlocal electrodynamics

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    A model of nonlocal response of a medium with an initially constant and homogeneous magnetic field acted upon by a planar gravitational wave is constructed on the basis of a covariant formulation of integral constitutive equations. The model is studied in detail and the problem of anomalous behavior of the response of the given electrodynamic system to a gravitational-wave action is discussed. © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Axion Electrodynamics and Dark Matter Fingerprints in the Terrestrial Magnetic and Electric Fields

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    We consider mathematical aspects of axion electrodynamics in application to the problem of evolution of geomagnetic and terrestrial electric fields, which are coupled by relic axions born in the early Universe and (hypothetically) forming now the cold dark matter. We find axionic analogs of the Debye potentials, well known in the standard Faraday-Maxwell electrodynamics, and discuss exact solutions to the equations of axion electrodynamics describing the state of axionically coupled electric and magnetic fields in a spherical resonator Earth-Ionosphere. We focus on the properties of the specific electric and magnetic oscillations, which appeared as a result of the axion-photon coupling in the dark matter environment. We indicate such electric and magnetic field configurations as longitudinal electro-magnetic clusters. © 2013 Polish Scientific Publishers

    Campeche state; leishmaniasis infection / État de Campeche; infection de leishmaniose

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    We consider mathematical aspects of axion electrodynamics in application to the problem of evolution of geomagnetic and terrestrial electric fields, which are coupled by relic axions born in the early Universe and (hypothetically) forming now the cold dark matter. We find axionic analogs of the Debye potentials, well known in the standard Faraday-Maxwell electrodynamics, and discuss exact solutions to the equations of axion electrodynamics describing the state of axionically coupled electric and magnetic fields in a spherical resonator Earth-Ionosphere. We focus on the properties of the specific electric and magnetic oscillations, which appeared as a result of the axion-photon coupling in the dark matter environment. We indicate such electric and magnetic field configurations as longitudinal electro-magnetic clusters. © 2013 Polish Scientific Publishers

    Gravitational radiation and nonlocal electrodynamics

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    A model of nonlocal response of a medium with an initially constant and homogeneous magnetic field acted upon by a planar gravitational wave is constructed on the basis of a covariant formulation of integral constitutive equations. The model is studied in detail and the problem of anomalous behavior of the response of the given electrodynamic system to a gravitational-wave action is discussed. © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Axion Electrodynamics and Dark Matter Fingerprints in the Terrestrial Magnetic and Electric Fields

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    We consider mathematical aspects of axion electrodynamics in application to the problem of evolution of geomagnetic and terrestrial electric fields, which are coupled by relic axions born in the early Universe and (hypothetically) forming now the cold dark matter. We find axionic analogs of the Debye potentials, well known in the standard Faraday-Maxwell electrodynamics, and discuss exact solutions to the equations of axion electrodynamics describing the state of axionically coupled electric and magnetic fields in a spherical resonator Earth-Ionosphere. We focus on the properties of the specific electric and magnetic oscillations, which appeared as a result of the axion-photon coupling in the dark matter environment. We indicate such electric and magnetic field configurations as longitudinal electro-magnetic clusters. © 2013 Polish Scientific Publishers

    Gravitational radiation and nonlocal electrodynamics

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    A model of nonlocal response of a medium with an initially constant and homogeneous magnetic field acted upon by a planar gravitational wave is constructed on the basis of a covariant formulation of integral constitutive equations. The model is studied in detail and the problem of anomalous behavior of the response of the given electrodynamic system to a gravitational-wave action is discussed. © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Gravitational radiation and nonlocal electrodynamics

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    A model of nonlocal response of a medium with an initially constant and homogeneous magnetic field acted upon by a planar gravitational wave is constructed on the basis of a covariant formulation of integral constitutive equations. The model is studied in detail and the problem of anomalous behavior of the response of the given electrodynamic system to a gravitational-wave action is discussed. © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc


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    At present the idea of the extracting of the frequencies in the earth's electromagnetic field spectra corresponding to the gravitational radiation frequencies of the double star systems is based equally with the traditional approaches to solve the task of gravitational wave fields recording. In the theoretical plan of this task solving the known possible mechanisms of the electromagnetic fields of the ELF range in the Earth-ionosphere cavity being affected with the gravitational wave radiation of the astrophysical source were analyzed and the two-level model of the excitation oscillations in the near by earth's layer with the gravitational wave field is suggested. The catalogues of the spectra allowing to extract the frequencies associated with the global geodynamic processes and to analyze the type of the spectrum near by the frequencies of the astrophysical sources are arisen from the long- term continuous records of the earth's electromagnetic field with the multiple-response receiving complex of 1997 and 1998 enlisting the correlation and spectral analyses methods and the up-to-date ones of the simulation of the non-linear dynamical processes. The addition of the known methods of the direct recording of the gravitational wave radiation of the astrophysical objects to the suggested electromagnetic phenomena are very useful on account of the theoretically predicted low intensity gravitational wave radiation for the solving of the fundamental problem of the modern physics- the gravitational wave detection